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Re: SCD questions

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> I need to ask a question or two regarding Gottschall's Specific

Carbo Diet

> and enzymes:


> Background: My son five year old son, Gerry, developed regressive


> at 18 months. When he was almost three and a half we went to a


> protocol doctor and Gerry responded beautifully to the treatment.

We did

> secretin, vitamins, gf/cf/sf, corn free, low phenols and sugars,


> enzymes. At this point we consider him no long autistic although

still on

> the spectrum. Unfortunately, he still has severe allergies and

bowel problems.


> My son was due for a colonoscopy last Tues. In spite of being on


> (Zyme Prime, Peptizide and No-Fenol) for over a year with much


> behaviorally, he only has about one firm stool a week with the rest


> mushy. As a result of this, my son has not been able to toilet

> train. Sadly, the prep for the colonoscopy didn't work. Two doses


> Phosphasoda and one enema along with a clear liquid diet the day

before was

> not enough to cleanse his bowels sufficiently for the scope to see

> anything. He was still producing a lot of watery brown feces and

grit on

> the morning of the procedure.


> The doctor wants us to come back after utilizing a 4 day prep. My

son is

> begging us to find a way not to go back to the hospital. So I'm

trying the

> SCD in a last ditch attempt to get his bowels normalized.


> Here are the questions: My son has been having dairy with

> Peptizide. Gottschall's book goes on at length about lactose but


> nothing about casein. Should I continue to give Peptizide with


> (homemade yogurt), or will this mess up the bacteria in the

yogurt? Also,

> I use GSE with No-fenol to keep yeast in check along with pulsing


> probiotics. Does GSE wipe out the good bacteria in yogurt as

well? All in

> all, should I stop using enzymes while doing SCD?


> TIA for all your help,


> Avril, mom to Gerry (2/19/97)

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> I need to ask a question or two regarding Gottschall's Specific

Carbo Diet

> and enzymes:


> Background: My son five year old son, Gerry, developed regressive


> at 18 months. When he was almost three and a half we went to a


> protocol doctor and Gerry responded beautifully to the treatment.

We did

> secretin, vitamins, gf/cf/sf, corn free, low phenols and sugars,


> enzymes. At this point we consider him no long autistic although

still on

> the spectrum. Unfortunately, he still has severe allergies and

bowel problems.


> My son was due for a colonoscopy last Tues. In spite of being on


> (Zyme Prime, Peptizide and No-Fenol) for over a year with much


> behaviorally, he only has about one firm stool a week with the rest


> mushy. As a result of this, my son has not been able to toilet

> train. Sadly, the prep for the colonoscopy didn't work. Two doses


> Phosphasoda and one enema along with a clear liquid diet the day

before was

> not enough to cleanse his bowels sufficiently for the scope to see

> anything. He was still producing a lot of watery brown feces and

grit on

> the morning of the procedure.


> The doctor wants us to come back after utilizing a 4 day prep. My

son is

> begging us to find a way not to go back to the hospital. So I'm

trying the

> SCD in a last ditch attempt to get his bowels normalized.


> Here are the questions: My son has been having dairy with

> Peptizide. Gottschall's book goes on at length about lactose but


> nothing about casein. Should I continue to give Peptizide with


> (homemade yogurt), or will this mess up the bacteria in the

yogurt? Also,

> I use GSE with No-fenol to keep yeast in check along with pulsing


> probiotics. Does GSE wipe out the good bacteria in yogurt as

well? All in

> all, should I stop using enzymes while doing SCD?


> TIA for all your help,


> Avril, mom to Gerry (2/19/97)

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> My son was due for a colonoscopy last Tues. In spite of being on


> (Zyme Prime, Peptizide and No-Fenol) for over a year with much


> behaviorally, he only has about one firm stool a week with the rest


> mushy.

Sounds like he is eating/drinking something he still does not

tolerate. In my family's experience, it would most probably be a

supplement. Altho there are still a few foods my kids can't eat, even

with enzymes.

> The doctor wants us to come back after utilizing a 4 day prep. My

son is

> begging us to find a way not to go back to the hospital. So I'm

trying the

> SCD in a last ditch attempt to get his bowels normalized.

I know several parents who have had very good results with that diet.


> Here are the questions: My son has been having dairy with

> Peptizide. Gottschall's book goes on at length about lactose but


> nothing about casein. Should I continue to give Peptizide with


> (homemade yogurt), or will this mess up the bacteria in the yogurt?


> I use GSE with No-fenol to keep yeast in check along with pulsing


> probiotics. Does GSE wipe out the good bacteria in yogurt as well?

Do you give GSE every day, for more than a week? That might be your

son's problem, or at least part of it. It kills yeast within a week,

and if you keep giving it after the yeast is gone, it can aggravate

bacteria. Keep your probiotics and stop the GSE for a few days, see

if that helps.

All in

> all, should I stop using enzymes while doing SCD?

If your child may not be tolerating the enzymes, then you should stop

them and see if that helps. Otherwise I don't see a problem with

giving enzymes along with SCD.


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  • 3 years later...
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What is the SCD diet?


SCD questions

I'm thinking about doing the SCD and would like ways to make it more

NT friendly-- it seems some people here are familiar with it, so maybe

if I briefly tell my story people can give me some suggestions and

also tell me if it seems appropriate to do SCD for our situation.

About a month ago my 3 month old exclusively breast-fed DD started

showing signs of a food allergy. This was right after I started

getting raw milk and consuming a lot more dairy than normal. After

doing some research, it sounds like I may have a leaky gut which would

mean that my body is not breaking down the dairy proteins properly,

which in turn causes my DD to have reactions. So I was looking at

doing the SCD, along with some digestive enzymes, to see if that

clears up DD's symptoms and and also a couple of things I've been

dealing with that may be leaky-gut related (acne, low blood sugar, and

persistant gas for no apparent reason).

So...how can I " improve " on SCD with NT? I'm planning on making

crispy nuts before making nut butter or flour, and also adding some

fermented veggies once I get to the raw veggie stage. I may also be

able to obtain some raw goat milk and make 24 hr yogurt--hopefully if

I can heal a little DD will be able to tolerate that.

I'm planning on doing the intro diet on www.pecanbread.com for 1 day

and then doing about a week with their stage 1 fruits and veggies,

then moving to stage 2. I think I am going to have to progress to

stage 3 pretty quickly because I am already having problems with

losing weight (right now I'm 119 lbs at 5'8 " ), and since I'm nursing,

I'm afraid of weight loss affecting my supply.

Hopefully this all makes sense, and any tips or advice is greatly


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On 4/11/06, tarinya2 wrote:


> I'm thinking about doing the SCD and would like ways to make it more

> NT friendly-- it seems some people here are familiar with it, so maybe

> if I briefly tell my story people can give me some suggestions and

> also tell me if it seems appropriate to do SCD for our situation.


> About a month ago my 3 month old exclusively breast-fed DD started

> showing signs of a food allergy. This was right after I started

> getting raw milk and consuming a lot more dairy than normal. After

> doing some research, it sounds like I may have a leaky gut which would

> mean that my body is not breaking down the dairy proteins properly,

> which in turn causes my DD to have reactions. So I was looking at

> doing the SCD, along with some digestive enzymes, to see if that

> clears up DD's symptoms and and also a couple of things I've been

> dealing with that may be leaky-gut related (acne, low blood sugar, and

> persistant gas for no apparent reason).


> So...how can I " improve " on SCD with NT? I'm planning on making

> crispy nuts before making nut butter or flour, and also adding some

> fermented veggies once I get to the raw veggie stage. I may also be

> able to obtain some raw goat milk and make 24 hr yogurt--hopefully if

> I can heal a little DD will be able to tolerate that.


> I'm planning on doing the intro diet on www.pecanbread.com for 1 day

> and then doing about a week with their stage 1 fruits and veggies,

> then moving to stage 2. I think I am going to have to progress to

> stage 3 pretty quickly because I am already having problems with

> losing weight (right now I'm 119 lbs at 5'8 " ), and since I'm nursing,

> I'm afraid of weight loss affecting my supply.


> Hopefully this all makes sense, and any tips or advice is greatly

> appreciated!




Gosh, I wish were here right now. He knows the most about this diet.

I don't know how nursing fits into all of this, but I'll tell you what I'd

recommend in general. First, I'd do the intro diet for 2-3 days (meat,

broth and mushy carrots). It's very good for gut healing. Then, continue

to have broth almost daily - I just drink it in a mug myself. It makes a

great hot beverage substitute.

Watch the honey intake. I'd say no more than 1-2 Tbsp. per day. You can up

it later to see if you can handle it. Make sure the honey says " pure " or

" 100% " on it, otherwise it could be cut with corn syrup. Also, some of the

desserts don't sit so well with me and I'm thinking it's because of the

honey getted heated so high. Cookies and crackers aren't too bad with me,


For adding foods back in, it's best to add in one food every 2 days or so to

be able to watch for reactions. Also, you're not supposed to do fruit for

the first few weeks really - the fruit is on the pecanbread chart to

accomodate picky ASD kids who won't eat many veggies.

The good news as far as weight goes is that SCD regulates both ways. Those

that need to gain weight do and those that need to lose weight do. You may

lose a few pounds the first few days (I'm not sure exactly. I did, but

then, I needed to). Make sure to get plenty of healthy NT fats -

especially since you're nursing. I'd say eat as much butter (or

ghee/clarified butter), coconut oil, lard, beef fat, etc. as you can


I imagine would say to watch the more carby SCD veggies like carrots

and winter squash. We eat them fairly often here, but try to make sure and

balance them with other veggies.

If you want the benefits of the sauerkraut sooner, you can drink the juice.

I'd watch the nuts at first, and introduce them one at a time to see if

certain nuts are problematic. I guess since you're nursing, you should be

watching your daughter for signs of food issues (weird BMs, red tush,

excessive fussiness may be signs).

Well, that's all I can think of for now.

Steph :-)



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> About a month ago my 3 month old exclusively breast-fed DD started

> showing signs of a food allergy. This was right after I started

> getting raw milk and consuming a lot more dairy than normal.

Just out of curiosity, why would you not simply crank back on the

dairy? it's such an allergen.

When one of mine was still exclusively breastfed, any time I ate cole

vegetables, he got gassy. First time in my life I really wanted

broccoli - when I couldn't have it, natch


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I did eliminate dairy, but from what I've read, if the problem is

indeed my leaky gut, then DD is still going to be getting improperly

digested proteins and things which are going to be damaging her

system. Plus I'm not 100% sure dairy is the problem, and rather than

go through a whole elimination diet, I'd just as soon do something

that has a chance of actually fixing the problem.

--- In , " cbrown2008 " <cbrown2008@...>




> > About a month ago my 3 month old exclusively breast-fed DD started

> > showing signs of a food allergy. This was right after I started

> > getting raw milk and consuming a lot more dairy than normal.


> Just out of curiosity, why would you not simply crank back on the

> dairy? it's such an allergen.


> When one of mine was still exclusively breastfed, any time I ate cole

> vegetables, he got gassy. First time in my life I really wanted

> broccoli - when I couldn't have it, natch


> Connie


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> I did eliminate dairy, but from what I've read,

> if the problem is

> indeed my leaky gut, then DD is still

> going to be getting improperly

> digested proteins and things which

> are going to be damaging her

> system.

okay thanks. I see what you mean. I'm gluten and dairy free and

didn't think of all that back when I was nursing. Might have saved a

ton of fussing later.


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Did you experience " leaky gut " prior to pregnancy? IMO, it's difficult, if

still nursing, to determine if some of your symptoms are food or hormonal,

especially if you're experiencing irritable bowel symptoms. I think you

have to look at a long frame of time, maybe make a journal, log, something

that can track issues you've experienced to determine if they're new,

worsening, etc. Along with cramping, constipation, bloating, if those are

issues, focus on skin issues - eczema? rashes? allergies? I think you need

more of a big picture to make the kind of decisions you'll need.

Elimination diets, SCD, etc., all take a concerted effort, lots of time,

lots of changes if you're not used to that, and with a young baby/child, you

only have so much time and energy. HTH

Oh, almost forgot - but what type of raw dairy are you consuming? Cow?

There are differences between cow and goat milk - the type of casein. Cow is

A1, Goat is A2. A1 is known to cause allergies. A2 is considered to be

non-allergenic. If I had to do it all over again, I'd get my child on raw

goat milk, as well as myself. Milk, imo, is far too nutritious to be

removed from the diet - but it's important to get the right type of milk.


On 4/11/06, tarinya2 <tarinya2@...> wrote:


> I did eliminate dairy, but from what I've read, if the problem is

> indeed my leaky gut, then DD is still going to be getting improperly

> digested proteins and things which are going to be damaging her

> system. Plus I'm not 100% sure dairy is the problem, and rather than

> go through a whole elimination diet, I'd just as soon do something

> that has a chance of actually fixing the problem.



> >

> >







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> There are differences between cow and goat milk - the type of casein.

Cow is

> A1, Goat is A2. A1 is known to cause allergies. A2 is considered to


> non-allergenic.

~~~Except for Guernsey, which I've read is also A2.


waiting impatiently for my farmer's Guernsey to freshen end of this


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Go to www.mothering.com, click on discuss, scroll down the page until

you find the health section, click on this and then look for health

and healing category. Once you are there find the thread " gut healing

tribe April " . This is a monthly thread that my friend and I started

months ago when we both placed ourselves and our kids on SCD. We both

eat WP as do many of the moms on the thread. Jane pretty much runs

the thread now and will be lots of help.


--- In , " tarinya2 " <tarinya2@...>



> I'm thinking about doing the SCD and would like ways to make it more

> NT friendly-- it seems some people here are familiar with it, so


> if I briefly tell my story people can give me some suggestions and

> also tell me if it seems appropriate to do SCD for our situation.


> About a month ago my 3 month old exclusively breast-fed DD started

> showing signs of a food allergy. This was right after I started

> getting raw milk and consuming a lot more dairy than normal. After

> doing some research, it sounds like I may have a leaky gut which


> mean that my body is not breaking down the dairy proteins properly,

> which in turn causes my DD to have reactions. So I was looking at

> doing the SCD, along with some digestive enzymes, to see if that

> clears up DD's symptoms and and also a couple of things I've been

> dealing with that may be leaky-gut related (acne, low blood sugar,


> persistant gas for no apparent reason).


> So...how can I " improve " on SCD with NT? I'm planning on making

> crispy nuts before making nut butter or flour, and also adding some

> fermented veggies once I get to the raw veggie stage. I may also be

> able to obtain some raw goat milk and make 24 hr yogurt--hopefully


> I can heal a little DD will be able to tolerate that.


> I'm planning on doing the intro diet on www.pecanbread.com for 1 day

> and then doing about a week with their stage 1 fruits and veggies,

> then moving to stage 2. I think I am going to have to progress to

> stage 3 pretty quickly because I am already having problems with

> losing weight (right now I'm 119 lbs at 5'8 " ), and since I'm


> I'm afraid of weight loss affecting my supply.


> Hopefully this all makes sense, and any tips or advice is greatly

> appreciated!


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