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List sense - was orthorexia/immune system rundown and joint problems?

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--- Emma Davies <emma@...> wrote:

> ... I really want to emphasise that I'm not commanding *anyone* to

> do anything. Though it would certainly cut down on the time and

> effort I have to spend! Really, I must have spent at least 300+

> hours of my time just to convince to give failsafe a go for

> his particular problems, and there's not really any sense of

> status-reward in it all. Most of the time I spend worrying about

> taking up too much board space and fostering resentment.

Emma, at least some of us greatly appreciate your time and effort

(and Chris's and 's and everyone else who posts on this list).

I'm still amazed at how close my wife's intuitive diet is to FAILSAFE

and it may have been quite some time before I discovered that without

your posts. The discussions between you and have been good for

showing some of the difficulties in trying to find causes of health

problems. Let our fleeting list god worry about board space.

No one is forced to read any post.

I like to see lots of points of view - even though it can be very

confusing sometimes. It's even better when they are supported by

references to actual studies. Since no one knows all the answers, we

have to try help each other, even though that may sometimes lead to

heated discussions over differences of opinion.

<this is called science :)>

> ...To be honest, I'm approaching burnout with the whole thing as the

> effort:reward ratio is just too skewed.

I'm sure and can sympathize.

But, if you've helped one person, it's worth it.

And there may be many that benefit just from spreading the word.

> I'm not planning on " doing an Colpo " anytime soon, but

> I can't keep up the posting and replying to emails to this

> frequency much longer as I need time to do my websites.

I miss 's agressive style. Too bad he pulled the plug on most

of his website to push his book. I noticed in the archives that he

used to post on this list, as did Sally Fallon. I'm sure Sally must

have had to deal with a very heavy load of emails (and probably still

does). I have found the WAPF website to be very helpful and I look

forward to seeing yours when it's ready.

--- Lynn Siprelle wrote:

> > In all the varying, often contradictory things that are discussed

> > on this list, it's often hard to winnow out what is right for YOU.

--- Emma Davies wrote:

> That is why it is so important to keep on experimenting, remain open

> minded, never waste time, and never take anything as a definitive

> answer until you have tried it properly for yourself.

Hear, hear!

<feeble Texan attempt at English>

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