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BLUE BREEZE Organic, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil - 1 Gallon Container $42.90

Has anyone tried Green Pasture's coconut oil? It has the lowest price for 1

gallon that I've seen, so it makes me wonder about the quality.



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Mountain Rose Herbs virgin coconut oil is $27 a gallon. It's not bad.





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[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Becky Kirby

Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 3:31 AM

Subject: www.greenpasture.org

BLUE BREEZE Organic, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil - 1 Gallon Container $42.90

Has anyone tried Green Pasture's coconut oil? It has the lowest price for 1

gallon that I've seen, so it makes me wonder about the quality.



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> Has anyone tried Green Pasture's coconut oil? It has the lowest

price for 1

> gallon that I've seen, so it makes me wonder about the quality.


I've tried it and I like it. It has a yummy coconut smell which

people who are particular about these things say indicates it's been


Makes sense, as it smells like toasted coconut.

I'd be tempted to use it more often, but I get QFI in bulk for a

better price.


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> Mountain Rose Herbs virgin coconut oil is $27 a gallon. It's not bad.

It's actually pretty darned good, and it's inexpensive enough that we

can use lots of it and not feel like we're going to break our budget.

Lynn S.


Mama, homeschooler, writer, activist, spinner & knitter


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I second that. The Mountain Rose Herbs CO is very similar to the GOL I used

to buy. It is just a tad more coconutty, but far cheaper.


On 10/2/06, Lynn Siprelle <lynn@...> wrote:


> > Mountain Rose Herbs virgin coconut oil is $27 a gallon. It's not bad.


> It's actually pretty darned good, and it's inexpensive enough that we

> can use lots of it and not feel like we're going to break our budget.


> Lynn S

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Can you give the web address for the page that shows the coconut oil?



>From: Lynn Siprelle <lynn@...>

> > Mountain Rose Herbs virgin coconut oil is $27 a gallon. It's not bad.


>It's actually pretty darned good, and it's inexpensive enough that we

>can use lots of it and not feel like we're going to break our budget.


>Lynn S.

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Not Lynn, but here;s the link. :)

http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/bulkoil/a-c.php (At the way bottom: Coconut

Oil unrefined (Certified Organic))

It looks as though they may actually be sold out. It shouldn't be long

before they get back in stock though.




> Can you give the web address for the page that shows the coconut oil?


> Thanks,

> Becky


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mountainroseherbs.com has it for even less, $28 but they are

currently out of stock. others here have really liked it.


> BLUE BREEZE Organic, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil - 1 Gallon

Container $42.90


> Has anyone tried Green Pasture's coconut oil? It has the

lowest price for 1

> gallon that I've seen, so it makes me wonder about the quality.


> Thanks,

> Becky


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Hi ,

What is QFI and what is their website.

Thanks & Love,


downwardog7 <illneverbecool@...> wrote:

> Has anyone tried Green Pasture's coconut oil? It has the lowest

price for 1

> gallon that I've seen, so it makes me wonder about the quality.


I've tried it and I like it. It has a yummy coconut smell which

people who are particular about these things say indicates it's been


Makes sense, as it smells like toasted coconut.

I'd be tempted to use it more often, but I get QFI in bulk for a

better price.




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I love Green Pasture's coconut oil. I use it with many of my clients.

Everyone tests well on it and it tastes great. I would trust Dave Wetzel

when it comes to quality.

Have a great day.

Kim Schuette, CN

Biodynamic Wellness

760.942.1194 phone

760.942.1196 fax

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Hi Becky,

Please post the website for the Blue Breeze VCO. I am unable to find the

www.greenpasture.org website.

Thanks & Love,


Becky Kirby <kirbybecky@...> wrote:

BLUE BREEZE Organic, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil - 1 Gallon Container $42.90

Has anyone tried Green Pasture's coconut oil? It has the lowest price for 1

gallon that I've seen, so it makes me wonder about the quality.




Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small


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I placed an order today. They are sold out, '' placed me on their

email notification list to re-order when the new shipment comes in. I thanked

her kindly and commented that the new shipment would be the freshest overall

and thanks again.

did tell me that the price would most likely increase, no reason just a

statement. C R

In a message dated 10/2/2006 1:49:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

zgraff@... writes:

> mountainroseherbs.com has it for even less, $28 but they are

> currently out of stock. others here have really liked it.



> >

> > BLUE BREEZE Organic, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil - 1 Gallon

> Container $42.90

> >

> > Has anyone tried Green Pasture's coconut oil? It has the

> lowest price for 1

> > gallon that I've seen, so it makes me wonder about the quality.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Becky

> >






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> Okay, I just saw that for the first time. Guess I could make my own

> with ghee, or would it not be the same?


Sure you could do it with ghee; I can't think any reason why not.

Ghee would make it even richer than this, since this coco butter blend

is made with the by-product left after they separate off the x-factor

butter oil. Just add enough ghee to thevco to make it a little richer

and smoother, not to overwhelm it.

That's what this stuff smells like: vco and ghee.

Oh, and if you have any cocoa butter...oh, never mind.

Did you miss the memo where Wetzel offered samples to the chapterleaders?

Dave's oil is nice to use in these because the yummy smell enhances

the flavor--probably would make some tasty gfcf fudge, too, huh?

Can you all tell I'm on an elimination diet or what?

coconut haystax

3/4 cup Blue Breeze coconut butter mixed with vco or a combo of ghee

and vco, however you like, (maybe just a little cocoa butter...)

1/2 cup cocoa or raw cocoa or even carob if you're on the hard road

1/2 cup honey, or to taste

1/4 vanilla bean, scraped, or a teaspoon vanilla

soften oil and mix all this up until it smooth

then stir in:

3 cups shredded coconut, or however much seems right

(if you use the good coconut flakes, like from WFN or the Raw Bakery,

it's really really tasty because it hasn't had the coconut milk

squeezed out of it)

make you some little haytax on a parchment and chill down...et voila!


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Thanks, fellow yogi, you're a doll!



downwardog7 <illneverbecool@...> wrote:

> > Hi Becky,

> >

> > Please post the website for the Blue Breeze VCO. I am unable to

find the www.greenpasture.org website.

> >

> > Thanks & Love,

> > Pamela


> http://www.greenpasture.org/products/coconut_oil





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>> Please post the website for the Blue Breeze VCO. I am unable to

>> find the www.greenpasture.org website.

I clicked on the coconut site


then clicked on " home " and got this url

> http://www.greenpasture.org/node







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