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Campaign for Positive Activism, 20th to 22nd May 2007

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Dear all

Warm Greeting from MNP+

The Manipur Network of Positive People (MNP+), SASO, Kripa Society, Care

Foundation and Lifeline Foundation in partnership with the Indian Network for

People living with HIV/AIDS (INP+) and grassroots NGOs and PLWHA networks

initiated a NE regional campaign on the International HIV/AIDS Candlelight

memorial day 2005 in Shillong, towards greater visibility and involvement of

PLWHA for effective response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The campaign was called Candlelight Remembrance for Positive Activism with major

activities of – (1) advocacy through a reception of PLWHA from the NE region

called the Positive Reception, (2) a convention of PLWHA from the NE for the

first time called Positive Convention, (3) capacity building of PLWHA and (4)

public information program through a music concert. In 2006, the same campaign

was followed in Mizoram.

This year, 2007, the International HIV/AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day falls on

the 20th of May 2007 where the Global community will be

observing the day for the cause with the theme - “Leading the Way to a World

Without AIDS”. This year also MNP+ is observing the same event as 3rd

Candlelight Campaign for Positive Activism 2007 in Imphal, Manipur.


During the last twenty years, HIV has presented the global community with a

perplexing challenge: a disease which transcends cure, further isolates the

disadvantaged or stigmatized populations, and threatens everyone. NE India

stands at a critical juncture in its struggle with HIV-AIDS with at least two of

the six high prevalence states in the country, where the epidemic is indicated

to be spreading rapidly from high –risk groups to general public; from urban to

rural populations; and from high prevalence states to all the states. The

campaign against the key vector which drives the epidemic ie., stigma,

discrimination and rights violations needs to be strengthened. National and sub

regional collaborations towards greater involvement of PLWHA and those at risk -

standing behind a united front, emerges as the most pertinent and efficient

mechanism to make the existing prevention efforts to happen realistically.

Therefore, in an effort to generate enduring and integrated solutions, the

Manipur Network of Positive People MNP+ and the Social Awareness and Service

Organization SASO in partnership with the Indian Network of Positive People INP+

and grassroots NGOs and PLWHA networks initiated a NE regional campaign on the

International HIV/AIDS Candlelight memorial day 2005 in Shillong, towards

greater visibility and involvement of PLWHA for effective response to the

HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The campaign was called Candlelight Remembrance for Positive Activism with major

activities of – (1) advocacy through a reception of PLWHA from the NE region

called the Positive Reception, (2) a convention of PLWHA from the NE for the

first time called Positive Convention, (3) capacity building of PLWHA and (4)

public information program through a music concert. In 2006, the same campaign

was followed in Mizoram.

This year, 2007, the International HIV/AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day falls on

the 20th of May where the Global community will be observing the day for the

cause with the theme - “Leading the Way to a World Without AIDS”. This year MNP+

is organising the 3rd Positive Campaign for Positive Activism 2007 at Imphal

from 19th to 23rd May 2007 in partnership with SASO, Kripa Society, Care

Foundation and Lifeline Foundation with technical support from Constella


B. Introduction:

Today the principle of Greater Involvement of PLWHA (GIPA) is the back bone of

many HIV/AIDS intervention and care world wide. People living with or affected

by HIV/AIDS are widely involved in many HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes.

To respond to the needs of PLWHA effectively, organization like Manipur Network

of Positive People MNP+ was initiated by PLWHA in India during the late 1990s.

They started advocating towards greater visibility of PLWHA, policy dialogue and

the implementation of programmes for the management of the epidemic.

MNP+ and SASO recognizes the importance of the involvement of PLWHA and

communities at risk while responding to HIV/AIDS. In order to mobilize more

PLWHA and those communities at risk, bring a meaningful involvement in the north

eastern region of India. They feel the need to organize a sub regional event of

north east India for paying tribute to the late PLWHA leaders and activists who

struggled for the rights of PLWHA and those affected.

This will help the community and PLWHA, while creating pathways towards

involvement for effective containment of the epidemic. It will empower the PLWHA

community to come out and stand up for a needed cause to help themselves and

others in fighting the epidemic. PLWHA would be inspired and motivated towards

activism and leadership. It will also help clear away myths, decrease of stigma

and discrimination, and mainstreaming the response to HIV/AIDS.

C. Objectives –

1. To mobilize and generate greater HIV/AIDS awareness and thereby bring about

community involvement in the North Eastern region towards a regional response to


2. To build capacity on advocacy and organizational strengthening for PLHA


3. To strengthen the process of formulating a Manipur State Legislatures Forum

on HIV/AIDS and mainstreaming of the HIV/AIDS response

4. To address the issues of PLHA in public information event with musical show

performed by PLHA

5. To develop a regional communication strategy for different PLHA groups in the

north east India to enable more effective sharing of experiences and ideas,

greater program and project coordination and more effective advocacy and policy


D. Activities –

2. The 3rd NE regional Positive Reception 1 pm to 5 pm 20th May (Advocacy to

State Legislatures and stakeholders)

PLWHAs and GIPA supporters from the NE states will assemble in BOAT open air

theatre on the evening of the 20th May with special messages and placards of the

campaign displayed. Each of the seven North Eastern states will have at least

15 participants consisting of PLWA, NGO workers, human rights activist and

government official. The Governor of Manipur will grace the reception as Chief

Guest along with the Chief Minister, Health Minister, Health Secretary etc.

Devotional songs (Nat Sankritan) will open the reception.

Introduction speech on ICM- Positive Speakers Bureau will speak on issues of

PLWHA, GIPA, and the need of observing the International HIV/AIDS Candle Light

Memorial Day and the campaign for positive activism in the NE. Presentations on

the 2005 Guwahati Declaration, Need for State Legislatures forum with the

Nagaland Experience will be delivered by experts and key persons.

Leaflets on the campaign will be developed and disseminated to NGOs and

stakeholders in the NE prior to the campaign. Key people and the

1. Press conference and Media involvement – 10 am, 20th May

A press conference would be held in the morning (10 am) on the 20th at the State

Guest House in Imphal. This will in relationship to the campaign and also about

the Candle light Memorial Day. The organizers, PLWHA representatives, grassroots

NGO delegates, and relevant stake holders from across the region will be

involved in the press conference. All leading states, regional and national

level media will be contacted for publicity at higher level. The event would

also be telecast live all over the region. Media coverage of the entire

activities will be ensured. At least ten write ups about the campaign will be

featured in leading regional and national newspapers, TV and radio channels and

other mediums before the event.

Brochures about the campaign will be developed and disseminated widely across

the region.

3. The 3rd Positive Convention of NE India and Valedictory – 10 am to 4 pm, 20th

May A one-day Convention will be organized at the Conference Hall of the Manipur

State Guest House Imphal on the 21st of May. PLWHA and activists will speak and

discuss issues on the need for HIV/AIDS activism and GIPA. 2 GIPA consultants

will be hired from APN+ and INP+ to facilitate the programme. Various state

specific PLWHA related issues will be presented and strategies worked towards

addressing it by respective state delegates. Regional activities of the future

towards GIPA, partnerships and coalitions will also be explored, discussed and

planned. A regional strategy for promoting GIPA for the next campaign venue and

GIPA advocacy strategies for the coming year will be discussed and resolved.. A

coalition or NE level network of PLWHA be discussed and initiated. A valedictory

programme will be organized in the evening where officials from the NACO, MOSJE,

UNAIDS, UNODC, AVAHAN, other bilateral donors and other NE regional bodies, SACS

and Health officials of all the NE

states, all important media persons will be invited. The recommendations from

the workshop will be discussed and finalized. The final draft recommendation

will be endorsed by all the signatories and announced as a joint declaration of

the coalition of the NE along with the action plan of the coming year.

4. A 2 day Capacity Building workshop for PLHA Networks on organizational

management and advocacy – 9.30 am to 4.40 pm 22nd and 23rd May

The issue of capacity of the positive leaders in the north east India has been

an ongoing challenge. The networks of PLHIV have been established in most parts

of the region and most of these networks don’t have the necessary capacity to

run the organization effectively. This issue has been identified in the ongoing

communication among the PLHIV networks in the north east India and also came up

at the last year regional workshop held in Mizoram.

MNP+, SASO, Kripa Society, Care Foundation and Lifeline Foundation recognizes

that to build effective and strong PLHIV networks/groups and implementing

effective projects and programs a two pronged approach is needed. This starts

with developing the skills of all the positive people and in particular for our

‘positive leaders’. Skills building are required in the areas of organizational

management, financial planning, self-care and people skills and running their

groups effectively. Secondly MNP+ SASO, Kripa Society, Care Foundation and

Lifeline Foundation recognizes that the more work needs to be done to strengthen

intitutional capacity of PLHIV groups. This involves focuses on clear objectives

and goals of the groups, governance, sustainable and diverse funding sources,

accountability, financial management, monitoring and evaluation methods, and

drafting constitutions and rules that comply with relevant country laws.

The proposed Capacity Development workshop is essential to helping positive

leaders effectively run their organization. It will also support the MNP+ SASO,

Kripa Society, Care Foundation and Lifeline Foundation vision, and thus move

toward improving the lives of PLHA throughout the north east India. In addition

it will help positive leaders to strengthening up their capacity to respond

effectively to the needs of PLHA in the region. A consultant from APN+ will

conduct the workshop. Key activities will include

• Conduct peer led assessments of the needs of positive leaders and PLHA groups

to identify areas for improvement in regard to organizational development and

skills building;

• Utilizing the results from the assessment process, to develop and conduct

tailored organizational development training, utilizing existing resources such

as the APN+ Organizational Development Manuals, and ongoing support programs for

positive leaders and nascent PLHA groups;

• Develop and conduct tailored skills building activities for positive leaders

to meet their needs as identified in the assessment process;

• Develop and implement a communication strategy for use by PLHA groups in the

north east India.

5. Pubic information programme through a music concert –

A musical event will follow in the evening of the 22nd evening of May at BOAT in

Imphal. A music concert will be performed by PLWHA Band/Singers from the region

along with prominent artists in the evening of the 20th after the Positive

Reception. Various visual information and documentary presentations on HIV/AIDS,

short speeches by PLHA leaders from the Positive Speakers Bureau of INP+,

religious leaders, Social Leaders and other stakeholders and short life history

of the champions will be presented within breaks. National and regional

celebrities will also deliver messages. A Positive stall will be organized in

the venue where the campaign leaflet, HIV/AIDS and Drug use related information,

IEC materials, publications and other relevant materials will be displayed and

disseminated. The Positive Speakers Bureau will also entertain people wanting to

know about the various aspects of HIV/AIDS in the stall. Various handicrafts,

garments and other commodities produced by PLWHA will also be displayed.

Expected Outputs:

1. Draft action plans to implement regional advocacy activities endorsed by the

coalition of NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, Government faculties and PLWHA Networks.

2. Resolution highlighting the issues and demanding specific activities endorsed

and widely disseminated.

3. Report of the campaign and visual documentation

4. Campaign leaflet widely disseminated, media releases and press conference


6. Draft strategy with responsibilities towards the Manipur State Legislatures

Forum on HIV/AIDS

7. Assessment report on the needs of positive leaders and PLHIV groups in North

East India;

8. Training workshop reports, including evaluations;

9. Regional communication strategy that is relevant to nascent PLHIV groups in

the north east India;

Expected Outcomes:

1. Networking and mutual supports between PLWHA groups and NGOs for advocacy


2. An intervention process for strengthening the PLWHA Network of the states of

Mizoram and Nagaland

3. Formalize a NE regional PLWHA network Coalition to network and support for

stimulating the existing process of initiating PLWHA network of states where

there are no PLWHA visibility and existence of Networks or Self support Groups

4. Greater visibility and understanding of PLWHA issues in the region within the

community and public.

5. More involvement induced in the public and their participation in HIV

response increased.

6. Greater support for PLWHA involvement from the public.

7. An advocacy coalition for GIPA in the region with advocacy strategy, activity

plan and shared responsibility of follow up activities structured.

8. PLHIV leaders are able to effectively manage their groups, programs and

projects thereby contributing in achieving goals and objectives of the MNP+ and


10. Positive people will have a higher level of needed skills to enable their

effective involvement in their PLHIV groups and HIV/AIDS responses;

11. Improved communication between PLHIV groups in the north east India, and so

increased sharing of experiences and ideas, and a greater coordination of

programs and projects;

12. Increased effective participation of positive leaders and PLHIV groups in

policy dialogue with government, UN and other bi lateral agencies;

13. Increased effective leadership and advocacy by positive leaders and PLHIV

groups on important HIV related issues within their own states and nationally;

14. More effective working partnerships developed between PLHIV groups in the

region and also between PLHIV leaders and other key players involved in the HIV

response both in states and nationally.

Program Schedule –

19th May – Positive Reception (Afternoon)

20th May- Morning - Kritan / Sangkritan

Morning - Advocacy program with Legislatures/stakeholders

NE Regional Positive Convention and Valedictory (NACO, UNAIDS, EHA, CRS,

Constella Futures, AVAHAN, Faith based Organizations, Student Leader, Amada,

CADA, Maira Paibi, HD/MACS/SWD, Media)

Afternoon - Press Conference

21st & 22nd - NE Regional Capacity Building for PLHA

22nd Evening - Musical Concert

Deliverables –

1. Campaign leaflet

2. Hard Copy and visual documentary report of the campaign


Ratan Singh

Convener, 3rd Candlelight Campaign for Positive Activism

20th to 22nd May 2007 Imphal, Manipur

e-mail: <ratanng@...>

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