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Re: Iodoral

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> So you bought the $80 test but didn't take it? Why?

Nah, I never purchased it. I read the instructions somewhere--on the

web, or something--wait, oh, yeah--one of my clients took it and had

the results sent to me for some silly reason. That's where I read it.

I swear, I *meant* to take the test, but there are so many other

things to buy in this sweet old world.

> How long have you been on this dose? Are you planning to continue

with it

> and just dose down if you get symptoms of toxicity?

I started right up with four tabs--all at once each day--in early

January IIRC. I was impatient! I read of people taking that much so I

had to be super-hardcore. I quit after about three weeks or so and

then started up again after two or three weeks off--I think. The

second time, I started slowly and increased. The reason I quit was

because of unpleasant symptoms, racing heart, mainly--a symptom of

" iodism " . One day I was riding my bike up a hill and realized it felt

like out-and-out palpitations with attendant intense chest pain and

got quite spooked. It was during the interim the Y! iodine list was

really coming together and I read much more about what I had been

playing with.

I started up again because I liked the other--positive--effects I had

been experiencing. The body warmth and the...well, it's not quite

what I would call " energy " , as there is no " up " nor consequent " down " ,

but there is more of an underlying push to get things accomplished in

a day.

> I wonder if too much could tax one's system without frank toxicity signs

> though. When I had a hair test done a few years ago my iodine level

was very

> high - way above the normal range. I had been taking an iodine supp

from Ron

> at high doses, or so I thought. It was much less than the Ioderol


> but was 100% the SSKI form I think. I just wonder taking too much is


> my body to work harder to excrete it via my hair or even my kidneys.

This is interesting to me because a few years ago, none other than

Aajonus himself diagnosed me--via iridology--with " iodine poisoning "

(his words). He was very emphatic that I had a doozy of a case.

I was also under Ron's care--it was he who suggested I call Aajonus,

actually--and was taking Ron's iodine supplement--Atomidine--at the

time and experiencing frequent episodes of rapid heartbeats. Okay,

lemme get this all straightchronologically, if I can: I was being

treated by Ron, but because of the heartbeat thing, Ron told me to

quit the Atomidine and the racing heartbeats continued IIRC.

Aaj told me I had iodine poisoning. Then Terry told me about

Rejuvedine somewhere along the line (I was working with a client what

just crossed over to type 2 diabetes and I was intrigued by the

yeast/mold idea) and I called Phil Tucker in FL who makes Rejuvedine

and he told me *Atomidine is poisonous*, because it's not made

according to Cayce's " twoo " specs. Of course, HIS stuff, Rejuvedine,

is CAYCES *real* formula. A long rivalry.

FWIW the heart beat--is it an arrhythmia? dunno, because I've only

ever monitored it myself--cleared up after a session of BodyTalk, of

all things.

Please, go to the iodine list and read all the intelligence there--I'm

a fool, really, I just re-read this post, gee!



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  • 5 months later...

Dear Frann

I am doing Iodoral because I was told by an iridologist several years ago that

I have Hashimotos but I didnt do anything about it then. Than another

Naturopath 2 years ago got some tests done and put me on Armour. But I read

that it is not good to take Armour without iodine as it will eventually make a

thyroid problem worse. (That is if the person is iodine deficient).

I am also doing it because I did the patch test and it only lasted for 3 hours

initially and I dont want to get one of many possible diseases down the track.

I also have a very fuzzy brain and poor memory and that is improving a lot now

which is great.

From what I have read on iodine and all the emails in the iodine group I

think just about everyone should take iodine.

Brownsteins book, 'Iodine - You Cant do Without It,' is really good.

This Dr tested all his patients and 91% were iodine deficient. Now I believe he

doesnt even test them because he knows from people's symptoms that they are


I am doing the patch test every week and working out whether to increase my

dosage until I get to the magic 24 hours.


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Have you ever thought of doing Iosol? It is dietary iodine and very good. You

start by taking 4 drops a day in a little water for a week or so to wake up the

thyroid, then go to 8 drops and wait a week and then move up to 12 drops and see

what your body does.

Another great supplement for the thyroid is called Thyroid Complex from

Enzymatic therapy. You take 2 caps three times a day and if you are over 150

lbs, take 3-3-2 caps a day. It will help tremendously with the memory and

fogginess. It has tyrosine in it and this amino helps the thyroid (actually it

nourishes it).



----- Original Message -----

From: Toni s

Dear Frann

I am doing Iodoral because I was told by an iridologist several years ago that

I have Hashimotos but I didnt do anything about it then.

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  • 4 months later...

90mg naturethroid, yes, I'm taking 2 tabs

Yes, she is rare--I really trust her. Hard to find a provider you can trust, I

know. She wouldn't expect me to do something that she herself would not or is

not doing.

I just wish that my heart would just beat like a normal heart--this pounding is

getting ridiculous--5 years and going now



-------------- Original message --------------

From: " Gracia " <circe@...>

wow, it's rare to find a provider who knows about Iodoral. you don't say how

much you are taking? you will feel lots better on 25mg 2X a day--are you taking


I felt very tired for about six weeks in the beginning. I guess that had to do

with detox and development of iodine transport system. You have got to get

enough naturthroid, how much of that are you taking?


Hi Venizia:

Just thought I'd let you know how the recent change to Naturethroid is coming

along. It's going to be a bit complicated, since my provider has put me on

Iodoral, which I just started this Monday. Well, I felt ok before the Iodoral,

now, I feel very hypo. Sluggish, weak, almost weepy with fatigue. I really

listened to her and she went to a conference recently where they focused on the

iodine question and their findings. I was very reluctant to try this, but, I am

because, like all of us, I want to get better and am willing to give this a

chance. I understand that in the initial phase of this iodine treatment, that

those who feel bad are simply reacting to the toxins being forced out. When I

took Norweigian kelp a few years ago, I had the exact same reaction, so, after

two weeks, I discontinued it. I learned from my provider that iodine deficiency

is also a probable cause of heart pounding episodes, which I also suffer from.

I think you might find this helpful, Women's International Pharmacy, in AZ, will

compound T3 and T4 to customize a patient's needs. You can call them at (608)

221-7810. The pharmicist I spoke to was named Fee, at least that's the way it

sounded on my cell phone. That is the pharmacy where I am getting my

Naturethroid from. Of course, you must have a provider to prescribe the meds for


I was just wondering, if Gracia might have some ideas for those who are weakened

when taking the Iodoral. My provider has been taking it for 4 years, she is now

taking 4 of them daily. She feels great and does not have mental fog, that's for

sure. My provider suggested a 1/2 cup of water with 1/4 tsp Sol Saltz after

taking the Iodoral, if the bad side effects occur, followed by an 8 oz glass of


I hope this helps, Venizia.

God bless you.


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Is Idoral better than taking kelp? What would be the main difference? How is

Idoral or straight iodine made?

Thanks and Blessings!

nmsjoy@... wrote:

90mg naturethroid, yes, I'm taking 2 tabs

Yes, she is rare--I really trust her. Hard to find a provider you can trust, I

know. She wouldn't expect me to do something that she herself would not or is

not doing.

I just wish that my heart would just beat like a normal heart--this pounding is

getting ridiculous--5 years and going now



-------------- Original message --------------

From: " Gracia " <circe@...>

wow, it's rare to find a provider who knows about Iodoral. you don't say how

much you are taking? you will feel lots better on 25mg 2X a day--are you taking


I felt very tired for about six weeks in the beginning. I guess that had to do

with detox and development of iodine transport system. You have got to get

enough naturthroid, how much of that are you taking?


Hi Venizia:

Just thought I'd let you know how the recent change to Naturethroid is coming

along. It's going to be a bit complicated, since my provider has put me on

Iodoral, which I just started this Monday. Well, I felt ok before the Iodoral,

now, I feel very hypo. Sluggish, weak, almost weepy with fatigue. I really

listened to her and she went to a conference recently where they focused on the

iodine question and their findings. I was very reluctant to try this, but, I am

because, like all of us, I want to get better and am willing to give this a

chance. I understand that in the initial phase of this iodine treatment, that

those who feel bad are simply reacting to the toxins being forced out. When I

took Norweigian kelp a few years ago, I had the exact same reaction, so, after

two weeks, I discontinued it. I learned from my provider that iodine deficiency

is also a probable cause of heart pounding episodes, which I also suffer from.

I think you might find this helpful, Women's International Pharmacy, in AZ, will

compound T3 and T4 to customize a patient's needs. You can call them at (608)

221-7810. The pharmicist I spoke to was named Fee, at least that's the way it

sounded on my cell phone. That is the pharmacy where I am getting my

Naturethroid from. Of course, you must have a provider to prescribe the meds for


I was just wondering, if Gracia might have some ideas for those who are weakened

when taking the Iodoral. My provider has been taking it for 4 years, she is now

taking 4 of them daily. She feels great and does not have mental fog, that's for

sure. My provider suggested a 1/2 cup of water with 1/4 tsp Sol Saltz after

taking the Iodoral, if the bad side effects occur, followed by an 8 oz glass of


I hope this helps, Venizia.

God bless you.


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you will have great improvement on Iodoral 25mg 2X a day. This is recommended

on the Iodoral insert.

heart pounding means you need adrenal meds cortef 5mg 4X a day.


90mg naturethroid, yes, I'm taking 2 tabs

Yes, she is rare--I really trust her. Hard to find a provider you can trust, I

know. She wouldn't expect me to do something that she herself would not or is

not doing.

I just wish that my heart would just beat like a normal heart--this pounding

is getting ridiculous--5 years and going now



-------------- Original message --------------

From: " Gracia " <circe@...>

wow, it's rare to find a provider who knows about Iodoral. you don't say how

much you are taking? you will feel lots better on 25mg 2X a day--are you taking


I felt very tired for about six weeks in the beginning. I guess that had to do

with detox and development of iodine transport system. You have got to get

enough naturthroid, how much of that are you taking?


Hi Venizia:

Just thought I'd let you know how the recent change to Naturethroid is coming

along. It's going to be a bit complicated, since my provider has put me on

Iodoral, which I just started this Monday. Well, I felt ok before the Iodoral,

now, I feel very hypo. Sluggish, weak, almost weepy with fatigue. I really

listened to her and she went to a conference recently where they focused on the

iodine question and their findings. I was very reluctant to try this, but, I am

because, like all of us, I want to get better and am willing to give this a

chance. I understand that in the initial phase of this iodine treatment, that

those who feel bad are simply reacting to the toxins being forced out. When I

took Norweigian kelp a few years ago, I had the exact same reaction, so, after

two weeks, I discontinued it. I learned from my provider that iodine deficiency

is also a probable cause of heart pounding episodes, which I also suffer from.

I think you might find this helpful, Women's International Pharmacy, in AZ,

will compound T3 and T4 to customize a patient's needs. You can call them at

(608) 221-7810. The pharmicist I spoke to was named Fee, at least that's the way

it sounded on my cell phone. That is the pharmacy where I am getting my

Naturethroid from. Of course, you must have a provider to prescribe the meds for


I was just wondering, if Gracia might have some ideas for those who are

weakened when taking the Iodoral. My provider has been taking it for 4 years,

she is now taking 4 of them daily. She feels great and does not have mental fog,

that's for sure. My provider suggested a 1/2 cup of water with 1/4 tsp Sol Saltz

after taking the Iodoral, if the bad side effects occur, followed by an 8 oz

glass of water.

I hope this helps, Venizia.

God bless you.


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