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Freezing Whey

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Does anyone know if you can freeze whey? Would that kill the

lactic-acid-producing bacteria present in it? I know that you can

freeze yeast and it still works in making bread. I want to use the

whey in fermenting vegetables and I thought if I froze some into cubes

I would have it available whenever I needed it.



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Well, I don't know what I did wrong, but when I've stored it in the

refrigerator in the past I've gotten mold growing on it.



> LuAnn,

> You can freeze it, but why bother? It's timeless and good forever



> I'd guess freezing it could or would weaken it a bit,I just keep it in

> a jar in the refrigerator, or wherever; it's like vinegar, what can it

> turn to?

> B.


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> Well, I don't know what I did wrong, but when I've stored it in the

> refrigerator in the past I've gotten mold growing on it.



What does the mold look like? green fuzz? white? Was it whey you

made yourself? Yogurt whey? Kefir whey? Huh, now I recall some

other people posting at times their yogurt whey ferments molding or

otherwise going bad. My philosophy has no room for this notion of

puny whey, sorry.


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I don't recall exactly what it looked like as this was some time ago

but it was yogurt whey. Other than kefir whey (I don't have any

kefir), how else can you make whey? Is some whey better than others?

What kind do you have that lasts in the refrigerator so long?


--- In , " downwardog7 "

> LuAnn,

> What does the mold look like? green fuzz? white? Was it whey you

> made yourself? Yogurt whey? Kefir whey? Huh, now I recall some

> other people posting at times their yogurt whey ferments molding or

> otherwise going bad. My philosophy has no room for this notion of

> puny whey, sorry.

> B.


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> ,


> I don't recall exactly what it looked like as this was some time ago

> but it was yogurt whey. Other than kefir whey (I don't have any

> kefir), how else can you make whey? Is some whey better than others?

> What kind do you have that lasts in the refrigerator so long?



If you can't recall its appearance, I can't assume it was mold and not

some other unsavory.

Other than making whey from your own yogurt, you can make whey by

letting raw milk clabber spontaneously or by straining commercial

yogurt. There's also cheesemaking but I assume that's not relevant here.

I make kefir whey, which ime is more, umm, potent, and has more

stamina, than yogurt whey. I keep a jar going in the refrigerator and

just add to it as I go along. I can't really picture even feeble

yogurt whey going bad, but I know fermentations I've made in the past

and inoculated with yogurt whey were neither as reliable nor enduring

as those made from kefir whey--one of the reasons I switched over.

When I used to make homemade yogurt, it had a rather short

shelf-life--got yecchy--whereas kefir never really goes bad, though it

can be a bit bracing.


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Me too.

On Aug 29, 2006, at 9:20 PM, LuAnn Elsinger wrote:

> Well, I don't know what I did wrong, but when I've stored it in the

> refrigerator in the past I've gotten mold growing on it.


> LuAnn



>> LuAnn,

>> You can freeze it, but why bother? It's timeless and good forever

> afaik.


>> I'd guess freezing it could or would weaken it a bit,I just keep it in

>> a jar in the refrigerator, or wherever; it's like vinegar, what can it

>> turn to?

>> B.









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