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Food Intolerance Diet questions

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Just for reference: http://users.bigpond.net.au/allergydietitian/fi/diet.html

Okay, I admit that I haven't been following these discussions 100%

from the beginning, so I hope I'm not repeating questions.

I know that I have problems with salicylates. I went about 95% off

salicylates several weeks ago and saw a huge difference in my asthma

symptoms. In the past few days, I've started having problems even

with that 5% I left in, so I guess very weak tea and the little bit of

chocolate I was eating are out. :-(

Let me backtrack and say that I woke up almost 5 years ago with hives

and exercise induced asthma (oh, and a heart murmur). I also started

having hypothyroid symptoms around that same time and those grew

worse. The asthma got worse, and I now believe that's because I

started eating so many salicylates with NT, which we started gung ho

on 2 1/2 years ago. Before that, for most of my life, I didn't eat

high salicylate foods - I just didn't like those kinds of foods (well,

except for tea, which I've always loved! LOL). I do think I had mild

signs of the asthma throughout my life, like when I went around heated

swimming pools and hot tubs.

2 years ago, I went dairy and gluten free (got tested through

Enterolab). That helped some of my symptoms - especially my weight

and tiredness. My hair is still falling out, though, and I still have

occasional bouts with fatigue (though not nearly as bad as it was).

Oh, and I'm anemic, too. I might even have one of the mild forms of

thalassemia. I still have the hives, though they recur slightly less

often (I take Zyrtec for them).

So, I'm thinking about trying this amine diet, just to see if I have

problems with more than salicylates. I went off of those when I read

about their connection to histamine, which is connected with hives,

asthma and thyroid problems. I don't think there's any point in my

trying this until after the WAPF conference, though, since that's 2

weeks from now. ? I'm kind of slow to " get " things, so this will

give me some time to sort this out mentally. LOL.

Here are my questions:

Eggs are on some lists of foods to avoid for salicylates. I guess

they're histamine triggering, or something to that effect? Can't

remember exactly. Do you think they're okay anyway?

Does coconut oil have to be avoided as skin lotion as well? That's

what I use for lotion.

Does Rapadura/Sucanat count as white sugar?

What about nori/seaweed?

I don't see being able to get non-aged beef (at least not grassfed).

I seem to vaguely recall mention of lamb. I do have a local source of

lamb - if they have any right now - but it would be frozen. I suppose

chicken is pretty safe, in general, since it's not aged? Should I

avoid frozen chicken?

The diet isn't too far off from what I've been doing anyway (we still

sort of do SCD, too). The meat would be the biggest change for me.

Thanks for any help. :-)

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