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Re: WHO/UNAIDS prescribes Care Provider Initated HIV testing for all

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Re: /message/7347

This is much delayed but neccessary step WHO/UNAIDS have taken. I have been of

the opinion that doctors must have right to suspect HIV infection on the basis

of clinical history and manifestations like we suspcet other diseases.

NACO has always followed the UNAIDS guidelines so there should be no problem in

rolling out the new policy. Otherwise also NACO has always ignored advises of

Indian experts on this issue when many doctors/experts advised tht HIV test

should be made mendatory, particularly in countries like India where awareness

is poor and illeteracy rate is very high in average Indian.

I am sure that the new guidelines will be very useful for patient management and

avoid unrealistic hypes on pretest couselling.

Dr. Sarman Singh, MD.FAMS

Prof. & Head, Division of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Laboratory


All India Institute of Medical Sciences

P.O. Box. 4938, Ansari Nagar New Delhi-110 029 (India)

Phone: 2659 4977, 2659 4764, 2658 8484

Fax: 2658-8663, 2658 8641

email: <ssingh56@...>

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Dear forum members,

Re: /message/7347

Good to know about these a recommendation by WHO, but main problems still remain

esp. in India where most of such people can’t afford for the costs of tests and

if found positive for treatment. In fact we have been following such practice,

but it does not help much for these very reasons.

Unless NACO, Aids Societies, Government authorities and other organisations

provide facilities or funds for such tests and treatment, such recommendations

or any recommendations are not of any use for practical purposes.

We have been working to a limited extent within our means for last three years

in Gwalior and Chambal region in Central India, but find it difficult to do much

for lack of funds and resources to provide these services for free as very much


I hope these observations will be published on this forum. I will be happy to

discuss and take it further if any one is interested to know more details.




For Gwalior Childrens Hospital Charity (Regd. Charity No. 1063694), Snehalaya

Trust & GHECT (India),

14,Magdalene Road, Walsall, West Midlands. WS1 3TA(U.K.)

Tel. +44(0)1922 629842 Fax. 01922 632942 Mobile. 07729929982

Email: Gwalior.Hospital@...

Website: www.gwalior.hospital.care4free.net


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Dear Moderator,

Re: /message/7347

Thanks for sending out the link to the WHO-UNAIDS PITC guidelines.

I downloaded the file and was curious to see on the cover of the handbook a sort

of " post-it " saying " Embargoed Wednesday 30 May 2007 11h00GMT. " Could someone

enlighten me what this means?

Also anticipating a lively debate on the matter,

with sincere regards,

A Saha

Dr. Amitrajit Saha

New Delhi (India)

E-mail: amitrajitsaha@...

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Re: /message/7354

The main concern about the Provided initiated testing is exemplified in this

mail from a person like Dr Sarman Singh, one in the most influential position in

the country.


by WHIO says “Endorsement of provider–initiated HIV testing and counselling by

WHO and UNAIDS is not an endorsement of coercive or mandatory HIV testing” and

Dr Singh considers it as a mandate for mandatory testing.

If a person like Dr Singh who is well verse with HIV related debates for the

last many years can get confused like this what about usual the health care

providers, where HIV awareness is poor among healthcare providers and HIV

illiteracy rate is very high in average Indian health care provider?.

That is the challenge we are facing. Even otherwise there was no ban or

restriction in testing a patient when it is clinically indicated and there were

provision for referred clients in VCCTC.

Dr Ajithkumar.K

E-MAIL: <ajisudha@...>

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Dear All,

Re: /message/7361

PROVIDER-INITIATED HIV TESTING needs to be facilitated at all levels

but with due exercise of caution to obviate any violation of the

clients'rights and dignity.

The professional organizations, IMA, Clinton Foundation etc., need to

be roped in to strengthen the initiative to indentify larger number

of positive people.Knowledge of their serostatus will facilitate

provision of the required care and support (including psycho-social

and legal support) services to them.

Best wishes,

Dr.Rajesh Gopal

e-mail: <dr_rajeshg@...>

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