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Re: Protein drinks

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PS100 chocalate.,proV60 vanilla creme, problend 55 strawberry and

chocolate..this is my to go model.. 1/2 scoop each flavor, and scifit

lemonade smoothie.

Take care


in GA

open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 205




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My personal favorite is PS100 its thick it taste like a choc. frosty in a

way. I had my neighbors try it last night, one is so darn picky she smells

everything before she drinks or eats it..and she liked it she really liked

it. I didn't find any out there that i could hold down until i ordered

PS100 and the Vanilla is good I do drink that as well.

Best of luck!

Theresa ~IL

SX: 7/21/01

As of Date: -130 lbs

Under 200 lbs!!!!

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Thanks so much, Theresa....

Theresa writes:

My personal favorite is PS100 its thick it taste like a choc. frosty in


way. I had my neighbors try it last night, one is so darn picky she


everything before she drinks or eats it..and she liked it she really


it. I didn't find any out there that i could hold down until i ordered

PS100 and the Vanilla is good I do drink that as well.

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Thanks, !!!!! Hmmm. what is a scifit lemonade smoothie. I think

I've been reading too many SciFi novels, I can't get that out of my head




PS100 chocalate.,proV60 vanilla creme, problend 55 strawberry and

chocolate..this is my to go model.. 1/2 scoop each flavor, and scifit

lemonade smoothie.

Take care

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Many here would also recommend the ProScore100 chocolate. I find them and the

ProBlend 55 chocolate too sweet. I like Pro Complex chocolate. I know, it gets

confusing with all the Pro this, Pro that. Good luck with your choices.

Jeanne in WI

Age 38

Open RNY 05/21/2002

314/ 298 /150-175

5' 8 "


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Pro Score 100..... Chocolate of course


Protein drinks

OK, here's a question for the list (sorry if you all have done this in

the past...) but I'm wanting to order some samples from , but

don't have the faintest idea which ones to order, other than 's

suggestion of the ProBlend55 ones. Does anyone have favorites I really

*should* try? Thanks, Pam

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Jeanne is right so much confusion about which to get, order some

samples and just find the one that best suits your taste buds. :)

Good luck


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Oh, no, the more choices the better <G>.


Jeanne in WI says

Many here would also recommend the ProScore100 chocolate. I find them

and the ProBlend 55 chocolate too sweet. I like Pro Complex chocolate.

I know, it gets confusing with all the Pro this, Pro that. Good luck

with your choices.

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Protein drinks

OK, here's a question for the list (sorry if you all have done this in

the past...) but I'm wanting to order some samples from , but

don't have the faintest idea which ones to order, other than 's

suggestion of the ProBlend55 ones. Does anyone have favorites I really

*should* try? Thanks, Pam

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I had that one made for us, too.

Is it OK to say that?



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Re: Protein drinks

Sci Fit Lemonade Smoothie is a flavor of sci fit protein .. tastes light and

lemony.. sort of like lemon chiffon pie.

Take care


in GA

open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 205




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YOu can say anything you want.. and it is great that you had something made

for us..now lets get working on a peach protein.. yummmm!!!!!!


in GA

open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 205




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I am up because I am in a fibro flare , having problems with diarrhea and

cant sleep.. dont worry, I am gonna go back to bed for awhile soon


in GA

open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 205




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Of course its ok to say that - silly one....... deb in NE

Re: Protein drinks

Sci Fit Lemonade Smoothie is a flavor of sci fit protein .. tastes light


lemony.. sort of like lemon chiffon pie.

Take care


in GA

open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 205




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Oh hon - what are you doin up at this hour? Hope all is ok - hugshugs ~d~

Re: Protein drinks

Yep.. I get all protein supps from vitalady


in GA

open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 205




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How did I miss peach when I stayed with you? Where was I.. in zombie land?

Who makes it.. SciFit? I will order sample of peach with my next order.

Take care


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Remember, I live in Georgia and can get all the real peaches I want for the

next few months.. and boy, are they yummy/

Take care


in GA

open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 205




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GINA PEACH I dunno about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would at least

try it though LOLOL

Since I'm from Hawaii how's about PINEAPPLE anyone LOLOOLOLOL



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Pineapple would be great, especially with some s/f coconut syrup



in GA

open RNY 12/12/00

revision 04/18/01

revision 02/07/02


cw 205




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Sounds good to me- woohoo

Re: Protein drinks

GINA PEACH I dunno about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would at least

try it though LOLOL

Since I'm from Hawaii how's about PINEAPPLE anyone LOLOOLOLOL



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi, I am currently 23 days post op and am still on those protein shakes. I

have found that Atkins syrups really help with the vanilla flavor.They have

raspberry, strawberry, chocolate,vanilla and a few others that I can't

remember at the moment. I usually add 2 tbs to my vanilla designer whey

protein shake and it does " help the medicine go down " . They have no sugar,

carbs, calories or fat. Good luck and keep your head up!!


open rny 6/24/02

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There's a OSSG-Protein group on yahoo groups, and you will find some good

suggestions there, and I believe that on Felicia's yahoo group, she's got some

recipes squirreled away that look just lush. Two good sources.

Pam in Niceville

(who has just found out that her surgery is going to have to be self-pay because

of mickey mouse insurance, but the *good news* is that it looks like I will have

it before the end of the year. <G> - Thank ghod for plastic!)

Date: 2002/07/17 Wed AM 09:36:41 EDT

To: GastricBypass-InfoCentral

Subject: Protein drinks

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Hi , I'm glad also that your sister is doing so well. Since

Jeanne answer your protein question, I can try and answer your food

question. At one week post op - 3 months post op I was/am on the

same diet. It is the soft diet. I can eat things like cottage

cheese, mashed potatoes, eggs, baked chicken, noodles and rice,

oatmeal, broth and sugar-free gelatin/popsicles. (Now that I am two

months out, I have been adding more and more different food choices

that are on a regular diet and I have had no problems. Also,

water never gave me a funny taste either. Make sure your sister

drinks, and drinks a lot of water-64 oz.). I hope I gave you some


Nan in Ohio


Open RNY


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