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Re: [Thyroid (w/response)] -- Adrenal test question (w/response)

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Of these three 24-hour adrenal saliva tests; do you recommend one

over the others:

LAB WORK from VRP (Vitamin Research Products), an excellent site

where you can choose from a variety of saliva tests, including the

four times a day cortisol, plus sex hormones and thyroid and others.

The following link will take you to their saliva article page with

links on the right for different testing. www.vrp.com

LAB WORK from ZRT LABORATORIES where you can test one hormone at a

time. They also offer a blood prick test on top of the saliva, which

can be helpful to detect antibodies, since saliva misses them for

some. For adrenals, you'll want the ADRENAL FUNCTION TEST


LAB WORK from Canary Club. Not a lab facility, but a website where

you can choose between Diagnos-Tech or ZRT labs for special prices.

The saliva tests are for a full spectrum: thyroid (TSH, free T3, free

T4), adrenals (cortisol and DHEA), estrogen, progesterone,

testosterone. ZRT includes a blood prick test on top of the saliva.


the above sites found on:



** Dear Polly,

The amount of time it would take to go to all three sites and compare their

products to one another is more time than I can comfortably give for no

compensation (t's been well over a year since I last looked at at least 2 of

these sites). This is at least 30 min. work if done properly. If I do something

like this gratis for one person, I then have to be able to do it for all others

out of fairness. This would be virtua1ly impossible.

I'd be glad to do the work if you'd like me to, or you could evaluate it on

your own.



> Went to see my doctor today to discuss my TSH level; at 5.487. The

> doctor wanted to start me on a med. today, but I asked to hold off

> for a little while longer--I want to learn more about this

> situation.


> I'm wondering if I may have adrenal fatigue (from taking Effexor for

> 7 years). Is there a blood test or other tests that can be taken to

> determine that? Can adreanl fatigue be corrected and therefore


> my TSH level down?


> What about an imbalance in the ratio between estrogen and

> progesterone?, maybe that's part of the problem? How would I find

> out if that is out of whack? Would correcting that lower TSH?


> heard that using even a natural hormone replacement cream is a bad

> idea for someone who has taken ADs so maybe this is not an option?)


> I really dislike the possibility of having tremors/shaking from

> taking a thyroid med. (reminds me of withdrawals from Effexor) and

> the fact that once started it has to be taken for the rest of my



> My last question pertains to the normal range for TSH; it has been

> changed a few times to reflect a much lower and narrower range. Is

> this just pharmaceutical companies way of selling more drugs or does

> reliable research show this to be accurate?


> Polly (who after Effexor can't stand the thought of taking ANY

> medication!)


> P.S. I have lost 20 lbs. so far; I'm hoping this means I am not

> insulin resistant.>>



> ** There are tests for adrenal function. The range for TSH is

much more appropriate now than it was, You won't find this kind of

manipulation when a drug is already generic as are most thyroid drugs.


> A good resource is the thyroid site on www.about.com



> People who use progesterone cream without a test showing low

progesterone, are bound to have negative reactions.


> I don't think you should assume you will shake from thyroid

medication. Regardless of your adrenal state, you probably need to

take the thyroid drug for the time being until adrenal can be

addressed (if it needs it). Of course, one way to sort it all out is

to take the thyroid drug. If it works, it is most likely the primary



> --C


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