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Re: words nada ruined

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Calshium. She says it to this day. Milk contains lots of calshium. Too bad

she didn't give me enough " calshium " as a child and I now have osteopenia at 33

years old.

Girlscout Cowboy wrote:

Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread. Are


any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by saying it

too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big one is

" sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which " in a way

that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable person on

earth. I'm sure I will think of others.


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" Becoming " . Nada would say things like " you have a nasty attitude and

it is not very becoming of you " .

She would write it in letters and emails more than she would say it.

I really hate that word/phrase. Saying whether something is becoming

of me or not would requre knowing me and my personality. Nada doesnt

even know herself.

~Sara Jo

> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted

thread. Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big

one is

> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which " in

a way

> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable person


> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout



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My nada says Know what I mean after practically EVERYTHING, it's so

annoying. Now when I say it, I think of her and I worry that I am

just like her, grrrrrrr.


> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread.

Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big one is

> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which " in

a way

> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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Not a word, a phrase: " Well wouldn't you all just love it if I died "

or some other dramatic variation in an attempt to provoke sympathy.

Ugh, melodramatic people irratate me to this day!


> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread.

Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big

one is

> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which "

in a way

> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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My mother will wait until we get in public and then she says "

would be happier if I just went away...... " I am standing right

there...(thinking, can I help you pack????) She evenmentions the

name of the funeral home for her arrangements--right in the middle of

dinner!!! Talk about need for attention.

The other irritation is that she will walk up to strangers babies and

ooohh and goo all over them. I am stricken with disbelief since she

never ohhed and ahhed over her own grandhildren. We even have a new

baby girl in the family and I brought a recent photo to share with

nada--her reply " I already have a photo of that baby " so I took the

photo home. My sister from out-of-town was shocked.

> >

> > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted


> Are there

> > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

> saying it

> > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big

> one is

> > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which "

> in a way

> > that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

> person on

> > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > girlscout

> >

> >

> >

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Talking about acting out in public, my nada has behaved very badly on

three different vacations I took her on with me, as though her goal

was to embarrass and humiliate me in public.

On one of our trips, (a couple of decades ago, now) which included

nada's favorite Elderly Auntie, nada even had a complete break with

reality! In a foreign country, in public, she accused Elderly Auntie

of saying hateful things to her and of just staring at her and not

speaking to her at all. (All at the same time, by the way.)

I was pole-axed with bewilderment!

What th' ... ??!

Elderly Auntie was an adorable, angelic little person who had never

ever said a mean thing to anyone, or even *about* anyone. Ever.

Nada stalked back to our hotel leaving Elderly Auntie and me behind.

Nada cried and carried on, threatened to pack up and go home alone,

and had me in tears trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

It was my first real light-bulb moment, that something was Badly Wrong

with my nada's brain. I'd always known that my nada was mean and

abusive and difficult to get along with and impossible to please, but

this was Different.

She was accusing a Totally Innocent Person of being hateful, and I had

that weird feeling that is like deja vu, when you can see the Big

Picture clearly:

Nada was not here with the rest of us, she was somewhere else! there

was something Badly Wrong with my nada's brain, and it scared the crap

out of me!

So, yes, if and when Sister and I ever resume contact with nada, I

fully expect some spectacular demonstration of just how pissed-off at

us nada is, even if we are seeing her in public.

I don't think nada will be able to hold back, after building up the

Mount Vesuvius of mad-ons at us.

I definitely want witnesses!

By the way:

A public humiliation is...

(I'll give you three guesses...)

Yes, it is emotional abuse!

So, you have the right to just leave the instant your nada chooses to

play that game, and let her find her own way home.

" Sorry, mom, but attacking me in public is only going to get you left

here by yourself. I do not deserve to have emotional abuse hurled at

me, anywhere. 'bye! "


> > >

> > > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted

> thread.

> > Are there

> > > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

> > saying it

> > > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big

> > one is

> > > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which "

> > in a way

> > > that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

> > person on

> > > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > > girlscout

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Where to begin?

- " I love you. " To this day, I sometimes have a little difficulty

believing my husband when he says it. It's very hard for me to say

this phrase to anyone except my husband (and our animals, we don't

have children).

- " Misery. " My mother used to refer to me as " misery " when she was

angry (among other names, but that one sticks out in my mind, perhaps

because of the odd syntax).

- " Appropriate, " as in " NO! Dat is not appropriate! " My nada has a

very prim sense of propriety which she would impose on me.

- " I have a lot on my plate, " always said in a melodramatic tone as an

explanation of why she refused to live up to any given responsibility.

- " Survivor, " a term that was used and over-used with much melodrama

in relation to my nada's travails in life. Her parents' war

experiences somehow became her cross to bear, as did my father's

chronic illness and my bout with life-threatening illness as a child.

Somehow even when bad things happened to other people she was always

the victim. I revile that word.



> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread.

Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big one is

> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which " in

a way

> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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Oh geez,...so many. Where do I start? I guess the one phrase that she

used all the time that set my hair on edge was : Life is not a party to

which you have been invited, young lady! I guess that was supposed to

make me feel guilty for asking for any kind of consideration. I most

often heard it when she felt I was imposing on too much of her shopping



> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread.

Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big one


> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which " in a


> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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My nada used to oooh and ahhh over other peoples' babies, too -- and

she also used to form friendships with people my age (like co-

workers, etc), and showed me letters they'd sent, etc., I guess in

an effort to demonstrate " See? SHE likes me! " -- Mom is always

charming and mothering to other people -- they don't have the

emotional investment and baggage that I do with Nada.

She just swoops in and gives them all this advice and compliments

them and they think she's just dandy.

> > >

> > > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted

> thread.

> > Are there

> > > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either


> > saying it

> > > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My


> > one is

> > > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-

which "

> > in a way

> > > that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

> > person on

> > > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > > girlscout

> > >

> > >

> > >

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When I was a kid and a teen and would see my mom being so sweet and

loving and nurturing to my friends and cousins, I believe I would

become temporarily insane with jealousy. It was like she was

deliberately being sweet to them in front of me to hurt me, when I

desperately wanted that same kindness from her and what I got instead

were heaping helpings of criticism and belittling.

When I would try to get close to my mom, when I was a kid and would

ask her to show me how to do something or play with me, half the time

she'd push me away, tell me to get away from her, go play outside,

etc. It was like a knife in the heart, and just another little way to

tell me that I was not good enough to deserve her love and attention.

As you read this, I'm actually crying as I feel a lot of my own

repressed rage and hurt bubbling to the surface now, like a stagnant

pool of sewage.

I think I'll go try and drain off some of it this weekend, by having

fun at a party with my friends (who do like me and want to spend time

with me, and who do not emotionally abuse me.)


> > > >

> > > > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted

> > thread.

> > > Are there

> > > > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either

> by

> > > saying it

> > > > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My

> big

> > > one is

> > > > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-

> which "

> > > in a way

> > > > that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

> > > person on

> > > > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > > > girlscout

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Eleven. Except mom said it " Leven " . The intial " e " was clearly too

much of an exertion. And she nearly ruined my breastfeeding my

children as whenever I'd do so she'd start talking baby-talk to my

kid and say " Is you getting your mommy-juice? " Ewwwwww.

And then there was her repeated refrains of " A little something just

for me! " and " I never get anything new " in spite of piles of crap to

the contrary.


> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread.

Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big

one is

> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which "

in a way

> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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The word " ambivalent " makes my skin crawl. Nada's behavior pattern is

that she applies for a job/new apartment, then she gets a job

interview or a chance to look at the new apartment, but then she feels

" ambivalent " about it and cancels. Over. and. Over. and. Over. So

" ambivalent " to me symbolizes how her BPD has kept her essentially

unemployed her whole life, and I just despise the word!

She also pronounces " ridiculous " in this way that makes me cringe,

because the things she finds " ridiculous " are actually not ridiculous,

and the things that are ridiculous she thinks are perfectly sensible.

So, for me, when she uses that word it's just a totally different word!

Thanks for this interesting post.

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That's similar to my nada's constant advice of " don't get your hopes

up. " I still have to fight this, that I shouldn't " get my hopes up "

about good things happening to me. She was very supportive, however,

of other people trying new things.

In recent years, nada has taken to exclaiming " Praise the Lord! "

which is rather comical. This is part of her retired teacher/church

lady persona, which is in striking contrast to her curse-like-a-

sailor, non-religious persona behind closed doors.


In WTOAdultChildren1 , " mercysaidno415 "



> Oh geez,...so many. Where do I start? I guess the one phrase that


> used all the time that set my hair on edge was : Life is not a

party to

> which you have been invited, young lady! I guess that was supposed


> make me feel guilty for asking for any kind of consideration. I


> often heard it when she felt I was imposing on too much of her


> time.




> >

> > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted


> Are there

> > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

> saying it

> > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big


> is

> > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which "

in a

> way

> > that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

person on

> > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > girlscout

> >

> >

> >

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My nada does this too -- both!! She was ALWAYS pounding into my head

not to get my hopes up. I still have issues with that. I find that I

get my hopes up on things that I clearly shouldn't which ends up

hurting me and the things I should hope for I completely dismiss as

never going to work out anyways which makes me feel bad about myself.

My nada also was the biggest supporter of OTHER people. My nada has

turned into a " religious " person too. It makes me laugh because it is

so fake. My nada will literally be spewing the most vile venom at my

sister in the parking lot of the church as they are walking in and

then turn on a dime when they enter. Then she turns into the arm

waving singing with all her heart persona. I think we have the same

nada!!!! LOL

> > >

> > > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted

> thread.

> > Are there

> > > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

> > saying it

> > > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big

> one

> > is

> > > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which "

> in a

> > way

> > > that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

> person on

> > > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > > girlscout

> > >

> > >

> > >

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My nada also did the " don't get your hopes up " thing. I saw it as her way of

trying to veil her competitivness with me. It only came out when I wanted to

do something she couldn't do.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:44 PM, damemagnifique00 <damemagnifique@...

> wrote:

> My nada does this too -- both!! She was ALWAYS pounding into my head

> not to get my hopes up. I still have issues with that. I find that I

> get my hopes up on things that I clearly shouldn't which ends up

> hurting me and the things I should hope for I completely dismiss as

> never going to work out anyways which makes me feel bad about myself.

> My nada also was the biggest supporter of OTHER people. My nada has

> turned into a " religious " person too. It makes me laugh because it is

> so fake. My nada will literally be spewing the most vile venom at my

> sister in the parking lot of the church as they are walking in and

> then turn on a dime when they enter. Then she turns into the arm

> waving singing with all her heart persona. I think we have the same

> nada!!!! LOL



> > > >

> > > > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted

> > thread.

> > > Are there

> > > > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

> > > saying it

> > > > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big

> > one

> > > is

> > > > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which "

> > in a

> > > way

> > > > that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

> > person on

> > > > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > > > girlscout

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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" constructive criticism "

Always with the " constructive criticism " that was simply a raging litany of

fault and failings. I danced for years as a child, and haaaaaaaaaaated when

she'd decide it was time for some " constructive criticism " ...which meant me

dancing/practicing in front of her while she told me how awful I was.

" Constructive criticism " was really just code for " come here and let me tell you

how much you've ruined my life and are destroying others happiness while you're

at it. "


> Subject: words nada ruined

> To: " wtoadultchildren1 " <wtoadultchildren1 >

> Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 11:11 PM

> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light

> hearted thread. Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever?

> Either by saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic.

> My big one is

> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a

> chicken sahhhh-which " in a way

> that let you know she thought she was just the most

> adorable person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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" mature " I hate this word. Nada grew fond of saying it like this

once I was about 25 or so. She would preface something that shouldn't

be said with, " I don't know if you're mature enough to handle this,

but.... " I couldn't win. If I disagreed, then it proved I was

immature but if I agreed then I was just lying.



> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread.

Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big one is

> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which " in

a way

> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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" philosophical "

I'd have told her about some emotionally painful/difficult thing that

I was dealing with and her response rather than caring or empathy

would be " Let's be philosophical about this... " and proceed to

analyze it in such a way that my emotions were invalid and the

situation was my fault.



> >

> > Subject: words nada ruined

> > To: " wtoadultchildren1 " <wtoadultchildren1 >

> > Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 11:11 PM

> > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light

> > hearted thread. Are there

> > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever?

> > Either by saying it

> > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic.

> > My big one is

> > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a

> > chicken sahhhh-which " in a way

> > that let you know she thought she was just the most

> > adorable person on

> > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > girlscout

> >

> >

> >

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count me in " don't get your hopes up " same experience for me too.

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted

> > > thread.

> > > > Are there

> > > > > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever?

Either by

> > > > saying it

> > > > > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic.

My big

> > > one

> > > > is

> > > > > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-

which "

> > > in a

> > > > way

> > > > > that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable

> > > person on

> > > > > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > > > > girlscout

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Hugs your way Annie. I can relate to a lot of this. My mother

always finds ways of seeming to care more about others or if someone

does something for her, the smallest thing she values it so much.

While I have given so much and she acts like it is her due and means

nothing. There are a million ways she shows that what happens to me

doesn't matter and what I give her is worth nothing (because it's

already hers in her mind).

Every now and then she'll pull out the stops to do something that's a

bizarre combination. I've had financial setbacks in my life but this

one with the recent financial crisis is the first one she's

acknowledged. Not because of anything I said but because of people

talking about it 24/7 on CNN. She acted like something had happened

to me that I was upset about - but I wasn't, I had a plan in place. I

told her I was okay. And now she's sending me a gift of cutesy food

items gathered from discount stores to " cheer me up " . This is the

most motherly thing she's done in ages believe it or not, and I am

supposed to be " grateful " for this. Instead I feel kind of

mindf**** - I mean she acts like I am in great financial distress and

freaking out, which I'm not and told her I'm not(hey but those people

on the news are), and now she's sending me this bizarrely

inappropriate gift in some sort of show of nurturance and I'm

supposed to be what...happy? and now she'll expect props for being a

good mother. It's like she has no clue who I really am or even

wants to know.


> > > > >

> > > > > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted

> > > thread.

> > > > Are there

> > > > > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever?


> > by

> > > > saying it

> > > > > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic.


> > big

> > > > one is

> > > > > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-

> > which "

> > > > in a way

> > > > > that let you know she thought she was just the most


> > > > person on

> > > > > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > > > > girlscout

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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" - " I love you. " ... It's very hard for me to say

this phrase to anyone except my husband... "

Yes! While I believe my husband when he says it (we have lived through the " in

sickness " part of the vows, which has bonded us for life!) but I still have

trouble saying I love you to anyone but hubby and our kids. I revel in saying

it to my kids in front of my mother, and I don't exactly know why. I think it's

because I actually love them for who they are and not what I think I can turn

them into or have them do!!!

She always said, " You treat me like dirt, " so I'm thankful that no one I know

ever says that - I'd probably punch them on reflex.

" Tone " - as in " Watch your tone, young lady!! " Grrr. Again, punch on reflex if

someone says it!

Haha - I'm actually not violent. Maybe because no one else says a few of her

favorite things!!!

:o) Cheryl

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After reading the posts on this topic, I was better prepared for my

nada's behavior at the grocery store today.As we were walking from the

car to the store, I looked up to see a mother with twins in a stroller,

I thought, " oh, no " here it comes " . Sure enough nada had to stop and

carry on a chat with the babies. She said, oh, , look at these

precious twins.... " . I turned slightly and nodded and went on ahead.

The sad thing is that I really do love little babies but her behavior

just turns me off. Right after that, I mentioned her great

granddaughter's upcoming birthday, she mumbled " uh, huh " and changed

the subject. I have quit making excuses for her. Her grandchildren are

tired of being ignored by their grandmother and now they don't ask

about her. Her cyclic good moods are directly related to her needing

transportation to the grocery or doctor. Other days, I am at the

lowest level of the food chain. I am an only child and feel compelled

to go back for more. I am finally setting some boundaries, which seems

to work pretty well. I have a lot of resentment for a damaged childhood.

I'm thankful to have found this site-it's comforting to have online

friends who understand.

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My nada did that, too. She was threatened if I appeared to be on

the way to be accomplishing more than her, and she was jealous. So,

she assumed the mantle of " I'm older and I know more than you " . If

I bristled at being attacked, her classic comeback was " Don't get so

defensive! " Just puts it all on ME! I remember my therapist

saying " Well, people get defensive when they're being ATTACKED! "

(It made so much sense! Why didn't I think of that?!!!)

My mother didn't accomplish much in her life -- and there's no shame

in that, if the parent is encouraging and supportive of their child

accomplishing a few things. But my mother couldn't stand me as a

young adolescent. I wasn't homecoming queen, but I was considered a

pretty girl, and I think that sent mom over the edge. When boys

came calling -- she was a bitch. My college graduation? She

managed to miss it at the last minute. (She did " apologize " later,

but it was a " I just wasn't there. I felt I had to be with your

grandmother " justification-type apology.)

I remember as a kid of about 13, watching The Tyler show -

- she had her own apartment and that became my dream. I now see it

as a way of surviving such a crappy household. I just wanted out.

And it only got worse over the next 5 years before I finally did

leave. Went to college, then eventually did get my own apartment --

it was heaven walking in there every day and seeing everything just

as I had left it. I was free.


> >

> > Subject: words nada ruined

> > To: " wtoadultchildren1 " <wtoadultchildren1 >

> > Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 11:11 PM

> > Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light

> > hearted thread. Are there

> > any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever?

> > Either by saying it

> > too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic.

> > My big one is

> > " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a

> > chicken sahhhh-which " in a way

> > that let you know she thought she was just the most

> > adorable person on

> > earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> > girlscout

> >

> >

> >

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Oh yeah,....and for some reason I always had 'another think coming.'

Rage rage rage and if you think that I'm going to let you walk all over

me like your own personal doormat, Mercy, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THINK



> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread.

Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big one


> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which " in a


> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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How about a phrase: " Can I make a suggestion? " Usually at a time when

she's sitting on her fat @ss watching me do work that the adult should

be doing and wanting to tell me I'm not doing it right. And another

infuriating phrase (when you don't take her " suggestion " ): " Oh! You're

so closed minded. "



> Hi Guys, I'm hoping this will be a bit of a light hearted thread.

Are there

> any words that your nada/fada ruined for you forever? Either by

saying it

> too often or saying it in a way that was just so dramatic. My big one is

> " sahwich. " My mother used to say " I want a chicken sahhhh-which " in

a way

> that let you know she thought she was just the most adorable person on

> earth. I'm sure I will think of others.

> girlscout




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