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Re: Need suggestions/long

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Thanks, I will keep you posted. No we didn't have any problems w/our protection that I know of, & I know Mr. Panic would of said something if we had.

I sent the pictures too, let me know if you get them.Kel

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Ok Girlie! You can bother me anytime!Don't feel shy about posting stuff on

here. We are here to help and you need to take care of you !I don't

know what to think of your symptoms, but maybe you should go in for a beta

just to be sure. Did you have any problems with your protection when you

used it? I know we have broke a few condoms since my EP. If not, you are

probbaly ok. Let us know what your Dr says. And don't hesitate to ask us

anything here! Kim

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I am really glad you called your dr. I don't know enough about your

situation to answer you. Have you ever thought about seeing an RE? It

seems like you have alot of issues that have been going on forever.

An RE would get to the root of your problem. I hope you hear back

from your dr soon. Please let me know what happens. I'm sorry I

couldn't help you.


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Thanks for reading my long drawn out saga. No, I have yet to hear from my dr., but I will keep you updated.

I never considered going to an RE only be/co I only learned about them once I join this group. If something does happen here soon (meaning becoming pg), then I may just do that if we have one here in town. Thanks for the suggestion (and letting me know about posting the picture too).

Have a good evening. :)


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I have no medical advice for you. My guess is that you're not having an ep

since you often have irregular periods.

But mostly I just wanted to write and say that I'm thinking of you and

praying that all will go well for you!


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You're never a bother....:) Only to glad to try and help... have your doc. checked if the endo. hasn't come back? I'm asking, because your symptoms are the same as mine were. Endo can cause very erratic bleeding, I landed up in emergency many times thinking its another e/p, only to finally discover that its endo. You should think about asking your doc. to check things out again. Many forms of endo. does not respond well to med. treatment, and even the ones that do, can change after a while.

Hope this helps you some?


-----Original Message-----From: West Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 5:34 PMTo: ectopicpregnancyegroupsSubject: Need suggestions/long

Hi, everyone I'm sorry to bother you guys w/this but & feel I should post what I've been worrying about and see if any of you can provide any insight while I wait for my dr. to call me back.

Here is what I posted to this morning:

First I am not a good person to ask about ones cycle from the very beginning I've had trouble w/af. I started when I was 13 and in my first year I developed an ovarian cyst (left side, also ep side). Until age 21 when I went on the pill, I was never normal, would skip months (not sexually active either); they would last for days when they would come; and then also maybe only 2-3 days. When I was 26 found out I had endo.; had a lap & put on Depo Lupron for 3 months; then after my son came along when he was 3 months old finally got af for the 1st time in a year & then it kept coming every 2 wks for 7-10 days at a time (I was anemic by the time I went to a dr. they almost had to due a blood transfusion). My ob/gyn at that time was a male & he kept telling me that was normal after having a baby & put me on 2 different bc pills; until finally when my son was 11 mos. old I went to a new ob/gyn (female & my present dr.) and she said no it was not normal and put me on the hormone prometrium which stopped the blding every 2 weeks until last Nov. when I became pg w/the ep. Now this past month (May) was only my 2nd month I've had an af since the ep and I started bleeding last Wed. (which was day 19) and have been spotting to med. bleeding ever since. I missed one day of the prometrium, but I am so scarred I may be having another ep (exact same symptoms, bleeding non-stop), but dh & I have been using protection the FEW (2 times) we fooled around since April's af. I think I'm going to take an hpt today & see what it shows. I've told what's been going on she thinks I should call my dr. & maybe post this to see if anyone else can give some insight. I have told nobody whats been happening except & I just told her on Tues. I haven't told dh b/c he over reacts about everything & I don't want to worry him for no reason. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?

Okay I took the hpt after writing you, it is definitely neg. which we both thought (you would of been able to knock we over w/a feather had it come up +; but it happened when I took it w/the ep).

I also called my dr., the nurse just called me back but I've got her so confused she is taking this to the dr. and seeing what she feels I should do.

Thanks again for your support! I am such a procrastinator when it comes to taking care of myself. I always feel like I'm bothering people when I talk about myself and my problems.

Thanks again to all of you & especially & for give me the push I needed!


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