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the whole world revolves around me

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I am new to this group and I'm not quite sure how it all works but

this is my first real post. In the last year I packed my bags and

moved clear across the country to esacape the beast that is my FADA.

I graduated college and the man did every thing in his power to suck

me back into his universe, basically baggering me mentally and

emotionally until i agreed to work for him, live with him, and

basically attend to every need or demand he placed in my hands. The

day he threw the metal stapler at my head because I had asked him to

not insult my family was the day i decided to leave. When i told him

of my decision i was immediately branded as ungreatful, an ingrate,

and other choice words I dont feel its appropriate to write here but

I did it anyway.

What prompted me to write this post is that I received an email from

my FADA today which included a link to read the text of some

interview he had given (you see my father is a singer songwriter and

apparently beloved by many in the adult contempoary folk genre) and

as Im reading this article the tears are running down my face since

it is the most self aggrandizing piece of bull I have ever read. His

intense & #65279;narcissism never ceases to amaze me and reading this thing

literally made me sick to my stomache. I guess what I am having

trouble with understanding is how a man who treats his children as

possessions and will call his only daughter to most ongodly things

you can imagine, can be so poetic and such an " inspiration " to

others. Why is it that he treats those who actually love him and who

he , by the laws of nature, should love in return, like emotional

punching bags yet he can have such a positive impact on strangers.

I know its the disease and that he is never going to change but it

still gets me everytime and reading that fluff piece today, i just

couldnt handle it. And then to send it to me like " look how

wonderful everyone else thinks I am " ....ughh im sorry but shove it!

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