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Re: Oh guys,...I blew it.

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Everyone makes mistakes. I'm sure that your son will get over it,

especially since it's obvious that you feel very badly about it. Did

you apologize to him? There is no need to beat yourself up, you are

sincerely sorry, you made a mistake, there's nothing else you can do

about it.


> I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my children's

> lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.


> I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited to

> today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.


> I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.


> I just don't have the words.


> Help?

> Mercy


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We all make mistakes, and this was not intentional. You are human

and we all forget things. I am mother, so I do I understand. Honestly

beating ourselves up, helps nothing.

I don't know the age of your son, but maybe you could make a

playdate with your son and the child celebrating their birthday. You

can make it a " special date " just for the 2 of them. All will be

forgotten and forgiven.

Take care of yourself,


In WTOAdultChildren1 , " mercysaidno415 "



> I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my children's

> lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.


> I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited to

> today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.


> I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.


> I just don't have the words.


> Help?

> Mercy


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At 10:04 PM 10/19/2008 mercysaidno415 wrote:

>I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was

>invited to

>today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.


>I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

Do you feel so bad because you feel like you've treated your son

the way your nada treated you? Remember, there's a big

difference between missing something because you made a mistake

that you regret afterward and missing something your son cared

about because you just didn't give a darn that how he felt.

Parents make mistakes. They're human. Nadas don't make mistakes

because they know they're better than the rest of us humans.

They don't shed tears over forgetting something like this

because it doesn't matter to them. Apologize and do something

appropriate to help make sure your son knows you care. Don't

beat yourself up over it.



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What is it that separates us from our parents with BPD? We actually give a damn

about the feelings of our children and since I have no doubt that the mistake

was just that--a mistake, and not an effort to control the child through

malicious subtrefuge, I think you can ease up a bit and let yourself off the

hook. As long as the boy knows how badly you feel and can see your sincerity, he

will be fine. IN FACT I think you can turn this situation into a healthy

learning lesson for the child. EVERYONE screws up, we are overloaded, over

stimulated, over burdened, worried, concerned, frightened and just plain

distracted every day. That anyone gets anything done these days with all that is

going on globally and locally is an amazement to me and a testement to our

abilities to keep getting up no matter how many times we get knocked down.

If your child sees you as human, no doubt he will see himself as human as well

and when he screws up, he will know that it is all a part of life and that you

can learn from it and move on.

Be strong

Oh guys,...I blew it.

I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my children's

lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited to

today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

I just don't have the words.




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Oh Mercy, dont' feel bad, you didn't " blow it " !

You just forgot. We are only human. With our lives being as busy and

hectic as they are, we are going to forget things sometimes.

You did not do this on purpose......you are not being a NADA.....you

simply forgot, and I'm sure your son will eventually forgive you and

understand (if he hasnt already!)

It was a mistake. Not a way to manipulate or hurt your son.

Sometimes we try so hard not to be like our parents that we are extra

hard on ourselves when we do make simple, normal, human mistakes.

Don't beat yourself up. I know you are a great mom.

~Sara Jo

> >

> > I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my


> > lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

> >

> > I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited


> > today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> >

> > I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

> >

> > I just don't have the words.

> >

> > Help?

> > Mercy

> >


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All great replies and great advice. Since I am very intent on " how

can I not do this in the future " thinking, I would recommend getting a

family calendar and writing everything down on there.

I write everything down myself, because I forget stuff too.

And it's already been said, but the fact that you even give a crap

makes you so NOT a nada!

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Yes, I was going to recommend the calendar, too!

There are so many kids' events, any parent has a hard time remembering all of

them . My son and I both rely on our family calendar for school and social

events -- he even has me mark down tv shows he doesn't want to miss, it's

something we keep up together!

You're only human, try not to expect perfection of yourself!

Have you heard of www.flylady.net? Check it out, it's a free website all about

loving yourself and taking care of your house, your kids and yourself without

all the guilt and shame and judgment. Someone on this board recommended the

site to me 2 years ago and it's really helped me as a parent! (And she sells a

great calendar, by the way.)

Best, S

Re: Oh guys,...I blew it.

To: WTOAdultChildren1

> All great replies and great advice. Since I am very intent on " how

> can I not do this in the future " thinking, I would recommend

> getting a

> family calendar and writing everything down on there.


> I write everything down myself, because I forget stuff too.


> And it's already been said, but the fact that you even give a crap

> makes you so NOT a nada!




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Oh, Mercy! {{BIG HUGS}}

I've done the same thing -- MORE THAN ONCE!

You've got to stop beating yourself up -- we are inundated with so

much in our culture today -- and media tells us we're supposed to do

it perfectly and efficiently, etc., etc.....

Stop. Take a breath. You're human -- you're being too hard on

yourself. Once I was so proud of myself because I had a kid's

birthday gift a week ahead of time -- not something I usually do!

So what do I do the day of the party? Take the kids outside to play

after their naps, as usual, make dinner, get everybody ready for

bed, etc., etc. totally FORGETTING About the party!

It's not the end of the world and for heaven's sakes -- we're not

all Martha ! Damn her......

Seriously -- forgive yourself. When you're over the trauma, you'll

find yourself telling that story to a group of moms and you'll be

amazed that they all have AT LEAST ONE story that matches or tops


Even my therapist (isn't she supposed to be perfect??LOL) talks of

the time she was at work and forgot to pick up her daughter and

friends after a school event.

It happens! Our world comes at us too quickly -- give yourself a

pass for the occasional goof!

{Hugs, hugs, and more hugs}



> I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my


> lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.


> I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited


> today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.


> I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.


> I just don't have the words.


> Help?

> Mercy


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Dame - Yes, I did. I told him that I was sorry and that I had made a

huge mistake. He was very sweet. He said 'that's ok Mom, I forgive


> >

> > I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my


> > lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

> >

> > I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited


> > today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> >

> > I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

> >

> > I just don't have the words.

> >

> > Help?

> > Mercy

> >


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Thanks Sara Jo. You're right. I didn't do it on purpose,...but I

sure wish I hadn't forgotten.

Hugs to you sweetie.

> > >

> > > I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my

> children's

> > > lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

> > >

> > > I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was


> to

> > > today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> > >

> > > I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

> > >

> > > I just don't have the words.

> > >

> > > Help?

> > > Mercy

> > >

> >


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Thanks Malinda. He's 8 and that's a great idea.

> >

> > I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my


> > lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

> >

> > I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited


> > today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> >

> > I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

> >

> > I just don't have the words.

> >

> > Help?

> > Mercy

> >


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Thanks Katrina,...I guess I'm grateful for my tears. I hadn't

thought about it that way!


> >I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was

> >invited to

> >today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> >

> >I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.


> Do you feel so bad because you feel like you've treated your son

> the way your nada treated you? Remember, there's a big

> difference between missing something because you made a mistake

> that you regret afterward and missing something your son cared

> about because you just didn't give a darn that how he felt.

> Parents make mistakes. They're human. Nadas don't make mistakes

> because they know they're better than the rest of us humans.

> They don't shed tears over forgetting something like this

> because it doesn't matter to them. Apologize and do something

> appropriate to help make sure your son knows you care. Don't

> beat yourself up over it.


> --

> Katrina


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, yes. Another awesome post.


> What is it that separates us from our parents with BPD? We actually

give a damn about the feelings of our children and since I have no

doubt that the mistake was just that--a mistake, and not an effort to

control the child through malicious subtrefuge, I think you can ease

up a bit and let yourself off the hook. As long as the boy knows how

badly you feel and can see your sincerity, he will be fine. IN FACT I

think you can turn this situation into a healthy learning lesson for

the child. EVERYONE screws up, we are overloaded, over stimulated,

over burdened, worried, concerned, frightened and just plain

distracted every day. That anyone gets anything done these days with

all that is going on globally and locally is an amazement to me and a

testement to our abilities to keep getting up no matter how many

times we get knocked down.

> If your child sees you as human, no doubt he will see himself as

human as well and when he screws up, he will know that it is all a

part of life and that you can learn from it and move on.

> Be strong





> Oh guys,...I blew it.



> I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my children's

> lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.


> I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited


> today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.


> I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.


> I just don't have the words.


> Help?

> Mercy




> __________________________________________________


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We actually all use my planner. I'm hypervigilant about having

everyone write stuff in it. This one slipped through the cracks


I have to admit, I never even considered the fact that I cared to be

such a distinguishing characteristic. My first and strongest reaction

was just to pound myself for screwing up.

Kindest regards,



> All great replies and great advice. Since I am very intent on " how

> can I not do this in the future " thinking, I would recommend getting a

> family calendar and writing everything down on there.


> I write everything down myself, because I forget stuff too.


> And it's already been said, but the fact that you even give a crap

> makes you so NOT a nada!


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OMG!! I forgot about the flylady!! Thank you!!


> Yes, I was going to recommend the calendar, too!


> There are so many kids' events, any parent has a hard time

remembering all of them . My son and I both rely on our family

calendar for school and social events -- he even has me mark down tv

shows he doesn't want to miss, it's something we keep up together!


> You're only human, try not to expect perfection of yourself!


> Have you heard of www.flylady.net? Check it out, it's a free

website all about loving yourself and taking care of your house, your

kids and yourself without all the guilt and shame and judgment.

Someone on this board recommended the site to me 2 years ago and it's

really helped me as a parent! (And she sells a great calendar, by

the way.)


> Best, S

> Re: Oh guys,...I blew it.

> To: WTOAdultChildren1


> > All great replies and great advice. Since I am very intent on " how

> > can I not do this in the future " thinking, I would recommend

> > getting a

> > family calendar and writing everything down on there.

> >

> > I write everything down myself, because I forget stuff too.

> >

> > And it's already been said, but the fact that you even give a crap

> > makes you so NOT a nada!

> >

> >

> >




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My dear Kyla,

Thank you. Sometimes it feels like the juggling act catches up with

me so suddenly. I carry it for awhile and then it just feels like it

implodes. My first reaction is always to blame myself. Always has

been. And my 'inner-nada' is just all too eager to chime in.

Thank you.



> >

> > I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my

> children's

> > lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

> >

> > I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited

> to

> > today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> >

> > I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

> >

> > I just don't have the words.

> >

> > Help?

> > Mercy

> >


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I have a daily alarm on my cell to remind me to get him from

school!! I get so focused at work that I lose track of time. I'm

sure glad that I'm not alone.

Thank you.

> > >

> > > I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my

> > children's

> > > lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

> > >

> > > I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was

> invited

> > to

> > > today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> > >

> > > I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

> > >

> > > I just don't have the words.

> > >

> > > Help?

> > > Mercy

> > >

> >


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I always say that I'd like my kids even if they weren't mine. We do

enjoy each other. That says alot.

> > > >

> > > > I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my

> > > children's

> > > > lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

> > > >

> > > > I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was

> > invited

> > > to

> > > > today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> > > >

> > > > I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

> > > >

> > > > I just don't have the words.

> > > >

> > > > Help?

> > > > Mercy

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thank you thank you thank you to everyone. I can always count on you

to understand when most people struggle to comprehend why I just

can't let it go. Thank you all for your soothing, kind and most

helpful words. This truly is a safe place for me.

I need to learn that I don't have to be perfect to NOT be like nada.

That's the hardest part for me and I thank you all for listening and

helping me through a dark night. Maybe tonight I'll get some sleep!

Big hugs to you all,



> I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my children's

> lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.


> I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was invited


> today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.


> I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.


> I just don't have the words.


> Help?

> Mercy


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Mercy -- I remember the time I assured a mom that I'd pick up her

son for a football game because she needed to leave with her

daughter to go to Parent Night. She would be leaving her son alone

at home for a brief time until I got there.

Well -- I just hopped in the car with my son and we went to the

game -- completely FORGETTING about the other boy. I left him at

home alone, all suited up for the game. The mother had to run out

of Parent Night and go get her son and take him to the game.

I didn't even remember until she called me the next day -- and

inquired if everyone was ok. After she asked, I suddenly

remembered -- hit me like a TON OF BRICKS!!! --- and my intake of

breath was such that I'm sure the furniture moved toward me an


Feel better now?



P.S. -- she instantly forgave me. Taught me a lesson about what a

gift it is to be forgiving when someone screws up. :)

> > > >

> > > > I'm beating myself up. For as much as I want to make my

> > > children's

> > > > lives different than mine, I feel like I have screwed up.

> > > >

> > > > I forgot a birthday party for my youngest son that he was

> > invited

> > > to

> > > > today. I am shedding tears,....I hate that I let him down.

> > > >

> > > > I feel incredibly defective and horribly inept.

> > > >

> > > > I just don't have the words.

> > > >

> > > > Help?

> > > > Mercy

> > > >

> > >

> >


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You always make me feel better! ; )

Forgiveness is so much easier for me to grant than to accept. Probably

because it was never dished out to me as a child. I just have a hard

time feeling like I deserve it. I'm working on that too!!



> Feel better now?


> :o


> -Kyla


> P.S. -- she instantly forgave me. Taught me a lesson about what a

> gift it is to be forgiving when someone screws up. :)




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