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Re: treating tonsillitis

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Raw honey is supposed to be very soothing on a sore throat, so maybe

yogurt with honey stirred in?

You can also get a clean spray mist bottle and put salt water in it and

let her spray her throat with it, maybe add in colloidial silver if you

have it, that is my dad's remedy for sore throats from " down on the

farm " . Salt does kill a lot of pathogens. (He gargled it but try

getting a kid with a sore throat to do that!)

There is also some evidence the tannins from tea are soothing to sore



> My 10-year old daughter was just diagnosed with tonsillitis. She had

> a fever up to 103 yesterday and today she's feeling better and her

> fever has been around 99-100.


> Any recommendations on treatments to help her get rid of the infection

> that's causing the tonsillitis?


> I'm thinking yogurt and no sweets. But my daughter won't even eat

> yogurt without adding a sweetener.




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If you have Lugols iodine (can be purchased at Walmart pharmacy).

put 4 or 5 drops in water and have her gargle every few hours.

It is almost tasteless however if you have to add it to orange juice.


Any recommendations on treatments to help her get rid of the infection

that's causing the tonsillitis.

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--- Renate <haecklers@...> wrote:

> Raw honey is supposed to be very soothing on a sore throat, so maybe

> yogurt with honey stirred in?

Thanks Renate. That's a good idea. I'll have to get some raw honey.

I hope she likes the yogurt with honey. She and her mom won't drink

raw milk, so yogurt is about the only probiotic food they'll eat.

> You can also get a clean spray mist bottle and put salt water in it

> and let her spray her throat with it, maybe add in colloidial silver

> if you have it, that is my dad's remedy for sore throats from " down

> on the farm " . Salt does kill a lot of pathogens. (He gargled it

> but try getting a kid with a sore throat to do that!)

That sounds like another good idea. I thought of having her gargle

with salt water, but hadn't thought of using a spray bottle for

application. I think I would prefer some kind of zinc lozenge with

vitamin C to colloidal silver. However, many of the zinc lozenges

also come with a hefty dose of sugar - which can't be good for an

infection. Now, if they just made a zinc lozenge sweetened with a

little raw honey :)

> There is also some evidence the tannins from tea are soothing to

> sore throats.

She's not a tea drinker, but that's good to know.

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> Any recommendations on treatments to help her get rid of the


> that's causing the tonsillitis?



Hi . I haven't been on this group very long, so should probably

introduce myself. My name is Robin and I live on a small farm in

Wisconsin with my husband and daughter. I've been studying healthy

living for awhile. I don't know if I've learned enough to be helpful

or dangerous. But, I do know that recently my daughter showed all the

symptoms of strep throat. Before jumping into the antibiotics the

doctor surely would have given her, I decided to try raw garlic. I

cut it into vitamin sized pieces and left it sit out in the air for 15

minutes. Then I had her swallow them with a glass of water. I used 3

cloves because she was pretty sick and had her take them upon waking

and before going to bed. Within 24 hours, there was noticeable

improvement. After 48 hours, she had no symptoms and said she was

done taking the garlic. I thought she should have continued for a

couple more days, but it turns out she was right. It's been a couple

of months now and she hasn't had a relapse. My grownup son also used

this method with a very bad, lingering, choking cough (whooping

cough?) and it cured him also. Whatever you decide to use, I hope

this finds her feeling better.


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There are also many homeopathic remedies for sore throats. You could

check out www.abchomeopathy.com for a remedy finder. I keep 30x

phytolacca and mercury solubis around for my crew when they refuse




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  • 2 weeks later...
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I missed the original post, so I have no idea what the symptoms were. Just

want to say, for anyone it might help, that if the symptoms are just some

inflammation with those white spots, which seem like pus or little balls, do

a search on " tonsiloliths " so you can avoid repetitive antibiotics that do

no good.

Take care,

Alice - HSing mom to Alice (w/DS) born Thanksgiving Day 1995 :-)

Hopewell Junction, NY http://www.frontiernet.net/~castella/

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