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Re: treating tonsillitis and cold sores

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--- Robin " b.rleeo " <lovinandcarin@...> wrote:

> My name is Robin and I live on a small farm in Wisconsin with my

> husband and daughter. I've been studying healthy living for awhile.

> I don't know if I've learned enough to be helpful or dangerous.

Robin, that's true of everyone around here I think :)

> But, I do know that recently my daughter showed all the

> symptoms of strep throat. Before jumping into the antibiotics the

> doctor surely would have given her, I decided to try raw garlic. I

> cut it into vitamin sized pieces and left it sit out in the air for

> 15 minutes. Then I had her swallow them with a glass of water. I

> used 3 cloves because she was pretty sick and had her take them upon

> waking and before going to bed. Within 24 hours, there was

> noticeable improvement. After 48 hours, she had no symptoms and

> said she was done taking the garlic. I thought she should have

> continued for a couple more days, but it turns out she was right.

> It's been a couple of months now and she hasn't had a relapse. My

> grownup son also used this method with a very bad, lingering,

> choking cough (whooping cough?) and it cured him also. Whatever you

> decide to use, I hope this finds her feeling better.

Thanks. She is well now. That's an interesting approach. I've read

that garlic is anti-microbial, but I've also read that you have to

crush fresh garlic before you use it for maximum effect.

My daughter's fever and sore throat went away quickly. The fever only

lasted two days. We gave her yogurt and I think that helped.

Unfortunately she very quickly got a bad cold sore on her upper lip

after the fever. She's had them before, but not near as big and bad

as this one.

I googled and found that the cold sore virus, herpes simplex,

apparently thrives on arginine and is inhibited by lysine (both are

proteins), though I'm not sure this has been confirmed by scientific

testing. It just so happens that yogurt and cheese have a high lysine

to arginine ratio. Chocolate and peanuts are the opposite.

Unfortunately, the yogurt didn't seem to help in this case. Maybe we

didn't give her enough. Maybe her immune system was just too weak

after the infection that caused the fever and tonsillitis (she tested

negative for strep).

My wife applied aloe vera but it didn't seem to help prevent the cold

sore from getting worse. She then bought an ointment called Lysine+

that listed the active ingredient as zinc oxide, but also had

L-lysine, vitamins A, D, and E, in a base of olive oil, yellow

beeswax, goldenseal extract, propolis extract, calendula officinalis

extract, echinacea angustifolia extract, cajeput oil, tea tree oil,

gum benzoin tincture, and honey. That all sounds good, but it didn't

seem to speed recovery that I could tell. It's been about 12 days now

since the cold sore first appeared and it's almost gone.

Wiki has an interesting article about cold sores:


" Herpes infections are largely asymptomatic, but when symptoms appear,

they will typically resolve within two weeks. "

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Of course, I'm not scientific, but I keep a tube of lysine in my purse. If I

even feel the swelling that precedes a cold sore, I apply it. I've also had

great success with a homeopathic remedy complex for cold sores. Its just

called Cold Sores.


I googled and found that the cold sore virus, herpes simplex,

apparently thrives on arginine and is inhibited by lysine (both are

proteins), though I'm not sure this has been confirmed by scientific

testing. It just so happens that yogurt and cheese have a high lysine

to arginine ratio.

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Coconut Oil is very antiviral. Something in coconut oil disolves the

cellular membrane of viruses -- may be lauric acid? It works well.

You can eat and apply topically. Mercola.com sells the best I have found

Also, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is powerful -- natural substance that

our bodies manufacture. Make sure to dilute to 3% or less otherwise too

strong. Oxygenates your body. There are actually instructions on

taking it internally -- I generally put 8 drops of 35% in a glass of

water. You can also put it in bathes.

Calcium Bentonite Clay ( & Zeolite) -- very antiviral go to

aboutclay.com I use Terramin Clay for mercury detox and noticed that it

has tons of uses. I think Pascalite Clay is the best.

All work relatively fast on viruses

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i've never had cold sores, but i have experience with very swollen tonsils that

were white and stripey. i was pretty sick and could barely leave the bed. i

never got diagnosed. i gargled with salt/tea tree oil water several times a day

and was over it in about 5-7 days. as for sweetening yogurt, stevia leaf

concentrate (the dark brown liquid) actually tastes really good in yogurt and

from what i understand, it also has it's medicinal qualities still in tact. i

think the fat tones down the bitter green characteristic--do i dare

say--completely. adding vanilla just makes it even more yummy.


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