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Ok, I hate it when people don't cite their references to medical research

but here is what one site says:


MORE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH BENEFITS: Food grade diatomaceous earth has been

reported in scientific literature to absorb methyl mercury, e-coli,

endotoxins, viruses (including poliovirus), organophosphate pesticide

residues, drug resides, and protein, perhaps even the proteinaceous toxins

produced by some intestinal infections. Food grade diatomaceous earth


There are some features about food grade diatomaceous earth that correspond

with its ability as both a digestive aid and a colon cleanser. The honeycomb

skeletal form of diatomaceous earth is found, under microscopic evaluation

to reveal a tendency to become filled and clogged with hard debris such as

intestinal scale. Food grade diatomaceous earth has not been found to cause

any insult to the mucousa or barrier wall.

Diatomaceous earth has a negative charge and bacteria has a positive charge,

wherein it is believed by some that food grade diatomaceous earth sweeps

bacteria out of the body by trapping it in it's honeycomb shaped skeletal


There is no withdrawal period when given to milking or feed animals. No

toxins. Decreased mortality, increased milk production, decreased mastitis,

better feed conversion.

Now onto some studies:

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B7XNX-4MY6TD0-2 & _us

er=10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 &

_urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=bf9d4f775618ece0484a42f3445b5817



Acid products adsorbed in diatomaceous earth beneficially influence the

microbial environment in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets post-weaning

L.L. Mikkelsena, , , E. Virtanenb and B.B. Jensena

aDanish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Foulum, DK-8830

Tjele, Denmark

bKemira GrowHow Oy, Finland

Available online 31 January 2007.


The effect of two acid products, CH01-141 and CH01-186 on the microbial

ecosystem and on survival of the diarrhoea causing E. coli O149:K88 in the

gastrointestinal tract of newly weaned four-week-old piglets was

investigated. The results showed that piglets fed with the CH01-141 and

CH01-186 products had a significantly lower pH and significantly higher

concentration of lactic acid in the distal small intestine as compared with

piglets fed the control diet without any acid product. The CH01-141 product

also tended to increase the number of lactobacilli in the small intestine

and decreased the number of yeasts throughout the gastrointestinal tract as

compared with the control group. Besides this, the in vitro survival rate of

E. coli O149:K88 tended to be lower in content from the distal small

intestine of the CH01-141 fed piglets. In conclusion, the acid products,

especially CH01-141, may have a beneficial effect on diminishing pathogenic

bacteria, such as E. coli O149:K88, and thus improving gut health of piglets

around weaning.


It's all very interesting and I'm glad the questions were asked! I always

learn more during discussions like this.


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