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Re: Ketogenic Diet in the Philippines

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Our daughter is only 4 1/2 years old and is on 1,100 calories a

day. She started four months ago and has always been at that

allotment. How much does your daughter weigh? My daughter Macie

started the diet at 38 pounds and now weighs about 40 (she's also

grown almost an inch). That amount of calories sounds kind of low

for your 7 year old, unless her weight is really low. Even if it is

low, seems like they would want to give her more to help her gain.

Glenna (ketokid since Oct 2001 - seizure and now med-free!)


> Ketogenic Diet in the Philippines



> > We are Americans living in the Philippines. Though a hospital

does teach

> the ketogenic diet here in the Philippines, the teaching is


> Therefore, you may often see us asking questions on the list. Our


> was recently started on the diet here in the Philippines.


> Question:

> >

> > When your child began the ketogenic diet, did he/she lose a lot

of weight

> at

> > first and did the doctor/dietician begin with a low calorie

intake? Our

> > daughter is 7 years old and since she began the diet (including

the 2 day

> > fast) she has lost app. 5 pounds. Her ribs are more prominent

and her

> arms

> > are thinner which makes us concerned. Her calorie intake is


> with

> > plans of increasing it in about 2 weeks. The dietician saw our


> > yesterday and was not concerned, but her primary neurologist

who only

> over

> > sees the medications and not the keto diet was concerned. We


> do

> > not want to see her lose any more weight. She was a slender

child to

> begin with.

> >

> > For anyone interested, our daughter Shan has been on the diet

for over a

> > week now. She did have several seizures one day and I had to

give her 5mg

> > of valium to stop the seizures, but the seizures have not

returned. Last

> > December she had multiple seizures while on Topamax (Klonipin

and Topamax

> at

> > night for night seizures). She was restarted on Tegretol

(stopped in past

> > due to developed a tolerance) to see how she would do with

Topamax. The

> > seizures stopped for about 3 weeks. Shan seems to be having


> every

> > three weeks. We reached our limit on the Tegretol so we decided

to try

> the

> > keto diet instead of trying a new med. We are encouraged that


> seizures

> > quit without a new medication. As we all know, only time will

tell how

> Shan

> > truly responds to the keto diet.


> We would be interested in hearing about anyone else on the diet

whose child

> is on topamax and tegretol, or just on topamax or tegretol. Did


> experience any problems with toxicity?

> >

> > Thanks for any input.

> >

> > Rhonda Ackerman

> > Philippines

> >

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My son didn't really fast, he only had to skip breakfast before he

was in ketosis, but he still lost 2 pounds in the first 10 days. His

calories were lowered to aim for this weight loss. (He had recently had a

course of steroids, and had gained a lot of weight very quickly as a

result). Once we got him at the desired weight, (well, what we thought it

should be back then), he stayed there for nearly four months, (started the

diet in Sep 01). Over the past few weeks, he has rapidly gained all that

weight back again, we think due to a med change, and is starting to lose the

good seizure control he did have.

Re the meds, started the diet on hefty doses of lamictal, epilim

(depakote), and diazepam. He started showing toxicity signs in the second

week, which then led to status. Different I know, to what Shan is on, but do

watch for any overdose signs, it happened too quickly for us to prevent the

status, plus our neuro was dead set against us reducing any meds on the diet

until was seizure free for 3 months. Luckily we followed our own

instincts, even in hospital in status from the toxicity, our team wanted to

up them even further, not believing the diet could have changed the med

levels that dramatically.

FYI, lost a lot of weight when we stopped tegretol, (pre diet, over a

year ago now), don't know if Shan will do the same, but you might want to

watch weight and calories even closer when, or if, you do wean this one.

Great to hear she is doing so well so quickly,

Hill, mother to 5, in NZ

Ketogenic Diet in the Philippines



> > We are Americans living in the Philippines. Though a hospital does


> the ketogenic diet here in the Philippines, the teaching is limited.

> Therefore, you may often see us asking questions on the list. Our


> was recently started on the diet here in the Philippines.


> Question:

> >

> > When your child began the ketogenic diet, did he/she lose a lot of


> at

> > first and did the doctor/dietician begin with a low calorie intake? Our

> > daughter is 7 years old and since she began the diet (including the 2


> > fast) she has lost app. 5 pounds. Her ribs are more prominent and her

> arms

> > are thinner which makes us concerned. Her calorie intake is 1000-1100

> with

> > plans of increasing it in about 2 weeks. The dietician saw our daughter

> > yesterday and was not concerned, but her primary neurologist who only

> over

> > sees the medications and not the keto diet was concerned. We


> do

> > not want to see her lose any more weight. She was a slender child to

> begin with.

> >

> > For anyone interested, our daughter Shan has been on the diet for over a

> > week now. She did have several seizures one day and I had to give her


> > of valium to stop the seizures, but the seizures have not returned.


> > December she had multiple seizures while on Topamax (Klonipin and


> at

> > night for night seizures). She was restarted on Tegretol (stopped in


> > due to developed a tolerance) to see how she would do with Topamax. The

> > seizures stopped for about 3 weeks. Shan seems to be having seizures

> every

> > three weeks. We reached our limit on the Tegretol so we decided to try

> the

> > keto diet instead of trying a new med. We are encouraged that the

> seizures

> > quit without a new medication. As we all know, only time will tell how

> Shan

> > truly responds to the keto diet.


> We would be interested in hearing about anyone else on the diet whose


> is on topamax and tegretol, or just on topamax or tegretol. Did you

> experience any problems with toxicity?

> >

> > Thanks for any input.

> >

> > Rhonda Ackerman

> > Philippines

> >





> " The Ketogenic Diet....a realistic treatment option, NOT just a last

resort! "


> List is for parent to parent support only.

> It is important to get medical advice from a professional

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