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stones in my bile duct

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Ok, about 7 years ago I started having terrible excrutiating abdominal pain.

The ER doctor said it was probably my glabladder and removed it (I knew

nothing about nutrition or health at the time so I figured it was ok), now

however the pain never stopped, it still happened frequently. Since I began

working on my diet a few years ago the pains lessened in frequency quite a

bit but I still got them occasionally. Now a month or so ago I had one so

bad that I had to be taken via ambulance to the hospital. The doctor there

thinks I have stones in the bile duct of my liver. He wanted me to go back

and see him but I've not been able to (first appointment he was called away

to surgery, got snowed in the second time, havn't made another appoitment)

now I am a bit leary of listening to this guy as they took my gallbladder

out last time and from what they found after examining it, they didn't need

to in the first place! I'm trying to look up what I can do to take care of

these things naturally. I found this site

http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html , they say it can help even if

the gallbladder was removed but I'm worried, the pain from the last attack

was EXCRUTIATING, I thought I was having a heart attack! I do NOT want to do

anything that will will bring on another one! Does anyone have any advice,

is this website reputable? Is there something else I can do? I'm going to

make an appointment to see a naturopath but I have to wait a while. Anything

I can do in the meantime?


*~ Siemens~*

Mama to 3 wonderful blessings, Married to 1 wonderful man!

Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Thy Word

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Hello ,

The site you found has the right idea, but the protocol there omits a

couple of very important steps in a proper liver flush, one of which

is the consumption of epsom salts dissolved in water, to be taken in 4

small doses - 2 before drinking the olive oil, and 2 the morning

after. The purpose of drinking dissolved epsom salts (aka magnesium

sulfate) is to relax and dilate the biliary ducts, allowing the stones

to move freely and painlessly through them. The epsom salts are a

vital part of cleanse, and not to be left out! The magnesium in the

epsom salts also acts as a laxative, which helps to more quickly

facilitate a flushing of the released stones through the bowel and out

of the body.

Also omitted in the recommendations on the site you found is the fact

that NO FAT whatsoever should be eaten on the day you're doing the

cleanse. Eating fat triggers the release of bile, and refraining from

eating any fat prior to consuming the olive oil will mean a greater

release of bile as soon as the olive oil is consumed. Also, the olive

oil should be mixed and shaken in a jar with an equal amount of

freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and drunk down all at once - not in

small amounts every 15 minutes. And you only need to drink a half cup

of oil mixed with a half cup of grapefruit juice. It sounds worse

than it is. It's really not difficult at all to drink this potion.

Another good step to take is to consume either an apple and/or as much

apple juice as possible every day for several days to a week before

you do the liver flush. Apples contain malic acid which helps to

soften the stones, allowing them to pass more easily through the

biliary tubes.

Another good thing you can do to help make sure the process goes

smoothly is to eat lots of fresh (preferably raw) fruits and veggies

and salads in the days leading up to the cleanse, which will help to

clear your digestive tract. It's also a good idea to give yourself a

enema a few hours before taking your first dose of epsom salts. The

clearer your intestines are, the more freely the stones will pass

through you. It may also be beneficial to do an enema the day after

the cleanse as well, to help your body eliminate even more stones from

your system.

I did this cleanse for the first time this past weekend, and had an

absolutely phenomenal amount of stones, gravel, chaff and sludge come

out of my liver and gall bladder. I was amazed at what came out of

me, and I can assure you, the entire process was completely painless.

The worst part of it was going without dinner and drinking the epsom

salts, but the relatively minor inconvenience and unpleasantness of

these things was utterly outweighed by the satisfaction of purging my

body of all those stones and sludge! From what I understand, many

peoples' livers contain these intrahepatic stones, and flushing the

liver (and gall bladder if you have one) like this is one of the least

invasive, most effective and painless ways to get rid of those stones.

I was so impressed with what happened during this cleanse, and how

much better I've felt since, that I intend to do a series of them.

From what I've read, most people need to do at least several of these

flushes in order to clear out all the accumulated stones stuck in

their livers and gall bladders. My plan is to keep on doing them,

perhaps once or twice a month, until no more stones come out.

Evidently many, many people have done the same thing, with some very

positive results.

Here's a link to Dr. Hulda 's website, with her protocol for the

liver flush:


And here is the protocol I followed, which was adapted from Dr. 's:


Ingredients :

4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts

1 tablespoon Vitamin C powder

½ cup virgin olive oil

1 large fresh grapefruit

2 glass jars with lids

16 oz. apple juice + beet juice

Drink as much water as you want

Procedure :

First day:

1. 9:00 am: Eat a breakfast of cooked porridge, no milk or butter; 8

ounces apple juice + beet juice; or a baked potato, no butter

2. 2:00 pm : Mix 4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts and 1 Tbsp of Vitamin C

powder in 3 cups of cold water in one jar, and refrigerate

3. 3:00 pm : Have a warm water enema; rest

4. 6:00 pm : Drink ¾ cup of the cold Epsom salts

5. 8:00 pm : Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts

6. 9:45 pm : Pour ½ cup olive oil into the second jar; squeeze out ½

cup grapefruit juice and add to the olive oil. Close the jar lid and

shake hard until watery.

7. 10:00 pm : Drink the potion. Lie down immediately. Lie still on

your back and go to sleep.

Second day:

1. 9:00 am: Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts. Go back to bed.

2. 11:00 am : Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts. Go back to bed.

3. 1:00 pm : Get up and drink 8 ounces apple + beet juice. Read a book.

4. 2:00 pm : Eat a banana or an orange. Read another book.

5. 6:00 pm : Eat a light supper of salad and fruit; no meat

Many stones will be seen in the toilet upon the first bowel movement

after a liver cleanse. It may take several cleanses over a period of

months to clear all of them out from the liver.

Following a liver cleanse, it is useful to have several coffee enemas

to pull further toxins that are stored in the liver. Use organic

coffee beans, and about a quart of coffee each time, retained for ten


Replace intestinal bacteria by taking acidophilus and soil-based

organisms (SBO) for a week after a liver cleanse. Repeat the liver

cleanse spring and fall for maintenance.

You can also read lots of archived and current discussions and

testimonials on this procedure on curezone.org here:


And here's a link to loads of photos of the kinds of stones people

have passed using this liver cleansing protocol:


Even more info can be found here:


I hope this helps, . I'm convinced that doing this cleanse is

one of the best things any of us can do to help ourselves become

healthier. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if you were to do a

series of these cleanses and find that your problems with intrahepatic

stones in your bile ducts were eliminated.

Please feel free to email me offlist if you like.


>I am a bit leary of listening to this guy as they took my gallbladder

> out last time and from what they found after examining it, they

didn't need

> to in the first place! I'm trying to look up what I can do to take

care of

> these things naturally. I found this site

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

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