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Big Step Forward for Raw Milk

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Assembly Agriculture Committee Passes AB 1604 with a unanimous vote!

Thanks to last minute " hallway negotiations, " Assembly Bill AB 1604

passed with unanimous consent during Ag Assembly hearings held on

Wednesday. This will ensure, for now, the continued flow of raw milk

in California.

It was standing room only at the State Capitol on Wednesday January

16, 2008. Room 4202 was packed to its capacity with over 400 people,

including scores of children on parents' laps. The hallway was filled

with overflow crowds. Judging by the number of " I love Raw Milk " pins

handed out, the total crowd was estimated at 700.

Assembly members Parra, Tom Berryhill and Mike Villines

ensured the passage of AB 1604 with impassioned speeches berating the

sloppy governmental process around AB 1735, the " sneak attack "

against raw milk that became law January 1, 2008. Testimony was heard

from Collette Cassidy and Dr. Ron Garthwaite of Claravale Dairy,

Wholefoods Co-president Walter Robb, and Organic Pastures Founder

Mark McAfee. More than 75 people spoke at the microphone supporting

their choice in raw milk - among them doctors, nurses, pharmacists,

PhDs and, most importantly, children, mothers and fathers.


As initially introduced, AB 1604 would have simply reversed AB 1735

and eliminated the baseless raw milk coliform standard. However, the

political reality of the moment said otherwise. Allies to the anti-

raw milk forces were deeply imbedded in the hearing committee. The

mainstream dairy industry and the California Medical Association also

stood against AB 1604. Without last minute negotiations to modify AB

1604, it would have " died in committee " and AB 1735 would be the law

of the land. Raw milk availability would have become subject to the

uncertainties of litigation, and this was a risk for raw milk

consumers that we were unwilling to take.

The results of the vote are as follows:

1. AB 1604 passed as a committee bill and will go forward as

a " consent item. "

2. AB 1604 stops all coliform testing for six months.

3. AB 1604 allows for additional hearings to be held about coliforms

and gives lawmakers time to review the science, including a six-inch

thick package of research and support documents submitted at the


4. AB 1604 allows for a less-than-50coliform per ml standard " in the

first bulk tank " starting July 2008. This is achievable and fair, and

most importantly satisfied the parties in opposition.


In an amazing scene seldom witnessed at the Capitol, Assemblywoman

Parra admonished the CDFA for its deceitful attack on the

democratic process, and for misleading the legislature, saying such a

process " will not stand. " She insisted AB 1604 pass out of the

committee and said it would fail " over [her] dead body. " She was

particularly passionate about the fact CDFA had cheated the people

out of the democratic process. Republican assembly whip Mike Villines

strongly supported , saying a mistake had been made which will

now take courage to correct. Assemblyman and Ag Committee member Tom

Berryhill wanted a search for those in the CDFA who did this, stating

that " heads should roll. "


After the hearings quarts of Organic Pastures raw milk were given

away to all who attended. Then hundreds of supporters marched to the

governor's office with a gift of raw milk, to ask for his support. A

smaller group also sought support from the speaker of the senate.

OPDC marketing director, Kaleigh McAfee gave raw milk to

Parra, who is lactose intolerant. The word is that she enjoyed it and

had no problems at all!


January 16th was a great day for raw milk but our work is not

completed. The next step is to contact your state assemblyman and ask

for support of AB 1604 at next vote. Tell them it is a " consent " bill

that includes a compromise and has everyone's support. When the vote

is closer, we will be asking you to contact Senator Dean as


Congratulations to everyone in the raw milk movement.

We have spoken with a heartfelt voice so strong it is impossible to

measure, except perhaps, by the tears of many who attended. Your

actions have created a power that only comes from the people united

in a real purpose.

The people have spoken and raw milk is here to stay!

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