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RE: What to do when diet changes don't help

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On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 12:54 PM, KerryAnn at CookingTF.com <

kerryann@...> wrote:

> There's a common attitude among traditional foodists that

> if you'll just change what you're eating, you'll heal all your health

> problems. If you aren't healed from a TF diet, then you just aren't doing

> it right- the 'blame the victim' or the 'it can't happen to me' mentality.


It isn't just the TF diet, it is *any* diet out there designed to " cure "

anything... I had that problem when I was still sick... and it is one of

the main reasons I think elimination diets are completely useless. (TF is a

little different than most elimination diets, but in the end it can easily

be viewed as one: get rid of all the refined/white, processed, improperly

prepared foods.)

> We found out this week that I have mercury toxicity plus some other issues

> going on caused by the high levels of mercury. This is likely a big piece

> of the puzzle as to why I am still not 100% back to normal.


As awful as I'm sure it sounds, I'm *so glad* to hear you've discovered that

this is the case, as mercury toxicity is totally treatable!! Mercury

prevents the production of so many enzymes in the body it is unbelievable to

me that the stuff is still in fillings. No wonder you've had digestive


> So if you're struggling and not getting better despite a TF diet, it's time

> to look elsewhere besides just what you eat. Environmental toxins and

> exposures are just one of many things that can prevent your body from

> healing no matter how you're eating.


I second this! I've been healthier than I've ever been since addressing my

mercury toxicity. While increasing the compounds that naturally clear your

system can help (glycine in broth, taurine in oysters, A/D/K2/B2 to combat

oxidation and the other B vitamins to act as cofactors all found in liver,

etc) sometimes the body burden of toxins is just too high for even the best

diet to correct. At this point I'm convinced that the key to avoiding

toxicity is prevention - aided by a diet high in the aforementioned

compounds __from birth__ - which unfortunately many of us have not had the

benefit of.

> We are now embarking on chelation and immuno-therapy in an attempt to help

> my body finish healing and to help my immune system calm down and quit

> attacking. My hope is that in 6 months to a year, I'll be back to normal.

> But for now, what I eat is only one piece of a very complex puzzle on the

> road back to health.

I felt markedly better after my first round of chelation. I quickly found I

felt better on a round than off a round - but I had to resist taking the

medication all the time because the body needs a break. Be careful with

chelator dosing, some doctors move too fast which causes more problems than

it is worth: mercury eliminated through the bile will wipe out your

bacterial colonies and the mercury eliminated through urine has the same

effect, resulting in UTIs and other issues related with bacterial imbalances

- so make sure to go slow. I had a lot of success with Andy Cutler's

approach and I would definitely recommend it. I was pretty much better

after about only 6 months of treatment and my toxicity was one of the

highest levels seen by my doctor at the time...

Anyway... Here's hopeing your recovery takes even less time than mine! :)


" There is nothing more useful than sun and salt. " - Latin proverb

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> mercury toxicity. While increasing the compounds that naturally clear

> your

> system can help (glycine in broth, taurine in oysters, A/D/K2/B2 to combat

> oxidation and the other B vitamins to act as cofactors all found in liver,

> etc) sometimes the body burden of toxins is just too high for even the

Can you tell me more about foods to help?

> medication all the time because the body needs a break. Be careful with

> chelator dosing, some doctors move too fast which causes more problems

> than

> it is worth: mercury eliminated through the bile will wipe out your

> bacterial colonies and the mercury eliminated through urine has the same

> effect, resulting in UTIs and other issues related with bacterial

> imbalances

> - so make sure to go slow. I had a lot of success with Andy Cutler's

> approach and I would definitely recommend it. I was pretty much better

> after about only 6 months of treatment and my toxicity was one of the

> highest levels seen by my doctor at the time...

This is an oral chelator with daily dosing. The doctor I'm using has helped

develop and trialed several of the chelation products available, including

Detoxamin. We're using one that isn't on the market yet. He says the side

effects on this one are lesser than other methods due to how the mercury is

eliminated. I assume it's eliminated through the bile since he says it's

through the bowels- I know it's not eliminated through the kidneys because

he said so.

> Anyway... Here's hopeing your recovery takes even less time than mine! :)

Thank you. The immuno-therapy stands to possibly take longer, up to 2 years

depending on how I respond. It requires one or two injection every 2-4

weeks. The chelation should be 6 months or so. I'm hoping the two combined

will be significant improvement within 3 months to where I'll be back on my

feet and can function on a day-to-day level.


http://www.cookingtf.com/ - American and Australian TF Menu Mailers

http://www.tfrecipes.com/forum/ - Traditional Foods forum

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I want to thank you for you post (here and in another group) So many

people say diet is the be all end all and if you aren't getting

better, it's YOUR fault, you are cheating etc. Hopefully you've

opened some minds. I've been doing this a bit over a year.

Tremendous progress in the first 6 months, now I'm at a complete

standstill. My problem is biotoxins such as mold toxins. I've been

through 2 rounds of " detox " which I could not tolerate. I've been

healed of my most significant problems, gotten off 27 medications,

I've gotten out of the wheelchair permanently, been healed of all my

psychiatric problems etc BUT, I still live in a lot of pain day in and

day out and after quickly losing 50lbs, I'm stuck, I cannot lose

another ounce. Forget EFLF, decreasing calories, exercising, it

doesn't work. Don't get me wrong, I thank God every day for the

healing that has taken place, but admittedly, I yearn for more.

Happy anniversay KerryAnn and again, thanks for what you posted.

Happy Anniversary to me. I became seriously ill 2 years ago today,

long after I started a TF diet. The last two years have been a slow,

upward climb, but I'm not back to normal. I've been in a holding

pattern for months.

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> Can you tell me more about foods to help?


Arginine is an amino acid that'll help moderate the acid condition mercury

causes due to its role in the kidneys' urea cycle as well as its ability to

support growth hormone production which will help repair damaged tissues.

Arginine is classified as essential for children, but not essential for

adults since adults with healthy guts are capable of manufacturing it's

precursor from glutamine in the gut. Unfortunately, a healthy gut isn't as

common as it should be - especially not in someone with mercury poisoning so

IMHO, Arginine is actually essential for many adults. Arginine foods

include sweetbreads, spleen and pumpkin/squash/watermelon seeds. Mollusks,

walnuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts and butternuts also good sources. Less

appetizing organs include lung and pancreas.

Phosphorus is also important for acid moderation - if you can't drink milk,

lentils are an excellent source as are pumpkin/squash seeds.

Magnesium, and lots of it, is important for kidney support. Even if you're

not using a chelator that eliminates through the kidneys, chances are you've

accumulated quite a bit of mercury in your kidneys from your body trying to

eliminate it naturally - in several studies of mercury distribution, it was

found that the highest concentrations tend to be found there. Since it is

hard to get enough Magnesium from diet without reaching bowel tolerance,

bathing in Nigari salts helps (Epsom Salts work too, just not as well IMHO).

Another place mercury deposits is in the pituitary gland, a vital control

centers for hormones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypopituitarism). It

deposits in the Hypothalmus too... which can cause all sorts of

signal-reception issues with leptin and insulin, among many other things. (

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothalmus) I had pretty bad adrenal and

thyroid dysfunction due to mercury (not to mention endometriosis, probably

due to LH and FSH levels not being where they should be) - sea salt helped

for the adrenals and selenium and manganese helped with the thyroid. Beef

liver, milk and brazil nuts are good sources of selenium. As I discovered

recently, raspberry leaf tea is a fantastic source of manganese, probably

better for you than maple syrup (my other favorite source - 3Tbsp gives your

whole DV) - coconut water works too but you need more of it. :)

Speaking of manganese, it is one of a few elements that mercury can

substitute for in enzymes (unfortunately, making those enzymes

non-functional). Another important one is iron. So foods rich in either

will help fill those enzyme spots back up when the chelator pulls out the

mercury - very important as this will help reduce side effects.

Oh, and EFAs... lots of them. Mercury causes you to burn through them, for

a reason I've long since forgotten...

Some notes on the things I mentioned before:

Outside of glycine and taurine rich foods, which encourage detox through

bile, consuming a higher fat diet will help increase bile production and

use. (Something you're likely already doing.)

One thing to keep in mind is that taurine is extremely heat sensitive, so

consuming it raw is very important. Same goes for B1 (which helps the

kidneys produce ALA, a natural chelator, in small amounts) and B6 (cofactor

for many of the processes).

> This is an oral chelator with daily dosing. The doctor I'm using has

> helped

> develop and trialed several of the chelation products available, including

> Detoxamin. We're using one that isn't on the market yet. He says the side

> effects on this one are lesser than other methods due to how the mercury is

> eliminated. I assume it's eliminated through the bile since he says it's

> through the bowels- I know it's not eliminated through the kidneys because

> he said so.

Well, that is good - I personally found it more " comfortable " to eliminate

through bile (I was totally miserable on the few rounds I accidentally

didn't eat enough fat). I looked at Detoxamin and it looks like a good

principle - time release suppositories. I'd be concerned about a single

daily dose of an oral chelator though, because to date I haven't heard of

anything that has that long of a half life (8 hours is the best I've heard)

- but I wouldn't put it past someone to develop one with a longer half life

as taking pills several times a day is a real PITA. The concept is that you

want consistent levels of the chelator in your system so that mercury

continues to move out and not be " dropped " and picked up again (aka

relocation/redistribution) as that is what causes a lot of the side

effects. Since he's talking about lesser side effects, maybe he *has*

gotten a longer half life down... I'd love to know what is in it. :)

> > Anyway... Here's hopeing your recovery takes even less time than mine!

> :)



> Thank you. The immuno-therapy stands to possibly take longer, up to 2

> years

> depending on how I respond. It requires one or two injection every 2-4

> weeks. The chelation should be 6 months or so. I'm hoping the two

> combined

> will be significant improvement within 3 months to where I'll be back on my

> feet and can function on a day-to-day level.


Just out of curiosity, are you starting both simultaneously or are you

staggering them? Chelation takes a little getting used to, so I'd be wary

about starting another intervention at the same exact time.


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> We found out this week that I have mercury toxicity plus some other


> going on caused by the high levels of mercury. This is likely a big


> of the puzzle as to why I am still not 100% back to normal.

Hi Kerry Ann,

Have you considered adding clay to your healing protocol to assist in

detoxing your body of mercury?

Here's a link to some excellent information on using clay both

internally and externally to facilitate detoxification of the body:


Other things you may want to consider adding to your healing arsenal are:





And perhaps Modifilan, which is a brown seaweed extract:


Another suggestion is that while you're detoxing, it's really

important to make sure that your bowels are moving regularly, as this

is one of the body's main pathways of elimination. If for any reason

you need some help making sure you have at least 1 (or preferably 2 or

more) movements a day, you can either go the herbal route (things like

senna tea or Dr. Schultz Intestinal Formula #1 are effective) or else

use something like magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate.

A couple of other things that may be helpful in conjunction with the

above suggestions is to make a practice of dry skin brushing (the skin

is another of the body's main pathways of elimination) just before you

shower, and also to get some kind of regular exercise (rebounding is

especially helpful here). Both of these things will greatly assist

the lymph system's ability to move toxins and heavy metals out of your

cells so they can ultimately be removed more rapidly and effectively

from your body.


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> Have you considered adding clay to your healing protocol to assist in

> detoxing your body of mercury?

Elan, thank you very much for the suggestions. I am already taking

digestive clays and skin brushing and am doing 15 minutes of gentle

stretching 3-4 times a week. I'm not capable of exercising, I'm barely able

to get up due to dizziness and blacking over upon standing at times. People

in my situation are not supposed to exercise because it can cause an adrenal

crisis and fluid dumping. I had that happen a few times from doing too much

physically, and it's frightening. You literally pee a full bladder every

10-15 minutes for hours on end. You wind up in the ER with dehydration, a

sodium/potassium imbalance and very low blood pressure. The adrenals burn

through sodium when you use cortisol, and physical movement burns cortisol.

Your body starts dumping fluid to maintain the sodium and potassium balance

to keep you out of a coma and to keep some blood pressure. It's all

connected to having both low cortisol and low aldosterone. Not an uncommon

combination with adrenal fatigue.

The dizziness has been helped significantly by drinking salt water. When I

started the salt water, I had to take in up to a tablespoon of salt a day in

water plus on my food. Now I average about a teaspoon a day in my water, in

addition to salting my food to taste.

I'll read up on the cilantro and chlorella. I had avoided them previously

due to having fillings in my mouth. I'm setting aside the next few weeks to

focus on this and it not be an issue if I feel bad, since I really don't

have an idea of how long it will take to start feeling better. I figure

it's been two years, what's another month if I start to improve?


http://www.cookingtf.com/ - American and Australian TF Menu Mailers

http://www.tfrecipes.com/forum/ - Traditional Foods forum

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What kind of doctor or practitioner is helping you? I need help too but

don't know who to turn to. =( I don't have insurance right now though

Hubby has a couple of good job interviews that will make it so we can afford

health insurance and so we will have a little extra cash for the natural

practitioners that don't take insurance (or insurance won't cover).

I have so much trouble exercising and feel exactly as you describe though

not as severe. I also have now constant knee problems due to the weight

problem and some injuries (tripping on a 2x4 and ramming it up into my knee

cap while all of me, very overweight, drove it further into the knee cap as

I landed on it). My ex had decided to do his word working project on the

living room floor and I got home from school with books in hands, not

looking down (couldn't see) and over-exhausted from the heat as I always am.

Feel like I'm cooking in the Texas heat =(

I want/plan to get the swinger and the rebounder as was suggested on here

but haven't had the money yet.

I know I have mercury issues. I got the fillings replaced but didn't go to

a biological dentist and it flooded by my body making things worse! Had my

first migraine ever right after but didn't realize the connection.

Are you doing the lyme salt/vitamin c thing?? I worry about that too as I

remember getting ticks when visiting my grandparent's shack of a house as a

kid. But that makes me feel like a hypochondriac! All I know is I'm in

constant pain, so tired all the time and can't get this weight off no matter

what seem to do though I am working on the intermittent fasting and

eliminating all sugar for now (including honey. )

Thanks, Kerry Ann! I'm sorry for what you are going through but it is an




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of KerryAnn at


Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 12:55 PM

discussingnt ;

Subject: What to do when diet changes don't help

Happy Anniversary to me. I became seriously ill 2 years ago today, long

after I started a TF diet. The last two years have been a slow, upward

climb, but I'm not back to normal. I've been in a holding pattern for


I had been consuming traditional foods for several years before I started

going downhill. There's a common attitude among traditional foodists that

if you'll just change what you're eating, you'll heal all your health

problems. If you aren't healed from a TF diet, then you just aren't doing

it right- the 'blame the victim' or the 'it can't happen to me' mentality.

I've run up against this attitude time and time again, with people assuming

I'm just new to this lifestyle since I'm not healthy. If you were able to

reclaim your health via changing your diet, that is wonderful. Please give

those who have not had the same experience some understanding that it just

isn't so in every case. I am not back to 'normal' despite being strictly TF

for years and healing my gut issues to the point that I have been able to

re-introduce all of my food allergens without incident or relapse.

We found out this week that I have mercury toxicity plus some other issues

going on caused by the high levels of mercury. This is likely a big piece

of the puzzle as to why I am still not 100% back to normal.

So if you're struggling and not getting better despite a TF diet, it's time

to look elsewhere besides just what you eat. Environmental toxins and

exposures are just one of many things that can prevent your body from

healing no matter how you're eating.

We are now embarking on chelation and immuno-therapy in an attempt to help

my body finish healing and to help my immune system calm down and quit

attacking. My hope is that in 6 months to a year, I'll be back to normal.

But for now, what I eat is only one piece of a very complex puzzle on the

road back to health.


http://www.cookingtf.com/ - American and Australian TF Menu Mailers

http://www.tfrecipes.com/forum/ - TF forum

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Look up MMS and purslane. I've just read really good things about

both of them with mercury issues.

Everyone's worrying about global warming but the mercury issue from

burning all that coal is slipping out of their attention. There is

mercury being released by China burning coal that is blowing across

the Pacific to California and getting in the air and water. In the

Northeast, there are species of whales that are endangered because

their bodies are so full of mercury that they can barely live long

enough to reproduce. And what is the real cause of polar bear

deaths? Loss of ice or toxic mercury built up in their bodies??

Sorry my soapbox!

Our ancestors ate different plants than we do now. And the ones they

ate, which for some reason aren't gardened and sold (maybe because

they grew like weeds so who would plant them or buy them?) are the

ones that are a lot healthier than the rest. So maybe eating

burdock, purslane, plantains, dandelion, lamb's quarters, etc. will

give you benefits. A lot of people were impressed with the healing

powers of " Bitter herb " formulas made from similar plants. And of

course many of them are best when eaten fresh picked. Some biologist

spoke at a conference that she was praying about a solution for

people with mercury toxicity and was shown purslane. She had it

tested multiple times against mercury and found it to be effective.

Now she has a range of products to use purslane to help with mercury



> Happy Anniversary to me. I became seriously ill 2 years ago today,


> after I started a TF diet. The last two years have been a slow,


> climb, but I'm not back to normal. I've been in a holding pattern


> months.


> I had been consuming traditional foods for several years before I


> going downhill. There's a common attitude among traditional

foodists that

> if you'll just change what you're eating, you'll heal all your


> problems. If you aren't healed from a TF diet, then you just

aren't doing

> it right- the 'blame the victim' or the 'it can't happen to me'


> I've run up against this attitude time and time again, with people


> I'm just new to this lifestyle since I'm not healthy. If you were

able to

> reclaim your health via changing your diet, that is wonderful.

Please give

> those who have not had the same experience some understanding that

it just

> isn't so in every case. I am not back to 'normal' despite being

strictly TF

> for years and healing my gut issues to the point that I have been

able to

> re-introduce all of my food allergens without incident or relapse.


> We found out this week that I have mercury toxicity plus some other


> going on caused by the high levels of mercury. This is likely a

big piece

> of the puzzle as to why I am still not 100% back to normal.


> So if you're struggling and not getting better despite a TF diet,

it's time

> to look elsewhere besides just what you eat. Environmental toxins


> exposures are just one of many things that can prevent your body


> healing no matter how you're eating.


> We are now embarking on chelation and immuno-therapy in an attempt

to help

> my body finish healing and to help my immune system calm down and


> attacking. My hope is that in 6 months to a year, I'll be back to


> But for now, what I eat is only one piece of a very complex puzzle

on the

> road back to health.


> KerryAnn

> http://www.cookingtf.com/ - American and Australian TF Menu Mailers

> http://www.tfrecipes.com/forum/ - TF forum


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--- In , " haecklers " <haecklers@...>


> And what is the real cause of polar bear

> deaths? Loss of ice or toxic mercury built up in their bodies??

> Sorry my soapbox!


Mercury is just the beginning for the polar bears. I read the reason

why they can't reproduce successfully was from PCB's (Polychlorinated

biphenyl's), commonly used in electronics and many other things.

We've made a toxic soup out of the oceans in just a century!


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Fasting can save your life.

Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo

From: KerryAnn at CookingTF.com <kerryann@...>

Subject: RE: Re: What to do when diet changes don't help

Date: Saturday, July 5, 2008, 7:43 PM

> Have you considered adding clay to your healing protocol to assist in

> detoxing your body of mercury?

Elan, thank you very much for the suggestions. I am already taking

digestive clays and skin brushing and am doing 15 minutes of gentle

stretching 3-4 times a week. I'm not capable of exercising, I'm barely able

to get up due to dizziness and blacking over upon standing at times. People

in my situation are not supposed to exercise because it can cause an adrenal

crisis and fluid dumping. I had that happen a few times from doing too much

physically, and it's frightening. You literally pee a full bladder every

10-15 minutes for hours on end. You wind up in the ER with dehydration, a

sodium/potassium imbalance and very low blood pressure. The adrenals burn

through sodium when you use cortisol, and physical movement burns cortisol.

Your body starts dumping fluid to maintain the sodium and potassium balance

to keep you out of a coma and to keep some blood pressure. It's all

connected to having both low cortisol and low aldosterone. Not an uncommon

combination with adrenal fatigue.

The dizziness has been helped significantly by drinking salt water. When I

started the salt water, I had to take in up to a tablespoon of salt a day in

water plus on my food. Now I average about a teaspoon a day in my water, in

addition to salting my food to taste.

I'll read up on the cilantro and chlorella. I had avoided them previously

due to having fillings in my mouth. I'm setting aside the next few weeks to

focus on this and it not be an issue if I feel bad, since I really don't

have an idea of how long it will take to start feeling better. I figure

it's been two years, what's another month if I start to improve?


http://www.cookingt f.com/ - American and Australian TF Menu Mailers

http://www.tfrecipe s.com/forum/ - Traditional Foods forum

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> Fasting can save your life.


> Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo

Many who have attempted fasting while mercury toxic have regretted it.

It made many people I have talked to worse off than before, and some

feel like they haven't recovered from it years later.


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I am supposed to fast yearly (religious origins). I have not been able

to since I was a teenager. It makes me terribly sick for days after.

With this conversation, I wonder if I have/had mercury toxicity. I got

my amalgams fillings switched to ceramic a few years ago (when I had

insurance and a salaried job--aah, the good ole days). My occurrences of

eczema, depression and headaches have decreased with the passing years,

although my 50 lbs of extra weight (gained during pregnancies 6 + years

ago) are stubbornly still hanging on despite increases in activity and

eating well.

Recently I started detoxing on kombucha tea (home brewed). It has

altered my tastes for food (aka cravings). I now seem to want more

bitter foods, especially odd greens. I figure I'm on the right track for

'reconstructing' myself. I'm 42 and despite chronic back pain and

actually living on the brink of poverty, I feel better than I have in

years. Last spring (the annual fasting during daylight hours), I felt

like I was closer to fasting successfully than I ever have been since

teen years (although I didn't for fear of being sick like that again).

gdawson6 wrote:




> Many who have attempted fasting while mercury toxic have regretted it.

> It made many people I have talked to worse off than before, and some

> feel like they haven't recovered from it years later.


> -


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> > Fasting can save your life.

> Many who have attempted fasting while mercury toxic have regretted it.

I wouldn't consider fasting, because I'm too thin and loosing more weight

would be a very bad thing. I don't believe I had enough physical strength

to get through a fast right now.


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> What kind of doctor or practitioner is helping you? I need help too but

> don't know who to turn to. =( I don't have insurance right now though

> Hubby has a couple of good job interviews that will make it so we can

> afford

> health insurance and so we will have a little extra cash for the natural

> practitioners that don't take insurance (or insurance won't cover).

I'm going to an MD who left allopathic medicine and now does a combination

of holistic and allopathic. He teaches traditional foods eating, and was

familiar with the WAPF when I mentioned it. His website even recommends raw

milk. www.gsmcweb.com

They don't take insurance, but they will give you receipts that you can

submit for reimbursement of what your insurance might cover. My

understanding is that many folks travel to see him and get treatment - the

first question everyone asked me when they met me in the office was where we

live and how much easier it would be to get treatment since I wouldn't have

to travel back and forth for everything. LOL He's about 10 minutes from my


> I have so much trouble exercising and feel exactly as you describe though

> not as severe. I also have now constant knee problems due to the weight

Some basic self-help measures for adrenal fatigue might help you.

http://www.drlam.com/a3r_brief_in_doc_format/adrenal_fatigue.cfm Things

like salt water, plenty of sleep with a sleep mask and eating at specific

times to prevent hypoglycemia that was induced by the low adrenals. You're

also still recovering from childbirth, and that takes a heavy toll on you.

So I know you're thinking, " Yeah, right, plenty of sleep with a kid who

wakes up at night. " LOL ;)

> Are you doing the lyme salt/vitamin c thing?? I worry about that too as I

Well, I guess I kinda am, but not purposely. I am taking salt in my water

and taking Vitamin C, but not at the same time, and not in specific dosages

together. I've never had a known tick bite. But I did recently have a rash

pop out all over my back, upper arms and part of my chest that I assumed was

something getting pushed out from the salt and C. My doctor recommended

that I stay on the salt while we go through these treatments, since it has

stopped my blacking over and dizziness upon standing, and it's brought my

blood pressure up to normal.

> constant pain, so tired all the time and can't get this weight off no

> matter

> what seem to do though I am working on the intermittent fasting and

> eliminating all sugar for now (including honey. )

Have you considered eliminating gluten and possibly dairy and checking for

other food allergies? I couldn't budge weight off myself no matter what I

did until I eliminated my food allergens. Then 60 pounds practically melted

off of me.

> Thanks, Kerry Ann! I'm sorry for what you are going through but it is an

> inspiration.

Thanks, Dawn. I feel like I'm finally getting answers and have found a

doctor who can help me.


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Interestingly, a proper fast helps thin people gain weight.

Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo

From: KerryAnn at CookingTF.com <kerryann@...>

Subject: RE: Re: What to do when diet changes don't help

Date: Sunday, July 6, 2008, 8:36 AM

> > Fasting can save your life.

> Many who have attempted fasting while mercury toxic have regretted it.

I wouldn't consider fasting, because I'm too thin and loosing more weight

would be a very bad thing. I don't believe I had enough physical strength

to get through a fast right now.


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In natural hygiene which advocates all water fasting, there is no such thing as

a cure, diagnosis, or a disease.  The body is always healing itself by returning

to homeostatic balance individualized to anyone's life circumstance.  Native

cultures throughout the world implement fasting according to an ancient network

of taboos that would be difficult for us to translate into the English language

and if it were, it would most likely get lost in the translation.  Fasting is

also a natural part of living, every nite we fast & that fast is called sleep,

the sleep fast allows us to digest, metabolize, etc. all the foods we put in our

body during the day, then after a good nite sleep we are ready to breakfast. 

This occurs daily as we consider breaking a fast a natural part of our daily

routine, but seldom consider the seriousness of it.

Personally I have fasted on water only for over twenty days on multiple

occaisions & have gained alot, others may need to reconsider the obvious or seek

supervision before engaging in a fast for more than three consecutive days.

Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo

> There's a common attitude among traditional foodists that

> if you'll just change what you're eating, you'll heal all your health

> problems. If you aren't healed from a TF diet, then you just aren't doing

> it right- the 'blame the victim' or the 'it can't happen to me' mentality.


It isn't just the TF diet, it is *any* diet out there designed to " cure "

anything... I had that problem when I was still sick... and it is one of

the main reasons I think elimination diets are completely useless. (TF is a

little different than most elimination diets, but in the end it can easily

be viewed as one: get rid of all the refined/white, processed, improperly

prepared foods.)

> We found out this week that I have mercury toxicity plus some other issues

> going on caused by the high levels of mercury. This is likely a big piece

> of the puzzle as to why I am still not 100% back to normal.


As awful as I'm sure it sounds, I'm *so glad* to hear you've discovered that

this is the case, as mercury toxicity is totally treatable!! Mercury

prevents the production of so many enzymes in the body it is unbelievable to

me that the stuff is still in fillings. No wonder you've had digestive


> So if you're struggling and not getting better despite a TF diet, it's time

> to look elsewhere besides just what you eat. Environmental toxins and

> exposures are just one of many things that can prevent your body from

> healing no matter how you're eating.


I second this! I've been healthier than I've ever been since addressing my

mercury toxicity. While increasing the compounds that naturally clear your

system can help (glycine in broth, taurine in oysters, A/D/K2/B2 to combat

oxidation and the other B vitamins to act as cofactors all found in liver,

etc) sometimes the body burden of toxins is just too high for even the best

diet to correct. At this point I'm convinced that the key to avoiding

toxicity is prevention - aided by a diet high in the aforementioned

compounds __from birth__ - which unfortunately many of us have not had the

benefit of.

> We are now embarking on chelation and immuno-therapy in an attempt to help

> my body finish healing and to help my immune system calm down and quit

> attacking. My hope is that in 6 months to a year, I'll be back to normal.

> But for now, what I eat is only one piece of a very complex puzzle on the

> road back to health.

I felt markedly better after my first round of chelation. I quickly found I

felt better on a round than off a round - but I had to resist taking the

medication all the time because the body needs a break. Be careful with

chelator dosing, some doctors move too fast which causes more problems than

it is worth: mercury eliminated through the bile will wipe out your

bacterial colonies and the mercury eliminated through urine has the same

effect, resulting in UTIs and other issues related with bacterial imbalances

- so make sure to go slow. I had a lot of success with Andy Cutler's

approach and I would definitely recommend it. I was pretty much better

after about only 6 months of treatment and my toxicity was one of the

highest levels seen by my doctor at the time...

Anyway... Here's hopeing your recovery takes even less time than mine! :)


" There is nothing more useful than sun and salt. " - Latin proverb

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I would not recommend any form of fasting during mercury poisoning. It is

hard enough to keep up adequate glycogen levels when mercury poisoned -

burning through what little you have isn't going to help.

Then there's the issue of mercury stored in fat being released - basically

causing redistribution of the mercury into your organs.

Ketogenic diets are also not appropriate - for both reasons mentioned above.

Complex carbs eaten regularly throughout the day are the best friend of

someone lacking in glycogen. It won't cure the extreme fatigue, but it'll

keep you awake long enough to do small amounts here and there.


" There is nothing more useful than sun and salt. " - Latin proverb

On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 8:43 AM, gdawson6 <gdawson6@...> wrote:


> >

> > Fasting can save your life.

> >

> > Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo



> Many who have attempted fasting while mercury toxic have regretted it.

> It made many people I have talked to worse off than before, and some

> feel like they haven't recovered from it years later.


> -

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While what you say may apply to those who are not mercury toxic, removing

sources of fat and complex carbs from the diet of someone who is mercury

toxic encourages the redistribution of mercury and prevents the elimination

of mercury (which is done primarily through bile, which is secreted due to

fat consumption).

An all milk fast would be a better choice if someone mercury toxic insists

on fasting, as it provides the fat necessary to allow the mercury to leave

the body through the bile, but unfortunately, there are no complex carbs in

milk so it doesn't support glycogen production, and casein is a very hard

molecule for the mercury poisoned to handle due to mercury's effect on the


Not to mention the strain any form of liquid fasting puts on the adrenals,

which are usually quite knocked out in someone with mercury poisoning,

partly due to the (less efficient) elimination of mercury through the

kidneys requiring lots of water to flush through - burning through

electrolytes and water soluble vitamins vital for energy production and


Mercury poisoning is a very specific condition which needs to be treated in

a very specific way - involving not only the chelation of the mercury, but

the nutritional support necessary to prevent several hormone systems from

collapsing during chelation.


" There is nothing more useful than sun and salt. " - Latin proverb

On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Igo <jimi761@...> wrote:

> Hi,

> In natural hygiene which advocates all water fasting, there is no such

> thing as a cure, diagnosis, or a disease. The body is always healing itself

> by returning to homeostatic balance individualized to anyone's life

> circumstance. Native cultures throughout the world implement fasting

> according to an ancient network of taboos that would be difficult for us to

> translate into the English language and if it were, it would most likely get

> lost in the translation. Fasting is also a natural part of living, every

> nite we fast & that fast is called sleep, the sleep fast allows us to

> digest, metabolize, etc. all the foods we put in our body during the day,

> then after a good nite sleep we are ready to breakfast. This occurs daily

> as we consider breaking a fast a natural part of our daily routine, but

> seldom consider the seriousness of it.

> Personally I have fasted on water only for over twenty days on multiple

> occaisions & have gained alot, others may need to reconsider the obvious or

> seek supervision before engaging in a fast for more than three consecutive

> days.


> Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo


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> I'm not capable of exercising, I'm barely able

> to get up due to dizziness and blacking over upon standing at times.

> People

> in my situation are not supposed to exercise because it can cause an

> adrenal

> crisis and fluid dumping.

It sounds like your adrenals are really shot! I notice you state you're

taking a tsp salt a day in water plus salting food to taste and that you

started on a tbsp. I just wanted to mention I was up to 3 Tbsp a day when I

was the most toxic - I never liked it in water, but found that the grain and

salt society's gray sea salt was so palatable I could just " snack " on the

grains throughout the day. The 3Tbsp figure includes what I was using on


One important thing to remember when using large amounts of salt like I was,

is that all the electrolytes are connected. More sodium makes you need far

more potassium - so you may want to consider increasing your potassium

intake (coconut water, potato skins, etc) and then adding in more salt.

You'll need more magnesium too, but that is easy if you're taking nigari (or

epsom) salt bathes.

> I had that happen a few times from doing too much

> physically, and it's frightening. You literally pee a full bladder every

> 10-15 minutes for hours on end. You wind up in the ER with dehydration, a

> sodium/potassium imbalance and very low blood pressure. The adrenals burn

> through sodium when you use cortisol, and physical movement burns cortisol.

> Your body starts dumping fluid to maintain the sodium and potassium balance

> to keep you out of a coma and to keep some blood pressure. It's all

> connected to having both low cortisol and low aldosterone. Not an uncommon

> combination with adrenal fatigue.

It is called diabetes insipidus and it is a very, very nasty thing to have

to cope with. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_insipidus It is caused

by the mercury accumulating in your pituitary gland disrupting your

anti-diuretic hormone production and the mercury in your kidneys disrupting

the effects of what little ADH hormone gets produced.

Unfortunately it is not just the electrolytes you're losing - it is all of

the water soluble vitamins. The entire set of B vitamins that is vital for

energy production are just washing right through you, as well as the Vitamin

C needed to support your adrenals. I needed vast amounts of activated B

vitamins (my liver was too compromised to activate them itself) taken

several times a day to offset the total inability to produce energy from

food (which caused me to drop weight down to a very unsafe level). I also

consumed a lot of liver, but I don't believe any human could consume the

amount that I needed from diet alone so I did take several supplements. If

you're up to taking the B vitamins separately, it is probably a good idea

because then you can select which forms treat you best, you'll know which

you are having major issues with and you can dose accordingly. However,

that can be a royal PITA so it is good to know that Thorne makes some

excellent active B vitamin complexes (a basic one, and several that are

heavier in certain B vitamins).

> I'll read up on the cilantro and chlorella.

I feel good on foods containing small amounts of cilantro, but had

redistribution headaches when larger amounts were used. As for chlorella,

bleh - never could eat enough of it to find out. :)

> I had avoided them previously due to having fillings in my mouth.

Please tell me you've since had them removed... because if not that is

absolutely the first thing you need to address!


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> > Have you considered adding clay to your healing protocol to assist in

> > detoxing your body of mercury?

> Elan, thank you very much for the suggestions. I am already taking

> digestive clays

Hi Kerry Ann,

May I ask what kind of clay you're taking? The reason I ask is

because all clays that are sold commercially are not created equal,

and some are definitely superior (in terms of their purity and

effectiveness) than others.

Also, have you looked into taking clay baths? Soaking in clay water

is a very effective way to draw toxins and heavy metals out of the

body. And if for some reason taking a whole body bath is too intense

for you, soaking in clay foot baths can be a good alternative.

Have a look at the photo about 3/4 of the way down this page, which

shows the black residue from oxidized metals pulled from the body and

left at the bottom of a bathtub after someone soaked in a bath of

green/gray bentonite:


> The dizziness has been helped significantly by drinking salt water.

May I ask what kind of salt you use?

One other suggestion you might want to consider is taking some

activated charcoal. IMO far too people know about this extremely

valuable substance which is a universal detoxifier and has the

ability, just as does clay, to ADsorb all sorts of pathogens,

including heavy metals, from the body. It's also excellent to have in

your medicine cabinet for use in case of food poisoning. All

emergency rooms keep a supply of activated charcoal on hand as it's a

very effective antidote for many different kinds of poisons.

Here are a couple of links with more information on the many great

benefits of using activated charcoal to facilitate detoxification and

healing of the body:




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> May I ask what kind of clay you're taking?

I'm taking pascalite, 1/4 tsp every time I eat.

> Also, have you looked into taking clay baths? Soaking in clay water

> is a very effective way to draw toxins and heavy metals out of the

> body. And if for some reason taking a whole body bath is too intense

> for you, soaking in clay foot baths can be a good alternative.

I'll look into the foot soaks. I've got two small kids, so taking baths

instead of a shower isn't something that happens regularly. ;) Thank you.

> > The dizziness has been helped significantly by drinking salt water.

> May I ask what kind of salt you use?

Celtic sea salt or Redmond's.

> One other suggestion you might want to consider is taking some

> activated charcoal. IMO far too people know about this extremely

> valuable substance which is a universal detoxifier and has the

> ability, just as does clay, to ADsorb all sorts of pathogens,

> including heavy metals, from the body. It's also excellent to have in

I wasn't aware that charcoal could absorb metals. I do have charcoal and

use it regularly.


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on wrote:

> I am supposed to fast yearly (religious origins). I have not been able

> to since I was a teenager. It makes me terribly sick for days after.

> With this conversation, I wonder if I have/had mercury toxicity. I got

> my amalgams fillings switched to ceramic a few years ago (when I had

> insurance and a salaried job--aah, the good ole days). My occurrences

> of eczema, depression and headaches have decreased with the passing

> years, although my 50 lbs of extra weight (gained during pregnancies 6

> + years ago) are stubbornly still hanging on despite increases in

> activity and eating well.


> Recently I started detoxing on kombucha tea (home brewed). It has

> altered my tastes for food (aka cravings). I now seem to want more

> bitter foods, especially odd greens. I figure I'm on the right track

> for 'reconstructing' myself. I'm 42 and despite chronic back pain and

> actually living on the brink of poverty, I feel better than I have in

> years. Last spring (the annual fasting during daylight hours), I felt

> like I was closer to fasting successfully than I ever have been since

> teen years (although I didn't for fear of being sick like that again).




> gdawson6 wrote:




>> Many who have attempted fasting while mercury toxic have regretted it.

>> It made many people I have talked to worse off than before, and some

>> feel like they haven't recovered from it years later.


>> -




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Thanks Lana, I agree with things like all milk or even charcoal removing toxins

as a treatment modality only.  In natural hygiene there is no treatment only

removal of the cause, this is at the very core of natural hygiene.

Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo

> Hi,

> In natural hygiene which advocates all water fasting, there is no such

> thing as a cure, diagnosis, or a disease. The body is always healing itself

> by returning to homeostatic balance individualized to anyone's life

> circumstance. Native cultures throughout the world implement fasting

> according to an ancient network of taboos that would be difficult for us to

> translate into the English language and if it were, it would most likely get

> lost in the translation. Fasting is also a natural part of living, every

> nite we fast & that fast is called sleep, the sleep fast allows us to

> digest, metabolize, etc. all the foods we put in our body during the day,

> then after a good nite sleep we are ready to breakfast. This occurs daily

> as we consider breaking a fast a natural part of our daily routine, but

> seldom consider the seriousness of it.

> Personally I have fasted on water only for over twenty days on multiple

> occaisions & have gained alot, others may need to reconsider the obvious or

> seek supervision before engaging in a fast for more than three consecutive

> days.


> Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo


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Yes Lana,


Things like arsenic or mercury can be extremely toxic, do not want to mess with

them at all.  Given that fasting has worked not as a cure per se but as a self

healing modality for thousands of years in every culture, I am not entirely sure

what the current argument is outside of the basic, for every action there is a


Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo


> >

> > Fasting can save your life.

> >

> > Well done is better than well said..., Jim Igo



> Many who have attempted fasting while mercury toxic have regretted it.

> It made many people I have talked to worse off than before, and some

> feel like they haven't recovered from it years later.


> -

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For Chelation, you can try Calcium Bentonite Clay. It is surprisingly

powerful. I have been using it ever since I had a reaction to dental

fillings a year and a half ago. Go to Aboutclay.com for more info.


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