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POLITICS Grass-Farming, Health Freedom, the Dollar and the Federal Reserve

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One of the gravest threats to our ability to use alternative medicine

and eat farm-fresh and pasture-raised foods is one that rarely

receives attention: the inflationary policy of the Federal Reserve and

the Federal Reserve itself.

The Federal Reserve is a private consortium of international bankers

that controls our currency. At one time, dollars were redeemable for

gold, which guaranteed that the dollar had an inherent value. But the

Federal Reserve now has the authority to print money out of thin air:

the more money it prints, the more prices go up and the value of the

dollar declines.

Essentially, it works like this:

-- When the government spends more money than it can take in through

taxes, it borrows money by issuing bonds. These bonds circulate on the

market and are primarily held by banks and investors.

-- When US investors on the open market are not purchasing enough

bonds to finance the government's spending, two things can happen: we

can sell these bonds to the central banks of foreign countries such as

China or the Fed can print money out of thin air and purchase them.

-- The Fed is privately owned, highly secretive, and has no

responsibility to take orders from Congress or the president about

when to print new money or how much to print.

-- When the Fed prints money, it injects that money into either the

government or its favorite industries. It does this buy purchasing

newly issued treasury bonds from the government or by purchasing

existing tresury bonds from the investors of its choice.

-- It can also inject money into the banking industry by lowering the

discount rate or the reserve requirement. When it lowers the discount

rate, privileged banks borrow more money at a lower rate, and then

lend it out into circulation. The reserve requirement is the

proportion of money a bank has lent that it must actually possess.

Lowering the reserve requirement allows banks to lend out more money

that *does not exist.*

This constitutes a transfer of wealth from ordinary citizens into the

hands of the government, the banking industry, and the private

industries that the Federal Reserve chooses to favor.

Why? Simple: when the money supply increases, the value of the dollar

declines and prices go up -- but not right away. This effect occurs

slowly over a number of months and years. Whoever gets to use the

money first gets to spend it before its value declines. But by the

time it makes its way into the pockets of ordinary people, its value

has already declined.

The harmful effect of a devaluing dollar can be seen most readily in

the price of oil and gas. Many people who commute or heat their homes

with oil on a limited income are feeling the pain of these prices

right now.

In a January 4 article in the Wall Street Journal entitled " Oil and

the Dollar, " the authors supplied a graph showing that since the year

2000, oil prices have gone up 350% in dollars, 200% in Euros, and zero

percent in gold. " This means that if the dollar had remained 'as good

as gold' since 2001, " the authors wrote, " oil today would be selling

at about $30 a barrel, not $99. "

Ron cited this article in the January 5 ABC debate, but no one

else is paying any attention.

What effect does this have on health freedom?

Let's consider a few things:

The government subsidizes grains like corn so that they are sold at

half or two-thirds the cost of production, but never subsidizes grass

management or grass-fed beef. Government subsidies can always keep up

with inflation because the government can just increase the subsidy

and pay for it by selling tresury bonds or raising taxes, but the

grass-based farmer has no bonds to sell. Either the farmer goes out of

business, or the price of real food goes up faster then the price of

supermarket food.

Pharmaceutical drugs are paid for either by the government or by

private health insurance companies -- who themselves are propped up by

government regulations. Health insurance companies are likely to have

major financial ties to the banking industry and other private

industries into which the Fed injects money. Moreover, their insurance

policies are generally provided by large employers and workers have

little choice in the matter. But producers of nutritional supplements

or practitioners of naturopathy and acupuncture rarely have such

protection, and are almost always paid for out of pocket by the

consumer -- whose dollar continues to decline in value.

If we want to build an alternative to the corporate scheme of things,

buying farm-fresh local foods, using foods and nutrients as medicine,

pursuing practitioners that may not be part of the medical monopoly,

we can only do this with a sound currency. The Fed's inflationary

monetary policy constitutes a direct robbery of wealth from ordinary

citizens and into the hands of the government and the very

corporations we are trying to escape.

I highly recommend watching the video, Money, Banking and the Federal

Reserve, on the history of how this system came into place. Ron

makes several appearances in the video.

Ron has spent his time in Congress on the monetary committees,

defending our dollar from this corporate robbery. He would restore the

control of our currency to Congress, back it with hard value (as

required by the constitution), and abolish the Federal Reserve.

If we want freedom from the cholesterol-bashing, drug-promoting,

milk-destroying, grain-feeding Government-Disease Care Industrial

Complex, we need to vote Ron in as the Republican nominee and as

the next president of the United States.

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