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Joan, I really appreciate your humor.....I understand that dogs go crazy over

the noise that the hearing aid makes so maybe your dog is just helping


> Since she already wears eyeglasses and a hearing aid, I am afraid that with

> all that metal on her head, she will be setting off airport security alarms

> all over the country. I am very unsure that this is a road we want to

> take.

> Her hearing aid has been replaced 3 times in less than six months because

> she

> gives it to the dog to chew. I'm not sure I can handle the stress

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amanda's dentist has been saying for a few years that she needs braces. I am

so against it. I think the same as you- with all the stuff they already

have! wears glasses and orthodics as well. her speech is really OK,

though. She speaks very clearly and the braces would only be for cosmetic

purposes. I'm not sure I want to put her and me through all that stress!!!!

Bring on the calculator!

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In a message dated 3/7/01 7:37:13 PM Central Standard Time,

Joanson@... writes:

> has a very high and narrow pallete which the geneticist claims will

> hinder her articulation. I agree. However, my reservations are this

> - what guarantee do I have that a pallete expander will make any difference

> - how will she handle the discomfort of a retainer given her

> developmental

> age (5ish)

> - how will her speech development be affected while the retainer is in


From what I have seen and heard the shape of the mouth and tongue

seems to not have a great impact on articulation. Seems like it would and

maybe it does sometimes. A young woman I know has no mouth problems but

sounds like she has a mouthful of marbles. She's very bright but has trouble

getting it across. And others who look like they would have a lot of

problems talk well. I don't think I would go for the retainer at this point.

The dog might like that better than the hearing aid. Jessie

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My 13 yo had an expander about 3 years ago. She used it for about

six months. We were told she would need it maybe a year. The ortho used a

removable one that I had to keep turning with a wire key to expand. He

thought it would be a year to widen it enough but she was good about wearing

it so it took less time. I was worried about her taking it out, throwing it

away, etc., so we used at night. We had to use it at least 8 hours a day.

She sleeps a good 10-12 so I felt that would be a good time Initially I did

find it under her bed a but then she got use to it. It did make her drool at

first. She has 2 teeth that have formed a second row almost on the bottom.

We will be starting braces soon. She is nonverbal so it didn't do anything

for her speech and I don't know if it would have. Hope that helps. Kathy

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I was told when Chris(ds) was young that he would need one of these as well

to have good oral health. He will need a palate expander for proper

allignment of his teeth. But they said that by the time he was old enough

to have one (tolerate it) his speech patterns would be set and that his

speech would not be improved by this technique. Anyone heard different or

had a different experience? in Kentucky

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  • 7 years later...
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I heard a dentist, Silkman give a talk at the WAP conference

of 2005 and it was hands down the most incredible talk I have ever

heard on any given subject. You could probably still order a recording

of it from the website. There's also an article by him on the website

you can access. His talk is basically against them and I have heard

another holistic doctor talk about it's link to bipolar mental

problems and seizures.

I remember the day I got braces when I was 12 years old vividly, like

it was yesterday. I really felt that was the true point at which I

felt chronically tired. I also had such headaches. Now when I think

of the metal interacting with the other metal in my mouth from stupid

fillings and how much I have learned in terms of what humans are

electrically (most of the time we are thought of in terms of

biochemistry) I cringe, plus throw in the body going haywire from all

the pubescent changes. After I heard Silkmans' talk I could only

think of one word to describe the practice of orthodontistry: barbaric.

On the other hand, I have always received a lot of compliments on my

teeth. I don't think they would have been that bad had I not got the

braces and I was the only one in my family that needed them, but it's

nice to have straight teeth, although the bottom ones have gotten a

little messed up from me grinding my teeth. The alternative, as in

what dr. Silkman does to straighten teeth, requires a dentist of that

type to live in your area and there don't seem to be a lot of them

around for now, and twenty years ago there must have been barely any!

I don't envy a parent right now whose child has crooked teeth b/c on

the one hand you don't want to hurt their body/health but on the other

hand who wants crooked teeth? That could mar a person's life. Geez I

remember what having some acne made me feel like.


> What is the general opinion on orthodontia and braces?


> Thank you,


> Leah




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From what I can remember, he uses spacers or something like that.

Here's the link


-- In , Leah <leahrose@...> wrote:


> Thank you!!! What does Dr. Silkman do to straighten teeth?


> Leah


> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 10:06 AM, crayfishfeed <crayfishfeed@...>wrote:


> > Leah

> > I heard a dentist, Silkman give a talk at the WAP conference

> > of 2005 and it was hands down the most incredible talk I have ever

> > heard on any given subject. You could probably still order a recording

> > of it from the website. There's also an article by him on the website

> > you can access. His talk is basically against them and I have heard

> > another holistic doctor talk about it's link to bipolar mental

> > problems and seizures.

> >

> > I remember the day I got braces when I was 12 years old vividly, like

> > it was yesterday. I really felt that was the true point at which I

> > felt chronically tired. I also had such headaches. Now when I think

> > of the metal interacting with the other metal in my mouth from stupid

> > fillings and how much I have learned in terms of what humans are

> > electrically (most of the time we are thought of in terms of

> > biochemistry) I cringe, plus throw in the body going haywire from all

> > the pubescent changes. After I heard Silkmans' talk I could only

> > think of one word to describe the practice of orthodontistry:


> >

> > On the other hand, I have always received a lot of compliments on my

> > teeth. I don't think they would have been that bad had I not got the

> > braces and I was the only one in my family that needed them, but it's

> > nice to have straight teeth, although the bottom ones have gotten a

> > little messed up from me grinding my teeth. The alternative, as in

> > what dr. Silkman does to straighten teeth, requires a dentist of that

> > type to live in your area and there don't seem to be a lot of them

> > around for now, and twenty years ago there must have been barely any!

> >

> > I don't envy a parent right now whose child has crooked teeth b/c on

> > the one hand you don't want to hurt their body/health but on the other

> > hand who wants crooked teeth? That could mar a person's life. Geez I

> > remember what having some acne made me feel like.

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > What is the general opinion on orthodontia and braces?

> > >

> > > Thank you,

> > >

> > > Leah

> > >

> > >

> > >

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HANDS DOWN.... Dr. Rayond Silkman Rocks !

I WISHED I was in CA. :(

After reading the article on his lecture (in the Winter 2005/Spring

2006 issue of Wise Traditions) given at the 2005 conference, I

called his office for an East Coast refferal. He gave me a few.

But still not so local for me.

If I had buckets of money I would fly my family for day trips to CA,

just to be able to have my children treated by him.


> What is the general opinion on orthodontia and braces?


> Thank you,


> Leah




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Where in CA is he located?

On 8/4/08, michelle5s <ms5smith@...> wrote:

> HANDS DOWN.... Dr. Rayond Silkman Rocks !


> I WISHED I was in CA. :(


> After reading the article on his lecture (in the Winter 2005/Spring

> 2006 issue of Wise Traditions) given at the 2005 conference, I

> called his office for an East Coast refferal. He gave me a few.

> But still not so local for me.



> If I had buckets of money I would fly my family for day trips to CA,

> just to be able to have my children treated by him.









>> What is the general opinion on orthodontia and braces?


>> Thank you,


>> Leah




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In the article in Wise Traditions (2005)it says he is located in

West Los Angeles, California.

I googled his name and used a process of elimination till I finally

reached his office.

I don't know if he is still at the same location or not.


> >>

> >> What is the general opinion on orthodontia and braces?

> >>

> >> Thank you,

> >>

> >> Leah

> >>

> >>

> >>

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I honestly don't know about that . I've had my mind FIXED on

palette expansion so much, and there is so much for me to learn

about all of this that I NEED to retain what I have to and leave the

rest out of my head ;)


> Does he do root canal work?



> --


> Life is too short to wake up with regrets.

> Love the people who treat you right.

> Forget about the ones who don't.

> Believe everything happens for a reason.

> If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

> If it changes your life, let it.

> Nobody said life would be easy.

> They just promised it would be worth it.


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