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A coming blog further explaining the use of free form amino acids

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I should note that I have used powerful digestive

enzymes of various sorts for over ten years, and my

son Willy has used powerful digestive enzymes for a

few years as well. Despite such usage, one that most

certainly helps us to break down protein foods into

their constituent amino acids, both Willy and I feel

great benefit from taking broad based free form amino

acids, and we have felt such benefit for years (about

eight years for me, and about three and a half years

for Willy).

Even if someone is using powerful digestive enzymes

therapeutically, it is my firm belief that a trial of

supplementing with adequately balanced broad based

free form amino acids as per a prior blog on

http://360./allen_dar titled " The

Neurotransmitter Precursor Group of Nutrients in

Willy's Baggie; and their cost " is " an absolute must "

for almost EVERYONE that suffers from depression,

bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, and

almost every psychiatric " label " under the sun. If

such a simple trial is not done, a very powerful

healing modality could rather easily be missed.

Dear group:

This blog is simply a rough introduction to another...

a blog that I hope to post in here within the next

month or so. This blog will contain quite a bit of the

thought, knowledge, and experience underlying why I

gave my teenage son Willy broad based free form amino

acids (amongst other things) to help him to heal

himself of ADHD, bipolar disorder, and weak and sickly


This blog will also contain what I know in regard to

making amino acid dosage adjustments for persons of

various ages, weights, and/or needs, for those of you

that are asking for such (as a result of my previous


Thankfully, I think that most persons between 110 and

180 lbs. or so will probably respond quite well to a

very similar supplement routine as delineated in the

blog titled " The Neurotransmitter Precursor Group of

Nutrients in Willy's Baggie; and their cost " .

(Thankfully, the brains of " most of us human beings "

have similar nutritional needs.) However, some persons

may have to adjust upward or downward, depending on

individual need... and I will try to help supply wise

guidelines in these regards in this upcoming blog.

I knew in the fall of 1997 that free form amino acids

are best " self-applied " . In an hour long speech that I

gave in San , CA in January of 1998 on how to

overcome bipolar disorder naturally, I introduced the

following concept: " Doctors might be able to give you

the names of the substances you need (I was talking

about amino acids here), but they cannot give you the

dosages that are right for you. You can determine

amino acid dosage better for yourself better than ANY

doctor can. This is because you are the person that

knows the most about how you feel as a result taking

amino acids. Therefore, you are the best person to

make any dosage adjustments when need be. " (I think

the same way today, only I have over ten years

experience behind me, instead of only a handful of


Finding a very safe and very useful balanced broad

based amino acid dosage for oneself is not that hard

to do at all. And one does not have to be " exact "

here, by any means... as the range for such a safe and

effective dosage is fairly broad (if not amazingly

so). In addition to this, the body and brain are

capable of making quite a few adjustments that they

need to in order to remain in balance in these regards

as well.

It may be worthy to note here that amino acids are

used up daily to some degree as we go about our day.

These are substances that need to be adequately

replenished on a fairly regular basis, or a compromise

in mood and/or one's ability to function (work, play,

think, etc.) is the inevitable end result.

The brain is very amino acid dependent. Ninety-nine

out of the hundred or so neurotransmitters that are

scientifically known are composed primarily of amino

acid molecules, with perhaps a vitamin or mineral

molecule (or molecules) needed in their production,

depending on what these specific neurotransmitters


Please don't let a big word like " neurotransmitter "

throw you, or put you off. Anyone can learn about this

stuff. The word " neurotransmitter " is simply a

smokescreen, in regard to the public knowing the plain

truth of the matter. ALL neurotransmitters (as well as

hormones and enzymes) are made from essential nutrient

molecules; molecules with names such as vitamins,

minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids.

Increasing the levels of these essential nutrient

molecules will automatically increase the levels of

any and/or all of the neurotransmitters, hormones,

and/or enzymes that these nutrient molecules make in

the body and in the brain.

No neurotransmitter molecule in the brain " lasts

forever " . All neurotransmitter molecules are

eventually broken down, and need to be replaced.

Neurotransmitters (1) are (sometimes) made in the

brain (another place they are commonly made is " the

gut " ), (2) then used by the brain, (3) then eventually

" used up " , and (4) then need to be adequately

replaced... or (5) a low level of any (and/or all) of

these neurotransmitters is the INEVITABLE end result.

(All five of these irrefutable scientific facts

continue to be ignored by conventional medicine as a

whole when treating any " mental illness " whatsoever.

This is ludicrous, if not is going to be found

criminal some day.)

I told my son Willy right off the bat when he began to

get well naturally that " You don't have to know hardly

anything about neurotransmitters, hormones, and

enzymes in order to get better from either ADHD or

bipolar disorder. All you need to know is (1) how to

safely apply essential nutrients to yourself, as well

as (2) identify and fix whatever reasons caused you to

lack so much essential nutrition in the first place.

Doing so will fix any neurotransmitter, hormone, or

enzyme deficiencies that you may have. This is because

essential nutrients are the " chemical building blocks "

that actually manufacture all of the

neurotransmitters, hormones, and enzymes in your body.

Don't let big words like neurotransmitter fool you

Willy, this stuff is all nutrients. The doctors are

lying to you Willy, or they just don't know any

better; you don't need drugs to fix ADHD or bipolar

disorder in yourself, you just need nutrients. " (Willy

was only thirteen years old when I began to empower

him with the basic fundamentals of health and health

recovery. What a great job! he has done with this

fundamental knowledge since then.)


I sincerely look forward to writing this upcoming

blog; one that tells many of the lessons that I have

learned as a result of my taking well over 100,000

capsules of free form amino acids since September of

1997 as " a guinea pig for the world " . I also look

forward to telling you what my teenage son Willy has

learned in regard to his taking free form amino acids

as well, besides his simply saying that free form

amino acids are " awesome " , and that they have helped

him a great deal. And I look forward to telling you

more about how to make amino acid dosage adjustments;

such that you can better apply free form amino acids

to yourself.




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