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My free form amino acid and gut depression knowledge; where did it come from?

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Dear group:

The idea behind this blog is to give those of you that

are following what I am saying on the Internet some

good reading material, as well as introduce you to

four of the book sources " for what I know " about the

correction of depression naturally. My point in doing

such is to give those of you that are following what I

am saying something to look at while the blog that I

have promised you in " A coming blog further explaining

the use of free form amino acids " is being written

over the next month or two.

When I first started taking free amino acids in 1997,

I had two books which really helped me, as far as

giving me ideas of what nutritional supplements to use

and/or how to use them. These two books were " The Way

Up From Down " by Priscilla Slagle, M.D. and

" Prescription for Nutritional Healing " by Balch,

M.D. and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C. (I had the second

edition of this latter book, which was copyrighted


I would first like to introduce you today " the

fundamental book " containing knowledge about free form

amino acids that I used; the one that I feel would be

" of the most use " to those of you that are just

beginning to learn about the correction of depression


The first book that I read in regard to using free

form amino acids was " The Way Up From Down " by Dr.

Priscilla Slagle. This is also the first book that I

recommend that you read as well, assuming that you are

considering the use of free form amino acids to treat

depression in yourself, and you are not " too depressed

to read " at the moment.

This six dollar (when I bought it) paperback taught me

a great deal, despite the fact that it was first

published in 1987. This book is conceptually

brilliant. It was way ahead of its time when it was

written, and many of this book's " great new truths "

are still very valid and germane today. (Admittedly,

some of this book's information and supplement

suggestions are a bit obsolete as well. Despite this,

I still highly recommend this book.)

One does not even have to purchase the above-mentioned

book today to read it. Dr. Slagle has been giving away

a free copy of this book over the Internet for years

on her website http://www.thewayup.com/. All you have

to do is download it; it is completely no charge, and

there are not even any forms that you have to fill out

to get it.

Incidentally, the subtitle of this book is " A Safe New

Program That Relieves Low Moods and Depression with

Amino Acids and Vitamin Supplements " .

This book most assuredly debunks the myth perpetuated

by Big Pharma that antidepressants are the best, if

not only, way to change one's neurotransmitter levels.

In this book, Dr. Slagle explains in a very

understandable fashion the nutrient basis of some key

neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. She

also explains how to change such neurotransmitters by

orally taking their nutrient precursors, along with

some vitamin and mineral cofactors as well.

Despite this book's age, and despite the fact that

balanced broad based free form amino acids (similar to

what my son Willy uses) is a much better healing

modality than the use of certain individual amino

acids, as Dr. Slagle recommends, I still consider this

book a " must read book " for ANY person that is

beginning to use free form amino acids in order to

correct their " mood " in some way.

A little bit about my personal experience with free

form amino acids:

As a result of reading " The Way Up From Down " , and

reading the amino acid section of the book

" Prescription for Nutritional Healing " (in order to

find all of the inhibitory amino acids that I could)

in the fall of 1997 I was taking 1.5 grams of

tryptophan, 1.5 grams of taurine, 1.5 grams of GABA

(some say glutamine might be a wise substitution

here), and 2.5 grams of glycine, along with vitamin B

complex (50 mg.) and vitamin C (3,000 mg.), and a

little of a calcium/magnesium/vitamin D preparation

for inhibition and to go to sleep. This was my

original " night-time cocktail " of nutrients for sleep.

It was also the same " nutrient cocktail " that allowed

me to beat an almost eighteen month month addiction to

Klonopin rather effortlessly in about a month

beginning in August of 1997.

In the fall of 1997, and as a result of what Dr.

Slagle taught me, I also began taking a tyrosine and

phenylalanine combination (along with B complex and

vitamin C) for its excitatory effect. ( " Excitatory "

essentially means " antidepressant " here; these two

words are virtually interchangeable in the copy I am


I used this tyrosine/phenylalanine combination of

excitatory amino acids on a regular basis for about

two and a half years until I learned " better " in this


In the book " Prescription for Nutritional Healing " ,

Balch, M.D. and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C. often

suggested " better " in regard to amino acid use; they

often suggested the use of " free form amino acid

complex " for a number of conditions, to include manic

depressive disorder, malabsorption syndrome, and

alcoholism. The phrase " free form amino acid complex "

and " broad based amino acids " both essentially mean

the same thing; the latter just being my simplified

wording of what Dr. Balch is saying.

Dr. Balch gave me the idea for using broad based amino

acids way back in the fall 1997, when I first read his

book. It just " took me a few years to get it " as far

as what Dr. Balch was saying. It also took me some

time to find an affordable amino acid source for the

rather substantial dosages of broad based free form

amino acids that I was soon taking, and felt a

personal need for. (Later, I learned about this same

idea of using broad based amino acids in other books

that I read on amino acids; such as " The Amino

Revolution " by Erdmann, which I read sometime

in late 1997 or early 1998. I simply got the idea of

using broad based amino acids from Dr. Balch first, as

a result of when I read his book vs. books written by

other persons.)

Oddly, although Dr. Balch saw the need for broad based

amino acids for manic depression, he missed the need

for free form amino acid complex for depression. Dr.

Balch apparently does not understand how to treat a

severe state of depression properly, as broad based

amino acids ALWAYS indicated when attempting to

properly treat serious and/or longstanding depression.

Nor does Dr. Balch understand the need for " patient

selected dosages " as being the proper approach as far

as free form amino acid use is concerned. (The person

actually taking free form amino acids of any sort is

the " best person " in which to determine the proper

dosages that are needed in order to " get the healing

job done " , and done without suffering any unnecessary

adverse effect.)

I did not act on Dr. Balch's insight in regard to

using broad based free form amino acids until February

2000. In part, this delay was due to the fact that my

experience with using tyrosine/phenylalanine on a

repetitive basis was so successful that for a few

years I did not feel the need to look for " better "

than what I was already doing.

Eventually I found that when under " prolonged stress "

for quite some time, the tyrosine/phenylalanine

combination that I had been using for a few years on a

regular basis was simply not adequate enough for me in

regard to " keeping up my brain and body chemistry up

to par " , such that I was not depressed. (I began to

attend college in January of 2000, at the age of 47. I

also had bought and was fixing up an older house for a

number of months just prior to this, right after a

longstanding and rather " nasty " divorce battle. This

is the " prolonged stress " that I am referring to


In February 2000 I learned how to adequately balance

free form amino acids by combining two " stock amino

acid blends " and some individual amino acids until I

found a mixture which worked well for me. I did this

simply by " feel " , by using some logic and common

sense, and by " dosing up " slowly until adequate

therapeutic effect was achieved. I also learned

experientially at this same time about the need to

include carnitine and phosphatidyl choline when taking

any " decent-sized dose " of broad based free form amino

acids, or I would not feel nearly as good from taking

them, and was likely to get a serious headache as

well. (Acetylcholine, a major neurotransmitter

carnitine and phosphatidyl choline seem to be involved

with nutrient-wise, appears to me to be " a necessary

buffering chemical " for free form amino acids in the


" Better " for me than using a tyrosine/phenylalanine

combination for excitatory effect was using an

adequate therapeutic dose (for myself) of balanced

broad based free form amino acids in the morning,

along with carnitine, phosphatidyl choline, and at

least the water soluble vitamins of vitamin B complex

and vitamin C (if not often with a multi-vitamin and

multi-mineral preparation as well). From February 2000

until late 2002 (when my money finally ran out), I

commonly used 25 to 50 grams of broad based free form

amino acids taken " all at once " in the morning soon

after I woke up. I was literally taking handfuls of

amino acid capsules, along with what I felt were

needed nutrient cofactors, and a large glass of room

temperature spring water... and doing so with very

profound positive effect. (I have taken 25 to 50 gram

broad based free form amino acid supplementation many

hundreds of times... whenever I could afford such,

even after my access to any substantial money ran out

in late 2002. It has helped me enormously, as well as

taught me a great deal. Broad based amino acid

supplementation such as this is responsible for the

majority of my aggregate intake of over 100,000 free

form amino capsules since 1997.)

When taking broad based amino acids I often, but

certainly not always, combined this supplementation

with a non-allergic (for me) " green shake " ; one in

which I made in a blender with fresh pineapple or

fresh papaya, and spring or distilled water. (Doing

this on a repetitive " off and on basis " over the years

was how I learned " amino acids and greens go well

together " .) I also commonly took a number of vitamin

and mineral supplements at the same time I

supplemented with broad based free form amino acids

and this " green shake " as well. (I now realize that is

is wise to take the entire nutrient range all at once,

as Adelle stated almost four decades ago, and as

my son Willy " proved " is the right thing to do.)

In August 2004, as a result of my son Willy insisting

on my combining all of the supplements that he needed

to take so that he could take them " all at once " (with

the exception of probiotics, which he took

separately), I learned " even better " as far as the

correction of depression in myself was concerned.

" Even better " than my older approach of using 25 to 50

gram dosages of broad based amino acids, along with

some needed nutrient cofactors (as discussed above) is

my son Willy's baggie approach, which I now primarily

use (when I can afford such), along with whatever

adequate " gut corrective measures " that I need to use

as well, such that the nutrients in Willy's baggie are

not negated by a " much too toxic " , " overly plugged

up " , and/or malabsorptive gut.

A little bit about the " gut " , its relationship to

depression, and/or where I learned such:

Oddly, the first big breakthrough that I stumbled into

" for all humanity " in regard to the treatment of

depression did not involve the use of free form amino

acids at all. This breakthrough, which first occurred

in August of 1999, used concepts from Dr. Sherry

in regard " gut correction " . Dr. book

" Depression Cured At Last " proposed an " 8 R " method of

gut correction; eight specific steps that needed to be

taken, all of which began with a word starting with

the letter " R " . One of these eight steps was " Removal "

of the present contents of the gut. And one of these

eight steps involved " Replacement " (or

" Replenishment " , I am not quite sure which) of one's

gut flora.

In August of 1999, I learned that the " adequate

removal " of the pre-existing contents in my gut was " A

FOUNDATION STEP " in order for me to correct a state of

severe depression in myself. It so turns out that

one's pre-existing gut contents has a huge effect on

one's mood... and that this is especially true when

one is chronically depressed. (I actually knowingly

risked my life in order to learn this lesson in regard

to the removal of my gut contents being key for me in

order to resolve a serious state of depression in

myself. Without dosing up slowly for safety purposes,

I did something " gut purge-wise " that would have put

many persons in the hospital, if not killed a number

of them as well. This gamble, one that I DO NOT

RECOMMEND OTHERS DO, paid off in spades... and taught

me a ton about how to properly correct a depressive

state in myself. I will tell this story in much

greater detail in another blog fairly soon.)

Worthy of mention here is that it turns out that the

first person that really " taught us all " about the

need to remove the toxic contents in the gut, as well

as the need to control bowel transit time by eating

properly, and the fact that the contents of the gut

often " poisons us " (this is called autointoxication)

was a fellow named Bernard Jensen, in his classic book

called " Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management " .

This is the fourth book that I highly recommend you

read, and follow its suggestions, if you suffer from

either depression or its " twin sister illness " called

bipolar disorder. Bernard Jensen was a " true pioneer "

of alternative medical truth, just as Dr.'s Slagle,

, and Balch were. Indeed, I am almost certain

that all of these three doctors learned a great deal

from Bernard Jensen, just as I and millions of other

persons did. (It may help many persons to read this

book prior to reading " Depression Cured At Last " by

Sherry , as things may make more sense and be

more understandable if these books are read in this


In August of 1999, also learned that adequate

" Replacement " of my gut flora, when it was awry, was

" ANOTHER FOUNDATION STEP " in order for me to properly

correct severe depression in myself.

Straightening out one's gut flora can, almost all on

it's own, have a profound effect on depression, but

this is too long of a story for me to tell here. The

best that I can do for you, the reader of this

document, is introduce to you " my greatest teacher " in

this regard; Dr. Sherry . Besides Dr. Priscilla

Slagle, Dr. Balch, and Bernard Jensen, Dr. is

the fourth " conceptually brilliant author " that I

learned from in regard to the correction of depression

in myself.

My most commonly used gut correction to treat a state

of mild depressive state in myself is either (1) a

" fiber purge " with a two or three decent sized apples,

or my eating a substantial portion of some other

fibrous fruits or vegetables, or (2) a psyllium purge.

Both (1) or (2) are taken an hour or two prior to my

taking any nutritional supplements, which allows

adequate time for my stomach to empty, such that

either of these " fiber purges " are heading down my

intestines, rather than still being in my stomach

where they started out.

My most commonly used gut correction to treat a state

of severe depression in myself is a bentonite and

psyllium purge similar to what is suggested on

www.curezone.com. Bentonite and psyllium does purge

far more than just pysllium alone. I ALWAYS insure

that I do this bentonite and psyllium purge on an

empty stomach... and I always wait at least a few

hours, if not more, for this bentonite and psyllium

purge to be out of my stomach, and headed down my

small intestines, before I take any nutritional

supplements or food.

I use a bentonite and psyllium purge whenever my " gut

is real bad off " . By my mood, and by other indicators

such as excessive bloating, I can make a very accurate

judgment in this regard. (Curezone calls a bentonite

and psyllium purge a " P and B shake " .)


as a few more that are critical in this regard:

The concept of the adequate removal of one's gut (GI

tract) contents being A FOUNDATION STEP to properly

correct a serious depressive state applies to MILLIONS

of persons that are severely depressed; it certainly

applies to the vast majority of them.

The concept of the proper replacement of one's gut

flora being A FOUNDATION STEP to properly correct a

serious depressive state applies to MILLIONS of

persons that are severely depressed; it certainly

applies to the vast majority of them.

The concept of using broad based amino acids for a

substantial portion of one's protein intake being A

FOUNDATION STEP to properly correct a serious

depressive state applies to MILLIONS of persons that

are severely depressed; it certainly applies to the

vast majority of them.

The concept of using carnitine and phosphatidyl

choline when taking an adequate therapeutic dose of

broad based amino acids being critical to properly

correct a serious depressive state applies to MILLIONS

of persons that are severely depressed; it certainly

applies to the vast majority of them.

And lastly, the concept of using a very wide range of

vitamin and mineral cofactors when taking an adequate

therapeutic dose of broad based amino acids being

critical to properly correct a serious depressive

state applies to MILLIONS of persons that are severely

depressed as well; it certainly applies to the vast

majority of them.

Perhaps needless to say, conventional medicine ignores

all of the above, and opts to treat depression with

drugs and only drugs, simply for the sake of the

money. These people should all be held accountable in

a court of law some day. How many persons that they

have hurt, and how many they have killed?... all for

the sake of the money that they are making in

manufacturing, selling, and prescribing toxic

antidepressant medications.


If someone is interested in reading two authors that

are very germane in regard to the proper correction of

depression and manic depression, one would be wise to

read Dr. Priscilla Slagle, and Dr. Sherry vs.

many other authors on these particular topics.

Why these authors vs. some others?

I recommend these doctors and their books due to the

fact that both of these doctors are " true pioneers " in

alternative medicine. Both of these doctors postulated

original thought vs. simply copying the ideas of

others. Dr. Slagle " first introduced " the use of free

form amino acids to the general public for the

correction of depression. And Dr. " first well

defined " the myriad of common problems that exist in

the gut, and underlie depression, for the general

public as well. In addition to this, Dr. also

was " first " to " accurately propose how to correct

these common gut problems " (in her " 8 R " program of

gut correction).

I recommend these doctors and their books for a second

reason as well. This reason is that both of these

doctors actually suffered from depression themselves.

I cannot imagine a non-depressed person really knowing

in a deep heartfelt way about the true causes and best

corrections of depression, no matter how many medical

degrees that they had, unless they suffered from

depression themselves. And I most certainly cannot

imagine a non-depressed person, doctor or not,

" figuring out any original truth " of depression and

its best treatments, unless it had already been

figured out first by others (such that one could learn

from these others by reading their books).

It is no accident that in one book that I read years

ago Dr. Slagle spoke very highly of Dr. written

work. And in another book that I read years ago Dr.

spoke very highly of Dr. Slagle. These two

authors both appreciated what they had learned from

each other. And out of all of the authors that I have

read on the topic of how to correct depression

naturally, I have appreciated these two authors the

most... as well as found their ideas and insight of

great use to me over time.

I do not mean to diminish the two other authors that I

have introduced you to here. If you suffer from

depression, I consider reading and/or understanding

what Bernard Jensen has to say in his books " a must "

if you wish to become and remain well, and Dr. Balch

has a few good ideas here as well. However, the two

Dr.'s mentioned, Slagle and , represent the best

two authors in existence specific to the topic of

depression, or at least this is my opinion.

What I have learned about the correction of depression

and manic depression represents a major upgrade to

what both Dr. Slagle and Dr. have proposed for

the same. I simply built on their pre-existing

original knowledge, using myself as " a guinea pig for

the world " . However, I most certainly have to thank

Dr. Priscilla Slagle and Dr. Sherry for what

they taught me. Without BOTH of them (as well as other

key authors such as Dr. Balch and Bernard

Jensen), I would not have gotten anywhere close

knowledge-wise to where I am today.

If the world ever becomes wise enough to couple what

Dr. Slagle taught all of us in her book " The Way Up

From Down " , with what Dr. taught all of us in

" Depression Cured At Last " , and then becomes wise

enough to couple these two authors with what I am

trying to tell it as well... the entire class of

antidepressant medications would virtually collapse


In my mind, Dr. Sherry should win the Nobel

Prize for her landmark piece of written work titled

" Depression Cured At Last " . If not, she should co-win

it with Priscilla Slagle, M.D., and myself, as the

three of us have conceptually, if not in a practical

sense as well, resolved the proper correction of

depression (in most so afflicted) for the entire human



An addendum:

Unfortunately, as much as I have been getting harassed

by hackers over the Internet since June 2006, it

appears Big Pharma is fully aware of what is going on

in the above-mentioned regards. And unfortunately, no

party with adequate means to effect change has yet

supported or acted on what I have to say.

Big Pharma most certainly realizes that what I have

discovered about the proper treatment of depression

spells doom for the antidepressant class of

medications. They also know that what I know about

natural healing spells doom for other classes of

medications as well. And lastly, they know that what I

know about natural healing spells doom for the general

public's faith in their entire industry as well.

I don't even care if I am totally plagiarized here

without getting any credit for any of my original

discoveries whatsoever. I would just hate to see Big

Pharma win. I have no self seeking agenda. Indeed, as

a result of being hacked so much, using so many

different computers since June 2006, and even being

hacking using various computers in different public

libraries, I am not in denial that " Big Pharma has

become aware of me " ... and that I may " end up dead for

what I know " .

I sincerely hope that I have enough time, and can find

adequate means, to complete what I have to say to the

world (finish an organized and cohesive book).

And I sincerely hope that I can finish this book

before free form amino acids (and other critical

nutritional supplements) are legally taken off the

market, as a result of Big Pharma bribing the FDA and

our lawmakers in order to protect its profits and


Big Pharma knows that it is virtually doomed, with a

storm of class action litigation to follow shortly

thereafter... if what I know about depression and

manic depression ever fully reaches the light of day.

Dr. Priscilla Slagle's website is:


Dr. Sherry website is:


Bernard Jensen's and Dr. Balch's books can be found on


Some blogs that are related to this one somewhat

and/or may be useful to the reader in some way are:

Natural Treatment of Depression and Willy's Baggie

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=68

Depression and Bipolar Disorder - Cured At Last!

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=255

One of Willy's " baggies " of supplements... Wow!

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=23

Baggie number two kicked in.... Wow again!

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=25

An Anecdotal Case; Depression Resolved in One Day

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=243

Willy's Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=235

My Bipolar Recovery Story as of June 2004

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=72

Bentonite, Depression, and How The Gut May Work

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=26

Bentonite, vitamin C, and yeast die off

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=16

Willy's Baggie Ingredient List

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=64

A more detailed explanation of Willy's baggie

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=77

The Neurotransmitter Precursor Group of Nutrients in

Willy's Baggie; and their cost

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=307

Adelle ; a true pioneer

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=262

Introducing the Concept of a " Healing House "

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=252

An egroup post on using lithium vs. raising


http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=301

Taurine and other inhibitory nutrients

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=302

Two egroup posts on inhibitory nutrients written in


http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=260

GABA vs. Glutamine

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=304

An old speech draft on bipolar disorder; still a

worthy read

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=303



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Guest guest


Wonderful info as always .

I would hope that all of us would read the warnings that has given and be

our own best Dr.

I have the Dr. Jensen's book on a PDF. I send it our on a CD along with other


I can send the PDF to those that can handle it...it is big!

Email me and put Dr. PDF in the subject line...Please do that, I get a ton of

spam and you could be deleted if it is not done in that manner.



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Guest guest

Nieema, is this something I should have? depression is getting worse>and so

is the itching,

Can that be a die off, Or if I get to warm, I will itch , does any one else

have the itching and white spots in there body?? Or if I take something to

kill Yeast, which I don't have much left?? Sharon J. at


Re: My free form amino acid and gut " depression

knowledge " ; where did it come from?

> Greetings


> Wonderful info as always .


> I would hope that all of us would read the warnings that has given

> and be our own best Dr.


> I have the Dr. Jensen's book on a PDF. I send it our on a CD along with

> other things.


> I can send the PDF to those that can handle it...it is big!

> Email me and put Dr. PDF in the subject line...Please do that, I get a ton

> of spam and you could be deleted if it is not done in that manner.

> nieema0@...


> NieeMA



> Tomorrows Health Starts Today Count on it Now!!!

> Discover our bodies ability to heal it self.

> I was diabetic Now I am not. I count on

> FrequenSea, the planets " mothers milk "

> http://totalhealthnaturally.com

> The worlds safest Energy Drink!!!

> Where Energy and Health Collide

> http://energyjustgothealthy.com



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