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Re: Irradiated Spinach to Start Tomorrow... Why you Should NOT eat it...

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Thank you for the post.What is the symbol,as it did not come through

on the post??

best regards





> Look for this Symbol (in any color) - If it is a fresh product Don't Buy

> It.


> The irradiation industry, and governments world wide, have touted the

> effective irradiation of food products as a means to kill various and

> harmful bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately what they are not telling

> you is that in study after study there have been a plethora of negative

> side effects of FRESHLY irradiated products in test animals. Signs

> exhibited ranged from weakened immune systems, to weight loss, to other

> aberations in the test subject.


> What is interesting to note is that food stored for 6 weeks after

> irradiation (such as grain products and spices) did not exhibit these

> effects in nearly so strongly a manner..


> Finally those of you who take the time to read the whole posting will

> quickly realize the con-job about to be played on the unsuspecting

> public. As you will read, the FDA has already basically sided with Big

> Business at the cost of your health. That means ONLY YOU WILL INFORM

> YOUR NEIGHBOUR. The FDA, the Media, and other Bodies will do NOTHING to

> tell you the truth about the dangerous side effects of freshly

> irradiated food.. It is up to you to copy this post and share with as

> many people as possible. Then when enough people know the difference we

> can exert serious pressure to keep our food unirradiated and simply get

> the food industry to simply use GOOD HYGIENE PRACTISES.


> http://www.truehealth.org/nukedfood.html

> <http://www.truehealth.org/nukedfood.html>


> Catch the FDA Lying to Your Face..


> http://tinyurl.com/59zzme

> Dr. Tarantino, director of the Office of Food Additive Safety at

> the F.D.A., said the agency had found no serious nutritional or safety

> changes associated with irradiation of spinach or lettuce.


> " These irradiated foods are not less safe than others, " Dr. Tarantino

> said, " and the doses are effective in reducing the level of

> disease-causing micro-organisms. "


> Catch the FDA and their plans for Super-Weak Irradiation Labelling


> - They are considering lowering the labelling standard with terms like

> 'electronically pasteurized' and 'cold pasteurized' - SO WATCH FOR IT.


> " Acceptance of irradiated food would get a boost if it didn't have to be

> labeled as such, Doyle said. There's a food industry proposal before the

> FDA to do just that, allowing processors to use the broad term

> " pasteurized " for several processes that kill pathogens, including

> irradiation. "


> http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi...0,7539234.story



> 39234.story>

> http://ga3.org/cfs/alert-description.html?alert_id=10233644

> <http://ga3.org/cfs/alert-description.html?alert_id=10233644>


> Original Article:



> L. Tritsch, PhD

> Cancer Research Scientist, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, New York

> State Department of Health.


> I am speaking as a private citizen, and my opinions are my own, based on

> thirty-three years of experience since my doctorate at Cornell Medical

> College, Rockefeller University and, since 1959, as a cancer research

> scientist and biochemist at Roswell.


> I am opposed to consuming irradiated food because of the abundant and

> convincing evidence in the refereed scientific literature that the

> condensation products of the free radicals formed during irradiation

> produce statistically significant increases in carcinogenesis,

> mutagenesis and cardiovascular disease in animals and man. I will not

> address the reported destruction of vitamins and other nutrients (what?

> - more nutrient deficiencies?; my comment) by irradiation because

> suitable supplementation of the diet can prevent the development of such

> potential deficiencies. However, I cannot protect myself from the

> carcinogenic and other harmful insults to the body placed into the food

> supples and I can see no tangible benefit to be traded for the possible

> increased incidence of malignant disease one to three decades in the

> future.


> Irradiation works by splitting chemical bonds in molecules with high

> energy beams to form ions and free radicals. When sufficient critical

> bonds are split in organisms contaminating a food, the organism is

> killed. Comparable bonds are split in the food. Ions are stable; free

> radicals contain an unpaired electron and are inherently unstable and

> therefore reactive. How long free radicals remain in food treated with a

> given dose of radiation or the reaction products formed in a given food

> cannot be calculated but must be tested experimentally for each food.

> Different doses of radiation will produce different amounts and kinds of

> products.


> The kinds of bonds split in a given molecule are governed by statistical

> considerations. Thus, while most molecules of a given fatty acid, for

> example, may be split in a certain manner, other molecules of the same

> fatty acid will be split differently. A free radical can either combine

> with another free radical to form a stable compound, or it can initiate

> a [chemical] chain reaction by reacting with a stable molecule to form

> another free radical, et cetera, until the chain is terminated by the

> reaction of two free radicals to form a stable compound. These reactions

> continue long after the irradiation procedure.


> I am bringing this up to give you a rationale for the vast number of new

> molecules that can be formed from irradiation of a single molecular

> species, to say nothing of a complicated mixture such as food.

> Furthermore, the final number and types of new molecules formed will

> depend on the other molecules present in the sample. Thus, free radicals

> originating from fats could form new compounds with proteins, nucleic

> acids [DNA], and so forth.

> [ found at:

> <http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/8979/page26.html>

> http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/8979/page26.html

> <http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/8979/page26.html> ].





> Abstracts: [from the public archives of the National Library of

> Medicine <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi> ]



> 1) Micronucleus test in mice fed on an irradiated diet.

> Jpn J Vet Res 1989 Apr;37(2):41-7

> Endoh D, Hashimoto N, Sato F, Kuwabara M.

> A mutagenicity study was carried out in mice fed on a gamma-irradiated

> diet. As an indicator of mutagenic activity, we observed an incidence of

> micronuclei in erythrocytes. The average body weight of the mice fed on

> the diet irradiated to dose range of 400-1,000 kGy decreased, and the

> mice fed on the 800-1,000 kGy-irradiated diet died during the period

> from 8 to 14 days after the start of feeding. On the other hand, when

> the mutagenic activity of the irradiated diet was tested by observing

> occurrence of micronucleus in erythrocytes, no significant increase was

> recognized. These results indicated that the irradiated diet had no

> mutagenic activity, even though it possessed a toxic effect on the

> growth of mice. PMID: 2779058 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



> 2) Genetic effects of feeding irradiated wheat to mice.

> Can J Genet Cytol 1976 Jun;18(2):231-8

> Vijayalaxmi.

> The effects of feeding irradiated wheat in mice on bone marrow and

> testis chromosomes, germ cell numbers and dominant lethal mutations were

> investigated. Feeding of freshly irradiated wheat resulted in

> significantly increased incidence of polyploid cells in bone marrow,

> aneuploid cells in testis, reduction in number of spermatogonia of types

> A, B and resting primary spermatocytes as well as a higher mutagenic

> index. Such a response was not observed when mice were fed stored

> irradiated wheat. Also there was no difference between the mice fed

> un-irradiated wheat and stored irradiated wheat. PMID: 990994 [PubMed -

> indexed for MEDLINE]



> 3) Chromosome studies on bone marrow cells of Chinese hamsters fed a

> radiosterilized diet.

> Toxicology 1977 Oct;8(2):213-22

> Renner HW.

> Metaphase preparations of chromosomes from bone marrow cells of Chinese

> hamsters were examined for mutagenic effects following the feeding of a

> radiosterilized diet. No increase in the incidence of structural

> chromosomal aberrations was observed. As far as numerical aberrrations

> were concerned, the proportion of cells with polyploidy increased to

> between 4 to 5 times the control level, irrespective of the moisture

> content of the diet. This polyploidy effect occurred very early, being

> detectable within 24 h, if the diet fed had been irradiated with an

> absorbed dose of 4.5 - 10(6) rad. The incidence of polyploidy remained

> below 0.5%, however, nor did it rise with higher radiation doses. When

> the feeding of the irradiated diet was stopped, the proportion of

> polyploid cells returned to the control level within a maximum of 6

> weeks. If the diet was stored (initially) for 6 weeks following

> irradiation before being fed to the animals no increase in the number of

> polyploid cells was noted. These results are not interpreted as a

> mutagenic effect of the irradiated diet. PMID: 929628 [PubMed - indexed

> for MEDLINE]



> 4) Irradiated laboratory animal diets: dominant lethal studies in the

> mouse.

> Mutat Res 1981 Feb;80(2):333-45

> D, Clapp MJ, Hodge MC, Weight TM.

> In 4 separate dominant lethal experiments groups of mice of either

> River CD1 or Alderley Park strains were fed laboratory diets

> (Oakes, 41B, PRD, BP nutrition rat and mouse maintenance diet No. 1).

> The diets were either untreated (negative control diets) or irradiated

> at 1, 2.5 and 5 megarad and were freshly irradiated, or stored. The

> animals were fed their test diets for a period of 3 weeks prior to

> mating. Groups of mice given a single intraperitoneal injection of 200

> mg cyclophosphamide per kg body weight served as the positive controls.

> Freshly irradiated PRD diet fed to male mice of both strains caused an

> increase in early deaths in females mated to the males in week 7 and to

> a lesser extent in week 4. The increase due to irradiation was small by

> comparison with that produced by the positive control compound. The

> responses for the other irradiated diets showed no significant increases

> in early deaths although some values for Oakes diet were high. The

> effect of storage was examined with PRD and BPN diet on one occasion and

> produced conflicting results. Thus there was some evidence that

> irradiated PRD diet has weak mutagenic activity in the meiotic and/or

> pre-meiotic phase of the spermatogenic cycle which appeared to be

> lessened on storage; the inclusion of such a diet in toxicological

> studies would therefore need to be carefully considered. PMID: 7207489

> [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



> 5) The effect of ionizing irradiation on sensory changes in feed in

> relation to their utilization by dogs

> Vet Med (Praha) 1985 Dec;30(12):739-48, [Article in Czech]

> Smid K, Dvorak J, Hrusovsky J.

> To evaluate the effect of ionizing radiation on sensory changes of feeds

> in relation to their utilization by dogs, four groups of experimental

> animals were formed. Two groups were fed a ration where the main

> component (meat feed mixture VETACAN and loose feed mixture VETAVIT) was

> irradiated by radioisotope Co 60 at the dose of 25 kGy/kg for the period

> of 90 days. In the remaining two groups a non-irradiated ration was used

> for the same period. For both diets, control groups of dogs were formed

> and the feed ration was biologically fortified by a vitamin-mineral

> supplement to the physiological standard. It followed from the

> observations that the effect of radiation caused a significant

> qualitative decrease in the level of energy nutrients, particularly in

> the protein and lipid sphere. It is assumed that the extent of damage of

> lipid fraction is also accompanied by deficient vitamin activity and

> further by significant changes of taste and aromatic properties felt by

> animals. Irradiation of the feed ration caused a significant 20 to 25%

> decrease of food intake with a subsequent decrease of live weight and

> deterioration of physical condition. Irradiated diets without biological

> fortification caused significant losses of weight from the initial value

> mean = 39.5 kg to mean = 35.33 kg, in comparison with the non-irradiated

> rations through which the live weight was stabilized, and at biological

> fortification positively influenced. Irradiation of the feed ration

> during the period of study had not caused a response of the organism

> displayed in changes of physiological values of body temperature and

> heart and respiration rates in experimental animals. Radiosterilization

> of feeds had not caused any significant decrease of training ability and

> performance of dogs. PMID: 3937317 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



> 6) Immune response in rats given irradiated wheat.

> Br J Nutr 1978 Nov;40(3):535-41

> Vijayalaxmi.

> 1. Rats given diets containing freshly-irradiated wheat showed

> significantly lower mean antibody titres to four different antigens,

> decreased numbers of antibody-forming cells in the spleen and

> rosette-forming lymphocytes as compared to rats given either

> unirradiated wheat or irradiated wheat stored for a period of 12 weeks.

> 2. The immune response in rats given 90 g protein/kg diet was

> essentially similar to that seen in animals given 180 g protein/kg diet.

> PMID: 568934 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]




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just another of many reasons for me to keep planting my garden.




> Look for this Symbol (in any color) - If it is a fresh product

Don't Buy

> It.


> The irradiation industry, and governments world wide, have touted


> effective irradiation of food products as a means to kill various


> harmful bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately what they are not


> you is that in study after study there have been a plethora of


> side effects of FRESHLY irradiated products in test animals. Signs

> exhibited ranged from weakened immune systems, to weight loss, to



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WE need to read labels more. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is

making us obese and sick. They are putting ALOT of MSG in our foods

to make them taste better. (read the salad dressing and soup isle. I

am a label reader, and I throw alot of stuff back. Sometimes I

wonder what the heck we can eat?

Any bread that says " ENRICHED " , that means all the nutrients are

aleady taken out of them to last on the shelf long.... How long will

it last in your body? The word CANCER come to mind? When are we

going to get tired of eating FAKE FOODS?

I seen a bread that says whole grain, and on the label says ENRICHED,

we are really dumb consumers, so they think.

Fat free? That means, 'what else does it have instead?'

If there is any form of sugar in the first few ingredients, (and

sugar has many names) that is too much! Sugar is like a drug that

goes right to you head. It fakes your body on a sugar high, and

DROPS YOU DOWN, and you're hungry again. Is there any wonder why

there are so many of us that are OBESE?

If you don't believe it, what the movie SUPER SIZE, AND the extra

outtakes. I feel sorry for people who drive up to fast food places

thinking it is food. If the french fries last that long in the

bottle, how long does it last in our colon?

I am learning about probotics. Good bacteria we should have in our

digestive system.

Lets get educated, not just about spincach, but what ARE real foods.

I am not perfect in the eating, but we all should stive for something

better than what they are giving us. Even restaurant foods are

overly seasoned with junk. It gives me inflamation.

Even paturized milk is not good for us. They have nuked out all the

nutrients, and what are we getting after that? Know anyone alergic

to dairy? I have been using SOY, but there will be something wrong

with that too.





> Look for this Symbol (in any color) - If it is a fresh product

Don't Buy

> It.


> The irradiation industry, and governments world wide, have touted


> effective irradiation of food products as a means to kill various


> harmful bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately what they are not


> you is that in study after study there have been a plethora of


> side effects

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WE need to read labels more. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is

making us obese and sick. They are putting ALOT of MSG in our foods

to make them taste better. (read the salad dressing and soup isle. I

am a label reader, and I throw alot of stuff back. Sometimes I

wonder what the heck we can eat?

Any bread that says " ENRICHED " , that means all the nutrients are

aleady taken out of them to last on the shelf long.... How long will

it last in your body? The word CANCER come to mind? When are we

going to get tired of eating FAKE FOODS?

I seen a bread that says whole grain, and on the label says ENRICHED,

we are really dumb consumers, so they think.

Fat free? That means, 'what else does it have instead?'

If there is any form of sugar in the first few ingredients, (and

sugar has many names) that is too much! Sugar is like a drug that

goes right to you head. It fakes your body on a sugar high, and

DROPS YOU DOWN, and you're hungry again. Is there any wonder why

there are so many of us that are OBESE?

If you don't believe it, what the movie SUPER SIZE, AND the extra

outtakes. I feel sorry for people who drive up to fast food places

thinking it is food. If the french fries last that long in the

bottle, how long does it last in our colon?

I am learning about probotics. Good bacteria we should have in our

digestive system.

Lets get educated, not just about spincach, but what ARE real foods.

I am not perfect in the eating, but we all should stive for something

better than what they are giving us. Even restaurant foods are

overly seasoned with junk. It gives me inflamation.

Even paturized milk is not good for us. They have nuked out all the

nutrients, and what are we getting after that? Know anyone alergic

to dairy? I have been using SOY, but there will be something wrong

with that too.





> Look for this Symbol (in any color) - If it is a fresh product

Don't Buy

> It.


> The irradiation industry, and governments world wide, have touted


> effective irradiation of food products as a means to kill various


> harmful bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately what they are not


> you is that in study after study there have been a plethora of


> side effects

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Oh, yes. I am reassured once again that growing my own veggies is the

best way for me and my family. Thanks for the information.


> >

> > Look for this Symbol (in any color) - If it is a fresh product

> Don't Buy

> > It.

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Is organic food also irradiated?

On Aug 21, 2008, at 6:52 PM, zebra77a wrote:

> Look for this Symbol (in any color) - If it is a fresh product Don't

> Buy

> It.


> The irradiation industry, and governments world wide, have touted the

> effective irradiation of food products as a means to kill various and

> harmful bacteria and viruses.



portfolio pages:



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