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A great book! on liver cleansing

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Dear group:

Over the years I have had recurrent problems with gall bladder pain due to its

being plugged up with gallstones.

My first episode of this occurred in the early 90's, and I really was not sure

what was going on at this point. I thought I had " liver pain " , and I was not

really aware of my gall bladder at all. This pain was rather severe, and had me

doubled over at times, in order to get a little bit of relief.

Oddly, I did guess correctly what had caused this pain... and that was my

repeatedly drinking a number of cups of hot tea with lemon while playing long

poker sessions in Atlantic City. I knew this guess was correct when I had a

second serious episode of gall bladder pain within a month or so due to drinking

too much tea with lemon over a period of a few days. Simply removing the lemon

and/or stopping drinking a lot of tea with lemon altogether completely stopped

these major gall bladder pain attacks from occurring altogether for a number of


I am sure glad that I did not see a doctor when these first two episodes of gall

bladder pain occurred, as I most probably would have had my gall bladder removed

if I did. I knew nothing of alternative medicine at this time. It is likely that

I would simply have become another innocent victim of a very corrupt and

" intentionally ignorant " medical system if I did see a doctor for gall bladder

pain in the early 90's.

In the late 90's I became far more aware of alternative medicine, to include

liver cleansing, which I have dabbled with from time to time, but not to any

great degree. I have drank olive oil and lemon juice about three times between

1999 and 2004 or so in order to cleanse my liver, but I really did not know a

great deal about what I was doing when I did this, nor did I remove any stones

that I was aware of, with a single exception. This exception involved my last

attack of major gall bladder pain, one that occurred about four years ago.

About four years ago I experienced great pain in my gall bladder area after

eating a half gallon of Breyer's Ice Cream with a lot of pecans in it

(admittedly a poor food choice for me, as I know that I am dairy allergic.)

It so turns out that pecans can cause the liver to release gallstones, a fact

that I found on the net shortly thereafter (by doing a simple linking search of

" pecans gall bladder " ). Due to this net research and the way I felt, I strongly

suspected that I had a boulder of a gallstone in my gall bladder, one that was

severely blocking bile flow.

I knew a bit more at this time about liver cleansing, as a result of what I had

read on www.curezone.com, and my own experiences with liver cleansing in the

past. Therefore I immediately armed myself with the basic ingredients for a

liver flush of Epsom Salts, apple juice, olive oil, and lemons. Surprisingly, I

never even got the the olive oil and lemon juice stage of this cleanse. After

drinking a half gallon of apple juice (I think I used apple cider here), and

taking the Epsom salts as suggested, within an hour or so I soon felt great

relief from this large stone moving into my small intestines. I could actually

feel this stone as it moved through my small intestine for a number of hours. It

must have been a boulder of a gallstone for me to feel it move through my small

intestine, but I never saw it come out. (This gallstone must have become buried

in my feces, and I did not use gloves or some sort of a filter to retrieve it

when I pooped it out.)

Lately, I have had minor but definitely noticeable and recurrent pain in my gall

bladder area. I realize that I need to do a liver cleanse again. However, this

time I wanted to know quite a bit more about what I was doing, so I bought a

book that I found on the subject. The title of this book is " The Liver and Gall

Bladder Miracle Cleanse " by s Moritz.

What a great book! s Moritz is right on the money as far as liver

cleansing is concerned. But even more, this man is one of the great conceptual

thinkers in alternative medicine, right up there with Dr. Sherry of

www.prestigepublishing.com (my greatest teacher), and a few others that I highly

respect. His knowledge of human health, and health recovery, extends far beyond

liver cleansing.

I learned a ton from reading this book, and I will soon reread it again. I

cannot recommend this book enough for all those that suffer from any mental

illness label, no matter what it may be. I also cannot recommend this book

enough for literally everyone, especially as they grow older, as gallstone and

liver stone issues apply to many hundreds of millions of persons.

I have sensed for quite some time that my liver is below par, as is my bile flow

though my gall bladder. I expect my liver and gall bladder to have thousands of

stones, and many of them may be quite large. One indication that I am getting of

this is that my stools have often begun to float, an indication of undigested

fat, and bile is involved in fat emulsification and digestion.

I can't wait to get my liver free of the thousands of gallstones that most

probably reside there, and I strongly believe that this cleansing measure is

going to help me a great deal.

Over the next six months or so, I intend to do repeated liver cleanses as per

Moritz's suggestions, and I am going to follow his advice to a " T " . I

believe that this man really knows what he is talking about, and I am not going

to second guess him at all.

If you are dealing with overcoming bipolar disorder naturally, as I am,

gallstones and liver stones are very likely to be serious problematic issues

that apply to you. I suggest that you buy the book " The Liver and Gall Bladder

Cleanse " by Moritz and do exactly what he suggests in regard to liver

cleansing. (This same statement also applies to schizophrenia.) I also suggest

you look into and perform kidney and colon cleansing as well. Colon cleansing

and straightening out my problematic gut floral issues helped me enormously in

regard to overcoming manic depression in myself.


The liver and its health definitely affects the brain and its health, as does

the liver and its health affect every organ and cell in the body. All " mental

illness " is not really " mental illness " at all. It is " whole body illness " , of

which the brain is only one of many organs affected. In every single case of

" mental illness " (a true misnomer), all organs and cells of the body are

compromised from the standpoints of (1) lacking a wide range of essential

nutrients, and (2) excessive toxic exposure and (3) excessive allergic food

exposure ... bar none. Indeed, this is what " mental illness " is all about.

" Mental illness " is a simply crock of bull being sold to us by Big Pharma... for

the sake of the many billions that they are making by perpetuating this massive

fraud. And they are perpetuating this fraud despite the fact that " they most

certainly know better " .

Why do I say that " Big Pharma knows better " ?

The anecdotal proof on the Internet that virtually all mental illness is curable

is absolutely overwhelming at this point in time, and it has been for quite some

time. Make no mistake about it, Big Pharma is listening to the Internet in these


I personally know that " Big Pharma is listening " to the net, as many times as I

have had home computers that I am using hacked into and disrupted since I first

put my son Willy's original recovery story on the net in June 2006. Big Pharma

would lose tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars if some of my

discoveries over the years are finally adequately recognized and acted upon by a

party or parties with the means to do so. This is especially true in regard to

how to overcome depression naturally. Antidepressants don't stand a ghost of a

chance vs. the power of broad based nutrition when applied properly (such as

" Willy's baggie " represents), especially when such supplementation is coupled

with both dietary correction and " adequate correction of the gut " .

God help us all if such an evil corporate monster is able to suppress the truth

forever by taking healing nutritional and natural measures out of the hands of

the general public such that " we cannot cure ourselves any more " , as they are

heavily attempting to do all over the world.

An addendum: I continue to attach my son Willy's picture to blogs on

http://360./allen_dar, as in regard to overcoming ADHD and manic

depression naturally, he has set a course to follow for the entire world.

Willy's baggie of supplements and his taking probiotics daily continues to give

him great results, and we continue to learn more and more over time. Willy is

still only seventeen (he will turn eighteen in September). He continues to get

healthier and stronger month after month. I am absolutely amazed that Willy,

after being a weak and sickly child all though his childhood, can bench press

315 lbs., do seven one hand pull-ups, and can do handstands against a wall and

do twenty push-ups of his entire body with his feet in the air, despite his

weighing about 170 lbs.. And Willy is " mood stable as a rock " , unless he

overeats too much of his allergic foods. (He knows how immediately correct for

these very minor mood dips from his making poor food

choices from time to time, and he has known this stuff for years.)

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Greetings All

, good to see you!

Well folks said it better they I could ever have!!!

The cleanse I do is the one by s...And both my honey and I both have

amazing results.

I have posted it .


Look here to get info on the Colema Board!

From: Darman <allen_dar@...>

Subject: A great book! on liver cleansing


Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 5:47 PM

Dear group:

Over the years I have had recurrent problems with gall bladder pain due to its

being plugged up with gallstones.

My first episode of this occurred in the early 90's, and I really was not sure

what was going on at this point. I thought I had " liver pain " , and I was not

really aware of my gall bladder at all. This pain was rather severe, and had me

doubled over at times, in order to get a little bit of relief.

Oddly, I did guess correctly what had caused this pain... and that was my

repeatedly drinking a number of cups of hot tea with lemon while playing long

poker sessions in Atlantic City. I knew this guess was correct when I had a

second serious episode of gall bladder pain within a month or so due to drinking

too much tea with lemon over a period of a few days. Simply removing the lemon

and/or stopping drinking a lot of tea with lemon altogether completely stopped

these major gall bladder pain attacks from occurring altogether for a number of


I am sure glad that I did not see a doctor when these first two episodes of gall

bladder pain occurred, as I most probably would have had my gall bladder removed

if I did. I knew nothing of alternative medicine at this time. It is likely that

I would simply have become another innocent victim of a very corrupt and

" intentionally ignorant " medical system if I did see a doctor for gall bladder

pain in the early 90's.

In the late 90's I became far more aware of alternative medicine, to include

liver cleansing, which I have dabbled with from time to time, but not to any

great degree. I have drank olive oil and lemon juice about three times between

1999 and 2004 or so in order to cleanse my liver, but I really did not know a

great deal about what I was doing when I did this, nor did I remove any stones

that I was aware of, with a single exception. This exception involved my last

attack of major gall bladder pain, one that occurred about four years ago.

About four years ago I experienced great pain in my gall bladder area after

eating a half gallon of Breyer's Ice Cream with a lot of pecans in it

(admittedly a poor food choice for me, as I know that I am dairy allergic.)

It so turns out that pecans can cause the liver to release gallstones, a fact

that I found on the net shortly thereafter (by doing a simple linking search of

" pecans gall bladder " ). Due to this net research and the way I felt, I strongly

suspected that I had a boulder of a gallstone in my gall bladder, one that was

severely blocking bile flow.

I knew a bit more at this time about liver cleansing, as a result of what I had

read on www.curezone. com, and my own experiences with liver cleansing in the

past. Therefore I immediately armed myself with the basic ingredients for a

liver flush of Epsom Salts, apple juice, olive oil, and lemons. Surprisingly, I

never even got the the olive oil and lemon juice stage of this cleanse. After

drinking a half gallon of apple juice (I think I used apple cider here), and

taking the Epsom salts as suggested, within an hour or so I soon felt great

relief from this large stone moving into my small intestines. I could actually

feel this stone as it moved through my small intestine for a number of hours. It

must have been a boulder of a gallstone for me to feel it move through my small

intestine, but I never saw it come out. (This gallstone must have become buried

in my feces, and I did not use gloves or some sort of a filter to retrieve it

when I pooped it out.)

Lately, I have had minor but definitely noticeable and recurrent pain in my gall

bladder area. I realize that I need to do a liver cleanse again. However, this

time I wanted to know quite a bit more about what I was doing, so I bought a

book that I found on the subject. The title of this book is " The Liver and Gall

Bladder Miracle Cleanse " by s Moritz.

What a great book! s Moritz is right on the money as far as liver

cleansing is concerned. But even more, this man is one of the great conceptual

thinkers in alternative medicine, right up there with Dr. Sherry of

www.prestigepublish ing.com (my greatest teacher), and a few others that I

highly respect. His knowledge of human health, and health recovery, extends far

beyond liver cleansing.

I learned a ton from reading this book, and I will soon reread it again. I

cannot recommend this book enough for all those that suffer from any mental

illness label, no matter what it may be. I also cannot recommend this book

enough for literally everyone, especially as they grow older, as gallstone and

liver stone issues apply to many hundreds of millions of persons.

I have sensed for quite some time that my liver is below par, as is my bile flow

though my gall bladder. I expect my liver and gall bladder to have thousands of

stones, and many of them may be quite large. One indication that I am getting of

this is that my stools have often begun to float, an indication of undigested

fat, and bile is involved in fat emulsification and digestion.

I can't wait to get my liver free of the thousands of gallstones that most

probably reside there, and I strongly believe that this cleansing measure is

going to help me a great deal.

Over the next six months or so, I intend to do repeated liver cleanses as per

Moritz's suggestions, and I am going to follow his advice to a " T " . I

believe that this man really knows what he is talking about, and I am not going

to second guess him at all.

If you are dealing with overcoming bipolar disorder naturally, as I am,

gallstones and liver stones are very likely to be serious problematic issues

that apply to you. I suggest that you buy the book " The Liver and Gall Bladder

Cleanse " by Moritz and do exactly what he suggests in regard to liver

cleansing. (This same statement also applies to schizophrenia. ) I also suggest

you look into and perform kidney and colon cleansing as well. Colon cleansing

and straightening out my problematic gut floral issues helped me enormously in

regard to overcoming manic depression in myself.


The liver and its health definitely affects the brain and its health, as does

the liver and its health affect every organ and cell in the body. All " mental

illness " is not really " mental illness " at all. It is " whole body illness " , of

which the brain is only one of many organs affected. In every single case of

" mental illness " (a true misnomer), all organs and cells of the body are

compromised from the standpoints of (1) lacking a wide range of essential

nutrients, and (2) excessive toxic exposure and (3) excessive allergic food

exposure ... bar none. Indeed, this is what " mental illness " is all about.

" Mental illness " is a simply crock of bull being sold to us by Big Pharma... for

the sake of the many billions that they are making by perpetuating this massive

fraud. And they are perpetuating this fraud despite the fact that " they most

certainly know better " .

Why do I say that " Big Pharma knows better " ?

The anecdotal proof on the Internet that virtually all mental illness is curable

is absolutely overwhelming at this point in time, and it has been for quite some

time. Make no mistake about it, Big Pharma is listening to the Internet in these


I personally know that " Big Pharma is listening " to the net, as many times as I

have had home computers that I am using hacked into and disrupted since I first

put my son Willy's original recovery story on the net in June 2006. Big Pharma

would lose tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars if some of my

discoveries over the years are finally adequately recognized and acted upon by a

party or parties with the means to do so. This is especially true in regard to

how to overcome depression naturally. Antidepressants don't stand a ghost of a

chance vs. the power of broad based nutrition when applied properly (such as

" Willy's baggie " represents), especially when such supplementation is coupled

with both dietary correction and " adequate correction of the gut " .

God help us all if such an evil corporate monster is able to suppress the truth

forever by taking healing nutritional and natural measures out of the hands of

the general public such that " we cannot cure ourselves any more " , as they are

heavily attempting to do all over the world.

An addendum: I continue to attach my son Willy's picture to blogs on

http://360.. com/allen_ dar, as in regard to overcoming ADHD and manic

depression naturally, he has set a course to follow for the entire world.

Willy's baggie of supplements and his taking probiotics daily continues to give

him great results, and we continue to learn more and more over time. Willy is

still only seventeen (he will turn eighteen in September). He continues to get

healthier and stronger month after month. I am absolutely amazed that Willy,

after being a weak and sickly child all though his childhood, can bench press

315 lbs., do seven one hand pull-ups, and can do handstands against a wall and

do twenty push-ups of his entire body with his feet in the air, despite his

weighing about 170 lbs.. And Willy is " mood stable as a rock " , unless he

overeats too much of his allergic foods. (He knows how immediately correct for

these very minor mood dips from his making poor


choices from time to time, and he has known this stuff for years.)

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Go to the site and you can get some YouTube information and see the man.

From: Darman <allen_dar (DOT) com>

Subject: A great book! on liver cleansing

allen_dar (DOT) com

Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 5:47 PM

Dear group:

Over the years I have had recurrent problems with gall bladder pain due to its

being plugged up with gallstones.

My first episode of this occurred in the early 90's, and I really was not sure

what was going on at this point. I thought I had " liver pain " , and I was not

really aware of my gall bladder at all. This pain was rather severe, and had me

doubled over at times, in order to get a little bit of relief.

Oddly, I did guess correctly what had caused this pain... and that was my

repeatedly drinking a number of cups of hot tea with lemon while playing long

poker sessions in Atlantic City. I knew this guess was correct when I had a

second serious episode of gall bladder pain within a month or so due to drinking

too much tea with lemon over a period of a few days. Simply removing the lemon

and/or stopping drinking a lot of tea with lemon altogether completely stopped

these major gall bladder pain attacks from occurring altogether for a number of


I am sure glad that I did not see a doctor when these first two episodes of gall

bladder pain occurred, as I most probably would have had my gall bladder removed

if I did. I knew nothing of alternative medicine at this time. It is likely that

I would simply have become another innocent victim of a very corrupt and

" intentionally ignorant " medical system if I did see a doctor for gall bladder

pain in the early 90's.

In the late 90's I became far more aware of alternative medicine, to include

liver cleansing, which I have dabbled with from time to time, but not to any

great degree. I have drank olive oil and lemon juice about three times between

1999 and 2004 or so in order to cleanse my liver, but I really did not know a

great deal about what I was doing when I did this, nor did I remove any stones

that I was aware of, with a single exception. This exception involved my last

attack of major gall bladder pain, one that occurred about four years ago.

About four years ago I experienced great pain in my gall bladder area after

eating a half gallon of Breyer's Ice Cream with a lot of pecans in it

(admittedly a poor food choice for me, as I know that I am dairy allergic.)

It so turns out that pecans can cause the liver to release gallstones, a fact

that I found on the net shortly thereafter (by doing a simple linking search of

" pecans gall bladder " ). Due to this net research and the way I felt, I strongly

suspected that I had a boulder of a gallstone in my gall bladder, one that was

severely blocking bile flow.

I knew a bit more at this time about liver cleansing, as a result of what I had

read on www.curezone. com, and my own experiences with liver cleansing in the

past. Therefore I immediately armed myself with the basic ingredients for a

liver flush of Epsom Salts, apple juice, olive oil, and lemons. Surprisingly, I

never even got the the olive oil and lemon juice stage of this cleanse. After

drinking a half gallon of apple juice (I think I used apple cider here), and

taking the Epsom salts as suggested, within an hour or so I soon felt great

relief from this large stone moving into my small intestines. I could actually

feel this stone as it moved through my small intestine for a number of hours. It

must have been a boulder of a gallstone for me to feel it move through my small

intestine, but I never saw it come out. (This gallstone must have become buried

in my feces, and I did not use gloves or some sort of a filter to retrieve it

when I pooped it out.)

Lately, I have had minor but definitely noticeable and recurrent pain in my gall

bladder area. I realize that I need to do a liver cleanse again. However, this

time I wanted to know quite a bit more about what I was doing, so I bought a

book that I found on the subject. The title of this book is " The Liver and Gall

Bladder Miracle Cleanse " by s Moritz.

What a great book! s Moritz is right on the money as far as liver

cleansing is concerned. But even more, this man is one of the great conceptual

thinkers in alternative medicine, right up there with Dr. Sherry of

www.prestigepublish ing.com (my greatest teacher), and a few others that I

highly respect. His knowledge of human health, and health recovery, extends far

beyond liver cleansing.

I learned a ton from reading this book, and I will soon reread it again. I

cannot recommend this book enough for all those that suffer from any mental

illness label, no matter what it may be. I also cannot recommend this book

enough for literally everyone, especially as they grow older, as gallstone and

liver stone issues apply to many hundreds of millions of persons.

I have sensed for quite some time that my liver is below par, as is my bile flow

though my gall bladder. I expect my liver and gall bladder to have thousands of

stones, and many of them may be quite large. One indication that I am getting of

this is that my stools have often begun to float, an indication of undigested

fat, and bile is involved in fat emulsification and digestion.

I can't wait to get my liver free of the thousands of gallstones that most

probably reside there, and I strongly believe that this cleansing measure is

going to help me a great deal.

Over the next six months or so, I intend to do repeated liver cleanses as per

Moritz's suggestions, and I am going to follow his advice to a " T " . I

believe that this man really knows what he is talking about, and I am not going

to second guess him at all.

If you are dealing with overcoming bipolar disorder naturally, as I am,

gallstones and liver stones are very likely to be serious problematic issues

that apply to you. I suggest that you buy the book " The Liver and Gall Bladder

Cleanse " by Moritz and do exactly what he suggests in regard to liver

cleansing. (This same statement also applies to schizophrenia. ) I also suggest

you look into and perform kidney and colon cleansing as well. Colon cleansing

and straightening out my problematic gut floral issues helped me enormously in

regard to overcoming manic depression in myself.


The liver and its health definitely affects the brain and its health, as does

the liver and its health affect every organ and cell in the body. All " mental

illness " is not really " mental illness " at all. It is " whole body illness " , of

which the brain is only one of many organs affected. In every single case of

" mental illness " (a true misnomer), all organs and cells of the body are

compromised from the standpoints of (1) lacking a wide range of essential

nutrients, and (2) excessive toxic exposure and (3) excessive allergic food

exposure ... bar none. Indeed, this is what " mental illness " is all about.

" Mental illness " is a simply crock of bull being sold to us by Big Pharma... for

the sake of the many billions that they are making by perpetuating this massive

fraud. And they are perpetuating this fraud despite the fact that " they most

certainly know better " .

Why do I say that " Big Pharma knows better " ?

The anecdotal proof on the Internet that virtually all mental illness is curable

is absolutely overwhelming at this point in time, and it has been for quite some

time. Make no mistake about it, Big Pharma is listening to the Internet in these


I personally know that " Big Pharma is listening " to the net, as many times as I

have had home computers that I am using hacked into and disrupted since I first

put my son Willy's original recovery story on the net in June 2006. Big Pharma

would lose tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars if some of my

discoveries over the years are finally adequately recognized and acted upon by a

party or parties with the means to do so. This is especially true in regard to

how to overcome depression naturally. Antidepressants don't stand a ghost of a

chance vs. the power of broad based nutrition when applied properly (such as

" Willy's baggie " represents), especially when such supplementation is coupled

with both dietary correction and " adequate correction of the gut " .

God help us all if such an evil corporate monster is able to suppress the truth

forever by taking healing nutritional and natural measures out of the hands of

the general public such that " we cannot cure ourselves any more " , as they are

heavily attempting to do all over the world.

An addendum: I continue to attach my son Willy's picture to blogs on

http://360.. com/allen_ dar, as in regard to overcoming ADHD and manic

depression naturally, he has set a course to follow for the entire world.

Willy's baggie of supplements and his taking probiotics daily continues to give

him great results, and we continue to learn more and more over time. Willy is

still only seventeen (he will turn eighteen in September). He continues to get

healthier and stronger month after month. I am absolutely amazed that Willy,

after being a weak and sickly child all though his childhood, can bench press

315 lbs., do seven one hand pull-ups, and can do handstands against a wall and

do twenty push-ups of his entire body with his feet in the air, despite his

weighing about 170 lbs.. And Willy is " mood stable as a rock " , unless he

overeats too much of his allergic foods. (He knows how immediately correct for

these very minor mood dips from his making poor


choices from time to time, and he has known this stuff for years.)

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There's no way I could drink apple juice.. do you or anyone else here do the

malic acid, and if so can you share where you get it and what the experience is

like? I'm thinking of trying this out.


Debby in San , CA

147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

Group: curingcandida/

Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

----- Original Message ----

From: NieeMA

Greetings All

, good to see you!

Well folks said it better they I could ever have!!!

The cleanse I do is the one by s...And both my honey and I both have

amazing results.

I have posted it .


Look here to get info on the Colema Board!

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Guest guest

Great story, thanks for sharing! I also turned around my ADD that I had since I

was a child. I can't imagine what my life would have been like had I known more

about what to eat when growing up. Would love to hear how the liver flushes

turn out for you.


Debby in San , CA

147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

Group: curingcandida/

Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

----- Original Message ----

From: Darman

Dear group:

Over the years I have had recurrent problems with gall bladder pain due to its

being plugged up with gallstones.

My first episode of this occurred in the early 90's, and I really was not sure

what was going on at this point. I thought I had " liver pain " , and I was not

really aware of my gall bladder at all. This pain was rather severe, and had me

doubled over at times, in order to get a little bit of relief.

Oddly, I did guess correctly what had caused this pain... and that was my

repeatedly drinking a number of cups of hot tea with lemon while playing long

poker sessions in Atlantic City. I knew this guess was correct when I had a

second serious episode of gall bladder pain within a month or so due to drinking

too much tea with lemon over a period of a few days. Simply removing the lemon

and/or stopping drinking a lot of tea with lemon altogether completely stopped

these major gall bladder pain attacks from occurring altogether for a number of


I am sure glad that I did not see a doctor when these first two episodes of gall

bladder pain occurred, as I most probably would have had my gall bladder removed

if I did. I knew nothing of alternative medicine at this time. It is likely that

I would simply have become another innocent victim of a very corrupt and

" intentionally ignorant " medical system if I did see a doctor for gall bladder

pain in the early 90's.

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Guest guest

Gee, I wish I'd read this before having my gallbladder taken out. Oh

well. And to think there may be a connection to schizophrenia and

related issues? Fascinating! Thanks!



> Dear group:


> Over the years I have had recurrent problems with gall bladder pain

due to its being plugged up with gallstones.


> My first episode of this occurred in the early 90's, and I really

was not sure what was going on at this point. I thought I had " liver

pain " , and I was not really aware of my gall bladder at all. This pain

was rather severe, and had me doubled over at times, in order to get a

little bit of relief.


> Oddly, I did guess correctly what had caused this pain... and that

was my repeatedly drinking a number of cups of hot tea with lemon

while playing long poker sessions in Atlantic City. I knew this guess

was correct when I had a second serious episode of gall bladder pain

within a month or so due to drinking too much tea with lemon over a

period of a few days. Simply removing the lemon and/or stopping

drinking a lot of tea with lemon altogether completely stopped these

major gall bladder pain attacks from occurring altogether for a number

of years.


> I am sure glad that I did not see a doctor when these first two

episodes of gall bladder pain occurred, as I most probably would have

had my gall bladder removed if I did. I knew nothing of alternative

medicine at this time. It is likely that I would simply have become

another innocent victim of a very corrupt and " intentionally ignorant "

medical system if I did see a doctor for gall bladder pain in the

early 90's.


> In the late 90's I became far more aware of alternative medicine, to

include liver cleansing, which I have dabbled with from time to time,

but not to any great degree. I have drank olive oil and lemon juice

about three times between 1999 and 2004 or so in order to cleanse my

liver, but I really did not know a great deal about what I was doing

when I did this, nor did I remove any stones that I was aware of, with

a single exception. This exception involved my last attack of major

gall bladder pain, one that occurred about four years ago.


> About four years ago I experienced great pain in my gall bladder

area after eating a half gallon of Breyer's Ice Cream with a lot of

pecans in it (admittedly a poor food choice for me, as I know that I

am dairy allergic.)


> It so turns out that pecans can cause the liver to release

gallstones, a fact that I found on the net shortly thereafter (by

doing a simple linking search of " pecans gall bladder " ). Due to this

net research and the way I felt, I strongly suspected that I had a

boulder of a gallstone in my gall bladder, one that was severely

blocking bile flow.


> I knew a bit more at this time about liver cleansing, as a result of

what I had read on www.curezone.com, and my own experiences with liver

cleansing in the past. Therefore I immediately armed myself with the

basic ingredients for a liver flush of Epsom Salts, apple juice, olive

oil, and lemons. Surprisingly, I never even got the the olive oil and

lemon juice stage of this cleanse. After drinking a half gallon of

apple juice (I think I used apple cider here), and taking the Epsom

salts as suggested, within an hour or so I soon felt great relief from

this large stone moving into my small intestines. I could actually

feel this stone as it moved through my small intestine for a number of

hours. It must have been a boulder of a gallstone for me to feel it

move through my small intestine, but I never saw it come out. (This

gallstone must have become buried in my feces, and I did not use

gloves or some sort of a filter to retrieve it when I pooped it out.)


> Lately, I have had minor but definitely noticeable and recurrent

pain in my gall bladder area. I realize that I need to do a liver

cleanse again. However, this time I wanted to know quite a bit more

about what I was doing, so I bought a book that I found on the

subject. The title of this book is " The Liver and Gall Bladder Miracle

Cleanse " by s Moritz.


> What a great book! s Moritz is right on the money as far as

liver cleansing is concerned. But even more, this man is one of the

great conceptual thinkers in alternative medicine, right up there with

Dr. Sherry of www.prestigepublishing.com (my greatest teacher),

and a few others that I highly respect. His knowledge of human health,

and health recovery, extends far beyond liver cleansing.


> I learned a ton from reading this book, and I will soon reread it

again. I cannot recommend this book enough for all those that suffer

from any mental illness label, no matter what it may be. I also cannot

recommend this book enough for literally everyone, especially as they

grow older, as gallstone and liver stone issues apply to many hundreds

of millions of persons.


> I have sensed for quite some time that my liver is below par, as is

my bile flow though my gall bladder. I expect my liver and gall

bladder to have thousands of stones, and many of them may be quite

large. One indication that I am getting of this is that my stools have

often begun to float, an indication of undigested fat, and bile is

involved in fat emulsification and digestion.


> I can't wait to get my liver free of the thousands of gallstones

that most probably reside there, and I strongly believe that this

cleansing measure is going to help me a great deal.


> Over the next six months or so, I intend to do repeated liver

cleanses as per Moritz's suggestions, and I am going to follow

his advice to a " T " . I believe that this man really knows what he is

talking about, and I am not going to second guess him at all.


> If you are dealing with overcoming bipolar disorder naturally, as I

am, gallstones and liver stones are very likely to be serious

problematic issues that apply to you. I suggest that you buy the book

" The Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse " by Moritz and do exactly

what he suggests in regard to liver cleansing. (This same statement

also applies to schizophrenia.) I also suggest you look into and

perform kidney and colon cleansing as well. Colon cleansing and

straightening out my problematic gut floral issues helped me

enormously in regard to overcoming manic depression in myself.


> Conclusion


> The liver and its health definitely affects the brain and its

health, as does the liver and its health affect every organ and cell

in the body. All " mental illness " is not really " mental illness " at

all. It is " whole body illness " , of which the brain is only one of

many organs affected. In every single case of " mental illness " (a true

misnomer), all organs and cells of the body are compromised from the

standpoints of (1) lacking a wide range of essential nutrients, and

(2) excessive toxic exposure and (3) excessive allergic food exposure

.... bar none. Indeed, this is what " mental illness " is all about.


> " Mental illness " is a simply crock of bull being sold to us by Big

Pharma... for the sake of the many billions that they are making by

perpetuating this massive fraud. And they are perpetuating this fraud

despite the fact that " they most certainly know better " .


> Why do I say that " Big Pharma knows better " ?


> The anecdotal proof on the Internet that virtually all mental

illness is curable is absolutely overwhelming at this point in time,

and it has been for quite some time. Make no mistake about it, Big

Pharma is listening to the Internet in these regards.


> I personally know that " Big Pharma is listening " to the net, as many

times as I have had home computers that I am using hacked into and

disrupted since I first put my son Willy's original recovery story on

the net in June 2006. Big Pharma would lose tens, if not hundreds, of

billions of dollars if some of my discoveries over the years are

finally adequately recognized and acted upon by a party or parties

with the means to do so. This is especially true in regard to how to

overcome depression naturally. Antidepressants don't stand a ghost of

a chance vs. the power of broad based nutrition when applied properly

(such as " Willy's baggie " represents), especially when such

supplementation is coupled with both dietary correction and " adequate

correction of the gut " .


> God help us all if such an evil corporate monster is able to

suppress the truth forever by taking healing nutritional and natural

measures out of the hands of the general public such that " we cannot

cure ourselves any more " , as they are heavily attempting to do all

over the world.




> An addendum: I continue to attach my son Willy's picture to blogs on

http://360./allen_dar, as in regard to overcoming ADHD and

manic depression naturally, he has set a course to follow for the

entire world. Willy's baggie of supplements and his taking probiotics

daily continues to give him great results, and we continue to learn

more and more over time. Willy is still only seventeen (he will turn

eighteen in September). He continues to get healthier and stronger

month after month. I am absolutely amazed that Willy, after being a

weak and sickly child all though his childhood, can bench press 315

lbs., do seven one hand pull-ups, and can do handstands against a wall

and do twenty push-ups of his entire body with his feet in the air,

despite his weighing about 170 lbs.. And Willy is " mood stable as a

rock " , unless he overeats too much of his allergic foods. (He knows

how immediately correct for these very minor mood dips from his making

poor food

> choices from time to time, and he has known this stuff for years.)


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Debby, most people I know did the liver/gallbladder flush by Dr.

, the one posted on my site, without using apple juice, malic

acid, phosphoric acid, or the coffee enema, and still got lots of

stones and no complications!!



> There's no way I could drink apple juice.. do you or anyone else

here do the malic acid, and if so can you share where you get it and

what the experience is like? I'm thinking of trying this out.


> Luv,

> Debby in San , CA

> 147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

> Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

> Group: curingcandida/

> Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com




> ----- Original Message ----

> From: NieeMA


> Greetings All


> , good to see you!


> Well folks said it better they I could ever have!!!


> The cleanse I do is the one by s...And both my honey and I

both have amazing results.


> I have posted it .

> http://www.ener-chi.com/

> Look here to get info on the Colema Board!



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Hi Duncan,

Is that the one you posted here:


I did look at that one first and it does say apple juice as a requirement. Then

I read the other liver flush file and it had an option for malic acid, which is

apparently the helpful ingredient in apple juice that softens stones but with

all the sugar, fiber, water, etc. extracted. I was going to do the malic acid

because it's supposed to be sour and I like sour stuff. I guess it's what they

use for tart candies.. sounded kind of good to me. :)


Debby in San , CA

147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

Group: curingcandida/

Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

----- Original Message ----

> From: Duncan Crow


> Debby, most people I know did the liver/gallbladder flush by Dr.

> , the one posted on my site, without using apple juice, malic

> acid, phosphoric acid, or the coffee enema, and still got lots of

> stones and no complications!!


> Duncan

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I have done is without the apple juice or any of the prep work. I

just did the fasting, the epsom, the lemon, and the oil, and I popped

out tons. Did it over 10 times and always got stones. The efficacy

of the procedure is a different story though. I did not feel any

better any time I did it. And now the taste of olive oil makes me

queezy. But hell, others report amazing results, so you might as well

give it a shot.


> >

> > There's no way I could drink apple juice.. do you or anyone else

> here do the malic acid, and if so can you share where you get it and

> what the experience is like? I'm thinking of trying this out.

> >

> > Luv,

> > Debby in San , CA

> > 147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

> > Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

> > Group: curingcandida/

> > Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

> >

> >

> >

> > ----- Original Message ----

> > From: NieeMA

> >

> > Greetings All

> >

> > , good to see you!

> >

> > Well folks said it better they I could ever have!!!

> >

> > The cleanse I do is the one by s...And both my honey and I

> both have amazing results.

> >

> > I have posted it .

> > http://www.ener-chi.com/

> > Look here to get info on the Colema Board!

> >

> >

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Perhaps your liver is fine? I'm not sure what's going on with you but it sounds

like it's not your liver.


Debby in San , CA

147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

Group: curingcandida/

Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

----- Original Message ----

> From: dreaminginnoother

> I have done is without the apple juice or any of the prep work. I

> just did the fasting, the epsom, the lemon, and the oil, and I popped

> out tons. Did it over 10 times and always got stones. The efficacy

> of the procedure is a different story though. I did not feel any

> better any time I did it. And now the taste of olive oil makes me

> queezy. But hell, others report amazing results, so you might as well

> give it a shot.

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I did the malic acid too. It is the stuff they put on sour worms in

candy. It is a hard thing to take alone!!! I did it with

something...what, I do not remember.


> There's no way I could drink apple juice.. do you or anyone else

here do the malic acid, and if so can you share where you get it and

what the experience is like? I'm thinking of trying this out.


> Luv,

> Debby in San , CA

> 147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

> Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

> Group: curingcandida/

> Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com




> ----- Original Message ----

> From: NieeMA


> Greetings All


> , good to see you!


> Well folks said it better they I could ever have!!!


> The cleanse I do is the one by s...And both my honey and I

both have amazing results.


> I have posted it .

> http://www.ener-chi.com/

> Look here to get info on the Colema Board!



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Where did you get the malic acid from? Can you mix it with other foods like

maybe have it as a salad dressing?


Debby in San , CA

147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

Group: curingcandida/

Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

----- Original Message ----

> From: NieeMA <nieema0


> I did the malic acid too. It is the stuff they put on sour worms in

> candy. It is a hard thing to take alone!!! I did it with

> something...what, I do not remember.

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I have to agree with you , this is one of my favorite books also which I

had to reorder yesterday as I have given away my 2 other copies! I am

sharing it with nurses I work with. He does a great job explaining the damage


the cholesterol drugs are doing to our livers and I am hoping it makes the

rounds as I work on a cardiac floor. It is nice to find someone who writes

intelligently and coherently in the alternative medicine arena so that any


professional who reads it would have to think long and hard about what he says.

My second favorite book you might enjoy if you have not already read it

is " Gut and Psychology Syndrome "


(http://www.loveyourbelly.com/resources/gut.html) which really talks

about mental illness in relation to gut problems. You can get it at either Body

Ecology website or Grain and Salt Society. It is a must read for anyone with

mental disorders or professionals treating those with mental disorders. This

woman was a neurologist who was disatisfied with the results of medical

treatment for her autistic son, and so got her PhD in nutrition and healed him.


is not an easy book to find in the US, but you can order through the above

mentioned websites. Anyone with candida issues would find this of value.


**************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget?

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Yeah, but I do have gb problems.



> Perhaps your liver is fine? I'm not sure what's going on with you

but it sounds like it's not your liver.


> Luv,

> Debby in San , CA

> 147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

> Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

> Group: curingcandida/

> Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com




> ----- Original Message ----

> > From: dreaminginnoother

> > I have done is without the apple juice or any of the prep work. I

> > just did the fasting, the epsom, the lemon, and the oil, and I popped

> > out tons. Did it over 10 times and always got stones. The efficacy

> > of the procedure is a different story though. I did not feel any

> > better any time I did it. And now the taste of olive oil makes me

> > queezy. But hell, others report amazing results, so you might as well

> > give it a shot.


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I have recently completed my 6th liver flush. Per Moritz's instruction,

I drank a malic acid powder + H2O mixture preceding three of the 6

liver cleanses.

I purchased my malic acid powder from Presque Isle Wine Celler's

website (recommended by Moritz): http://www.piwine.com/store/home.php

Per Moritz's liver flush book, I would drink the mixture throughout the

day, the 6 days leading up to the liver flush. I actually had to

decrease the amount of malic acid powder I added to the mixture because

it was irritating my bladder. After a few days of drinking the mixture,

I would experience a mildly sore bladder and urgency to urinate. It

felt like a bladder infection was coming on. A mixture of 32 oz water +

1/8 tsp malic acid powder was still causing me these sensations. After

the third atttempt to use it, I realized that I am just too sensitive

to the malic acid powder. I did my 6th liver flush at the beginning of

last week without drinking the malic acid powder+H2O mixture.



> There's no way I could drink apple juice.. do you or anyone else here

do the malic acid, and if so can you share where you get it and what

the experience is like? I'm thinking of trying this out.


> Luv,

> Debby in San , CA

> 147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

> Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

> Group: curingcandida/

> Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

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dreaminginnoother wrote:

> I have done is without the apple juice or any of the prep work. I

> just did the fasting, the epsom, the lemon, and the oil, and I popped

> out tons. Did it over 10 times and always got stones. The efficacy

> of the procedure is a different story though. I did not feel any

> better any time I did it.

The " stones " are " soapstones " formed of the oil and acid you ingested

during the " cleanse " . No real gallstones or liver stones are excreted.

For those who don't believe this, it is easy to prove, just send some

of the " stones " excreted during your next flush to a reputable

laboratory for analysis.


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Are you saying this is true of all flushes?

Re: Re: A great book! on liver cleansing

dreaminginnoother wrote:

> I have done is without the apple juice or any of the prep work. I

> just did the fasting, the epsom, the lemon, and the oil, and I popped

> out tons. Did it over 10 times and always got stones. The efficacy

> of the procedure is a different story though. I did not feel any

> better any time I did it.

The " stones " are " soapstones " formed of the oil and acid you ingested

during the " cleanse " . No real gallstones or liver stones are excreted.

For those who don't believe this, it is easy to prove, just send some

of the " stones " excreted during your next flush to a reputable

laboratory for analysis.


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----- Original Message ----

> From: sol

> The " stones " are " soapstones " formed of the oil and acid you ingested

> during the " cleanse " . No real gallstones or liver stones are excreted.

> For those who don't believe this, it is easy to prove, just send some

> of the " stones " excreted during your next flush to a reputable

> laboratory for analysis.

I did a search about this on the net, and found someone who says:


" When I started having gall bladder attacks, I passed large stones. Big ones. I

saw what they looked like. I was not doing flushes at the time. I didn't consume

olive oil. I didn't consume Epsom salt. It hurt like nothing I'd ever

experienced. But I *did* pass the gall stones, and I found them in my excrement.

They scracthed on the way out.

When I started doing Liver Flushes , I initially didn't get any large stones. My

first two flushes resulted in smaller, tan, Tic-Tac-sized stones, plus green,

waxy " bile balls " , plus " chaffe " . My third liver flush produced green balls plus

bona fide gall stones, just like the ones I had passed, with much pain, a year


Now, I don't know what the green balls are. I don't know what the smaller,

Tic-Tac-sized stones are (they are hard). But I know darn well what the gall

stones I passed were, both last year and this year, and I know that the gall

stones that I passed this year were done painlessly, during the flush.

I have consumed a lot of fat, both animal and vegetable, in my life time. I have

been on programs which required me to consume tablespoonfuls of oil at a time,

which I would help get down by consuming orange juice (sounds kinda like olive

oil plus grapefruit juice, no?). Not once did I ever notice anything unusual

about my stool during those programs.

Beyond this, my wife makes all of our soap. She makes it using olive oil (plus

other oils). In order to get oil to turn to soap, high, life-terminating

temperatures are required. Oils and fats just don't become soap just because you

put the chemical ingredients together.

discussed a lot of this earlier. If these were in fact " soap balls " , then

they should be sudsy. They are not. I've tested them, too, and they're kinda

waxy, kinda dough-y, kinda jelly. They are not sudsy.

Soap, by the way, is both water soluble and fat soluble, which is why it works.

With all the water and " sloshing " that goes on in your intestines, which is

allegedly the basis for this " chemical process " which " makes soap " , the soap

should dissolve. Leave soap (real, home made soap) in water some time and see

how long it remains solid or " ball shaped " . Then slosh it around some with your

hand and see how long it maintains its " bar " (or " ball " ) shape.

While there may be some truth to the idea that the oil consumed results in some

of the byproducts that we find, there is too much evidence -- personal,

I've-seen-it evidence -- which demonstrates that this process does in fact purge

gall stones and clean out the liver. "


Debby in San , CA

147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

Group: curingcandida/

Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

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I've heard that argument before; I think the fact the gallstones are

crystallized inside shows they took awhile to form. The liver stones

may be questionable, but you can see them in the livers of people in

autopsy. Further, when you do several flushes you may run out

of " evidence " , so there may be something there.


> > I have done is without the apple juice or any of the prep work. I

> > just did the fasting, the epsom, the lemon, and the oil, and I


> > out tons. Did it over 10 times and always got stones. The


> > of the procedure is a different story though. I did not feel any

> > better any time I did it.

> The " stones " are " soapstones " formed of the oil and acid you


> during the " cleanse " . No real gallstones or liver stones are


> For those who don't believe this, it is easy to prove, just send


> of the " stones " excreted during your next flush to a reputable

> laboratory for analysis.

> sol


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> > dreaminginnoother wrote:


> > > The efficacy

> > > of the procedure is a different story though. I did not feel any

> > > better any time I did it.

> > The " stones " are " soapstones " formed of the oil and acid you

> ingested

> > during the " cleanse " .


Yes, the lumps are " soapstones " or saponified/crystallized matter

created by the ingredients of the cleanse. Most of the research that I

have read indicates that stones above 1cm in size can not be passed at

home. Even 1cm stones cause excruciating pain and suffering, with the

risk of affecting/infecting the liver and pancreas in the process.

Here's a good article describing traditional Chinese treatments and

herbs for gallstones. Gallbladder " flushes " can be carried out with

certain herbal and pharmaceutical remedies, as they do in China, but it

is performed in a hospital (and the article notes that Americans would

be " unlikely " to adopt this practice because of the pain involved). Note

that this is performed in a hospital, with morhpine:


[For what it's worth, ITM is a very reputable source of information in

the herbal world. Their information mostly focuses on Chinese and

Ayurvedic herbs, but we " western " herbalists also have many equivalent

treatment options, such as stone root and other herbs.]

My approach to gallstones would parallel the recommendations in this

article for long-term treatment with gentle " stone dissolving " herbs. By

long-term, I mean at least a year, maybe longer if the person has large

or numerous stones. Seriously, there is no quick fix for stones short of

lifestyle change and long-term gentle dissolving (or there's surgery).


the Florida herbalist



Hawthorne, Florida


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That, I don't know. If all the various flushes are basically the same?

Probably yes.


Diane Trudeau wrote:

> Are you saying this is true of all flushes?




> Re: Re: A great book! on liver cleansing



> dreaminginnoother wrote:


>> I have done is without the apple juice or any of the prep work. I

>> just did the fasting, the epsom, the lemon, and the oil, and I popped

>> out tons. Did it over 10 times and always got stones. The efficacy

>> of the procedure is a different story though. I did not feel any

>> better any time I did it.


> The " stones " are " soapstones " formed of the oil and acid you ingested

> during the " cleanse " . No real gallstones or liver stones are excreted.

> For those who don't believe this, it is easy to prove, just send some

> of the " stones " excreted during your next flush to a reputable

> laboratory for analysis.

> sol








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Since magnesium has laxative effects, perhaps just taking the magnesium and

evacuating the colon thoroughly is what is making people feel better on the

liver flushes. I don't know, just a thought.


Debby in San , CA

147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!

Currently studying for Nutrition license and PhD in Psychology

Group: curingcandida/

Website: http://www.naturallythriving.com

----- Original Message ----

> From: nowski


> Yes, the lumps are " soapstones " or saponified/crystallized matter

> created by the ingredients of the cleanse. Most of the research that I

> have read indicates that stones above 1cm in size can not be passed at

> home. Even 1cm stones cause excruciating pain and suffering, with the

> risk of affecting/infecting the liver and pancreas in the process.

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, the research might be surprised to see the liver stones that

occur in the hepatic ducts of cadavers who had not done any liver



The page also shows stones over 2 cm size that were passed.


> Yes, the lumps are " soapstones " or saponified/crystallized matter

> created by the ingredients of the cleanse. Most of the research that


> have read indicates that stones above 1cm in size can not be passed


> home.

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Actually, I don't trust ANY info from Curezone.

There are sites I consider factual and reliable, and many others I do

not. Curezone is firmly in the " not " column.

My thinking on the " stones " over 2 cm that were " passed " is that it

requires a leap of faith that the photos are actual, and requires a leap

of faith that they were " passed " from anywhere other than the stomach

where they formed. I do not have that much faith. There is simply no

proof these stones did not form and pass from the stomach.

I do think what was referring to is that real stones, passed

through the bile ducts or ureter would send a person to the ER in

absolute agony.




Duncan Crow wrote:

> , the research might be surprised to see the liver stones that

> occur in the hepatic ducts of cadavers who had not done any liver

> flushes:

> http://www.curezone.com/cleanse/liver


> The page also shows stones over 2 cm size that were passed.


> Duncan




>> Yes, the lumps are " soapstones " or saponified/crystallized matter

>> created by the ingredients of the cleanse. Most of the research that


> I


>> have read indicates that stones above 1cm in size can not be passed


> at


>> home.




> ------------------------------------



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Well, I beg to differ because a fella I know passed many stones and

he was so proud he collected them; his wife, who is a nurse, brought

them over to show me. They were not saponified oil but crystalline

like the ones in the photos on Curezone. This observation is nothing

like a leap of faith, and I could not predict that a person " would "

be in agony while passing them because he indicated he had no pain.

Believe what you will, sol, but this generally follows the experience

of many people, some of whom are on this very list.


> >

> >> Yes, the lumps are " soapstones " or saponified/crystallized matter

> >> created by the ingredients of the cleanse. Most of the research


> >>

> > I

> >

> >> have read indicates that stones above 1cm in size can not be


> >>

> > at

> >

> >> home.

> >>

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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