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An upgraded Resume in paragraph form

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This " resume blog " is being written for one reason only.

The point of it is " to insure my life until at least Xmas, if at all

possible " . My eleven year war with Big Pharma is finally coming to a

head over the next four months or so.

To explain:

Over the years " the world in general " has not accepted what is

represented in the material below. (There are a number of exceptions

here, and I wish to deeply thank you all.) It is hard to move " new

truth " forward sometimes... a rule that definitely applies to me (and

what I have discovered).

It seems that Big Pharma, or some party or parties being paid for by

such, have been monitoring the Internet. They are looking for persons

or parties that are learning " healing things " that might harm their

sales, their profits, their stock value, and/or " their position of

dominance in the healing arena " .

To date, this monitoring of the Internet by Big Pharma has not

resulted in " any action being taken " , with one single exception that I

am aware of. This exception is " me " . I have lost four computers to

hackers since June 2006, when my son Willy's amazing ADHD/bipolar

recovery story was widely posted to the Internet. This fifth computer

that I am working on has been heavily hammered on " attempted

intrusion-wise " , but thankfully it does not yet seem to be breached

(it still works).

Big Pharma essentially knows that I have caught them " in a number of

Big Lies " , as a result of learning how to use broad based free form

amino acids properly (and so much else). " We " are both quite concerned

about each other (Big Pharma and I), and justifiably so.

This resume is being written " just in case " , such that " if I happen to

disappear or die " within the next handful of months to a year or so,

the world might realize what really happened here. My hope in this

regard is that " if the worst does actually happen " , what I have been

saying on the Internet for years might be looked at by humanity again.

(Perhaps then it will be realized for what it truly represents, and

" how helpful healing-wise that it can be " .)

There is no doubt in my mind that what I have learned about broad

based amino acids, " the gut " , etc. threatens the COLLAPSE! of Big

Pharma " in a very big way " .

I might actually be able to " sow the seeds of this collapse " by Xmas.

All that would be needed then might be a little time for these seeds

to grow. This is why I am going public again " with my plight " , as " my

war with Big Pharma " may be coming to a head within a matter of months.

I fully understand that by posting what I have been posting to the

Internet of late, that " I may not get away unscathed " . I just have to

" trust in God " in this regard (and hope I live a long and healthy

life). Regardless, I am going to " move forward " without " any fears

that I may have " paralyzing me from speaking or acting in any way. And

I am going to " move forward forever " , as best as I am able to, for the

rest of my natural life.

Due to the unjust and untrue claims by some persons over the years

that " I am manic " , or " manic delusional " , or " have paranoid symptoms "

when I write copy such as contained herein, I will be going on YouTube

very soon to " look the world in the eye " when I say such. My

appearance on YouTube will tell a powerful story in regard to " my

state of wellness at the present time " . This video material should

greatly dispel " the various mistruths of my unjust attackers over the

years " .


An upgraded " Resume " in paragraph form

Much of what is below was taken from another blog that I wrote, and

then upgraded quite a bit.

What follows is a non-traditional resume, one that follows no rules.

It is simply a resume written " from the heart " .

This resume is " non-commercial " , as I am, quite literally, giving away

everything that I know on YouTube, and on many other places, on the


My Resume:

The Five Most Important Achievements In My Life

1. I have had a world leading degree of understanding of how to

correct bipolar disorder and depression since January of 1998. This

was the point in which I gave an hour and fifteen minute long

presentation on such to an audience in San , CA. (If anyone that

reads this material still has a video copy of this presentation, I

would really appreciate " a copy of it " being sent to me, and I am

willing to pay for this. I freely gave out over 120 of these

videotapes, hopefully someone has one left.)

My goal at all times since the fall of 1997 when I first began posting

to the Internet about how to overcome manic depression naturally has

been " to try to help millions, and not just a few " .

2. I am the first person on this earth that really knows " how to use

broad based free form amino acids " properly in order " to get the

healing job done " .

3. I am the first persons on this earth that " profoundly understands

the gut " in a practical everyday sense. (I know how to " fix my gut "

from an absorptive standpoint faster than anyone else.)

4. In achieving the above, I am #1 in the world in regard to knowing

how to biochemically correct a state of depression (in most so

afflicted) via natural means. (I got to this place in April 2000, over

eight years ago. It seems that it often takes a long time for " new

truth " to be heard.)

5. In achieving the above, I am #1 in the world in regard to knowing

how to biochemically correct for " so much else " . (I lead the world,

both " conceptually " and " in a practical sense " , in regard to how to

regain human health by using nutrients, natural measures, logic, and

" just plain common sense " .

In trying to share the above-mentioned knowledge with many other

persons and/or parties over the Internet for years (my only real means

to effect change is the Internet), I was either (1) not believed when

I honesty stated what I knew to be true, or (2) simply ignored, or (3)

called " manic delusional " , or (4) " those few that believe me " simply

happened to be persons without the means to effect real change, just

as I was.

Unfortunately the above-mentioned knowledge has " yet to be truly

heard " , such that appropriate action is taken by some party with the

means to effect real change.

Who I Am, Where I Am Coming From, And Where I Am Going

Even though I have achieved all five points made above, I am

admittedly no better than anyone else. ( " We are all equals in the eyes

of God " has been my motto for my entire life.) Despite the appearances

of my written words on the Internet, in truth I am a very humble man.

Just look at me on YouTube; do I appear arrogant or egotistical to

you? Doesn't the man on YouTube (me) seem that he would most probably

listen to you, and show you respect, if you and he ever met?

I just got lucky here. I also worked hard for over fourteen years " to

get where I am knowledge-wise " today.

In addition to this, I was borne with " a little bit of genius " in

" some ways " . You can blame my parents for this.

My father, Arthur Darman, tested second highest in the entire U.S.

after WWII of all personnel in the Navy that were tested after the war

for college entrance. This college entrance exam was taken by many

hundreds of thousands of men, if my mother told me correctly (Arthur

never talked about himself to us children).

My mother, n Darman, had a photographic memory, and was a

voracious reader. She was also a " great duplicate bridge player " (she

could remember all of the cards as they were being played hand to

hand, over twenty hands worth, about 1,000 cards worth, at a time!).

For many years, my mother was a person " with only a high school

degree " . She first attended college (a junior college) in the mid

1980's, when she was over fifty years old. n got a 4.0 average,

and a full scholarship for " academic achievement " , two years in a row.

This happened despite her having taken a medley of psychiatric drugs

for bipolar disorder since the early 1970's, to include lithium,

thorazine, haldol, risperdal, etc., etc. ( I could not even begin to

list all of the medications my mother took from 1970 or so until she

passed away in 2005. This list would have to involve " dozens " .)

My mother had seven children. Although she knew not to " play

favorites " , she just could not help taking me aside from time to time

when I was a child and tell me that " I was their smartest child " . (She

was so proud of me; she knew that she and my father had " brought forth

the gift of at least some degree of genius " .) Even as a young child,

she would buy me sets of encyclopedias " one volume at a time " in the

grocery store. (I read two or three sets of these in their entirety as

a child, while my siblings were out playing. At a very young age, I

had picked up my mother's " love for books " .)

My IQ, as tested years ago, is not the highest, it is only between 141

and 148 (many people are a lot smarter than me). However, I have a

work ethic that is " second to none " . Perhaps this " makes up for things

a little bit " .

I am not the best writer, by any means, and I readily admit to this.

My mental gifts are " math and science ones " . I hated English in high

school. My brain excels at logic, visualization, puzzle solving (and I

don't mean " puzzles with pieces " ), and " big picture thinking " .

Whatever gifts God may have given me at birth did not go to waste. I

have a long life history, spanning over four decades, in which I

achieved " great or unusual " things as a result of " using my brain " ,

" using my stubbornness to succeed " , or both. Many of these

accomplishments were assisted by " self-education " (by reading, or by

listening to what others had to say). However, most, if not all, of

these achievements involved some " original thought " as well. None of

these accomplishments was the result of " going to school " , as " I could

always learn faster than any school could teach me " . Such a life

history is indicative of " at least some degree of genius " , if not a

good deal.

I just got lucky. This luck, in a very big way, stemmed from the fact

that I had Sherry book " Depression Cured At Last " in my hands

just as it was published in 1997 (and I had a number of her other

books as well). I had this book in my hand only a few months after I

had started to use free form amino acids, and a wide range of other

nutritional and natural supplements, in order " to cure myself of

bipolar " . This was some piece of luck. Due to it, I was able to rather

readily put " Sherry wisdom on the gut " together with what I was

learning from self-experience with free form amino acids, and what Dr.

Priscilla Slagle's book " The Way Up From Down " (and a bit later

Erdmannn's book " The Amino Revolution " ) had taught me in regard to the


The bottom line of all of this is that I am simply " a near-genius "

that worked real hard for over fourteen years, and also " got lucky at

just the right time " . As a result of this, I have " a number of great

gifts to give to the entire human race " .

These gifts are (1) how to profoundly resolve depression, bipolar

disorder, ADHD, and the like naturally, (2) how to profoundly resolve,

or profoundly help to resolve, " almost every psych illness under the

sun " (the entire DSMIV), and (3) how to profoundly resolve a number of

serious addictions naturally, or at least " greatly help " .

All of these gifts that I have to give the world stem from the fact

that I am apparently the first person on earth that really knows " how

to use broad based free form amino acids " properly in order " to get

the healing job done " . I am also one of the first persons on this

earth that " well understands the gut in a practical everyday sense " .

(To repeat myself from copy written above, I know how to " fix my gut "

faster than anyone else.)


Couple the facts that (1) I know how to work with the entire nutrient

range, especially the amino acid class of nutrients (the rest is

" common knowledge " ), and (2) I understand how to fix the gut in a

practical sense (as well or better than anyone else), with (3) God, in

the form of " the wisdom of the human body " , will " often do the rest " ,

as far as healing is concerned... and perhaps you may realize what a

special place I seem to have gotten myself into. (I am not just

dealing with a cure for depression, or a cure for bipolar disorder, or

a cure for any other specific illness. In truth, I am essentially

defining for the world " a foundation therapy to recover human health " .)

Don't credit me here, as " I " have nothing to do with this. Credit " the

little piece " of God that every human being has in them, " the piece "

that tells you to " do the right thing " . I only obeyed my conscience

the entire time. " I " am nothing, except " a little humble worker bee

for God " , perhaps.

I seek nothing for myself. I do not seek fame, recognition, money, or

anything else. (Indeed, as much as Big Pharma has been " hacking and

tracking me " , I may not live that long to enjoy such. I can only trust

in God and hope in this regard.)

I only seek to reduce, if not END!, a great deal of human suffering

that results from " nutrients either being used improperly when

healing, if not ignored altogether, especially the AMINO ACID CLASS of

nutrients " . (If there is one single thing left in my life that I wish

to achieve, it is to wake alternative medicine up worldwide to the


BASED FREE FORM AMINO ACIDS " , when (1) they are used in an adequately

balanced fashion, and with the " right " nutrient cofactors involved,

and (2) when they are used in an adequate therapeutic dosage, a dosage

that is best determined by the person taking such.

For those of you that do not believe what I am representing herein, I

ask you " to hold your judgment in abeyance " , until " more facts are

in " . Just wait and see what happens by Xmas, as the result of my

knowledge being applied to other human beings. Perhaps then would be a

better time to judge me than now.

The world will be able to watch " the results of what I know about

healing " on YouTube, under my YouTube screen name of " nutrientscure " ,

as I generate it in the months to come. (Believe me, I will generate

such, maybe not many people, but probably " enough " .)

I intend to, quite literally, GIVE AWAY ALL THAT I KNOW about the

correction of human health over the Internet FOR FREE (via YouTube and

via other websites as well). I may also sell book and DVD video

material at some point in the future at " rock bottom prices " for those

that may still want such. However, virtually everything that " I do in

video or may write " will always be on the Internet for free. Making

money for myself is not my agenda here at all. (I could not care less

about money. It is the health of humanity that I care about.

Everything pales to this.)

Lastly, I wish to deeply thank all those that " have taught me so

much " . I also wish to thank all those that have helped me in one way

or another over the years, or may help me in the future. Without so

many of you, " I could have done nothing " , or " a whole lot less " , than

I eventually did. Again, I thank all of you. (((Hugs)))




Much " world changing new knowledge " and discovery is contained on the

above mentioned site. I am #1 in the world in regard to correcting

depression, manic depression, and many other illnesses and addictions,

naturally. I have been such since April 2000. This was the point in

which I learned how to use broad based free form amino acids with

profound healing effect. Big Pharma has been " hacking and tracking " me

since June 2006, when my son Willy's amazing ADHD/bipolar/weak and

sickly health recovery story was widely posted to the Internet. Big

Pharma seemed to realize that what I had discovered years ago in

regard to broad based amino acids being profoundly corrective of a

depressive state was finally going to get recognized because of what

happened to my son Willy. These discoveries about how to treat

depression properly could virtually collapse the entire class of

antidepressants " overnight " . I may end up dead from all this. This is

" no game " , nor it it " delusion " (see the video below... I am clearly

well). This is " Hollywood in real life " . (I am a humble man... I have

no idea " why God picked me " for such a special destiny.)

http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nutrientscure & search_type=

I am " nutrientscure " on YouTube.com as reflected above. NUTRIENTS DO

CURE! This is only common sense. The American public is finally

becoming empowered to treat broad nutrient deficiency in themselves.

This has historical implications. It could start " a health revolution

world-wide " within a matter of months, as the anecdotal evidence

grows. This material was only put on the Internet a week or so ago. In

the next month or two, there is far more video to come, right up to

and beyond the election. The first video to see is

(This video takes the claim

that I am " manic delusional " at the moment right out of the equation,

as I am not manic at all in it.)

Some other helpful references

Dr. Sherry books can be found on http://www.prestigepublishing.com

Dr. Priscilla's Slagle's book " The Way Up From Down " can be found on


Erdmann's books can be found on http://www.amazon.com

An old and a bit out of date version of my bipolar recovery story can

be found on

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=72

An old speech draft on bipolar; still a worthy read

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=303

Natural Treatment of Depression and Willy's Baggie

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=68

Depression and Bipolar Disorder - Cured At Last!

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=255

An Anecdotal Case; Depression Resolved in One Day, Rv.2

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=243

(I intend to generate enough of these " miraculous depression remission

stories " by Xmas 2008 that what I have been representing to the world

for a number of years can no longer be ignored.)

Antidepressants; The Achilles Heel of Big Pharma

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=290

(The above mentioned blog is not yet edited, finalized, or done. There

is no point in completing it at the moment, as I am going in another

direction. I intend to " anecdotally prove " what I know about the

resolution of depression and put this material on YouTube by Xmas 2008.)

Adelle ; a true pioneer

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=262

The possible implications of broad based nutrition taken all at once

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=107

(The word " possible " in the above mentioned blog should be " probable "

at this point.)

Introducing the Concept of an " Educational Healing House "

http://blog.360./blog-Kgb7fcYwd6q.3mLsjmULpwU-?cq=1 & p=252

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