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apology for not trimming the post!

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So, so very sorry! I forgot to trim the post! I do know better. Just

havings trouble with my e-mail which only shows a couple lines at a time

so forgot the rest was still there. :-(


" Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. " Native American


Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:36:55 +0000From: @...:

@...: Digest Number 6124

Optimal Health Through Traditional Diet

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Re: OT rescue dogs [organic beer and ale]

Posted by: " " oz4caster@... oz4caster

Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:39 pm (PDT)

--- Suze Fisher <suzefisher@...> wrote:> Some holistic positive reinforcement

folks don't like all the Dog> Whisperer's tactics. But I have a good local

trainer.Suze, just out of curiosity, do you know what tactics they don't

like?I've only seen a few of the Dog Whisperer shows, but I thought whathe did

was amazing.

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Re: OT rescue dogs [organic beer and ale]

Posted by: " Suze Fisher " suzefisher@... suzefisher

Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:49 pm (PDT)

> Suze, just out of curiosity, do you know what tactics they don't like?> I've

only seen a few of the Dog Whisperer shows, but I thought what> he did was

amazing.Hi ,Here's an article that explains a few things. The hanging by

the collarmethod is incredibly cruel IMO and I've read of dogs being killed by

thismethod. One beagle I read about was swung around like this in front of

theowner and died of asphyxiation I think. Or they had to euthanize him

becausehe went into a coma or something. This wasn't Millan I'm referring to in

thebeagle incident, but according to this article, as you will see, he

employedthe same method of hanging with another dog.'Dog Whisperer' Training

Approach More Harmful Than HelpfulDenver (September 6, 2006)The training tactics

featured on Cesar Millan's " Dog Whisperer " programare inhumane, outdated and

improper, according to a letter sentyesterday to the National Geographic Channel

by American Humane, theoldest national organization protecting children and

animals.In the letter, American Humane, which works to raise public

awarenessabout responsible pet ownership and reduce the euthanasia of

unwantedpets, expressed dismay over the " numerous inhumane training

techniques " advocated by Cesar Millan on " Dog Whisperer. " Several instances of

cruel and dangerous treatment -- promoted by Millanas acceptable training

methods -- were documented by American Humane,including one in which a dog was

partially asphyxiated in an episode. Inthis instance, the fractious dog was

pinned to the ground by its neckafter first being " hung " by a collar

incrementally tightened by Millan.Millan's goal -- of subduing a fractious

animal -- was accomplished bypartially cutting off the blood supply to its

brain.The letter requests that National Geographic stop airing the

programimmediately and issue a statement explaining that the tactics featuredon

the program are inhumane, and it encourages National Geographic tobegin

developing programming that sets a positive example by featuringproper, humane

animal training. In its letter, American Humane said: " Webelieve that achieving

the goal of improving the way people interactwith their pets would be far more

successful and beneficial for theNational Geographic Channel if it ceased

sending the contradictorymessage that violent treatment of animals is

acceptable. " " As a forerunner in the movement towards humane dog training, we

findthe excessively rough handling of animals on the show and inhumanetraining

methods to be potentially harmful for the animals and thepeople on the show, "

said the letter's author, Bill Torgerson, DVM, MBA,who is vice president of

Animal Protection Services for American Humane. " It also does a disservice to all

the show's viewers by espousing aninaccurate message about what constitutes

effective training andappropriate treatment of animals. " Torgerson noted that the

safety of a woman and her German shepherd werejeopardized in one episode by the

use of an electric shock collar, whichforced the tormented dog to redirect its

aggression at its owner, bitingher arm. " Furthermore, the television audience

was never told that Mr.Millan was attempting to modify the dog's behavior by

causing pain withthe shock collar, " he said.For more information about humane

training techniques, please visitclick


vior>About American HumaneFounded in 1877, the American Humane Association is

the oldest nationalorganization dedicated to protecting both children and

animals. Througha network of child and animal protection agencies and

individuals, theAmerican Humane Association develops policies, legislation,

curriculaand training programs to protect children and animals from

abuse,neglect and exploitation. The nonprofit membership

organization,headquartered in Denver, raises awareness about The LinkR between

animalabuse and other forms of violence, as well as the benefits derived fromthe

human-animal bond. American Humane's regional office in Los Angelesis the

authority behind the " No Animals Were Harmed " R End CreditDisclaimer on film and

TV productions, and American Humane's office inWashington is an advocate for

child and animal protection at the federaland state levels. American Humane is

endorsed by the Better BusinessBureau's Wise Giving Alliance and has been

awarded the IndependentCharities Seal of Excellence. Visit

www.americanhumane.org<http://www.americanhumane.org/ > to learn more.Suze

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Re: OT rescue dogs [organic beer and ale]

Posted by: " " sabrina.moeti@... petsitterpro1

Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:40 pm (PDT)

There's always going to be this in-fighting between dog trainers on whichmethod

is best. The positive enforcement trainers scream and carry on abouthow cruel

the trainers like Milan are, and a lot of the trainers like Milancall the

positive enforcement trainers " treat-slinging weenies. " There's somuch fighting

about which method is better that no one seems to realize thatany one method

will not be effective on all dogs. The trainer I work withuses pinch collars and

shock collars, WHEN NECESSARY, for tough dogs, butwhen a softer dog comes in, he

slings a lot of treats....Don't worry aboutthe politics - figure out what


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