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Re: Bump! Re: POLITICS: Help stop mandatory water fluoridation

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I am desperate to stop the impending fluoridation of San CA. The

Health Trust is gathering grant money to further a bill passed a few

years ago to fluoridate the whole of Santa Clara County. Only a few

areas have been fluoridated so far due to lack of funds. Now there's a

push to get us all " done " .

Here's what I wrote to the Health Trust to no avail.


San CA is about to be fluoridated without anyone knowing it. It is

from a bill Assembly Bill 733

that mandated this a few years ago for Santa Clara County CA. A few

places are fluoridated because of this but they didn't have enough

money to implement it everywhere.

Now an organization that does much good by giving grants to worthy

causes has been convinced to raise money for the completion of this

project. It is going to happen soon.

There is no way to escape the fluoridation since you absorb more

through your skin in the shower or bath than you could ever drink, so

bottled water doesn't help. Whole house filters are expensive and very

water wasteful. It takes several gallons to make one pure gallon.

Anyway, you would encounter it whenever you ate out by ingesting food

washed in fluoridated water and hotels that dispensed fluoridated water

and other ways I'm sure.

Please help me find a way to stop this from happening to us or any

other area in the US or elsewhere. Here are the links and information

about fluoride that I sent to someone at Healtlh Trust to no avail. She

forwarded in to someone in charge of that issue.

I will be fired from my job is my name is mentioned since I discovered

this plan while I was there taking care of their interior plants. I am

known as " the plant lady " . Just say you know about it.


From: artpages@...

Date: October 11, 2008 9:13:44 AM PDT

Subject: Fluoride controversy


Hi Dennise,

I have contacted a group ( www.fluoridealert.org/fluoride-deception.htm

) who are fighting the use of fluoride throughout the world, but I

haven't received a reply yet so I am sending the points you and I

discussed in your office, plus a history of fluoride use.

• Iodine is one of four halides. The others, Chlorine, bromine, and

fluorine knock out iodine.

• Iodine is needed in every cell of your body. The main thing iodine

does is make receptors for various things work better.

• Iodine concentrates in the thyroid, breasts, ovaries, prostate. They

compete with each other for it. When you are low, I think the thyroid

gets it first - not sure.

• Men in Japan get prostate cancer as we do but they don't die of it

due to the high amounts of iodine they ingest from sea vegetables.

• Women in Japan get far fewer cases of breast cancer than we do for

the same reason above.

• If you are prescribed thyroid medication without iodine

supplementation, you are at much greater risk for breast cancer and the

longer you take those meds the higher your risk.

• Drinking bottled water will not save you from fluoride if it's in the

public water since you absorb much more through your skin in baths and

showers than you could ever drink.

• If you are able to afford whole house water filtering systems, you

would waste a lot of water through the filtration.

• You would not be able to avoid ingesting fluoride from rinsed food in


• The government put iodine in salt to prevent goiter (swollen thyroid

due to lack of iodine) but they didn't realize at that time that your

whole body needs iodine in much greater amounts.

• People have been told not to eat salt if they have high blood

pressure so the amount of iodine that we eat has been reduced.

• Processed food does not use iodized salt. Regular salt, whether

iodized or not, contains aluminum ( a factor now considered an

Alzheimer risk ) to make the salt dry enough to pour through salt

shaker holes. Before they did that you had the little salt cups with

tiny spoons at the table because unprocessed sea salt clumps.

• Sea salt does not contribute to high blood pressure but Morton's

does. Salt is necessary for digestion of both proteins and

carbohydrates. It is necessary to the fetus for development of glial

cells ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glial_cell ), the ones used for

higher thinking. Einstein had a great amount of them. Sea salt does not

contain iodine however, just the minerals that are processed out of

Morton's. Morton's salt is white. Sea salt is grey or pink to denote

the minerals.

* Iodine was used as a dough conditioner until the fear of iodine made

the bakers switch to bromide, a highly toxic substance (

http://www.acu-cell.com/br.html#TXTANC7D3921E38271180 ) (

http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/pel88/74-83.html ) (

http://meeting.chestjournal.org/cgi/content/abstract/128/4/452S-a ).

You cannot find commercial bread without it unless you go on the web. I

make my own with King Arthur flour.

• Adding fluoride to the water is an insult to the individual to make

up his or her own mind about what supplements to take. Would you

consider it alright for the government to decide to put perchlorate (

http://www.ewg.org/reports/rocketwater/) in your water?

• Has the Health Trust listened to anyone on the other side?

• Has the Health Trust investigated whether anyone on the team of

fluoride advocates are benefiting from the sale of fluoride?

• Has the Health Trust reviewed the " research " to see if it is flawed?

Who in the Health Trust is qualified to do so?

• People think that if a thing is recommended by the government that it

is safe; that " they " know; that " they " have done tests. But the

government is you and me. The government listens to lobbyists who have

very deep pockets from the very big pharmaceutical companies who pay

them. These same companies back the " research " so whoever researches

had better come up with the right answers. Anyone can set up a biased

research. These companies pay for university seats and those moneys

will dry up if the professors don't teach their medical students what

the pharmacies want them to think, want them to subscribe, want us to


• Iodine lobbyists are few and far between because there is no money in


• Because of meth users, those of us who need iodine to live must pay

exorbitant amounts unfairly.


Here are two articles of note on fluoride: Please note in the first

article the heading 1. Dental Fluorosis: A " Cosmetic " Defect?



2. The Water Fluoridation Saga

In the 1920s, one of the largest companies in the U.S. was the Aluminum

Company of America (ALCOA). ALCOA wanted to figure out how much

fluoride—containing industrial waste it could dump into the environment

without being responsible for causing lawsuit-worthy injury to American

citizens. Dr. Trendley Dean, a dentist working for the U.S. Public

Health Service (PHS)—which, at the time, was headed by one of ALCOA's

founders and major stockholders, W. Mellon—was sent to study the

effects of high concentrations of natural fluoride in the well water of

345 small towns in Texas.

The teeth of people living in these towns tended to be mottled and

eroded as a result of overexposure to fluoride. Dr. Dean also found

that those communities with people who had the most mottled teeth were

the ones that had the lowest incidence of cavities. With this

observation, big businesses saw a way to transmute the public image of

a worrisome waste product into that of a valuable nutritional

supplement. They set about the task of proving that ingesting fluoride

was a safe and effective way to prevent tooth decay.

When scientists with vested interests set out to prove something, they

tend to be somewhat less than objective, and scientist Gerald J.

didn't disappoint with his ALCOA-funded studies on lab rats. In 1939,

he made the first public pronouncement that fluoride should be added to

public drinking water. 's pronouncement was the beginning of an

amazing public relations spin campaign that would cast a poisonous

chemical as an important protector of pediatric dental health.

Eventually, it would pave the way for the use of fluoride-containing

industrial waste products to be the fluoride supplement of choice (see

the article titled Industrial Wastes in Your Water Supply for more on


By 1945, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, the U.S.

government had decided to wholeheartedly promote the fluoridation of

American water supplies. A 15-year study comparing cavity rates in one

fluoridated and one non-fluoridated Michigan town was begun that year,

but was never completed. A more recent, large-scale study on the

subject shows a negligible difference—one amounting to less than half a

tooth surface per 128 teeth—in decay rates between fluoridated and

non-fluoridated communities.

ALCOA lawyer R. Ewing became the head of the Federal Security

Agency in 1947—an appointment that also made him head of the PHS. Under

his direction, the pro-fluoridation campaign picked up momentum. Almost

90 communities were adding fluoride to their drinking water supplies by

1950, without any solid research to support its addition. The

government's explanation? " Popular demand. "

Fast-forward to 1983, when the PHS appointed a panel of experts to

review the safety data on fluoride in drinking water. Like many other

experts who have since turned to the scientific literature for support

of a pro-fluoridation stance, this panel came up empty-handed: they

found that the so-called " evidence of safety " upon which the practice

had been based, simply wasn't there. The panel cautioned against the

exposing children under the age of 9 to more than 2.4 ppm (parts per

million) or mg/L (milligrams per liter) of fluoride a day. In this

expert panel's opinion, not enough information existed to prove that

the heart and skeletal systems of children would not be harmed by

higher exposures. According to one panelist, " You would have to have

rocks in your head…to allow your child much more than 2 ppm. " Another

panel member concurred, " I think we all agree on that. "

When the report was released, however, the panel's conclusion that even

low doses could be harmful had been eliminated. Instead, it stated than

no " directly applicable scientific documentation " existed of harmful

effects with fluoride intake below 8 ppm. The final report ended up

raising allowable fluoride levels in drinking water from 2 to 4

ppm—despite the fact that the EPA has admitted that fluoride intake

above 2 ppm is likely to cause dental fluorosis (mottled teeth), and

despite the fact that drinking water fluoridation does not prevent

cavities. The modern decrease in cavity rates is due to improved dental

hygiene, nutrition, and dental care—not to fluoridation. When

communities stop fluoridating their water, cavity rates do not


How Fluoride Overload Can Affect Your Body

Here are a few of the problems that have been linked with overexposure

to fluoride:

Dental and skeletal fluorosis. Mottled teeth, increased bone fractures,

and increased hip fractures have all been linked to fluoride intake at

levels commonly seen in fluoridated communities today. Although

fluoride is known to build bone, the bone it helps to create is

structurally unsound and more prone to fracture. The evidence that

water fluoridation dramatically increases the risk of hip fractures in

elderly women is particularly compelling.

Decreased thyroid function. Some experts believe that fluoride overload

is the cause of the epidemic of hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid)

that exists in the U.S. today. Low doses of fluoride suppress thyroid

function; in fact, doses equal to the intakes typical in fluoridated

communities were used to treat hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid)

during the early 20th century.

Decreased immune system function. Test tube studies have shown that

fluoride is damaging to the function of human immune cells.

Increased risk of bone cancer. A study in the journal Neurotoxicology

and Teratology showed that exposure to fluoride increased the incidence

of bone cancer in rats. In addition, a government study performed in

1956 found that possibly pre-cancerous bone defects were found twice as

often in young males living in a fluoridated city than in those living

in a non-fluoridated one. In 1989, the National Cancer Institute stated

that a notable increase in bone cancer had been found in people aged 20

and younger in fluoridated areas, but not in non-fluoridated areas.

Nervous system damage. Evidence exists that some childhood behavioral

problems could be related to excessive fluoride intake. Chinese

researchers have found that children exposed to elevated levels of

fluoride have a lowered I.Q. In animal studies, fluoride has been shown

to increase the aluminum accumulation and the formation of amyloid

deposits in the brain—both risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.

Genetic damage. Some studies have shown a higher incidence of Down's

syndrome in fluoridated communities. Fluoride crosses the placenta and

enters the bodies of babies in utero.

Reproductive system damage. Studies have shown decreased fertility in

areas with elevated fluoride levels.

Accumulation in the pineal gland. Researcher Luke has shown

that fluoride accumulates in very high concentrations in this gland,

decreasing the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. This

disruption of pineal function affects the biological clock that

dictates the onset of puberty in children, and may be one reason for

today's epidemic of early puberty in girls.







On Nov 12, 2008, at 4:35 AM, joanhulvey wrote:

Alot of folks here have " professional " accreditations to your name

and can join in on this international petition. Why haven't you done


The rest of us (in the U.S.) can submit the Online message to

Congress. Australia's being assaulted with fluoride too. Following






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