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Wise Traditions 2008 - Gut and Psychology Syndrome Notes

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Here are my notes from the Friday morning and afternoon

lectures of Natasha -McBride, author of the books Gut and Psychology

Syndrome and Put Your Heart in Your Mouth (solution to heart disease). She is

an MD, neurologist and nutritionist whose child

developed autism, so she figured out the cause and cure of it and related

conditions and runs a clinic treating such.

This was at the Wise Traditions 2008 Conference, Nov 7 – 9

in Burlingame CA, held by the Weston A Price Foundation (www.westonaprice.org).

The theme of this years’ conference was

nutrition for emotional and mental health.

Audio and video of her presentations will be available on

the WAPF website in a few weeks.

This is for informational and education purposes only, I am

not a doctor and am not recommending anything, blah blah blah.

Further notes to come as I have time, including fascinating

talks by Dr Louisa , Jack s on MSG, Ross on Traditional

Moods, and Dr. Tom Cowan on philosophy of medicine, low-dose naltrexone,

endorphin relation to immunity, and exercise.



There are a number of

growing epidemics:

Mental Health

--learning disabilities




--dyspraxia (difficulty of coordination and movement)








--a lot of health problems/complications

--linked to celiac disease

(all autoimmune (body attacking itself) conditions are


Celiac Disease

--runs in families

--asymptomatic (often not diagnosed)

All of the above overlap with each other. They’re not separate conditions

Gut and Psychology

Syndrome (GAPS)

--there’s a connection between the gut and the brain

In children the symptoms are as named above. In adults, it

manifests as substance abuse (pot starts the development of psychosis in a GAP

child), depression, OCD, bi-polar, schizophrenia (what they call it when they

don’t know)

All have physical problems.

Kids have:these: digestive,

allergies, asthma, eczema, malnutrition, bed wetting, thrush (candida), cystitis

(inflammation of the urinary bladder)

Digestive includes these: colic, bloating/flatulence,

diarrhea, constipation, feeding difficulties/fussy eater, malabsorption, fecal

compaction, over-spill

Fussy eaters choose the foods that cause their problems (sweets,

starches). It’s like a drug addiction

British gastroenterologist Wakefield found MMR

vaccine virus in the lymph nodes of autistic children, was censured and

suppressed. Showed link between bowel disease, autism and the MMR vaccine and

termed it “autistic enterocolitis.”

The Role of Gut Flora

We are just a shell to contain beneficial bacteria

--protection from invaders

--health & integrity of gut

--digestion & absorption

--vitamin production


--immune system modulation

Study found that more fish consumption was healthier. If you have a healthy

gut, it protects you.

Gut produces B vites. Supplements do not handle deficiency!

80 – 85% of immunity is in the gut

The gut chelates toxins

Allergies = look at the gut!

What can damage gut


--antibiotics is #1

--steroids, the pill



--poor diet



--bottle feeding

--old age





--dental work

The pill suppresses immunity, compromises gut flora, which

the mother will pass on to the child.

Stress consumes nutrients

Any chronic disease has bad gut flora

Anything dentists use is toxic

The Gut of GAPS


--reduced/absent normal flora

--candida (can cause ANY symptom)

--clostridia (a kind of bacteria)

--sulfate reducing bacteria

--viruses: measles, herpes, etc.

GAPS people have sulfur deficiency


Anti-viral meds are worst

The Gut/Brain


Hundreds of toxins from a bad gut go to the brain

A bad gut can produce alcohol and cause drunkenness

Can cause functional deficiencies (nutrients are in the

blood but can’t be absorbed)

The poison on the skin of poisonous frogs is produced by a

fungus, not by the frog. The same poison

is in autistic kids.

Best way to fight bad bacteria is with good bacteria.

A Typical Scenario

Baby gets flora of mom (bad) when it’s born

Immune system is compromised

Infections: ear, chest

Further damage to gut & immunity

If vaccinations are going to be given (not recommended),

they should only be given to healthy


Usual weaning diet (bad)

Gut dysbiosis (microbial imbalance)


Brain dysfunction

The Blood-Brain


Siblings of autistic children often have similar problems

but are not autistic. They have a better

blood-brain barrier.

Weak blood-brain barrier lets toxins, microbes &

antibodies through = impaired brain function.

Toxic brain can’t process perceptions

Epileptic seizure is a safety valve/cleansing. Epileptics often have moments of


after a seizure.

Epilepsy = bad gut for vast majority

GAPS hinders immune functions

All autoimmunity is born in the gut

A damaged gut wall

allows toxins, microbes & antibodies through

In autoimmunity, various cells are attacked

Partially digested food is absorbed

Heal and seal the gut!

Gut and physiology

Autoimmunity is born in the gut


Chronic fatigue, fybromialgia


Migraines, headaches


Skin problems: psoriasis, eczema

GAPS Nutritional


GAPS diet (based on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet)

An effective probiotic

Address nutritional deficiencies


Probiotic needs to be strong enough, not one for healthy


Start small and increase slow to control die-off

Take therapeutic level for 6 months

Must be with a good diet

Baths with Epsom salt, sea salt or cider vinegar are good

Avoid toxin exposure

Q & A Period

The face is the mirror of the bowel. A pimple will appear on an acupuncture


Take probiotics first thing in morning and before bed.

An anorexic person has altered perception, just like autism. Sees fat that

isn’t there. Use meat stock, soups, stews.

Do not immunize.

It is normal for nature to weed out the weak. In the old days it was common for

people to

have a number of children and a some would die. This happens with animals too.

Vaccines allow the weak to survive.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by an overload of sugar/carbs

Hemorrhoids: Do 3-4 enemas with probiotics (add 1/2 cup

whey, yogurt, kefir, or 3-4 probiotic capsules to water) till clear, then

coffee enema. Coffee enemas also handle

migraines, cleans liver

Fussy Eating

First sign of GAPS.

Present with 90% of children with learning disabilities

They limit their diet to sweet and starchy foods.

Use behavior modification techniques to introduce good

foods: Have them eat good food first

with promise of reward of bad food. Praise profusely when good food is eaten.

Then give bad food as reward. Slowly give more good food and less bad

food. Works 100%.

GAPS Introduction

Diet – see www.gapsdiet.com

Foods to Avoid

All grains

All starchy veggies

Sugar, sweeteners. Only honey and fruit ok.

Milk sugar. Only

fully fermented ok.

Starchy beans, including soy

All processed foods.

Recommended Foods

Meats, fish, cooked in water



Non starchy veggies

Ripe fruit including dry fruit

Nuts and seeds

Fermented dairy

Raw honey

Avocados, lemon, berries are less sweet

Natural Fats

All animal fats

Butter and ghee

Coconut and palm oil

Olive oil, but don’t cook with it. Cook with animal fats only.

Nut and seed flours are ok. Use with eggs and fat for baking.

Avoid dairy for 4


Then add ghee,

Then butter

Then fermented yogurt, cream, kefir

Then homemade cheese

Then traditional cheese

Then cream/milk

All raw only

Meat & Fish Stock

Homemade only

Muscle meats are hard to digest. Gelatinous meats best.

Fermented food will cause die-off. Start small.

Low fiber diet for


No raw food, no fruit, no nuts/seeds

Meat stock

Meat/fish cooked in water

Soups/stews with veggies and meat

Natural Chelation



Fermented fods

Sea greens

Humic acids (fulvic acid, Humet)

Spirulina and algae

Nano-colloidal Detox Factor (NDF)

Green juices are the most therapeutic. Do 50/50 - 70/30 with fruit juices to



Sea greens ok once symptoms gone.

Q & A Period


Thin people should have high veggies and fat

Amalgams should be removed, but slowly so you’re not

overloaded with mercury.

Kefir is stronger than yogurt

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for rehab

Older autistic person has brain damage.

Complete recovery is possible if the child is 4-5 years old,

but all can be helped.

Flax fiber is no good, it’s scratchy. Handle the gut flora.

Sprouted grains still contain starch

Constipation should not be tolerated

Women should rinse vagina with fermented dairy after

showering to populate beneficial bacteria/yeast.

For cancer, Gerson diet is the best.

Leukemia: high protein/fat diet is best

Fix the gut and diet before supplementation

Minerals – Cod liver oil, salt, greens

Ovarian cysts are caused by the overconsumption of sugar

Immunity: protein,

fats, probiotics and cod liver oil

Menopause isn’t a disease. Hormone supplementation is a


If no symptoms, just eat per Nourishing Traditions (book by

Sally Fallon)

Swimming in lakes, rivers, ocean is good (natural bacteria);

swimming in pools is a toxic bath.

Forget allergy tests. If the gut is bad, all kinds of things will react. Just

heal and seal the gut and the allergies

will go away.

Skin conditions: try applying kefir or sour milk

GAPS diet will normalize hormones

Die-off vs. reaction – just push through it.

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