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Re: productivity standards in home health

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I too am in home health and our productivity is much higher than 26

visits/wk. I work as a therapy resource manager or liaison between management


therapies and have recently been told that the current 32 visit/wk that we

require is very difficult for those PT's who are also supervising PTA's. I'd

love to find a better solution also! So do you typically see that you are

paying out many points at the end of the month in your current system with


being standard? I wish I had an answer for you, but don't and second a need

to progress this conversation in the best interest of all involved in this

field (management, therapists, and patients).

Nickie Wolfe, LOTR

Therapy Resource Manager


In a message dated 8/15/2008 9:00:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

shawm@... writes:

Our home health organization currently has a standard of 5.2 points per

therapist per day. One point for standard visits, 1.5 points for discharges

involving the completion of the OASIS and Med Review and two points for " PT

only "

admits. At the end of the month any points in excess of the standard are

paid out at $50 per point. We typically drive 30-50 miles per day.

This system has recently been suspended and we are beginning to look at new

approaches. Do others have systems similar to this or others you would be

willing to share? Does this system appear fair and equitable, too conservative

or too liberal?

Your thoughts and input would be much appreciated.


Mike Shaw, PT, MBA


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From: Nickie Wolfe


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The system that our organization uses (Hospital affiliated in major

metropolitian region) is a 6.0 pt/day expectation for PTs, 5.0 pts/day for ST,

and 5.5 pts/day for OT. Points are as follow:

- 1.0 for f/u visit (including d/c with OASIS)

- 1.5 for evals, OASIS recertifications or resumption of care

- 2.0 for OASIS Admits

- 0.75 per hour for Admin time (Staff mtg, Case Conference, Inservice,


- 0.5 per half hour travel bonus (half hours over 1/4 of total time)

We average 30 - 40 miles per day

Our staff is hourly employees so time over 40 hours is OT.

We used to have 1.5 pts for f/u visit >1 hour but this has been cut.

Ford, PT

To: hpa-list ; InHomeRehabManager ;

ptmanager@...: shawm@...: Thu, 14 Aug 2008

16:53:13 -0500Subject: productivity standards in home health

Our home health organization currently has a standard of 5.2 points per

therapist per day. One point for standard visits, 1.5 points for discharges

involving the completion of the OASIS and Med Review and two points for " PT

only " admits. At the end of the month any points in excess of the standard are

paid out at $50 per point. We typically drive 30-50 miles per day.This system

has recently been suspended and we are beginning to look at new approaches. Do

others have systems similar to this or others you would be willing to share?

Does this system appear fair and equitable, too conservative or too liberal?Your

thoughts and input would be much appreciated.Thanks, Mike Shaw, PT,

MBAshawm@...: This communication is intended only for the

use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain

information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under

applicable law. If the reader of this communication is not the intended

recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the communication,

you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this

communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in

error, please notify me immediately by replying to this email.REMINDER: The

disclosure of medical information is strictly prohibited by federal regulation.

Unauthorized release of medical information may result in administrative, civil

and criminal sanctions.


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