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anjil's magic treatment

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hey, CEDAngels!! anyone having pain, cramps, etc....i found this wonderful

new product called ThermaCare, (therapeutic heat wraps). you remove the

paper backing, when you're ready to use one & let it sit, for the air to

activate it for 20-30 min. i bought the ones for neck/arm use, but they have

back ones, too. there are 3 in a pkg, i think. yesterday, my neck was

spazzing out at work & i had a bad HA (which i've had since a migraine 3

sundays ago) so i asked my assistant to place it on my neck while i held my

hair up & it was like instant heaven! it's like having your own little

heating pad, which fits right on the spot you need it . wow, what a great

product! they are made in the USA by procter & gamble in cincinnati, OH.

their # (in case you have trouble finding them) is . their

website is www.thermacare.com.

i have calcifications on top of my right thumb joint (knuckle), which i am

having removed on wed, 5/8. it'll only take 15 minutes for the procedure.

my thumb has been swollen at the joint & hurting for several mo, even to hold

onto a cup or glass. i was worried that it was the basil joint (like my L

thumb last yr) & i didn't wanna be in a cast for 2 mo again. but it wasn't

that!! wooohooooo. usually, people go right back to work after having this

little surgery, but since i have EDS, we decided i'd stay out the rest of

next wk & play it by ear as to whether i return on monday. i'm sure i'll be

fine for work by then. my boss will be gone to a conference, so it's a

perfect time to do it.

my other news.....i feel better after feeling like doggy doo for a very

loooooooooooong time. my dr put me back on morphine (ms contin comes in

generic form now!), so i feel like an entirely different person. i have

energy, i'm cooking again & doing my shopping & it's simply amazing. i'm not

a walking zombie anymore. thank you, God! i was on the duragesic patches,

but had to go off after a blood revealed it was just sitting in my

bloodstream, not doing anything. i was using 75's (started w/25's) every 3

days. i'm a bit concerned, like someone else said, about the person who's

going to use 150's right off the bat. that sounds too high if you're just

beginning. i've never heard of anyone using that much at first. one usually

works their way up.

well, it's friday, another yaw-hooooooo!! all CEDAngels, have a fun wkend &

relax. enjoy being alive. here come an anjil hug....open your arms wide &

feel me, holding you softly, whispering little messages of love in your ear.

feel the love.

anjil hugs () : )


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