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Lee Re:Hi everyone .... Hi Lee

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Thank guys for your help! I am going to drag my sorry butt to another dr to

get this done! I can't wait any longer! you know what the Dr said! he said

I'd feel that you being 20 haven't even started to pursue enough avenues to

weight loss! this is after I told him in the past I have starved myself,

gone to easy slim weight watchers, gloria marshal, been hipnotised (croc of

bull) and god knows what else! what more does he need me to do? he says that

I'd need to go to a nutritionist and spend about a year on Zinical? before

he would re consider! I will go to another Dr this week!

Wish me luck and thanks for your help!

Lee x x x x


>Reply-To: ozbandegroups

>To: " 'ozbandegroups' " <ozbandegroups>

>Subject: RE: Lee Re:Hi everyone .... Hi Lee

>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:00:07 +1100


>Hi Lee, I agree with , take yourself off to another doctor and get a

>second opinion. Unfortunately there are quite a few doctors who do not

>agree with WLS, sometimes for the right reasons, but most of the time for

>the wrong reasons. I think a lot of them are just ignorant, naive or just

>uninformed as far as WLS is concerned. Get a second opinion. This is

>something that is very important to you and worth pursuing. Good luck with

>it all.




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Lee Cleland wrote:

> Thank guys for your help! I am going to drag my sorry butt to another dr to

> get this done! I can't wait any longer! you know what the Dr said! he said

> I'd feel that you being 20 haven't even started to pursue enough avenues to

> weight loss! this is after I told him in the past I have starved myself,

> gone to easy slim weight watchers, gloria marshal, been hipnotised (croc of

> bull) and god knows what else! what more does he need me to do? he says that

> I'd need to go to a nutritionist and spend about a year on Zinical? before

> he would re consider! I will go to another Dr this week!


> Wish me luck and thanks for your help!


> Lee x x x x

Good on you , Lee! This is what I was just going to say too, that I agreed with

everyone saying get another opinion. My doctor was very negative the first time

I saw her about it too.

From what i have heard Zenical hasn't been that successful (some here have been

on it haven't they?), and it makes me laugh when docs say to see a dietician! I

bet we could all name the calorific values of any given food and state exactly

what we should be eating and not eating. It's not that we don't know what to

do, it's being able to do it. I remember when I was pregnant with Tommy, i was

putting on alot of weight quickly and the doctor suggested I see a dietician. I

went along thinking, well maybe they'll be able to help somehow. Her advice?

Cut down on fats. Gee thanks, I'd never have thought of that...

Maybe if you saw Hally's doctor, the one that referred her for the band???

Otherwise mine is at Garden City Medical Centre.


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Just on the subject of Xenical, I have been there done that and got

the badge. It was expensive and didn't make an iota of difference to

my weight. I tried it for three months and paid a lot of money out

for what amounted to nothing.

Jo has tried it too and may have a different opinion. Over to you


Cath - Brisbane

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best of luck lee

I really had to convice my doctor to even look at the bioentics web site

,but I went back to se him the other day and he has complety change his mind

, if fact he said he had to look twice to make sure it was me , all in 8


I love this band

keep knocking on doors , and best of luck




RE: Lee Re:Hi everyone .... Hi Lee

>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:00:07 +1100


>Hi Lee, I agree with , take yourself off to another doctor and get a

>second opinion. Unfortunately there are quite a few doctors who do not

>agree with WLS, sometimes for the right reasons, but most of the time for

>the wrong reasons. I think a lot of them are just ignorant, naive or just

>uninformed as far as WLS is concerned. Get a second opinion. This is

>something that is very important to you and worth pursuing. Good luck with

>it all.




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and you forgot to mention the upside is the abilty to spray paint a toilet

wall (lol)

Lee Re:Hi everyone .... Hi Lee

Just on the subject of Xenical, I have been there done that and got

the badge. It was expensive and didn't make an iota of difference to

my weight. I tried it for three months and paid a lot of money out

for what amounted to nothing.

Jo has tried it too and may have a different opinion. Over to you


Cath - Brisbane

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Hi Lee, I feel for you as you go through your struggle, not only with your

weight, but also in trying to get someone to help you. Keep at it though,

it is worth the struggle.

Age has nothing to do with it, if anything it is probably better for you to

lose weight now rather than carry it around with you for the next 20 years.

I am now 43 with 2 grown up kids (22 & 19) and wish I had this done when the

kids were small. Mostly for the same reasons Gail stated. My 19 year old

daughter is a large girl and if she came to me and asked me to help her with

her weight I would take her straight down to Prof. Fortunately for her she

oozes confidence and does not worry about her weight - YET. I am sure the

day will come that she will.

Keep with it and just keep seeing doctor after doctor until you find one

that is sympathetic to your cause. In the meantime turn to the list for

support and advice if you want it.


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