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Matt/Randall Re: A Few Words Of Caution ...

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I agree Lee, I think people should be free to voice their opinions, people

can fight back if they want. Not everyone however is comfortable with

conflict and there seems to be a general feeling that the group should be

about support through positive means only.

has on occassion (one I can think of) said something about a

minority group that was inappropriate which personally insulted another

bandster. She did apologize for this and was genuinely upset that she had

made the comment but she is a " foot in her mouth " kind of girl and once you

understand that she is actually a lot of fun.

In the end I think the group will settle into something that everyone is

comfortable with, I actually really like and think a different (and

forthright) opinion can be a good thing.


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sorry, *sad*


>Reply-To: ozbandegroups

>To: ozbandegroups

>Subject: Matt/Randall Re: A Few Words Of Caution ...

>Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 04:24:30 -0000




> > In the end I think the group will settle into something that

>everyone is

> > comfortable with, I actually really like and think a

>different (and

> > forthright) opinion can be a good thing.


>There have been quite a few people leaving recently and both Randall

>and I have received quite a few emails complaining about Missy

>Belle's actions.


>Like it or not Missy Belle can no longer post without having her

>messages approved, if she continues or tries to circumnavigate this

>moderation she will be removed from the list. End of story.


>Missy Belle has received plenty of warnings in the past and has

>continued with her ways that the majority of members find offensive.


>Some of the newer members may want to look back through the archives

>before commenting on this action as well.






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>Matt and Randall


>I am also new to this list came on just about when all the hofalla started.

>I have found Missy Belle very helpful, genuine and sincere, if a little

>rough round the edges, (but hey nobody is perfect) nor surely do we have to

>be - I would like to believe she can be herself within this forum.


>As the moderators you do have the right to yay or nay people but I believe

>that eradicating her or anyone else from this list based on what I have

>read here seems extremely reactive and you most certainly don't have my



>I am sorry if was upset with what happened off the list and I suggest,

>with all due respect to , that she doesn't read mail from Missy Belle

>in future.


>Please reconsider her red card as it would be a shame to loose her.

As I have said before quite a number of people have left recently

citing one person as the reason. There is a lot that happens off the

list that most people are not aware of and this has been a major

factor in this decision to moderate Missy Belle.

In the case of the what happened off the list it is entirely relevant

and no member deserves to be treated like that. People come here for

support and not to be abused. I have been privy to the conversation

that took place and I was going to remove Missy Belle from the list

but feel that maybe with time she can change and accept the help that

has been offered to her from the list for some time.

Missy Belle has been cut enough slack for too long and needs to change

her ways dramatically or she is no longer welcome here. Everyone on

this list has problems but they don't go taking it out on the other


I and others have spent a lot of time on setting up and maintaining

this list and the website and I'm not prepared to sit back whilst some

members ruin all the hard work.

I have seen the list deteriorate over the last few months and I

haven't been able to spend as much time trying to resolve these issues

as I would have liked to. Some conflict is to be expected but things

have gone beyond that recently and I have better things to do.

This list has never moderated anyone or anything before and I do not

want to get to the point where it has to be like the bandsters list

which is why this action has been taken. It may seem harsh to some of

the newer members but to those who have been here since the beginning

it is entirely justified for the good of the list.




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<<but it is not a public forum for mudslinging ,

flaming , sledging , and forcing ones opinions on others >>

Agree...can someone pls illustrate one example of this on my behalf....for matt,

however, there a quite a few examples.

<<If one is to give advice one should be reasonable sure they are giving the

right advice>>

This forum should not be about giving advice...but rather sharing experiences.

<<so as a red card has been issued lets abide by the referees decision >>

I don't believe matt represents a fair and reasonable referee...since if one was

to go back to the original post that cause all this noise....one would find

matt's signature attached.

<<I need support and I have no doubt this is

where I will get it >>

In fact, should one dig up the original post that began this noise...they would

find our list owner...aka Matt....being completely unsupportive...criticising

those who can not (or will not) follow in his excessive dieting and excerising


The fact is....it is all to easy to circumnavigate any restriction that is being

placed on my original account. Should this account be banned...then i shall use

another and another....Hence, it is pointless, not to mention, completely

undemocratic, and totally unjustified...to place any ban on my account. I am a

very determined girl, so i would suggest that Matt stop wasting his time and

re-instate full priviledges on my account...because i will not post from my

original account if my posts are subject to being censored or modified in any



Re: Matt/Randall Re: A Few Words Of Caution ...

You really don't know when to stop do you Missy? Consider yourself

shown the RED CARD.

I'm sure that we have the support of the group here.

I for one am happy to show my full support for the moderators , as yes a few

people have left the list and a few are back to lurking because of all the

bullshit that has gone on , and for far to long.

anyone has the right to express there opinion and to try to stop this would

be undemocratic , but get a soapbox and stand on the corner , because the

fact is this is a support group and as many of you may or may not remember

it is for the support of people who are having good and bad times with the

lap band, and to share there experiences , and get support, and maybe share

a few laughs along the way , but it is not a public forum for mudslinging ,

flaming , sledging , and forcing ones opinions on others , If one is to give

advice one should be reasonable sure they are giving the right advice, I

believe the older bandsters have gone quite because it takes to much time to

wade through all the crap to get to the goods , and as for giving help , if

it did not take so much time to wade through all the nonsense then maybe

there would be time to type some replies,

so as a red card has been issued lets abide by the referees decision

as for the notion that this may be a personal thing between and

then bullshit , as Mathew , Randall and others as well as myself

have had the hand up for many weeks as a sign of warning and somepeolpe just

cant see that, and I really don't care if one is not going to be pushed

around or not , that is not the bloody issue here.

if one is so tuff then they do not need support ,so be it , but I am not one

to be pushed around either and I need support and I have no doubt this is

where I will get it and be able to give a little bit, in return

can still post but through the moderators and only time will cure

this " maybe " so

be it , as I have said before I love this band and I love the support this

group brings, and I left the American group because of all the similar " days

of our lives stuff " and I do not want to see this group deteriorate into

this , so lets get back to why we are here.

we have referees for this purpose , so let them do there job.

and lets support those bandsters who really want and need support




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I have selected the following exert from your email to make comment on,

"where ppl were beginning to criticize those who didn't act the same as themselves....I have never condemned nor condoned the actual methods they use"

I am sorry to say you have forgotten a number of occasions when you have told someone they were wrong, just look back at the archives. To my recollection you are the most vocal in telling people that, yet you have a great problem if anyone expresses anything negative about the way you conduct yourself with the band, again read the archives. Most people on this list respect other peoples decisions about having or not having the band, the way they eat and treat the band. In most of the posts that I have read, and I have been here since the beginning, people express their own experiences and the main advice given is "If you are not sure see your doctor". That is the kind of list I enjoy not your little bun fights. If what is said about you is inaccurate or wrong DON'T BITE, ignore, otherwise it just looks as if it has hit close to the bone. Remember the old saying "Thou dost protest to much".

My last words, CHILL OUT!!!!!


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