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to Ken on Flint, MI

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Hi, I think I've figured out the problem. I suspect that most ofyouare writing

emails through your own user then mailing them totheegroup? I have been posting

right on the web-site using itslimitedfunctions, as I am now. I will start

mailing through my ownserver.The spell check was a joke although I am dependent

on it!!!Prettysad for an English Major/educator, huh? (That incompletedangling

participle thing was pitiful, too!) Funny, I used todeliver mail to East

Second St. about seven yearsago. I quit the USPSto be a full-time Mommy. I ate

lunch at Rizzo'spizza everyday. They've been doing some amazing improvements to

theEast Village. TheCultural center has been completed renovated. Theyhave

closed off, Pierson and Avon Sts. at Court to stop thrutraffic.

Also,that first street (East?) has been closed off. Onlythe street withCentral

High on it is open. We live in Mott Park onthe other side ofthe city. My husband

works in Pontiac at Children'sVillage, ajuvenile detention center, on Telegraph.

He makes thatsame trip youmade twice daily. Our daughter is seeing Dr.Jabbar,

a PediatricEndocrinologist herein Flint. Both her original Neonatologist,

Dr.Villegas out of HurleyHospital, and my Endocrinolgist, Dr.Tomycz sayhe's the

best around.That makes me feel confident in his abilities,however unhappy I

maybe with the overall communication skills of heand his staff. Hurleyis one of

the best NICU's in the country, or soI've been told. Theyalso do research. They

were researching theSurfactant to coatPreemies' lungs before it got FDA

approval. Fortunately, that was afew months before my Lynnie was born. Mycousin

is an R.N. in theirNICU. She " caught " , resucitated, intubated,and was the

Primary onLynnie. She was my angel that kept me sanethroughout the

wholeordeal.Well, I'm rambling...Has anyone heard ofDr. Jabbar? I read so much

of the famous " Dr.H. " ? I would like toknow who Dr. H. would reccomend in this

area?Thanks, MaraLee

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