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Wow, I am 2 days behind on checking e-mail so I am sure you have gotten lots

of input by now. How long from Rhode Island to Boston? Would she have to

have a feeding in route? Would they discharge her to parents if parents

were to drive her directly to Boston Children's and then she were to be

admitted there?

As far as Boston or Baltimore, I would have no problem with Boston!

Then finally the enjoy her while you can comment, Oh my God! That is

ridiculous. From what you have said igh does not have anything that

would threaten her life expectancy at this time. You will sort out the

insurance mess, you will get to people that know CHARGE, the aspiration and

reflux will be taken care of, and you will be amazed at how she will thrive

and be such a joy to you all.

Oh yes, and the couldn't break the news to you piece - It is exasperating

when professionals try to protect us from " reality " . Hate to break it to

them, but we live reality. We can see the differences, we know something is

up. Not telling us the word, does not help us. Without knowing what it is,

how can we find information or other people to help us help our children and

to help our selves cope.

I am glad you have found the list, and hope that since it has been 2 days

you are well on your way to Boston.


> Kim,

> I gave the mesage you sent. He asked me to respond to you because he

> is at the hospital with igh. igh does have a heart defect (3 holes),

> choanal atresia and moderate reflux. They did do the kidney test(showed

> swelling in one kidney) echo (clean), mri(clean), and swallowing (has severe

> difficulty, swallows into her lungs). We believe that the g-tube needs to be

> done, however, by whom? To answer your question Balitmore is opposed to RI

> doing the g-tube because of 2 & 3. They do not trust the doctors in RI and

> they want a more complete workup. RI doctor already admitted to having little

> to no experience with CHARGE. Josh and Jen(igh's mom) Do not feel

> comfortable with having them do it. My opinion is to bring her to Boston,

> based upon the info people have sent about their experiences there. I think

> that if Boston and Hopkins are comprable, keep her close to home. It

> would be good for the family as well as igh. Not to sure Josh would

> agree. He is

> under the impression that Baltimore is the place for her.

> They have not had any classes for taking care of igh. Not sure if you are

> aware, every 30 days Women & Infants' has a doctor change. It wasn't until

> the change (two weeks after igh was born) that they told Josh that she had

> CHARGE. " New " dr. told Josh that other one knew but did not know how to

> " break the news " to him! Information he had given Josh was false and new

> shift dr. gave appropriate info. Needless to say, our family is not

> comfortable with igh being there. They said there is nothing they can do

> to " cure " her condition. They want to do the g-tube and send her home. They

> told Josh to " spend as much time with her while you can. " Not to optomistic.

> Anyway, the decision now is Baltimore or Boston. We will figure out the

> medical after that.

> Same question here about the stability. They said after g-tube she can go

> home. When asked about the flight to Blatimore they said she needs medical

> assistance on flight. But if driving there, non required! WHAT?? Does not

> make sense to us either. That is why we all agree that she needs to be

> anywhere but where she is.

> Thanks for listening and helping!

> Christene (igh's aunt)


> Kim Lauger wrote:

> ,


> When they say there is nothing they can do, what do they mean by that? That

> they do not know how to take care of your daughter or that if you don't put

> in a g-tube there is nothing they can do?


> If there are no immediate life threatening medical situations, such as heart

> defects or choanal atresia, they may be thinking that knowing she has CHARGE

> is enough. Are they up to date on the current diagnostic criteria. While

> she is there I would do a total work up to make sure nothing is missed.


> If a g-tube needs done, are you comfortable with the doctors in RI?

> Do you have more questions about the pros and cons of g-tubes and about

> severe reflux?


> As far as handling the insurance, it seems she needs to get stable enough to

> be discharged, the two of you taught to manage the suctioning etc if needed,

> and then you get her to Baltimore. I am still confused about why Baltimore

> was so opposed to having the g-tube done? Is it because they 1) oppose the

> g-tube, 2) don't trust the doctors in RI and want to do it them selves or 3)

> they want to do a more complete diagnostic work up before any surgeries are

> done.


> If the hospital there has not done scans of kidneys, the temporal lobe, an

> echocardiogram, a video swallowing studio, and UGI or other such tests, it

> seems that would determine the medical necessity of being transported.


> If she is stable enough to go home, why does she need the nurses with her in

> transport? Have they done any parent education yet?


> It sounds like you all have an awful lot to cope with and questions to ask

> to help with your decisions.


> To reassure you, my son Dylan started with n/g feedings at 2 weeks, had his

> g-tube put in at 7 weeks along with a fundoplication for the reflux, which

> made an incredible difference in his ability to have appropriate growth

> which has such a big difference on development. The g-tube has worked well

> for us. Other families decide they will do just about anything to avoid it

> - it is a highly individual decision, based on the child's health concerns

> and the parent's beliefs.


> Good luck to you.


> Kim Lauger






>> hello, my name is joshua gomes im writing from prov. r.i. my daughter was

>> born

>> on june 14, 2005 she was diagnosed with charge. the hospital where we live is

>> telling us that there is not much they can do for us, they want us to let her

>> get a g-tube and send her home.we whould like to get her transferred to john

>> hopkins in maryland, but our insurance will not cover her stay there. so

>> please if anyone has any info that could help please e- mail me.


>> thank

>> you


>> joshua gomes



>> ---------------------------------

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Don't you hate it when they both worry you so bad at the same time?


> To all but with a head's up to Pam and Laurie:

> We do 's " adult plan " or whatever it's called on the 19th. This is

> somewhat complicated since she is 3 1/2 hrs away from Springfield and

> our local coordinator has requested that we do this via conference call

> from here; I don't know why. Does anyone know what we can expect? I

> know (oh, Bonnie, I DO know) that the protections under IDEA no longer

> apply, but I'm just not sure what we can put in.

> Bonnie, your post answered some things, but what about just needing

> to go on outings (Pam, remember you wanted to know if she could have a

> pedicure), expanding expectations if we can somehow point out 's

> higher functioning level when not so dosed on meds. Sue suggested

> using the Perkins' portfolio precisely to demonstrate this sort of thing.

> Pam, I heard from Sue today (for those not in on Perkins, Sue is the

> transition person), and she talked about jobs, having in writing a

> schedule, etc.. My fear is that when has a bad day, they'll drop

> everything forever. Mind you, last night I had a delightful instant email

> experience with a house staff who reported that is already signing

> that she (i.e., K. is a rat). Andy and I were thrilled.

> I'm rambling and have scads to do before gets in tomorrow. I

> doubt that anyone of you has seen a house get in this shape! Moreover,

> E. has once again scared us silly. She and boyfriend went mountain

> biking, and E. took a serious fall. Nothing broken but the dr. in the tiny

> town told her to use a file to get the rocks out of her hand, this after

> rubbing very hard with alcohol (sp?) as the only disinfectant. Luckily, she

> then visited the host family she'd stayed with while teaching, and they

> promptly took her to a good dr. She's on pain killers and antibiotics

> because of pus! She truly liked the dr, who asked if she would use

> " weed " as a pain killer. Talk about open communication between parents

> and offspring.

> Ok, I just needed to write about E. Her hand is red and swollen, but

> she's home tomorrow and will go to a local dr. Thanks for listening to this

> aside.

> Again, any advice about writing an adult service plan is desperately

> needed.

> Thanks --- Martha


> From what E. has reported (cannot button her pants, cut her meat, drive,

> etc.), I think it's almost impossible that I'll be in Miami. When she

> arrives,

> I'll know more.



> Membership of this email support groups does not constitute membership in the

> CHARGE Syndrome Foundation or CHARGE Syndrome Canada.

> For information about the CHARGE Syndrome

> Foundation or to become a member (and get the newsletter),

> please contact marion@... or visit

> the web site at http://www.chargesyndrome.org. For CHARGE Syndrome Canada

> information and membership, please visit http://www.chargesyndrome.ca, or

> email info@....

> 7th International

> CHARGE Syndrome Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, July 22-24, 2005.

> Information will be available at www.chargesyndrome.org or by calling

> 1-.


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And oh yes, I hope is journaling her adventures in some way.

Let's see I am sure she has had fabulous adventures, but then the

misadventures too; the car jacking, the jellyfish, the bike wreck and the

advice of the doctor..... Telling the stories later (once you know she is

fine) and laughing about it, helps diffuse some of the anxiety - sharing

Tyler escapades with my friend Barb and laughing is the only way I survive

my Tyler's adventures.

And as young and agile as E's mind is now, she will not remember even a

fraction of it later years unless she writes it down.


> To all but with a head's up to Pam and Laurie:

> We do 's " adult plan " or whatever it's called on the 19th. This is

> somewhat complicated since she is 3 1/2 hrs away from Springfield and

> our local coordinator has requested that we do this via conference call

> from here; I don't know why. Does anyone know what we can expect? I

> know (oh, Bonnie, I DO know) that the protections under IDEA no longer

> apply, but I'm just not sure what we can put in.

> Bonnie, your post answered some things, but what about just needing

> to go on outings (Pam, remember you wanted to know if she could have a

> pedicure), expanding expectations if we can somehow point out 's

> higher functioning level when not so dosed on meds. Sue suggested

> using the Perkins' portfolio precisely to demonstrate this sort of thing.

> Pam, I heard from Sue today (for those not in on Perkins, Sue is the

> transition person), and she talked about jobs, having in writing a

> schedule, etc.. My fear is that when has a bad day, they'll drop

> everything forever. Mind you, last night I had a delightful instant email

> experience with a house staff who reported that is already signing

> that she (i.e., K. is a rat). Andy and I were thrilled.

> I'm rambling and have scads to do before gets in tomorrow. I

> doubt that anyone of you has seen a house get in this shape! Moreover,

> E. has once again scared us silly. She and boyfriend went mountain

> biking, and E. took a serious fall. Nothing broken but the dr. in the tiny

> town told her to use a file to get the rocks out of her hand, this after

> rubbing very hard with alcohol (sp?) as the only disinfectant. Luckily, she

> then visited the host family she'd stayed with while teaching, and they

> promptly took her to a good dr. She's on pain killers and antibiotics

> because of pus! She truly liked the dr, who asked if she would use

> " weed " as a pain killer. Talk about open communication between parents

> and offspring.

> Ok, I just needed to write about E. Her hand is red and swollen, but

> she's home tomorrow and will go to a local dr. Thanks for listening to this

> aside.

> Again, any advice about writing an adult service plan is desperately

> needed.

> Thanks --- Martha


> From what E. has reported (cannot button her pants, cut her meat, drive,

> etc.), I think it's almost impossible that I'll be in Miami. When she

> arrives,

> I'll know more.



> Membership of this email support groups does not constitute membership in the

> CHARGE Syndrome Foundation or CHARGE Syndrome Canada.

> For information about the CHARGE Syndrome

> Foundation or to become a member (and get the newsletter),

> please contact marion@... or visit

> the web site at http://www.chargesyndrome.org. For CHARGE Syndrome Canada

> information and membership, please visit http://www.chargesyndrome.ca, or

> email info@....

> 7th International

> CHARGE Syndrome Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, July 22-24, 2005.

> Information will be available at www.chargesyndrome.org or by calling

> 1-.


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yep, Kim, I hate it like the dickens when they both worry me at once.

However, as I told Andy this morning, we have TWO daughters. That was

a big deal to say, believe it or not. needs to come home for a few

days, and E. needs to feel secure (and that's what I really think it is for

her). My pity party has been suspended, and I feel like a parent again.

Ain't that bad feeling this way!. Martha

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Read my response to Kim. E. had a bad fall from a mountain bike - no

broken bones --- but the " good " doctor sent a rock from her palm flying

across the exam room as he was working on her. We don't know what to

expect; there's pus and swelling. I don't know if we'll be home when you

phone, but I'll try like the devil to call you. It might mean calling at home;

ok? This meeting on the 19th for 's adult plan has us searching

around for what to put in it. And you and everyone will be gone... I swear, I

keep thinking that I'll catch a plane.


Perhaps you'll contemplate heading this way to help lock E.L. in a closet.

Apparently she's full of jelly fish stings (i.e., disfigurements on her legs)

on top of everything else. lol she sounds so happy!

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good luck wel if your not in miami youll be one of the people ill be

responding to wen i said alot of it will be me responding lol


> Pam,

> Read my response to Kim. E. had a bad fall from a mountain bike - no

> broken bones --- but the " good " doctor sent a rock from her palm flying

> across the exam room as he was working on her. We don't know what to

> expect; there's pus and swelling. I don't know if we'll be home when you

> phone, but I'll try like the devil to call you. It might mean calling at

> home;

> ok? This meeting on the 19th for 's adult plan has us searching

> around for what to put in it. And you and everyone will be gone... I

> swear, I

> keep thinking that I'll catch a plane.

> Martha


> Perhaps you'll contemplate heading this way to help lock E.L. in a closet.

> Apparently she's full of jelly fish stings (i.e., disfigurements on her

> legs)

> on top of everything else. lol she sounds so happy!





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  • 2 years later...
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Yippee!! I am so happy for you, Akiba!



The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

Subject: (unknown)To: " " Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 8:02 PM

Well, finally, here I am on my new ride...

   Peace & Blessings

~*~ Akiba ~*~

Pragmatic Visionary

Brew what you Love,

Love what you Brew.

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Look out wild sexy lady on the loose - battery powered too

(unknown)To: " " Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 8:02 PM

Well, finally, here I am on my new ride...

   Peace & Blessings

~*~ Akiba ~*~

Pragmatic Visionary

Brew what you Love,

Love what you Brew.

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.0.0/1487 - Release Date: 6/6/2008 8:01 AM

No virus found in this outgoing message.

Checked by AVG.

Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.0.0/1487 - Release Date: 6/6/2008 8:01 AM

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LET'S BOOGY!!!!! *grin* Akiba -- Re: (unknown)  Look out wild sexy lady on the loose - battery powered too (unknown)To: " " <kels_gal>Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 8:02 PM Well, finally, here I am on my new ride...    Peace & Blessings ~*~ Akiba ~*~ Pragmatic Visionary Brew what you Love, Love what you Brew. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.0.0/1487 - Release Date: 6/6/2008 8:01 AM

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YEA!!! Is it easy for you to operate? Sharonhttp://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/MSersHEALTH/This email is a natural hand made product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects. (unknown)

Well, finally, here I am on my new ride...    Peace & Blessings ~*~ Akiba ~*~ Pragmatic Visionary Brew what you Love, Love what you Brew.

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Sorta. It is, I'm just a clutz. Keep running over things and getting stuck in places. Oh I know after a bit it will be second nature...but I'm not quite there yet lol... Hugs and Happy Almost Birthday Akiba -- Re: (unknown) YEA!!! Is it easy for you to operate? Sharonhttp://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/MSersHEALTH/This email is a natural hand made product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects. (unknown) Well, finally, here I am on my new ride...    Peace & Blessings ~*~ Akiba ~*~ Pragmatic Visionary Brew what you Love, Love what you Brew.

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ValI definitely can identify. I can't even sit outside for more than a half an hour w/oexacerbation This heat has to go. I definitely relate wit you my friend Summer is almost over. Try to stay cool. Take Care and keep up the fight Subject: (unknown)To: mserslife Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 3:46 PM

It is a sweltering 99 degrees outside right now. Funny how it's usually the humidity that gets to me, but today, it's the heat. The humidity is a low 39%. The weather yesterday was about the same. I'm not a happy camper. I'm moving in slow motion and can't seem to get the energy I need.

Ok. That's the weather outside. As you can imagine, it is much hotter inside. A lot of negative thoughts are going through my mind right now. The only positive thing I can think of right now, is winter will get here someday, and I'll finally get some relief from the heat.

I sincerely hope that all of you are staying cool.

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

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Val, Wow....sorry you are having such a hard time. I didn't realize it was so hot there. We had a really hot day yesterday. I could have turned on my room AC but our electric/gas bills have been through the roof and I decided not to turn it on. Boy that was a BIG mistake. I really had a problem yesterday. Today is cooler thank god. I can't even imagine what you are going through with the temp. being so high in your area and you suffering so much. I hope that you get some relief tonight. I really hope that it will soon be fall for you. I hate to hear that you are suffering so much with no relief in sight. I really wish that your landlord would be stuck in your position to see what you are going through on a daily basis. Maybe he would care then. Take care hon. Big hugs, :)Val Lee

wrote: It is a sweltering 99 degrees outside right now. Funny how it's usually the humidity that gets to me, but today, it's the heat. The humidity is a low 39%. The weather yesterday was about the same. I'm not a happy camper. I'm moving in slow motion and can't seem to get the energy I need. Ok. That's the weather outside. As you can imagine, it is much hotter inside. A lot of negative thoughts are going through my mind right now. The only positive thing I can think of right now, is winter will get here someday, and I'll finally get some relief from the heat. I sincerely hope that all of you are staying cool. Love and blessings, Val The residual

attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls. Hugs, :) Cell

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Thanks, ...

I do hope you are staying cool. A half hour seems like a long time to me. After just 15 mins., I'm almost totally blind and my body is like a big blob of Jello. Thank goodness, once I get into some cooler air, the flare up wanes a bit.

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

From: Val Lee <a1manladyyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: (unknown)To: mserslife@yahoogrou ps.comDate: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 3:46 PM

It is a sweltering 99 degrees outside right now. Funny how it's usually the humidity that gets to me, but today, it's the heat. The humidity is a low 39%. The weather yesterday was about the same. I'm not a happy camper. I'm moving in slow motion and can't seem to get the energy I need.

Ok. That's the weather outside. As you can imagine, it is much hotter inside. A lot of negative thoughts are going through my mind right now. The only positive thing I can think of right now, is winter will get here someday, and I'll finally get some relief from the heat.

I sincerely hope that all of you are staying cool.

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

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I hope you're staying cooler today. I'm going to be alright. My house has seen some better days, though. It is just too hot to do any cleaning today. I stay cooler if I just sit here with my hair all wet, in front of the fan and not moving around too much.

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

It is a sweltering 99 degrees outside right now. Funny how it's usually the humidity that gets to me, but today, it's the heat. The humidity is a low 39%. The weather yesterday was about the same. I'm not a happy camper. I'm moving in slow motion and can't seem to get the energy I need.

Ok. That's the weather outside. As you can imagine, it is much hotter inside. A lot of negative thoughts are going through my mind right now. The only positive thing I can think of right now, is winter will get here someday, and I'll finally get some relief from the heat.

I sincerely hope that all of you are staying cool.

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.




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Val, I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY YOU ARE GOING BACK TO THE OLD PLACE. Let this other landlord get stuck with less income if he can't rent out that place you are in right now. GOOD LUCK HUGS, :)Val Lee wrote: Hello everyone, Here's a piece of good news. We are moving again. Yepper, that's right. The landlord tried to raise our rent on us and I just wasn't going for it. We have spent this whole summer in this miserable heat and it has effected me in a negative way. No matter how many times we told him about my condition and how it was making me sick again. He just couldn't get it. Surprise...surprise. So when he called Tom Friday and said he was raising the rent $185.00 month. That was the last straw. Listen to this... His excuse for raising the rent was because the electricity had gone up and he needed to be compensated. The electricity went up! Now, who's fault is that? He's the one who controls the stupid thermostat, not us. This whole summer, it hasn't gotten below 85* in the house. So, today I gave our other landlady a call. I asked her if she minded

if we moved back with her. Bless her heart. She was actually very excited when I called. I told her we'd like to move in the beginning the first of next month. She says, "Why do you have to wait until the first of the month, why can't you do it tomorrow? I know you've already paid for this month." I explained to her that we didn't have the money to give her for the remaining part of the month and we couldn't pay her until the first. She told me to forget it, she was all too happy to take us in. Now, isn't that special? I knew we should have never left her in the first place. But, being a good wife, (har har) I went against my better judgment. Oh well... that's water under the bridge. I'm so happy now! I just had to share this news with you all. I'm about to explode!!! Love and blessings, Val The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls. Hugs, :) Cell

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great - now you have a haven to move to

Re: (unknown)


I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY YOU ARE GOING BACK TO THE OLD PLACE. Let this other landlord get stuck with less income if he can't rent out that place you are in right now.



:)Val Lee <a1manlady> wrote:

Hello everyone,

Here's a piece of good news. We are moving again. Yepper, that's right. The landlord tried to raise our rent on us and I just wasn't going for it. We have spent this whole summer in this miserable heat and it has effected me in a negative way.! No matter how many times we told him about my condition and how it was making me sick again. He just couldn't get it. Surprise...surprise. So when he called Tom Friday and said he was raising the rent $185.00 month. That was the last straw. Listen to this... His excuse for raising the rent was because the electricity had gone up and he needed to be compensated. The electricity went up! Now, who's fault is that? He's the one who controls the stupid thermostat, not us. This whole summer, it hasn't gotten below 85* in the house.

So, today I gave our other landlady a call. I asked her if she minded if we moved back with her. Bless her heart. She was actually very excited when I called. I told her we'd like to move in the beginning the first of next month. She says, "Why do you have to wait until the first of the month, why can't you do it tomorrow? I know you've already paid for this month." I explained to her that we didn't have the money to give her for the remaining part of the month and we couldn't pay her until the first. She told me to forget it, she was all too happy to take us in.

Now, isn't that special? I knew we should have never left her in the first place. But, being a good wife, (har har) I went against my better judgment. Oh well... that's water under the bridge. I'm so happy now!

I just had to share this news with you all. I'm about to explode!!!

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

& ! nbsp;




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GREAT news Val, I am real happy for you!!! Love to you and all. (with ie in OK)Val Lee wrote: Hello everyone, Here's a piece of good news. We are moving again. Yepper, that's right. The landlord tried to raise our rent on us and I just wasn't going for it.

We have spent this whole summer in this miserable heat and it has effected me in a negative way. No matter how many times we told him about my condition and how it was making me sick again. He just couldn't get it. Surprise...surprise. So when he called Tom Friday and said he was raising the rent $185.00 month. That was the last straw. Listen to this... His excuse for raising the rent was because the electricity had gone up and he needed to be compensated. The electricity went up! Now, who's fault is that? He's the one who controls the stupid thermostat, not us. This whole summer, it hasn't gotten below 85* in the house. So, today I gave our other landlady a call. I asked her if she minded if we moved back with her. Bless her heart. She was actually very excited when I called. I told her we'd like to move in the beginning the first of next month. She says, "Why do you have to wait until

the first of the month, why can't you do it tomorrow? I know you've already paid for this month." I explained to her that we didn't have the money to give her for the remaining part of the month and we couldn't pay her until the first. She told me to forget it, she was all too happy to take us in. Now, isn't that special? I knew we should have never left her in the first place. But, being a good wife, (har har) I went against my better judgment. Oh well... that's water under the bridge. I'm so happy now! I just had to share this news with you all. I'm about to explode!!! Love and blessings, Val

The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

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Well congrats! I know you thought it would be fun living there (at first) but unfortunately reality set in and you hated it. I am SO glad you have somewhere else to go, someplace safe and happy! Hugs Akiba -- (unknown) Hello everyone, Here's a piece of good news. We are moving again. Yepper, that's right. The landlord tried to raise our rent on us and I just wasn't going for it. We have spent this whole summer in this miserable heat and it has effected me in a negative way. No matter how many times we told him about my condition and how it was making me sick again. He just couldn't get it. Surprise...surprise. So when he called Tom Friday and said he was raising the rent $185.00 month. That was the last straw. Listen to this... His excuse for raising the rent was because the electricity had gone up and he needed to be compensated. The electricity went up! Now, who's fault is that? He's the one who controls the stupid thermostat, not us. This whole summer, it hasn't gotten below 85* in the house. So, today I gave our other landlady a call. I asked her if she minded if we moved back with her. Bless her heart. She was actually very excited when I called. I told her we'd like to move in the beginning the first of next month. She says, "Why do you have to wait until the first of the month, why can't you do it tomorrow? I know you've already paid for this month." I explained to her that we didn't have the money to give her for the remaining part of the month and we couldn't pay her until the first. She told me to forget it, she was all too happy to take us in. Now, isn't that special? I knew we should have never left her in the first place. But, being a good wife, (har har) I went against my better judgment. Oh well... that's water under the bridge. I'm so happy now! I just had to share this news with you all. I'm about to explode!!! Love and blessings, Val The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

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I still think it would have been fun. It's just that some people were just incapable of keeping their end of the bargain. This time there won't be any back scratching. This time it will just be everyone looking out for everyone's best interest.

Only one thing that kinda bothers me now. I'm the only one in the household not brining in an income. So, I've decided that I will be the one keeping the house in order. I'll do the cooking and cleaning. I haven't said anything to anyone about the role I will play in all this. I'm just going to do it. I already know "G." will give me a hard time about it, if I mention it. I'll just do it. LOL.

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

Subject: Re: (unknown)To: MSersLife Date: Monday, August 11, 2008, 6:42 PM

Well congrats! I know you thought it would be fun living there (at first) but unfortunately reality set in and you hated it. I am SO glad you have somewhere else to go, someplace safe and happy!



-- (unknown)

Hello everyone,

Here's a piece of good news. We are moving again. Yepper, that's right. The landlord tried to raise our rent on us and I just wasn't going for it. We have spent this whole summer in this miserable heat and it has effected me in a negative way. No matter how many times we told him about my condition and how it was making me sick again. He just couldn't get it. Surprise...surprise . So when he called Tom Friday and said he was raising the rent $185.00 month. That was the last straw. Listen to this... His excuse for raising the rent was because the electricity had gone up and he needed to be compensated. The electricity went up! Now, who's fault is that? He's the one who controls the stupid thermostat, not us. This whole summer, it hasn't gotten below 85* in the house.

So, today I gave our other landlady a call. I asked her if she minded if we moved back with her. Bless her heart. She was actually very excited when I called. I told her we'd like to move in the beginning the first of next month. She says, "Why do you have to wait until the first of the month, why can't you do it tomorrow? I know you've already paid for this month." I explained to her that we didn't have the money to give her for the remaining part of the month and we couldn't pay her until the first. She told me to forget it, she was all too happy to take us in.

Now, isn't that special? I knew we should have never left her in the first place. But, being a good wife, (har har) I went against my better judgment. Oh well... that's water under the bridge. I'm so happy now!

I just had to share this news with you all. I'm about to explode!!!

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

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well meaning as you are - don't overdo


Hello everyone,

Here's a piece of good news. We are moving again. Yepper, that's right. The landlord tried to raise our rent on us and I just wasn't going for it. We have spent this whole summer in this miserable heat and it has effected me in a negative way. No matter how many times we told him about my condition and how it was making me sick again. He just couldn't get it. Surprise...surprise . So when he called Tom Friday and said he was raising the rent $185.00 month. That was the last straw. Listen to this... His excuse for raising the rent was because the electricity had gone up and he needed to be compensated. The electricity went up! Now, who's fault is that? He's the one who controls the stupid thermostat, not us. This whole summer, it hasn't gotten below 85* in the house.

So, today I gave our other landlady a call. I asked her if she minded if we moved back with her. Bless her heart. She was actually very excited when I called. I told her we'd like to move in the beginning the first of next month. She says, "Why do you have to wait until the first of the month, why can't you do it tomorrow? I know you've already paid for this month." I explained to her that we didn't have the money to give her for the remaining part of the month and we couldn't pay her until the first. She told me to forget it, she was all too happy to take us in.

Now, isn't that special? I knew we should have never left her in the first place. But, being a good wife, (har har) I went against my better judgment. Oh well... that's water under the bridge. I'm so happy now!

I just had to share this news with you all. I'm about to explode!!!

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yippie! I'm so happy for you. Feels good to get outside again, doesn't it?

Love and blessings,


The residual attributes that we pass down to our children may not be in our genes... but in our souls.

Subject: (unknown)To: "" Date: Saturday, September 6, 2008, 7:48 PM

Gotta tellyuz...they built my ramp, finished it yesterday and out the door I went, for the first time since March! The ramp is awesome, I joked that it has more wood then our house (a cordwood house). The goats love it and have sparring contests on it! The incline is gentle, the ramp is 32' long and my chair easily maneuvers on it. I am happy!

Be Good to YourSelf & Stay Safe!!!

* Akiba *

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  • 4 weeks later...

This I loved. Perfect for Rosh Hashanah,

which starts at sundown today!

Thank you so very much,




Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the Morning, Satan shudders & says..."Oh shit...she's awake!!"

  ~*~ Akiba~*~

~*~Pragmatic Visionary~*~

My husband left me for another psychic

I really should have seen that coming.

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