Guest guest Posted September 14, 2000 Report Share Posted September 14, 2000 Hey Madonna That's tough. I feel for you. My God, nothing is worse than knowing that your child should be eating and you can't get it into them!! What kinds of things have you tried? I'm sure you've run the gamet but can I offer a few ideas on the off chance you haven't tried them? I'll make the assumption that is walking (or at least somewhat mobile at this age). You could try leaving out on the coffee table or if you have a little table and chairs for him (those ones kids play on) a few bits of food (a cracker--even the Farley biscuits or a graham cracker for now); perhaps some cheese cut into little chunks--I know you said he had problems with his teeth--which might be the larger issue. I'm sorry I don't remember exactly--did he have them all pulled? Anyway, if the teeth are the problem, try shredded cheese, or bits of banana on a plate. Of course I don't mean to litter the tables and floors with 5 course meals (LOL) but once in awhile just nonchalantly put out a bowl of cherrios or lucky charms (seems to be a kid favorite) and don't make a deal of it. He'll be exploring and come across it and when you least expect it--he may try some. I firmly believe in NO DINNER BATTLES. It totally turns kids off food and even getting to the table can become a battle (hence the resistence to the high chair). I know you are trying....and I did the same things so I talk from experience. Stop battling. Who says kids have to eat at the table?? Does it really matter where they eat as long as they eat? You could try the little snacky things in cute little containers that are appealing to him to try and open and fiddle around with whats inside. Again, dry cereal works well here (again assuming he has teeth). Final question....have you ever found when he did attempt to eat " solid " food that he gagged? My nephew (considered " normal " ) has a horrible gag reflex and at almost 1 year of age my sister has not been able to get him on table food (even the chunky baby food he spits back up). I have told her a million If he'll eat the baby food.....give it to him. Who says you have to stop baby food at 9 months? Whatever works for you and is what you should do. Did he ever eat baby food? I have a neighbour down the street (we other " moms " think she's crackers) but her son just turned two and he has never had baby food or table food. The kid is the size of a horse (he's bigger than Adam who is 3 weeks short of 8 years) and all he has ever had is breastmilk. Now I don't want to start a huge debate on breastmilk. But I think two years is a long time (I breastfed Colette for 11 months and Adam's sucking reflex was weak--or so they told me--maybe it was the RSS--but he was bottle fed because the nurses couldn't " see " how much breastmilk he got. He'd only suckle for a few seconds and go back to sleep, but he did the same with the bottle. Anyway I breast pumped for 3 months to supplement the formula feedings). So I am certainly not against breastfeeding but I think she is doing her son a disservice by refusing to allow him to try " food " . When is he supposed to learn how to eat and chew?? Strange eh. I probably could give you absolutely a ton more ideas. If you are interested, reply to this letter (so I'll remember what I said already and can give you some more ideas....but I need to know how he was with baby food and how many teeth he has (ie. are the molars there??--Adam's teeth came in really late--his first one was at 14 months--so I kept a record of " table " foods I gave him then that were soft. So like I said, if this advice can be of assistance to you.....get back to me and I'll look up my notes and give you some help. Good luck and you are doing a great job.....never forget that!! I mean look at us out here every night on the computer (I work, but even if I didn' takes a long time to read, digest and help others but we are truly involved with our kids and they are lucky to have us.)....I'm sure many parents couldn't be bothered to give 5 minutes to their kids as compared to the time we invest in research, doctors, and all these ideas " to try " . So keep it up.... is lucky to have the greatest mom! Debby mec72799@... wrote: > > ---I wish I could respond to this steven wont eat he is now getting > one or two meals (if you can call it that) per week, the only thing I > can get him to take is pediasure, and that is through a bottle. He > refuses to eat. What is a parent to do?? he is 14 months old he is > old enough to eat but if I put food in front of him he closes his > mouth as tight as he can and shakes his head NO NO NO back and > forth. I can't force feed him. He is so strong willed about this he > is even starting to cry if I put him in his high chair, and i mean > throwing a fit! > Madonna > > In RSS-Supportegroups, Debra Baillargeon <debbbail@e...> wrote: > > Hello everyone > > > > Are we starting to see a pattern here with the diets?? Good > question to ask (that > > is, what do our children love to eat) > > > > I see peanut butter, cheese, water, pizza as a common thread. Also > our kids don't > > seem to go for milk, or sugary foods. > > > > So the question is......lots of protein and fat content type foods > and the > > water??? I always thought my son was from some other planet that > his preferred > > drink over anything is water (I mean how lucky can one be??) but it > seems to be > > prevailent. Perhaps a biological need to cleanse the body in some > way? > > > > For those of us that have responded this way (sorry I can't > remember all the > > people...I tend to delete as I read) I'd be interested if these > kids are on any > > medication or not. > > > > For the record (I will start...since Adam seems to follow this > craving pattern) > > > > He is mildly hypoglycemic and is on absolutely no medication. > > > > Others?? > > > > We may find the pattern is a big indication of something lacking in > our kids. > > > > Wow I feel like Columbus......let's explore. > > > > Debby > > > > Lequiz@a... wrote: > > > > > > > > In a message dated 9/13/00 1:27:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, > > > pattie@s... writes: > > > > > > << Also, could some of you tell me what foods your kids crave > (i.e. > > > pretzels, bologna, etc.)? >> > > > > > > Hi Patti, > > > > > > My daughter is a decent eater for her size - I think. She likes > what she > > > likes and not a chance of getting anything else past those > precious little > > > lips. 's grocery list of likes include: Cheerio's, > Hostess chocolate > > > Chip mini-muffins, pancakes, peanut butter & jelly (her hands > down favorite), > > > pizza, grilled cheese, cheese (especially " lollipop fingers " made > with > > > American squirt cheese in the can), chicken nuggets, French > fries, macaroni & > > > cheese (another favorite), hot dogs, Pasta Roni white cheese > shells, yogurt, > > > bananas, ice cream (chocolate only), chocolate chip or Nutter > Butter peanut > > > butter cookies, lollipops, and she loves Ritz bits cheddar or > peanut butter > > > crackers. She will sip chocolate milk or apple juice now and > then, but her > > > must have favorite is WATER! She asks for water all day long. > No calories > > > but I swear I think that is keep her healthy. > > > In short she eats straight from the " kids menu " ! The strange > thing is > > > that she doesn't vary from it at all. I spend so much each week > on " let's > > > try " foods, but the above is it! As for veggies, forget about > it! I kid > > > (but it is true) that the only thing green my daughter has had in > her mouth > > > in 2 1/2 years is a green lollipop! I do give her a Flinstone > vitamin with > > > extra C in it daily and so far she has been really healthy. > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2000 Report Share Posted September 14, 2000 Hi Everyone--Just wanted to share something that seemed to really help eat tonight. Usually, I ban TV during mealtimes, but today he watched a video that was just someone singing children's songs with a guitar/piano accompianist. He was totally entranced; usually TV distracts him, and he stares at it with his mouth hanging open, fork in hand...The simple music (really cheesy video, I might add--A folk singer singing to a small roomful of kids) seemed to relax him, but not distract him from eating. He ate tons! Of course, 's Law being what it is, what are the odds that this will work again...but wanted to pass it on. Katy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2000 Report Share Posted September 14, 2000 Katy I use that alot. Adam is a terribly slow eater (even slower than his dad) and he feels left out when everyone else has " excused " themselves from the table. This way, he has some entertainment, distraction and before he knows it he has eaten. I am in big trouble if he gets distracted (eg. someone comes to the door) but when he goes into that " trance " the food is gone. Again, as I've said before, I couldn't care less where, when or how just as long as he eats. The other night, I gave Adam a huge helping of a hamburger casserole (with cheese and ketchup----OH FOR THOSE OF YOU LISTING FOODS I FORGOT TO MENTION KETCHUP--Adam eats ketchup on everything--even cereal!! ketchup sandwiches etc etc) anyway it took him an hour and a half to eat but that plate was spotless. I was so proud of him. Tonight, as you say, things never seem to work out the way we want, he was more into playing a new computer game I got him. He even asked if he could eat while he played. food near this baby....cost too much. But he did settle down a little later to one of his arts and crafts shows and scooped away!! Keep the ideas coming. Debby katy badt-frissora wrote: > > Hi Everyone--Just wanted to share something that seemed to really help eat > tonight. Usually, I ban TV during mealtimes, but today he watched a video that > was just someone singing children's songs with a guitar/piano accompianist. He > was totally entranced; usually TV distracts him, and he stares at it with his > mouth hanging open, fork in hand...The simple music (really cheesy video, I > might add--A folk singer singing to a small roomful of kids) seemed to relax > him, but not distract him from eating. He ate tons! > > Of course, 's Law being what it is, what are the odds that this will work > again...but wanted to pass it on. > Katy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 17, 2000 Report Share Posted September 17, 2000 Hi Madonna, My wonderful pediatrician told me not to worry about how ate as long as he ate. drank pediasure/milk bottles until he was 4 1/2. One day he came home and said I don't want these anymore, I am a big boy and he gave them up cold turkey. I was thrilled, but then again, not because he was giving up lots of calories. He refuses to drink this from a cup. There were a couple of months of transition, but now he eats food better. He just turned 5. Pediasure is nutritionally balanced for our little ones, so encourage food, but don't sweat it. He won't be lacking nutritionally if he gets enough Pediasure. He is still very young. I always offered real food first and played many games, but he did drink his bottles. He actually didn't even want bottles when he was a baby. Food has always been a problem. He still gags a lot, but there is an improvement. Matt definitely eats best in front of the t.v. I have broken EVERY rule in the book to get this child to eat. I have even let him eat sticky pancakes in my bed watching t.v.!!!! Oh the power of mother's love. Judy ( 5) Re: My 2 1/2 year olds diet > > ---I wish I could respond to this steven wont eat he is now getting > one or two meals (if you can call it that) per week, the only thing I > can get him to take is pediasure, and that is through a bottle. He > refuses to eat. What is a parent to do?? he is 14 months old he is > old enough to eat but if I put food in front of him he closes his > mouth as tight as he can and shakes his head NO NO NO back and > forth. I can't force feed him. He is so strong willed about this he > is even starting to cry if I put him in his high chair, and i mean > throwing a fit! > Madonna > > In RSS-Supportegroups, Debra Baillargeon <debbbail@e...> wrote: > > Hello everyone > > > > Are we starting to see a pattern here with the diets?? Good > question to ask (that > > is, what do our children love to eat) > > > > I see peanut butter, cheese, water, pizza as a common thread. Also > our kids don't > > seem to go for milk, or sugary foods. > > > > So the question is......lots of protein and fat content type foods > and the > > water??? I always thought my son was from some other planet that > his preferred > > drink over anything is water (I mean how lucky can one be??) but it > seems to be > > prevailent. Perhaps a biological need to cleanse the body in some > way? > > > > For those of us that have responded this way (sorry I can't > remember all the > > people...I tend to delete as I read) I'd be interested if these > kids are on any > > medication or not. > > > > For the record (I will start...since Adam seems to follow this > craving pattern) > > > > He is mildly hypoglycemic and is on absolutely no medication. > > > > Others?? > > > > We may find the pattern is a big indication of something lacking in > our kids. > > > > Wow I feel like Columbus......let's explore. > > > > Debby > > > > Lequiz@a... wrote: > > > > > > > > In a message dated 9/13/00 1:27:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, > > > pattie@s... writes: > > > > > > << Also, could some of you tell me what foods your kids crave > (i.e. > > > pretzels, bologna, etc.)? >> > > > > > > Hi Patti, > > > > > > My daughter is a decent eater for her size - I think. She likes > what she > > > likes and not a chance of getting anything else past those > precious little > > > lips. 's grocery list of likes include: Cheerio's, > Hostess chocolate > > > Chip mini-muffins, pancakes, peanut butter & jelly (her hands > down favorite), > > > pizza, grilled cheese, cheese (especially " lollipop fingers " made > with > > > American squirt cheese in the can), chicken nuggets, French > fries, macaroni & > > > cheese (another favorite), hot dogs, Pasta Roni white cheese > shells, yogurt, > > > bananas, ice cream (chocolate only), chocolate chip or Nutter > Butter peanut > > > butter cookies, lollipops, and she loves Ritz bits cheddar or > peanut butter > > > crackers. She will sip chocolate milk or apple juice now and > then, but her > > > must have favorite is WATER! She asks for water all day long. > No calories > > > but I swear I think that is keep her healthy. > > > In short she eats straight from the " kids menu " ! The strange > thing is > > > that she doesn't vary from it at all. I spend so much each week > on " let's > > > try " foods, but the above is it! As for veggies, forget about > it! I kid > > > (but it is true) that the only thing green my daughter has had in > her mouth > > > in 2 1/2 years is a green lollipop! I do give her a Flinstone > vitamin with > > > extra C in it daily and so far she has been really healthy. > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 17, 2000 Report Share Posted September 17, 2000 Madonna, One thing I noticed about these kids is that they don't like to chew. Jonathon would swallow spaghetti-o's straight, it made me want to gag! Jon did not eat very many solid foods until he was probably 2 or so. He lived on one type of baby food, Vegetable Beef Dinner! THey didn't sell it around here so I would travel to South Bend and buy cases at a time. I know this doesn't follow the doctor guidelines of eating , but here is what we did. I resigned myself to the fact that Jon would not sit at the table and eat a meal. We ate everywhere we went. I remember walking around New York with a spoon in my pocket and jars of baby food in my bag. We would stop at every corner and take a bite. I would carry food around the house and everytime I saw Jon I would have him take a bite. I know the Doctors say this is not a good way to train them, but I don't agree. Jon is now 5 and he sits at the table and eats every meal. I just found that Jon would eat a little at a time as long as we were not concentrating on the food. THis is a very annoying and time consuming way to feed a child, but it worked for us. Pattie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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