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Re: update

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Tammy- Glad they finally got the blood work done today Please keep us updated

and congrats


DH- Rick Sr.- 31

DS- Ricky- 12

DD- Brittany-10

DD- Clarissa-9

FD- le - 5

Re: update

<PRE>tammy that is GREAT!!! keep us updated

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Big Congrats, Tammy! Wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months!

in MI :)


First of all, I would like to thank everyone who congratulated me.

I went to the doctor yesterday and had a positive urine test. They

tried to take the blood work, but couldn't get it. 3 nurses tried to

take my blood each one tried 2-3 times with no luck. Very painful.

Well, today I went to the hospital and they got it on the 2nd try

thank goodness! I will know the results tommorrow. I am having some

symptoms also. I have to go to the bathroom alot. My breast are

real tender and sore. My temps have remained high above 98.0 since O

even raised .2 degrees this morining.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi , I'm so sorry your interview did not go as

expected. I'm glad you got to see your doctor. I hope

that he will be able to find a way to help your back




--- wrote:

> Good morning all,


> I promised everyone and update after this past busy

> weekend about my

> interview and doctor's appointment.


> First of all the interview didn't go as I had

> planned. After filling

> out all their paper work as starting the interview I

> was notified

> that it was an entry level position and the salary

> would only be 25K.

> I thought that with my experience I would be selling

> myself short if

> I took it. Plus I would not be able to make ends

> meet if I took the

> position. I was upset that nothing was said in the

> ad about being

> entry level and even the description that they gave

> me still sounded

> like an executive assistant position. I expressed

> this to the girl

> that was interviewing me and she completely

> understood because I was

> not the only one that thought that way. Anyway I

> will keep looking.


> Second, I went to see my rheumy yesterday and he was

> extremely

> concerned that I had a bad week with the headache

> that just would not

> go away. After telling him what happened he told me

> that I was right

> by stopping all medication that I had just started.

> After going

> through everything he believes I had a reaction to

> one of the

> ingredients in Cymbalta. He said it sounded a bit

> extreme but he

> didn't want to rule it out. He also eased my mind

> about over dosing

> on the firocet but he said that was okay because I'm

> on such a low

> dose it would not have hurt me. He said that I fell

> right to sleep

> because I took it on an empty stomach.


> He still believes that my back pain is due to a car

> accident that I

> was in over 14 years ago. He needs to get me out of

> pain before he

> can start any therapy or anything else. I guess over

> the last 14

> years I have been using my trapezious (Misspelled)

> muscle wrong and

> now it's catching up with me. My doc told me he

> would explain later

> when we start the therapy. He didn't want me

> worrying needlessly. He

> currently has me on two pain killers around the

> clock and depending

> on the amount of pain depends on which one I will

> take.


> Little by little we are figuring this out but he

> still thinks that FM

> is secondary to this and might just be making the

> issue that much

> worse. I'm so tired of appointments because I

> usually have to take

> the whole day off work due to my doc being in

> cleveland and I work in

> Pittsburgh. But in two weeks that's what I get to do

> again.


> Well that's about all. After being in the car for

> almost 3 hours this

> morning I am really hurting. And my doc is trying to

> figure out that

> too. Doesn't matter if I am driving or not I hurt

> like the dickens.

> He would like to have me in a cervical collar while

> in the car but I

> told him I am the one that drives and he told me to

> forget it.


> At this point I will take it one day at a time and

> just let things

> happen.


> in Ohio





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