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Re: new group member! (response to Amy)

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Amy - thank you dearly for your encouraging words - I'm glad to be

finally moving in this direction however scary it is to me. I wish

you, your son and your family all the best and am eager to hear your

progress. Thanks!

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Amy Nolfo " <amyn27@m...>


> Hi ,


> Please know that you're not alone! My son also started treatment

later (9 months) and we're just starting this week. I am also very

guilty about finally making a decision and sticking with it. In our

case our pediatrician and most who saw our son thought his flat spot

was too mild for treatment. But since it hasn't gotten better (it

is more noticeable as he grows) and at Cranial Tech they say it's

not mild but moderate...we decided to do stick with it because

there's really no other time to do it!

> I hope this group brings you some comfort. It has been very

helpful for me to know that we're not alone and we're not " crazy "

for thinking there is a problem. We were told that every child is

so different and individual that it's hard for them to give us an

idea about how much correction we'll see..so the waiting part won't

be easy. You're a super mom for researching your options. Good

luck and let me know how it goes,


> Amy (Aidan V's mom--Michigan)

> Re: new group member!



> Hi kelly & welcome to our group!

> Please, don't feel guilty for one second! My gosh, you tried &


> to get your Drs to recognize this for months to no avail. Only


> thanks to your persistence, is Sydney (always been one of my


> names!) getting a referral! So good job!

> Where are you located? What type of band or helmet you'll


> depends mainly on your location. The DOCband availability is


> to several diff. locations.

http://www.cranialtech.com<http://www.cranialtech.com/> The


> made by Orthomerica is more widely available

> http://www.orthomerica.com<http://www.orthomerica.com/> Check

out our group DATABASE " Helmet/Band

> providers " and look for your state to see which providers we

> hopefully have listed there!! There are also local helmets that


> used by local orthotists.

> Bands like the DOCband are VERY lightweight, 6 oz is all. The

> STARband I've read is 6-8 oz in weight. The baby rarely notices


> band is on their head and go about their normal routines :)

> Pros & cons to what type ofhelmet/band you use, the #1 pro with


> DOCband, is that that's Cranial Techs ONLY product they make and

> their clinicians are all trained prior to being allowed to treat

> plagio babies w/their product. After that,they are stil


> monitored by their home office. Their clinicias really are top


> & know their stuff.

> Other bands or helmets, are normally treated by an orthotist and

> those orthotistis do not go thru any addt'l training other than


> schooling, prior to being able to treat patients. Addt'l


> for the STARband is available & offtered thru Orthomerica, but


> required.

> So IF you got a local or STARband helmet, you'd have to


> interview the potential orthotist to be sure he/she is


> Best of luck with this. We're glad you found us. Please keep us

> posted.

> Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad

> MI



> --- In Plagiocephaly , " " <kkose1@y...>


> > Hello - my beautiful daughter, Sydney, will be 8 months


> and

> > will be seeing a Ped. plastic surgeon April 26 for evaluation


> > plagio. I noticed the flattening almost immed. after birth -


> > was 3 1/2 weeks early and head down for 6 weeks prior. I was


> > it would round out. Took her to Ped. at 10 weeks to discuss -


> > told it would resolve on its own. Long story short 5 appt. go


> > and I bring it up every time - still told it will resolve.


> > told at an appt. 4 WEEKS AGO - " I am telling you this child


> not

> > need a helmet " Last Monday I brought her in due to gross


> > delays and was told that I needed to contact a Ped. plastic

> surgeon.

> > I'm sure that she will need an intervention - I feel so guilty


> > forcing the issue sooner. I have so many questions - will she


> > too hot in summer, is it heavy, will she be comfortable, will


> > change her personality and most importantly - I have seen 2


> > the DOC band and helmet - how do they determine which to use


> > what are the pros/cons of each? Any advice appreciated and


> > you all in advance.




> For more plagio info

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