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Re: Behaviors, Tammy

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TKWOOD1988@... wrote:


> Our biggest problem with her right now is misbehavior. She is doing anything

> and everything. We finally had a new lock put on our front door. It now

> takes a key to get in or out.

Our daughter le turned 2 in September and she is the same way. We have to

keep the doors dead bolted so she can't get out. Now she just started picking

up my

keys and trying to unlock the door. She has a way to go before she masters that

one. But it probably won't be too long. We put bells hanging on both doors and


way we can hear the door opening and closing every time it's open or shut

> She kept escaping. She now is trying to climb

> the bookcase to get to the keys so needless to say they have found a new

> home.

We just had to remove a wicker bookcase out of the playroom because she would

climb it and I was really afraid it was going to tip over. I have two huge

speakers in my

living room that have been pushed over on more than one occasion. I have had to

rearrange my entire house. We have walk throw gates everywhere.

> She throws, bites, and pinches when things don't go her way. She

> destroys (throws all bedding and toys in the middle of her floor) her room

> when it is bedtime and she doesn't want to go to bed.

Wow! Boy it sounds as though we have the same child. When le is done

doing whatever it is that she is doing or doesn't want to do it anymore. She

just throws it,

including her food. I try real hard not to tolerate this. I make her pick it

all up and try and redirect her. Is it getting better by me doing this no, she

still does

it just as much but I am hoping that it will sink in soon.

> She will not stay in a

> car seat. I am now ready to use duck tape! I have tried 3 different car

> seats and 3 different booster seats. She can get out of all of them. The

> last booster lasted the longest...10 days before she figured it out. Boy

> those 10 days sure were peaceful and stressfree... I know some of this is 2

> year old behavior but where does a person draw the line.

We had the same problem with a regular car seat she got right out and would

stand straight up. We have a the Century Next Step car seat now and it seems to

be keeping

her in but she is already trying to pull her arms out and I just keep trying to

tell her no, so far it's working but I don't think for long.

> This sounds terrible

> but I try not to go anywhere because it is just too hard with her.

I don't take le shopping at all she is horrible in a store. It's not

worth it. I don't know if it's two year old behavior or not. My son went

through the

terrible two's but nothing like this. And I thought he was bad. le has

other issues besides hearing loss and all her therapist see it too. They all

comment on

her behavior. She is a joy and is a very happy child, but the minute she

decides she don't want to do something watch out. She is very strong willed.

And very

determined. Six months ago I had her to the developmental pediatrician and she

mentioned to be that she is most likely going to have ADD. I thought to my self

how do

you know that. An never commented on her statement, just ignored the comment.

I feel it's hard to tell at this age if it is terrible two's or it's something

else. She

has a re-evaluation on Tuesday with her again so we will see what she says,

especially since behavior is one of the issues with the other teachers and

therapist. Some

times I think it's frustration in not being able to communicate her want's and

needs. And sometimes I think that the teachers expect way too much from a two

year old.


> Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble on. It has jsut been a frustrating weekend

> (and Sunday hasn't even started yet) with her once again.

> Talk to you soon.

> Tammy

> Mom to 9, 5, 2 deaf

I just wanted you to know that your not alone. And it is frustrating. Hang in


Take Care


mom to 6 (hearing) le 2 (hoh)




> All messages posted to this list are private and confidential. Each post is

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My son Bradley, 22 mos., moderate-severe hearing loss unaided until next

week, has been having behavior problems as well. I know that these

behaviors are due to frustration, and when his hearing loss gets worse, so

does his frustration.

He is constantly throwing things. Especially at the dinner table, last

night it was spaghetti thrown at my pants. Sunday he broke a lamp on his

dresser by throwing it.

He also bangs his head on occassion when he is frustated, worse when he

isn't feeling well, or if he doesn't get his own way.

He also trys to throw himself out of carseats. Lately it hs been easier to

take him somewhere (playgroup, the mall, a friends) to distract him.


>TKWOOD1988@... wrote:



> >

> > Our biggest problem with her right now is misbehavior. She is doing


> > and everything. We finally had a new lock put on our front door.



> > She throws, bites, and pinches when things don't go her way. She

> > destroys (throws all bedding and toys in the middle of her floor) her


> > when it is bedtime and she doesn't want to go to bed.

> > She will not stay in a

> > car seat. I am now ready to use duck tape! I have tried 3 different


> > seats and 3 different booster seats. She can get out of all of them.


> > last booster lasted the longest...10 days before she figured it out.


> > those 10 days sure were peaceful and stressfree... I know some of this

>is 2

> > year old behavior but where does a person draw the line.

>you know that. An never commented on her statement, just ignored the


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Hi Rita. I am sorry you are going through the same thing. I am glad to know

that I am not the only one though. Two weeks ago, broke her sister's

nose. In her defense we don't know if she fell or jumped on her sister but

either way, she was the cause of it. She has broken things around our house

as well.

She is my third child. The other two had some typical behavior problems of 2

and 3 year olds but not to this extreme. is more strong willed than her

sisters. (I know someday I may be thankful for this...) She is also the

only one with any hearing loss. I have tried all the things that worked with

her sisters. They don't work with her. I find sometimes I end up making

excuses for her. I know the behaviors are not appropriate. But I don't know

what else to do sometimes. I never know how much is being a two year old,

how much is being a strong willed personality, and how much is due to her

hearing loss. I don't know how to gauge with her.

I have gone back and reread this note. I think I will stop because I end up

going on and on. However, it is nice to know someone else is having similar

difficulties. Thanks for responding. I do appreciate it.


Mom to 9 and 5 normal hearing, and 2 severe/profound

hearing loss

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Hello there. I am sorry you are going through the same thing. I am glad to

know that I am not the only one though. Two weeks ago, broke her

sister's nose. In her defense we don't know if she fell or jumped on her

sister but either way, she was the cause of it. She has broken things around

our house as well.

She is my third child. The other two had some typical behavior problems of 2

and 3 year olds but not to this extreme. is more strong willed than her

sisters. (I know someday I may be thankful for this...) She is also the

only one with any hearing loss. I have tried all the things that worked with

her sisters. They don't work with her. I find sometimes I end up making

excuses for her. I know the behaviors are not appropriate. But I don't know

what else to do sometimes. I never know how much is being a two year old,

how much is being a strong willed personality, and how much is due to her

hearing loss. I don't know how to gauge with her.

It does indeed sound like le is like . I used to take her places

with me, now I try not to go. She had a Halloween party to go to on Tuesday.

I couldn't keep her in her car seat. She fell and has a bruise and a small

cut under her eye. I took her home instead of trying to make the 25 minute

drive to the party. The problem with this is she isn't even aware that she

lost the party due to the car seat thing. She really doesn't understand

consequences yet. I don't know how to make her understand. I have tried

telling her (with sign and voice) and holding a reward in front of her. Her

special ed teacher suggests I explain it all to her and then drive to the end

of the street and back until she gets the reward and consequence idea. I

haven't tried it yet. It just really bothers me that I might have to do it

this way to prove a point to her. I don't know why but it makes me a little

resistent to the idea. I have tried the reward system in the car to no avail

jsut not up and down my street.

I think the idea of ADHD/ADD is ridiculous in a two year old. I think

doctors often think if they give it a title it will appease the parent. It's

like the director of the clinic called my husband when I threatened to go the

formal complaint process. The director said, " We jsut want you to be happy

with your services. " How ridiculous! My husband was quick with his

response, " Our happiness is not the issue. You need to be meeting the needs

of . "

I think I will stop because I end up going on and on. However, it is nice

to know someone else is having similar difficulties. Thanks for responding.

I do appreciate it.


Mom to 9 and 5 normal hearing, and 2 severe/profound

hearing loss

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Hi Tammy,

As you can see I am way behind again on my emails once again.

TKWOOD1988@... wrote:

I am glad toknow that I am not the only one though.

Sometimes it really helps to know your not alone with things. And that there

are other people out there experiencing the same thing.

> The other two had some typical behavior problems of 2 and 3 year olds but

not to this extreme.

My son did also, but never to this extreme at this age, I should say. His

behavior started around 4

> is more strong willed than her sisters. (I know someday I may be

thankful for this...)

All le's teachers say that her strong will, will make her succeed. I hope

I will be around to be thankful for it. ( lol)

> She is also the only one with any hearing loss.

le is also. No one in our family on either side has hearing loss.

> I find sometimes I end up making excuses for her.

I do this too. I am trying not to anymore, but still find myself doing it.

My mother is the worse though. She will find an excuse for everything because

she's le but she also does it with too.

> I know the behaviors are not appropriate. But I don't know what else to do

sometimes. I never know how much is being a two year old,

> how much is being a strong willed personality, and how much is due to her

> hearing loss. I don't know how to gauge with her.

I don't know if you can. They are watching her closely, to try and determine

it. She is very strong willed though.


> She really doesn't understand consequences yet. I don't know how to make her

understand. I have tried telling her (with sign and voice) and holding a reward


> front of her.

le is the sane way. However I tried the reward system with when he

was 4 1/2 to 5years old and it did work, he didn't care regardless of the



> I think the idea of ADHD/ADD is ridiculous in a two year old. I think

doctors often think if they give it a title it will appease the parent.

I agree with you 100%. I just had le to the development peds last week

and she showed her true colors. She wouldn't get on the scale it took three of

us to hold

her down for her length and about 5 minutes to measure her head. She told her

no no at least 5 times when she was asked to do something. But in this

situation I do

make excuses for her behavior she has other issues besides hearing loss and

lives at the doctors and she knows the routine and doesn't know what to expect

just remembers

what she has been through. This is the doctor that tells me she suspects ADD, I

just can't see how they can suspect that in a two year old either. I have to

take her

back in 6 months. She just stated be stricter with her and time outs etc.

> It's like the director of the clinic called my husband when I threatened to go

the formal complaint process. The director said, " We jsut want you to be happy


> your services. " How ridiculous! My husband was quick with his response, " Our

happiness is not the issue. You need to be meeting the needs of . "

Your husband is so right. I use a similar statement all the time to doctors.

> I think I will stop because I end up going on and on. However, it is nice

> to know someone else is having similar difficulties. Thanks for responding.

> I do appreciate it.

Tammy any time you need to vent feel free to email me privately, I do scan

through my emails, and try and keep up with them. It's usually not this hectic

around here.

I check my emails daily. But some days I don't have time to read through the

listserve for a few days or weeks. (lol) but I always read them. Take care I

hope things

are a little better. Hang in there

Take Care


mom to 6 years (hearing) le 2 years (hoh)



> Tammy,

> Mom to 9 and 5 normal hearing, and 2 severe/profound

> hearing loss



> All messages posted to this list are private and confidential. Each post is

the intellectual property of the author and therefore subject to copyright


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