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Re: Re: Cassy????? Where are you????? and Rene?

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Cassy, I feel the same way. I don't get support from anyone in my family, only my husband but that is not all the time. He is so used to me being in pain he ignores most of it. He is now not doing much for me bcs sometimes he feels that there is nothing wrong or I am not in so much pain. Today the pain has been so bad and he went hunting (I don't have a problem with that) but when he came home he asked me to do this and do that like there was nothing wrong. It's like geez, don't you know I didn't get any sleep and cried most all of last night bcs of the pain. I don't get it. I would be right on whatever he needed if the shoe was on the other foot. Sorry, that really wasn't in the conversation (about my husband sometimes). But he thinks he does everything for me (if only that were true). My step daughter is a terror and she does a lot of things to me to torture me but my husband dismisses it like it;s

nothing. He doesn't want to talk about it either. I have been with her since she was 3 and you'd think she would get used to the idea I will always be around and to stop making my life heck (wink). But she does it all the time bcs her parents both give her everything she wants and lets her do whatever she wants but my husband is the first to point out when my 2 boys 17 and 22 do something wrong. They never disrespect him like his girl does to me. The other boys (his) don't do what she does. I dread when they come over for visitation and my husband realizes it but doesn't really get it. She waits until she is alone with me now to cause an argument and when my husband comes in to find out what's wrong he yells at me before knowing what the problem is. It's been always like that so you can see why I dread visitation. And of course, they are all slobs except for my 17 year old but I can't tell them to pick up their stuff

without causing an argument with their dad......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggg! So I wait until they leave to clean up. But I would be the first person they would ask if they need help on the computer or need help with anything. 5 1/2 years can't come soon enough for me. I want to move bcs we live way to close to them and we are taxi drivers and whenever their mother does something for herself (which is all the time) she calls us to "babysit". She admits she can't handle or deal with the kids (her own) so she takes off and goes out of the house and leaves the kids with NO supervision. They practically raised themselves. She hates me bcs I don't give in to whatever she wants and I don't let my husband run at her every whim (spelling?). He used to until I put my foot down. I feel he treats her better than me but he says he has to treat her differently bcs he is afraid she will take the kids away so he kisses her you know

what. OK enough venting, am so sorry. Yes any doctor can be wrong and I hope they are wrong with you. Sounds like you have some good doctors though. We feel the same way about the support group and you. You are a sweetie and if I didn't have this group to vent or ask questions I would go crazy. You are a god send. I was un-dx about 4 months ago and I don't know if I have fibromyalgia but the group still welcomes me. My older sister has fibro and it's a good posibility I have it. I just don't want to go down that road again to get dx bcs it's a pain. But on the other hand, I have so many ailments together that I need something I can claim disability. God knows we really need the extra money or I have to find a job working from home. I have a lot of experience working from home in the past but things are different these days. You have to have a degree even for home.

Stinks big time. I want to go back to school for the 3rd time (no degrees, just trade school) and get my degree in medical transcribing (I have had experience before working from home doing that) and then pay it back when I start making money. There is such a need and doctors want people to work at home so they don't have to pay medical and benefits. Anyhoo.....we are glad you are here too. It wouldn't be the same without you. Hugs, :) p.s. sorry about the term paper LOL payngabby@... wrote: Thanks ! I pray for you every night too along with everyone here. Ya. We have 3 yrs. For 1 and 8 for another. Still alot but time goes quick. Ya. Im hoping the cardio is wrong. He is very good. A university doc but I have learned that they can be wrong too. Hopefully I will know soon. I dont know what id do without all you. I would be lost to say the least. I came here when I thought I had ms then my neuro thought i had Devics then I just stayed. I havnt found support anywere like I have here. True genuine understanding. More then I coulda ever asked for. Luv n hugz,cassy Re: Re: Re: Cassy????? Where are you????? and Rene?Cassy, Sorry, I normally don't tell people I have an identical twin sister, although I told Val bcs she has twins. So, it has been an interesting life. Yeah, we only have 5 1/2 years to go whoo hoo! Geez you have been through a lot but we are glad that you are in the group bcs you have someone or many to talk to even on your bad days. Boy, I hope it's not what the doctor really thinks it is., You have so many problems to deal with already. I will pray for you again just like last night. Good luck. Hugs and God Bless, :)payngabbyaol wrote: I didnt know you had a twin sister!Cool!I know what ya mean about health expenses and child support.Mine has 2 other kids.Well the

docs first thought i had devics disease,was ruled out.Then I was seen by this doc thats like house he discoverd i had autonomic dysfunction,so Im seing cardio having more tests and turns out its complicated.He thinks I hav a rare muscle disease with the auto dysfunction.I also have TN and a visual field defect.hugzcassyPeace, Love and Hugs, D. :)#AOLMsgPart_2_324e0f21-cb7d-484c-b095-7bd09ada87af#AOLMsgPart_2_324e0f21-cb7d-484c-b095-7bd09ada87af#AOLMsgPart_2_324e0f21-cb7d-484c-b095-7bd09ada87af__________________________________________________________More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.com Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)

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Thanks !Im sorry about the way your step daughter treats you.That

sucks!Seems you are very motherly to them and do alot for them you

would think they would have more respect.My fiances kids live 12 hrs

away so I dont have to deal with ex-drama.I wouldnt be able to deal

with that.Im glad you put a stop to your hubby goin to every whim of

hers.Forget that.lol.My guy thinks he does everything for me too.Ok.He

pays bills,works,sometimes helps(but usually b*****s about it.Im just

like shut up already.I dont think he will ever fully get it,dont even

know if we will make it.Im the 1st sick person hes ever really been

around but it dosnt seem hes much into learning about my diseases.I

think me being sick has torn part of our relationship.But im to the

point were its like,ok,obviously im not getn better so if your gonna be

a jerk hit the road.ya know?No time for bs.Ok.I could go on and

on.lol.but i think you get what I mean.Im here if ya ever wanna

talk.Jus let me know and I will send my #.

luv n hugz,cassy

Re: Re: Re: Cassy????? Where are you????? and Rene?

Cassy, Sorry, I normally don't tell people I have an identical twin

sister, although I told Val bcs she has twins. So, it has been an

interesting life. Yeah, we only have 5 1/2 years to go whoo hoo! Geez

you have been through a l

ot but we are glad that you are in the group

bcs you have someone or many to talk to even on your bad days. Boy, I

hope it's not what the doctor really thinks it is., You have so many

problems to deal with already. I will pray for you again just like last

night. Good luck. Hugs and God Bless, :)

payngabby@... wrote: I didnt know you had a twin sister!Cool!I

know what ya mean about health expenses and child support.Mine has 2

other kids.Well the

docs first thought i had devics disease,was ruled

out.Then I was seen by this doc thats like house he discoverd i had

autonomic dysfunction,so Im seing cardio having more tests and turns

out its complicated.He thinks I hav a rare muscle disease with the auto

dysfunction.I also have TN and a visual field defect.



Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)





More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -


Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)





More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -


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Oh my gosh Cassy, you really do get it. Most people say I have it good but when my husband complains every time I cry out in pain it's like he is sick of it. Well, let him have the problem and see how sick of it he can be and especially in my shoes.. The kids seem to don't even care and the children don't care. I do so much for those kids and I treat them like they are my own but they don't get it. Neither does the ex. I wish they did.What is a girl to do? I do whatever I can to help but no avail. I wish they understood what I do. I love them like they are my own but they don't see it. My husband doesn't get it either. I feel obligated to do things for them and no avail. sometimes I feel I am invisible to them after 10 uears. Oh well, what can I do. I really want to give it to the ex for making my life heck but I can't. I have helped them in school when the mom can't do

it....drive them places. I also go to the school for meetings bcs she couldn;t do it and also when the youngest two needed help for anything but they don't care. They think its my responsibility. The financial need is way too much but they still ask for more. Not like we can give them wht they want. My husband needs a tune-up. He really thinks he does everything and he doesn't altough I have a hard time. He just watches me like I have no problem. I have gotten used to it. He just lays on the couch and gives me orders. My husband wants to know about my medical problems but even though he knows it it doesn't seem to be a big thing with him and still tells me things to do. He even wants me to get a job even though he knows I can't do it. I know things are going to get worse and from now on, I will go to my room to avoid the youngest and my husband and maybe they will get it. Probably not though!!!!!

Yes, I would like your email if you have no problem giving it to me. Mine is desmarais7@... and same ID on yahoo IM. I have a multiply page too. it is: http://www.desmarais7.multiply.com/ and myspace is: http://www.myspace.com/desmarais7/ I would welcome you join either. Good luck and hope you get better soon. Take care and hugs, :)payngabby@... wrote: Thanks !Im sorry about the way your step daughter treats you.That sucks!Seems you are very motherly to them and do alot for them you would think they would have more respect.My fiances kids live 12 hrs away so I dont have to deal with ex-drama.I wouldnt be able to deal with that.Im glad you put a stop to your hubby goin to every whim of hers.Forget that.lol.My guy thinks he does everything for me too.Ok.He pays bills,works,sometimes helps(but usually b*****s about it.Im just like shut up already.I dont think he will ever fully get it,dont even know if we will make it.Im the 1st sick person hes ever really been around but it dosnt seem hes much into learning about my diseases.I think me being sick has torn part of our relationship.But im to the point were

its like,ok,obviously im not getn better so if your gonna be a jerk hit the road.ya know?No time for bs.Ok.I could go on and on.lol.but i think you get what I mean.Im here if ya ever wanna talk.Jus let me know and I will send my #.luv n hugz,cassy Re: Re: Re: Cassy????? Where are you????? and Rene?Cassy, Sorry, I normally don't tell people I have an identical twinsister, although I told Val bcs she has twins. So, it has been aninteresting life. Yeah, we only have 5 1/2 years to go whoo hoo! Geezyou have been through a lot but we are glad that you are in the groupbcs you have someone or many to talk to even on your bad days. Boy, Ihope it's not what the doctor really thinks it is., You have so manyproblems to deal with already. I will pray for you again just like lastnight. Good luck. Hugs and God Bless, :)payngabbyaol wrote: I didnt know you had a twin sister!Cool!Iknow what ya mean about health expenses and child support.Mine has 2other kids.Well thedocs

first thought i had devics disease,was ruledout.Then I was seen by this doc thats like house he discoverd i hadautonomic dysfunction,so Im seing cardio having more tests and turnsout its complicated.He thinks I hav a rare muscle disease with the autodysfunction.I also have TN and a visual field defect.hugzcassyPeace, Love and Hugs, D. :)#AOLMsgPart_2_324e0f21-cb7d-484c-b095-7bd09ada87af#AOLMsgPart_2_324e0f21-cb7d-484c-b095-7bd09ada87af#AOLMsgPart_2_324e0f21-cb7d-484c-b095-7bd09ada87af__________________________________________________________More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -http://webmail.aol.comPeace, Love and Hugs, D.

:)#AOLMsgPart_2_0ee5670b-b7ee-4d24-828f-f0ff219b1503#AOLMsgPart_2_0ee5670b-b7ee-4d24-828f-f0ff219b1503#AOLMsgPart_2_0ee5670b-b7ee-4d24-828f-f0ff219b1503__________________________________________________________More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.com Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)

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