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Re: Thank you, all....

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it is the same old story - power and control - a little "man" gets off with beating the crap out of children and women - anyone who is smaller and weaker - I am sorry - make sure you push it and follow through with the case = put the animal where he belongs

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness


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Putting this guy beind bars is my main objective right now. I am thankful that I have Tom as support in this as well. With him being in law enforcement, that will only better help our case. He is also a witness to this, and has some clout. As shook up as I was yesterday, I'd have to say, Tom was livid. It was all he could do to control his anger. He did inform Vicente that if his dad is ever caught in his jurisdiction, he's going to have a lot to deal with. To put it nicely. I don't know if Vicente understood what Tom was trying to say, but he made his point clear to me.

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness


Subject: Re: Thank you, all....To: MSersLife Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:28 PM

 it is the same old story - power and control - a little "man" gets off with beating the crap out of children and women - anyone who is smaller and weaker - I am sorry - make sure you push it and follow through with the case = put the animal where he belongs

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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tell Tom to calm down and cool it - he could jeopardize the case if he flies off the handle and compromises the case by beating the crap out of the animal - I am being blunt because I don't want emotion to get in front of the ultimate goal

By the book and do it right - keep Tom off this one - let the other guys do it - it will go smoother in court - some slime ball of an attorney can't get it thrown out on a technicality

Let the system work

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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I ran around with too many police officers and sheriffs - I was a psych - soc major - I worked with therapeutic foster kids - anything can be used to screw a good case up

I am trying to help - tell Tom by the book - stay clear - he can help the most by being there for you and your son - behind the scenes

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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LOL...Tom is fully aware that he can't let his emotions get too involved. At home, he blows off steam about this, but otherwise, he is very professional about it. He's actually trying to get me to chill. He wants Vicente to handle this, and just have me there as support. Vicente is a little afraid of his father retaliating. He worries about his step mother and step brothers who will be left alone should his father have to go to jail. And he's afraid his father may come to our house with the AK-47 while Tom is away at work, and start shooting up the place. And in truth, I'm a little afraid of that also. I know his father is fully capable of doing that. I'm going to have a restraining order put on him. Not that that will stop him from doing what he wants to do, but it will show that we were

doing all we could do to be safe.

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness


From: Anne Whitworth <reikiladyitlnet (DOT) net>Subject: Re: Thank you, all.....To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.comDate: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:28 PM

 it is the same old story - power and control - a little "man" gets off with beating the crap out of children and women - anyone who is smaller and weaker - I am sorry - make sure you push it and follow through with the case = put the animal where he belongs

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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you are sooooooooooooooo welcome. Anything I can do to help I will.



Subject: Thank you, all....To: mserslife Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 10:11 AM

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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don't worry - with the whole department aware of the why behind the RO - you will have many drive bys and unofficial tails on the animal - just stay cool and keep a low profile - as soon as DHS or family service gets the heads up - the kids will be removed from him too

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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The so called man needs to be horse whipped! How dare he do this to your son! He needs to be put in jail. Forgive but I can't remember how old your son is. No matter the age, its not right. Continued prayers for both of you.



I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, " Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much? " I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@... -- Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life

http://breastcancerpatientssoulmatesforlife.bravehost.com/ Anxiety Depression and Breast Cancerhttp://health.group.yahoo.com/group/AnxietyDepressionandBreastCancer

Angel Feather Loomerwww.angelfeatherloomer.blogspot.comThe Cancer Clubwww.cancerclub.com

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I wish I could have the guy deported, but Vicente said his dad is a resident now. His stepmother is illegal though. She is a good mother and I would hate to see her ripped from her children over this. I can actually see this all becoming very ugly and chaotic.. I don't really know if my nerves can take it.Love and blessings....Val MS and BPD Awareness valsafemail@... Woomail.com/Val

From: Anne Whitworth <reikiladyitlnet (DOT) net>Subject: Re: Thank you, all.....To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.comDate: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:28 PM

 it is the same old story - power and control - a little "man" gets off with beating the crap out of children and women - anyone who is smaller and weaker - I am sorry - make sure you push it and follow through with the case = put the animal where he belongs

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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Thank you, nne; My son will be 17 in January. This man is going to pay for his wrong doing. My main concerned now is to get the assault weapon out of his hands before he starts getting trigger happy. The only comfort I have right now, is knowing that his father doesn't know where we are living. And I pray he never finds out.Love and blessings...Val MS and BPD Awareness valsafemail@... Woomail.com/Val

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com -- Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life

http://breastcancer patientssoulmate sforlife. bravehost. com/ Anxiety Depression and Breast Cancerhttp://health. group.yahoo. com/group/ AnxietyDepressio nandBreastCancer

Angel Feather Loomerwww.angelfeatherloo mer.blogspot. comThe Cancer Clubwww.cancerclub. com

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You are a great person and a sweetie. You can handle it. I know it's about your son and I am sure he doesn't want him deported. There are more people involved too and that would be terrible. Good Luck

Your seester



From: Anne Whitworth <reikiladyitlnet (DOT) net>Subject: Re: Thank you, all.....To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.comDate: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:28 PM

 it is the same old story - power and control - a little "man" gets off with beating the crap out of children and women - anyone who is smaller and weaker - I am sorry - make sure you push it and follow through with the case = put the animal where he belongs

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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Thanks , I'm just trying to stay calm for now. And trying to not over think this. I have a tendency to get overwhelmed easily. When that happens, I don't know what to do except drop it and hope it all goes away. It's never that easy though. So, right now, I'm thinking of just taking one step at a time. First thing is get to the mags office and file charges and get a restraining order. I know you know how I must be feeling. All you'd have to do is imagine going through this. Vicente moved in with us last night. We are all staying with "G." in the same house as before. Me, Tom, and Vicente are looking to get another place now. I don't want to be an imposition on "G.." any longer than necessary.Love and

blessings...Val MS and BPD Awareness valsafemail@... Woomail.com/Val

From: Anne Whitworth <reikiladyitlnet (DOT) net>Subject: Re: Thank you, all.....To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.comDate: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:28 PM

 it is the same old story - power and control - a little "man" gets off with beating the crap out of children and women - anyone who is smaller and weaker - I am sorry - make sure you push it and follow through with the case = put the animal where he belongs

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them..

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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{{{ Val}}} Im so so sorry. Poor Vicente. I cannot believe his dad did

this to him. What a monster! His bruises and lacerations sound really

bbad,do you think he should see a doctor too? I hope and pray he is

ok.Gosh,I cant believe this monster owns a gun.I thank God he dosnt

know were you live.What a scary time for you all especially your son. I

can only imagine the way he feels right now.Thank God he is with you.

His father sounds like a monster.You are doing the right thing what

else can you say but he has a screw loose.What kind of person would do

this.Horrible horrible man. You guys hang in there.I hope and pray all

this stress dosnt cause a relapse to come on. At least your son knows

he can count on you,for safety and support.It will be ok. Let him know

he has alot of people on his side and we are praying for him.

luv you lots


Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's

abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the

marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who

inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He

has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It

crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the

magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault

with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a

child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is

considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an

AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will

be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is

nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people

that Vicente is on drugs and isa memberof a gang. I just don't

understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, " Mom, all I wanted to do was come

home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this.

Why does he hate you so much? " I don't know what to tell my son. I

don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is

that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the


I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a

relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've

felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that

all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this

group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness


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{{{ Val}}} Im so so sorry. Poor Vicente. I cannot believe his dad did

this to him. What a monster! His bruises and lacerations sound really

bbad,do you think he should see a doctor too? I hope and pray he is

ok.Gosh,I cant believe this monster owns a gun.I thank God he dosnt

know were you live.What a scary time for you all especially your son. I

can only imagine the way he feels right now.Thank God he is with you.

His father sounds like a monster.You are doing the right thing what

else can you say but he has a screw loose.What kind of person would do

this.Horrible horrible man. You guys hang in there.I hope and pray all

this stress dosnt cause a relapse to come on. At least your son knows

he can count on you,for safety and support.It will be ok. Let him know

he has alot of people on his side and we are praying for him.

luv you lots


Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's

abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the

marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who

inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He

has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It

crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the

magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault

with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a

child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is

considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an

AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will

be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is

nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people

that Vicente is on drugs and isa memberof a gang. I just don't

understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, " Mom, all I wanted to do was come

home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this.

Why does he hate you so much? " I don't know what to tell my son. I

don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is

that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the


I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a

relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've

felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that

all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this

group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness


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{{{ Val}}} Im so so sorry. Poor Vicente. I cannot believe his dad did

this to him. What a monster! His bruises and lacerations sound really

bbad,do you think he should see a doctor too? I hope and pray he is

ok.Gosh,I cant believe this monster owns a gun.I thank God he dosnt

know were you live.What a scary time for you all especially your son. I

can only imagine the way he feels right now.Thank God he is with you.

His father sounds like a monster.You are doing the right thing what

else can you say but he has a screw loose.What kind of person would do

this.Horrible horrible man. You guys hang in there.I hope and pray all

this stress dosnt cause a relapse to come on. At least your son knows

he can count on you,for safety and support.It will be ok. Let him know

he has alot of people on his side and we are praying for him.

luv you lots


Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's

abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the

marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who

inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He

has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It

crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the

magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault

with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a

child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is

considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an

AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will

be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is

nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people

that Vicente is on drugs and isa memberof a gang. I just don't

understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, " Mom, all I wanted to do was come

home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this.

Why does he hate you so much? " I don't know what to tell my son. I

don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is

that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the


I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a

relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've

felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that

all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this

group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness


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{{{ Val}}} Im so so sorry. Poor Vicente. I cannot believe his dad did

this to him. What a monster! His bruises and lacerations sound really

bbad,do you think he should see a doctor too? I hope and pray he is

ok.Gosh,I cant believe this monster owns a gun.I thank God he dosnt

know were you live.What a scary time for you all especially your son. I

can only imagine the way he feels right now.Thank God he is with you.

His father sounds like a monster.You are doing the right thing what

else can you say but he has a screw loose.What kind of person would do

this.Horrible horrible man. You guys hang in there.I hope and pray all

this stress dosnt cause a relapse to come on. At least your son knows

he can count on you,for safety and support.It will be ok. Let him know

he has alot of people on his side and we are praying for him.

luv you lots


Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's

abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the

marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who

inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He

has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It

crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the

magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault

with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a

child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is

considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an

AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will

be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is

nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people

that Vicente is on drugs and isa memberof a gang. I just don't

understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, " Mom, all I wanted to do was come

home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this.

Why does he hate you so much? " I don't know what to tell my son. I

don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is

that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the


I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a

relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've

felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that

all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this

group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness


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{{{ Val}}} Im so so sorry. Poor Vicente. I cannot believe his dad did

this to him. What a monster! His bruises and lacerations sound really

bbad,do you think he should see a doctor too? I hope and pray he is

ok.Gosh,I cant believe this monster owns a gun.I thank God he dosnt

know were you live.What a scary time for you all especially your son. I

can only imagine the way he feels right now.Thank God he is with you.

His father sounds like a monster.You are doing the right thing what

else can you say but he has a screw loose.What kind of person would do

this.Horrible horrible man. You guys hang in there.I hope and pray all

this stress dosnt cause a relapse to come on. At least your son knows

he can count on you,for safety and support.It will be ok. Let him know

he has alot of people on his side and we are praying for him.

luv you lots


Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's

abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the

marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who

inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He

has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It

crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the

magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault

with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a

child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is

considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an

AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will

be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is

nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people

that Vicente is on drugs and isa memberof a gang. I just don't

understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, " Mom, all I wanted to do was come

home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this.

Why does he hate you so much? " I don't know what to tell my son. I

don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is

that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the


I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a

relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've

felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that

all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this

group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness


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You forgot me But I loves ya anyway...let us know what goes on with your son (gggrrrr it just *fries* me that anyone would harm a child like that, not just the physical, which God knows is bad enough, but the mental/emotional scars, which in some ways are worse and take longer to heal) Give him a big hug from me...'cuz I SO wish I could give *my* son one! BTW I had an uncle named Vicente...Tio Vicente...he was a forensic pathologist in Spain. He was the guy who pierced my ears, and was so surprised when I passed out..normally his "patients" didn't feel any pain.... Hugs Akiba -- Thank you, all.... I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them. I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon. Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son. Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head. I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright. Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!! Love and blessings... Val MS and BPD Awareness valsafemailwoomail

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  It may be good for

Vicente if you help him see that his stepmother and the kids will also be safer

without this violent man around them – and that maybe his father can get the

help he needs while incarcerated.  (I know, try and keep a straight face with

THAT part…)

  At least V. is

safe.  God bless you all.


in WY

" You get a wonderful view from the point of no return... "



Re: Thank you, all.....

To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.com

Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:28 PM

it is the same old story - power and control - a

little " man " gets off with beating the crap out of children and

women - anyone who is smaller and weaker - I am sorry - make sure you push

it and follow through with the case = put the animal where he belongs


you, all....

I want to

thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive

father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that

were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted

them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises

and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I

saw them.

I took

pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the

magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault

with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a

child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is

considered a deadly weapon.


also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which

is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as

well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a

low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs

and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's

trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is

heart-broken. He says, " Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and

stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he

hate you so much? " I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know

why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think

his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am

praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse.

Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in

years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is

going to be alright.


again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group

for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and



MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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I was just reading through your post and your uncle is a guy I would love to have around. I wanted to go into forensics. Originally, crime scene tech. but a pathologist is way more cool.



Subject: Re: Thank you, all....To: MSersLife Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 3:17 PM

You forgot me But I loves ya anyway...let us know what goes on with your son (gggrrrr it just *fries* me that anyone would harm a child like that, not just the physical, which God knows is bad enough, but the mental/emotional scars, which in some ways are worse and take longer to heal)

Give him a big hug from me...'cuz I SO wish I could give *my* son one!

BTW I had an uncle named Vicente...Tio Vicente...he was a forensic pathologist in Spain. He was the guy who pierced my ears, and was so surprised when I passed out..normally his "patients" didn't feel any pain....



-- Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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Val thats unforgiveable no matter what the age. He is lucky your son didn't pick something up and fight back. I certainly hope the police get there before he can hide the assault weapon somewhere else. Continued prayers.



Thank you, nne; My son will be 17 in January. This man is going to pay for his wrong doing. My main concerned now is to get the assault weapon out of his hands before he starts getting trigger happy. The only comfort I have right now, is knowing that his father doesn't know where we are living. And I pray he never finds out.

Love and blessings...Val

MS and BPD Awareness



I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, " Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much? " I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

-- Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://breastcancer patientssoulmate sforlife. bravehost. com/

Anxiety Depression and Breast Cancerhttp://health. group.yahoo. com/group/ AnxietyDepressio nandBreastCancer

Angel Feather Loomerwww.angelfeatherloo mer.blogspot. com The Cancer Clubwww.cancerclub. com -- Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life

http://breastcancerpatientssoulmatesforlife.bravehost.com/ Anxiety Depression and Breast Cancerhttp://health.group.yahoo.com/group/AnxietyDepressionandBreastCancer

Angel Feather Loomerwww.angelfeatherloomer.blogspot.comThe Cancer Clubwww.cancerclub.com

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I'm so sorry, Akiba!

I didn't mean to foget you, really.

LOL, that's funny about you passing out when you got your ears pierced. How old were you? When I was 17, I pierced my left ear with a HUGE safety pin. I put ice on my lobe to numb the pain. I must have froze my earlobe too much. LOL Because, when I went to put the pin through my ear I had to really force it, twisting and turning in until it finally went through. I didn't even bother taking the safety pin out of my ear. Once it finally went through, I quickly closed it up and then proceeded to pass out. I never did do my right ear. To this day, I have two holes in my left ear and on in my right. The other two holes in my ears were already there when I had had my ears done a couple of years earlier, by a professional.

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness



Subject: Re: Thank you, all....To: MSersLife Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 7:17 PM

You forgot me But I loves ya anyway...let us know what goes on with your son (gggrrrr it just *fries* me that anyone would harm a child like that, not just the physical, which God knows is bad enough, but the mental/emotional scars, which in some ways are worse and take longer to heal)

Give him a big hug from me...'cuz I SO wish I could give *my* son one!

BTW I had an uncle named Vicente...Tio Vicente...he was a forensic pathologist in Spain. He was the guy who pierced my ears, and was so surprised when I passed out..normally his "patients" didn't feel any pain....



-- Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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He didn't even use ice...I did pierce my ears myself, two holes in my left ear, and three in my right (total). They told me to use alcohol and ice. So I put the ice on my lobe, poured myself a stiff drink and pushed the earring through. They were right, alcohol and ice worked for me.... Hugs Akiba -- Thank you, all.... I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them. I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon. Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son. Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head. I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright. Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!! Love and blessings... Val MS and BPD Awareness valsafemail@ woomail.com

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When Vicente was just a couple of months old, his father was incarcerated in Mexico. He was gone a year and a half. When he came back to the states, he told everyone that he was a new man and that he had found God!! But, it was all a lie. He wasn't out a month before he was up to his no good ways.

He's been married to this other woman for about eight years now. I'm sure, by now she knows him for the dog he really is. I really think that her biggest fear would be that he is thrown back in jail, she would get deported and her children would be made wards of the state. And I have to tell ya. If I were in her shoes, I'd be a bit worried right now too. I know she's illegal and all, but this isn't about that. I don't think it would be fair for her to lose her children over this. If she were smart, she'd take her kids and run as fast as she could back to Mexico right now.

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness



From: Anne Whitworth <reikiladyitlnet (DOT) net>Subject: Re: Thank you, all.....To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.comDate: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:28 PM

it is the same old story - power and control - a little "man" gets off with beating the crap out of children and women - anyone who is smaller and weaker - I am sorry - make sure you push it and follow through with the case = put the animal where he belongs

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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when I got my ears pierced in high school - I went to a doctor - I got infected ears and had to let my ears grow in - a year later I got the squeeze things and have had pierced ears ever since.

Friends in high school kept teasing me that if I had got someone to pierce it with a thorn I would not have had a problem

Thank you, all....

I want to thank all of you for your response to my post about my son's abusive father. When my son came home last night, he showed me the marks that were left on his body. It was easy to see that the man who inflicted them, clearly did it out of not just anger, but from rage. He has bruises and lacerations all over his back, chest and arm. It crushed me when I saw them.

I took pics of them and I've decided that together, we will go to the magistrates office downtown, and my son will press charges for assault with a deadly weapon. Here, in NC. it is against the law to strike a child, or anyone with any object. Tom informed me that a belt is considered a deadly weapon.

Vicente also informed Tom that his father has in his possession, an AK-47. Which is also against the law to own. So, that information will be disclosed as well. This man (if you want to call him that) is nothing more than a low-life thug. He is going around telling people that Vicente is on drugs and is a member of a gang. I just don't understand what he's trying to do to his own son.

Vicente is heart-broken. He says, "Mom, all I wanted to do was come home and stay with you. I don't understand why my dad is doing this. Why does he hate you so much?" I don't know what to tell my son. I don't know why his dad is like this. The only thing I can tell him is that I think his dad has a screw loose. He's obviously not right in the head.

I am praying now that all of this stress doesn't cause me to have a relapse. Physically, I've been feeling so much better. The best I've felt in years. I'm just going to claim the good health and believe that all is going to be alright.

Once again, thank you, nne, Anne, Reb, Cassy, and to all in this group for being there for me in my time of need. I love you!!!

Love and blessings...


MS and BPD Awareness

valsafemail@ woomail.com

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