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Re: Fatty shelf question

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Hi Kim,

I had a much larger incision with my March myo but here's my

experience so far.

Slowly, the " ridge " has gone down starting along the middle area

first. Its gradually going down each month and now only the

outer inside edges of the incision have the " ridge " Its also

flattened along the the edges closest to my hip bones. (So its

flat-ridge-flat-ridge-flat as you go from the left side to the right


I haven't been doing any excercizes for this area as I still have

alot of sensitivity. Its not painful, just if I bump it, I think to myself

" oooh--oh yeah--gotta be gentle. " I'd like to do some yoga but I'm

just not feeling ready to put weight on my tummy with floor

positions yet.

I still have that funny numbness too but every month it seems to

diminish little by little.

Best wishes,


> Hi everyone,


> My myo/laparotomy in late May left me with a 3.5 " incision right

at the pubic hairline. I've never had a flat stomach, but now

there's a fatty shelf-like protrusion on the top of the scar, while

it's flat below the line. It's also still somewhat numb above the

line. I know this may seem like a frivolous question since it

reflects a cosmetic concern: Has anyone else who's had

laparotomy experienced this shelf? If so, did it stay or gradually

even out with the bottom of the incision?


> Thank you,

> Kim

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Kim, I have something like that also, I just had a lap.myo on June 4th. So,

I don't know what will happen with it. The scar is about 1 inch, maybe

slightly bigger but a little bulge is above it. The scar is more of a dent.

Small really though considering. That was the incision where the biggest

instrument was at and where they removed most of my posterior fibroids, I

asked the surgeon because that area has probably been the sorest of my 4

incisions, and largest. Carol A.

Fatty shelf question


> Hi everyone,


> My myo/laparotomy in late May left me with a 3.5 " incision right at the

pubic hairline. I've never had a flat stomach, but now there's a fatty

shelf-like protrusion on the top of the scar, while it's flat below the

line. It's also still somewhat numb above the line. I know this may seem

like a frivolous question since it reflects a cosmetic concern: Has anyone

else who's had laparotomy experienced this shelf? If so, did it stay or

gradually even out with the bottom of the incision?


> Thank you,

> Kim





> ---------------------------------


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I have the same thing you described. There was a hard ridge above

the incision which did go away, but I still have the shelf-like

protrusion, above the indented scar, and the numbness. I don't know

if it will improve with time. My myo was in February and the

incision was about 3 " . I've never had a flat stomach either, but

now I feel huge. I started doing stomach exercises this week in

hopes of tightening my abs somewhat.



> Hi everyone,


> My myo/laparotomy in late May left me with a 3.5 " incision right

at the pubic hairline. I've never had a flat stomach, but now

there's a fatty shelf-like protrusion on the top of the scar, while

it's flat below the line. It's also still somewhat numb above the

line. I know this may seem like a frivolous question since it

reflects a cosmetic concern: Has anyone else who's had laparotomy

experienced this shelf? If so, did it stay or gradually even out

with the bottom of the incision?


> Thank you,

> Kim





> ---------------------------------


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Hi Kim

Had the same in October (slightly longer scar) and still have a

protrusion above the scar. Still some residual numbness too although far

less then there was a month after the procedure. Also have a ridge of

hard tissue at the incision (under the skin), my gp told me this could

stay as long as a year. What you describe sounds normal to me.

Michi S wrote:


> Hi everyone,


> My myo/laparotomy in late May left me with a 3.5 " incision right at

> the pubic hairline. I've never had a flat stomach, but now there's a

> fatty shelf-like protrusion on the top of the scar, while it's flat

> below the line. It's also still somewhat numb above the line. I know

> this may seem like a frivolous question since it reflects a cosmetic

> concern: Has anyone else who's had laparotomy experienced this shelf?

> If so, did it stay or gradually even out with the bottom of the

> incision?


> Thank you,

> Kim





> ---------------------------------


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I had a myomectomy on April 30, and I have a fatty

shelf, too. Before the myo, I had a slightly rounded

abdomen, like I was a few months pregnant. But now, I

have this ledge right above the incision. So I have

traded one kind of protrusion for another! It's

obvious enough that it shows through my underwear and

bathing suit. I could probably hang things from it,

maybe get it pierced :)

My friend had a myomectomy years ago, and she still

has her fatty shelf. She did loads of crunches to try

to get rid of it, but it's still there. So, I am not

sure it ever completely goes away. But, I plan to try

when 8 weeks have passed and I feel brave enough to

start abdominal exercises.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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I just had my surgery on July 2nd. My gyno. informed me that the 'above the

line bulge' would most likely result. That Dr.'s had talked to plastic

surgeons to try to avoid this- but- for all and whatever the reasons- it

couldn't be avoided. She said if it happens- to wait a year or so and - if

it's important- have it corrected by a plastic surgeon.

(My 'incision tape' hasn't even washed off yet...a 3.5 " scar, huh? better

than a 7 " scar...!)

All the best,


on 6/25/02 4:13 PM, Michi S at michi35ca@... wrote:

Hi everyone,

My myo/laparotomy in late May left me with a 3.5 " incision right at the

pubic hairline. I've never had a flat stomach, but now there's a fatty

shelf-like protrusion on the top of the scar, while it's flat below the

line. It's also still somewhat numb above the line. I know this may seem

like a frivolous question since it reflects a cosmetic concern: Has anyone

else who's had laparotomy experienced this shelf? If so, did it stay or

gradually even out with the bottom of the incision?

Thank you,


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Hi, Thanks for the feedback! I wonder why it doesn't bulge below the incision

line? Oh well. Now I'm approaching the two-month mark following my surgery, and

my shelf/ridge/bulge is actually lessening a bit. There's still some numbness,

though. I hope your recovery is going smoothly.


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