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Re: Yesterday's post that wouldn't go through

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Wow Val! That place is beautiful! Is the big white mansion lookn house were you

guys live? I was reading about it and the community,you scored!!! Im so happy

for you guys.I new it was nice but the pic and description blew me away. And not

many people can say they have lived on a golf course!;) especially 1 that nice.

Good job on the walking but no overdoing k.?. What a sweet landlady. More like a

sweet friend and person. Too bad you couldnt keep that cat. He or she sounds so


luv n hhugz,


Tom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3miles, maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. Ihavea feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when wereturned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot ofcabbagestew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, Ishould have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last nightfroman eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering fromjet lag. Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the whitedeer? Well, yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost theexact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has been aroundpeople,because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted justlike it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would havecome in and made himself right at home. I told my landlady about

thecat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before. Tonight I decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golfcourse that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interestedinlooking it up. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/images/communities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/golf-communities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & start=10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakefield%2BPlantation%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG May you all be blessed... ValeneEuphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~

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Cassy~ I really did pay for it. I went for my walk and walked about 3 1/2 miles. What was I thinking? I'll tell you. I only get about one day a month when I'm feeling good. And I was feeling good that day. It was so warm outside. I didn't need a jacket or anything. It's been in the 70's the last couple days. When I came home, I was tired but not too sore. But, yesteday and today...I am paying for it so badly. I have arthritis in my lower back and hips and I guess the walking caused it to flare up royally. Tom went out this morning and got me the strongest OTC arthritis pain medicine he could find. As soon as he walked in the door with it, I snatched it from his hand and took it immediately. LOL That was 5 hours ago. I must say, it took awhile to kick in, but I'm feeling a lot better now. I think the pic of the house that I sent is the club house. I'm not sure. But if you look on the left hand side of the page, you can click on a link to look at the houses that are in this community. Here's a news flash though. When Tom went to the store to get my meds he noticed a for sale sign in the front lawn. Looks like we may be moving again. "G" isn't home right now, but as soon as she gets in, I'm going to have a talk with her. I knew this was going to be a temporary situation, but I was hoping it would be long enough for us to get back on our feet. Especially, since we've been hit in the pocket again with 2 more unexpected bills. I guess this is why she told us to hold on to the rent money that we owe her. She knows we're going to need it to move again. Please keep us in your prayers. I'm getting a little nervous. Love and blessings... Valpayngabby@... wrote: Wow Val! That place is beautiful! Is the big white mansion lookn house were you guys live? I was reading about it and the community,you scored!!! Im so happy for you guys.I new it was nice but the pic and description blew me away. And not many people can say they have lived on a golf course!;) especially 1 that nice. Good job on the walking but no overdoing k.?. What a sweet landlady. More like a sweet friend and person. Too bad you couldnt keep that cat. He or she sounds so cute! luv n

hhugz,cassyTo: mserslife From: Val Lee Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 16:43:02 -0800 (PST)Subject: Yesterday's post that wouldn't go through Tom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3miles, maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. Ihavea feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when wereturned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot ofcabbagestew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, Ishould have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last nightfroman eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering fromjet lag. Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the whitedeer? Well, yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost theexact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has been

aroundpeople,because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted justlike it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would havecome in and made himself right at home. I told my landlady about thecat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before. Tonight I decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golfcourse that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interestedinlooking it up. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/images/communities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/golf-communities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & start=10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakefield%2BPlantation%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG May you all be blessed... ValeneEuphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~

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Oh My Gosh Val! Do you think she would start to sell it without telling

you first?Thats awful.Something so nice is sure to sell soon and that

just wouldnt be enough notice to prepare.I will be praying,and just

said one.Dont worry,try not to be to nervous.Im sure there is a logical

explanation,maybe someone put the sign there by mistake~lets hope so.Im

sorry your hurting and hope and pray it is better soon. I know its easy

to over due when we feel well especially if its not often. Take it easy

today.luv n hugz!!!


Yesterday's post that wouldn't go through

Tom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3

miles, maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. I


a feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when we

returned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot of


stew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, I

should have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last night


an eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering from

jet lag.

Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the white

deer? Well, yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost the

exact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has been



because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted just

like it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would have

come in and made himself right at home. I told my landlady about the

cat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before.

Tonight I decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golf

course that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interested


looking it up.


mmunities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & amp;imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/golf-c\

ommunities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & start=\

10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakefield\


May you all be blessed...


Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin

Crisp~ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo!

Mobile. Try it now.

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin


Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.





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Val, You have got to be kidding???? Another move so soon. You must be upset. I can't believe that she wouldn't tell you about this. On a brighter side, homes are not selling very well and taking a long time, perhaps years. So, don't put it in your mind that it will be very soon bcs it's a good possibility it will be a long time. I hope it will be a long time. You just got comfortable. I am sorry you are in so much pain. I hope you feel better soon. I relate to the pain. I have been in so much pain with this carpel tunnel. I am not sleeping bcs it hurts so much. The doctor called another pain medication in for me last night and nothing is really touching it. Bob was so ticked off that he had to go out. He is always depressed, always yelling and last night was not good. You'd think he would stop knowing I am in so

much pain even with the wrist splints that he would lighten up on the constant yelling and complaining etc but NO. He apologized this morning but as soon as he got home, right back to it. He just gets madder and madder when I am in pain bcs he feels that he has to do everything even though I am still doing a lot of stuff with the pain. I do everything around here and I am always busy keeping up on the house, especially the last 2 months. He has not had to do anything but make dinner once in a while. I also even get his clothes out for the week, including underwear and socks that match so all he has to do is grab them bcs they are stacked up in the bathroom for 5 days a week. I make his coffee the night before so he has coffee as soon as he wakes up. I take care of the dogs, bills, cleaning, laundry, taxes, beds, rooms, organization......you name it, I do it. Still no appreciation. He is so used to screaming, there is no

other way for him to talk. He hates that I can't work bcs of the pain and he complains that I am always in pain. That doesn't stop me (usually) from doing everything but I guess that doesn't matter. In his eyes I don't do enough. He hates the fact that I have to have 4 hours notice to drive bcs I am on meds and I shouldn't be driving on them. So, if we run out of stuff he has to drive unless I know and wait 4 hours. I am sorry I meant to reply to your problem and here I go talking about my problems. I hope that things will work out for you and Tom gets on the medications he needs for you. I totally relate. I think Bob is in need of a different anti-depressant. The one he has been on for years obviously is not working. And about something happening to you and know one would care or notice......NOT. I would notice and care. You are my

seester. I love ya. I would miss you very much. You are my rock when things get bad and I am sure everyone in this group feels the same way. We LOVE you. Take care hon and I will be praying for you. Luv, hugs & prayers, :)payngabby@... wrote: Oh My Gosh Val! Do you think she would start to sell it without telling you first?Thats awful.Something so nice is sure to sell soon and that just wouldnt be enough notice

to prepare.I will be praying,and just said one.Dont worry,try not to be to nervous.Im sure there is a logical explanation,maybe someone put the sign there by mistake~lets hope so.Im sorry your hurting and hope and pray it is better soon. I know its easy to over due when we feel well especially if its not often. Take it easy today.luv n hugz!!!cassy Yesterday's post that wouldn't go throughTom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3miles, maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. Ihavea feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when wereturned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot ofcabbagestew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, Ishould have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last nightfroman eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering fromjet lag.Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the whitedeer? Well,

yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost theexact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has beenaroundpeople,because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted justlike it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would havecome in and made himself right at home. I told my landlady about thecat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before.Tonight I decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golfcourse that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interestedinlooking it up.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/images/communities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & amp;imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/golf-communities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & start=10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakefield%2BPlantation%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3D

GMay you all be blessed...ValeneEuphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa__________________________________________________________More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.com Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)

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{{}}} Im sorry your hubby is yelling so much. I know how you

feel. That sucks! Especially when your not feeln well. You sure do alot

for him. Mine isnt happy about much and dosnt think I do anything for

him.When in reality I do as much as I can. I can hardly do for myself

let alone him. But he dosnt get that,not even sure he cares much

anymore. Hes sick of having to do all the errands and drive everywere(I

cant drive anymore)He always feels like he does everything.And he

dosnt. But of course hes a one mind thinker and will probly never

change his thoughts or opinions. Stinks hu? You can be my wife!lol.lol.

All 5 outfits ready to go! And coffee!! My fiance dosnt even make me

coffee. Hes a lucky guy I hope he learns to appreciate you!


Yesterday's post that wouldn't go through

Tom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3

miles, maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. I


a feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when we

returned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot of


stew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, I

should have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last night


an eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering from

jet lag.

Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the white

deer? Well,

yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost the

exact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has been



because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted just

like it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would have

come in and made himself right at home. I told my landlady about the

cat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before.

Tonight I decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golf

course that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interested


looking it up.


mmunities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & amp;amp;imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/go\

lf-communities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & st\

art=10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakef\



May you all be blessed...


Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin

Crisp~ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo!

Mobile. Try it now.

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin


Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.





More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -


Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)





More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -


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Cassy~ When she came home we talked. She took the sign down. I wasn't trying to get her to do that, but she said that she felt like she wasn't having enough faith in God. So, tonight when Tom gets home, all three of us are going to sit down and discuss our options. Then, we're going to pray on it and leave it up to God to lead us. You know, after talking to her, I'm feeling a little better about it. Maybe, it's just the knowing that we are all in this together and we are watching out for eachother. But, I feel, in the long run, this is all going to be ok. Just gotta keep looking up! Love and blessings... Val payngabby@... wrote: Oh My Gosh Val! Do you think she would start to sell it without telling you first?Thats awful.Something so nice is sure to sell soon and that just wouldnt be enough notice to prepare.I will be praying,and just said one.Dont worry,try not to be to nervous.Im sure there is a logical explanation,maybe someone put the sign there by mistake~lets hope so.Im sorry your hurting and hope and pray it is better soon. I know its easy to over due when we feel well especially if its not often. Take it easy today.luv n hugz!!!cassy Yesterday's post that wouldn't go throughTom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3miles,

maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. Ihavea feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when wereturned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot ofcabbagestew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, Ishould have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last nightfroman eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering fromjet lag.Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the whitedeer? Well, yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost theexact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has beenaroundpeople,because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted justlike it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would havecome in and made himself right at home. I told my landlady about thecat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before.Tonight I

decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golfcourse that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interestedinlooking it up.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/images/communities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & amp;imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/golf-communities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & start=10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakefield%2BPlantation%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3D

GMay you all be blessed...ValeneEuphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa__________________________________________________________More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.comEuphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~

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Cassy, LOL oh....I didn't say that I DO NOT make his lunch for work. I am such a bad wife!!!!!! Really all he has to do is take a shower, go to work, take out the dogs once in a while and make his lunch. OMG too much. I wish I didn't have such a long list of things to do. He must think (like most people do) that just bcs I don't work, I sit on my ^%$ all day. Boy I wish that was true. Most times I finally get to sit down when he comes home from work. What is it with men not getting the pain or the disease that causes us so many problems. They think we can just snap out of it (so to say) and do what they want us to do. I think my husband thinks I am faking. There are times he says he doesn't know how I do it everyday with all the pain I am in on a daily basis (only after he is dealing with back pain now) but his actions say

something else. Tonight I am trying not to talk to him so he won't bark at me. Everything I do or say is wrong. I really don't want to deal with it on a good day let alone on a bad day. Men should be thankful that we do anything for them. They are big boys and should be able to take care of themselves. We take care of us, them and the kids all at the same time and sometimes dogs and animals too. They just have one person to take care of and they can't even do that. Why do we still think that wifes have to bow down to their husbands and take complete care of them? It is 2008, not 1950. Take care, :)payngabby@... wrote: {{}}} Im sorry your hubby is yelling so much. I know how you feel. That sucks! Especially when your not feeln well. You sure do alot for him. Mine isnt happy about much and dosnt think I do anything for him.When in reality I do as much as I can. I can hardly do for myself let alone him. But he dosnt get that,not even sure he cares much anymore. Hes sick of having to do all the errands and drive everywere(I cant drive anymore)He always feels like he does everything.And he dosnt. But of course hes a one mind thinker and will probly never change his thoughts or opinions. Stinks hu? You can be my wife!lol.lol. All 5 outfits ready to go! And coffee!! My fiance dosnt even make me coffee. Hes a lucky guy I hope he learns to appreciate

you!hugz,cassy Yesterday's post that

wouldn't go throughTom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3miles, maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. Ihavea feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when wereturned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot ofcabbagestew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, Ishould have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last nightfroman eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering fromjet lag.Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the whitedeer? Well,yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost theexact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has beenaroundpeople,because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted justlike it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would havecome in and made himself right at home. I

told my landlady about thecat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before.Tonight I decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golfcourse that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interestedinlooking it up.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/images/communities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & amp;amp;imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/golf-communities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & start=10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakefield%2BPlantation%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%

26sa%3DGMay you all be blessed...ValeneEuphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~QuentinCrisp~ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo!Mobile. Try it now.Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~QuentinCrisp~Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa#AOLMsgPart_2_474326ca-b4f2-49b0-8cfb-4e69ea4240fa__________________________________________________________More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -http://webmail.aol.comPeace, Love and Hugs, D.

:)#AOLMsgPart_2_85a4917d-6f6d-4703-9f0e-5ed955a12604#AOLMsgPart_2_85a4917d-6f6d-4703-9f0e-5ed955a12604#AOLMsgPart_2_85a4917d-6f6d-4703-9f0e-5ed955a12604__________________________________________________________More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.com Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)

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I new all would be well. Im glad she took down the sign. I was getting nervous

too. What a relief! I love that your all in it together. Everything will be ok.



Cassy~ When she came home we talked. She took the sign down. I wasn't trying to get her to do that, but she said that she felt like she wasn't having enough faith in God. So, tonight when Tom gets home, all three of us are going to sit down and discuss our options. Then, we're going to pray on it and leave it up to God to lead us. You know, after talking to her, I'm feeling a little better about it. Maybe, it's just the knowing that we are all in this together and we are watching out for eachother. But, I feel, in the long run, this is all going to be ok. Just gotta keep looking up! Love and blessings... Val payngabbyaol wrote: Oh My Gosh Val! Do you think she would start to sell it without telling you first?Thats awful.Something so nice is sure to sell soon and that just wouldnt be enough notice to prepare.I will be praying,and just said one.Dont worry,try not to be to nervous.Im sure there is a logical explanation,maybe someone put the sign there by mistake~lets hope so.Im sorry your hurting and hope and pray it is better soon. I know its easy to over due when we feel well especially if its not often. Take it easy today.luv n hugz!!!cassy Yesterday's post that wouldn't go throughTom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3miles,

maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. Ihavea feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when wereturned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot ofcabbagestew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, Ishould have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last nightfroman eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering fromjet lag.Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the whitedeer? Well, yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost theexact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has beenaroundpeople,because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted justlike it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would havecome in and made himself right at home. I told my landlady about thecat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before.Tonight I

decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golfcourse that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interestedinlooking it up.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/images/communities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & amp;imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/golf-communities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & start=10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakefield%2BPlantation%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3D

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