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Do you think they ever evaluate what they are doing to others? Do they ever

think that what the Bible says is true, " You reap what you sow " ? That someday

one of her children will probably do this to her as well.


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I'm sorry your day is so bad, and that things progressed the way they

did with your short contact with your daughter.

I'm sure you're right - she's forgotten that special relationship

between herself and her grandmother. But you know, the great thing

about relationships is that grandchildrens grow up and desire to know

more of their family.

Who knows how long it will be before you see them? But, despite the

present bad news, I'm sure they'll be looking for you someday, and as

big as your heart is, I'm sure you'll be waiting with open arms.



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Sorry to see this is a bad day for you. You always ask interesting

questions - personally, I think that they rarely consider that they

reap what they sow. I think your daughter does whatever gets her

through the day, regardless of the fallout.

She is trying to hurt you by saying you will not see your grandsons,

because she knows this pushes your buttons. Be patient. I doubt your

daughter can keep this up forever. At some point you will have access.

Try to stay positive.


> Dot


> Do you think they ever evaluate what they are doing to others? Do

they ever

> think that what the Bible says is true, " You reap what you sow " ?

That someday

> one of her children will probably do this to her as well.


> Jean




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In a message dated 06/23/2005 7:21:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

cascorsam@... writes:

I was a " good enough " person to be in the boys and her life when the jerk

wasn't around and when she needed me to help her financially and to watch


boys when she did actually work. But now, I am just disposable. It is just

great. I don't even know this person I raised.


I am so sorry you are having such a bad time with your daughter. They truly

don't know the ramifications of biting the hand that feeds them. It's truly

a shame, because in the end, it is your grandsons who are suffering the most

from this alienation. They need structure and morals that you provide them.

Our daughters need to come to the realization that they need help, that

they are destroying the lives of the people around them who really care. It

took a long while, but my daughter did this and realized that everything in


runs so much smoother when her behaviors changed. She really is a pleasure

to have around now. She said it is so much easier to do what she's supposed

to do and behave, than to be creating havoc and chaos, there's no more stress

and tension as everyone is getting along quite well now. She really didn't

like the consequences of her actions. They have to realize that their

actions will one day turn around and bite them in the butt. Maybe that's what


to happen to yours in order for her to realize that it is her actions and

behaviors, not everyone else's, that keeps her life in constant turmoil.


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I, too, am sorry for you. No, I do not believe your daughter (or our bpd's)

even considers the impact their actions/words have on others.

I always try to keep in mind that this is an illness -- to them, i think it's

just the way they know to survive -- push, shove, yell, scream, push people


I agree your daughter does know you are hurting. For now, it puts her in

control. You are starting to do things for yourself and move on with your life.

You be the one to set the limits on your personage and how you are treated, you

will feel better, and hopefully eventually your daughter will come around.


-------------- Original message --------------

> I am having a bad day. I saw my daughter yesterday. She was coming out of

> her street onto my street and as our cars approasched , she rolled down her

> window to wave. I rolled my window down and asked her if I was ever going to

> see

> the boys. I had emailed her the day before asking if I could take them to

> lunch or the playground. No response.


> She said I would not be seeing them " for a long time " . I asked her why and

> she said because I butted into her life and she didn't want to deal with me.


> I guess she doesn't care that she is destroying a very improtant

> relationship. I guess she has forgotten how special her relationship was

> between her and

> my mother while she was alive. Doesn't she understand that she is probably

> causing irreprable emotional damage to them? I am sure they feel that I have

> abandoned them. And she is doing this all to punish me. And she is also

> punishing them !!!!!!!!!!


> They really do only care about themselves and no one else. How can they

> think that they will ever be able to live a happy life when they cause so much

> pain and heartache to those who have cared the most for them? Do they really

> think that a higher power is not looking down at them and making some


> calls here?


> I was a " good enough " person to be in the boys and her life when the jerk

> wasn't around and when she needed me to help her financially and to watch the

> boys when she did actually work. But now, I am just disposable. It is just

> great. I don't even know this person I raised.


> Jean




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  • 2 years later...

Good Morning all. Well, I had a fairly sound sleep

last night after my nice chiro visit, and my Alpha

Stim 100 treatment I gave myself as I rec'd my

unit in the mail! I put ear clips on, and it gives

a slight tingling/shocking sensation to the lobes.

It stimulates Alpha waves in the brain to induce

sleep and reduce insomnia and depression. I pray

some day to get off all my meds. Attached is something

the chiro sent me already! A newsletter he sends his

patients. There are some interesting things on there,

as well as a cool personality test down near the

bottom--have fun with it! I love you all, Kate

Dr. J. Kastuk, Jr.

Subluxation (nerve interference) reduces your bodies ability to function.

Chiropractors remove nerve interference (subluxation) to restore normal function


Are you searching for greater health and wholeness for yourself and your family?

Would you like to do more than treat symptoms? Are you interested in making disease prevention and health enhancement part of your lifestyle? Looking for more than a drug approach?

Then welcome to a more natural world ~ welcome to the world of chiropractic.

I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness. - Mother

My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. - Albert Einstein


.. A visit to the chiropractor

.. Why become a chiropractor?

.. Accidents, injuries and chiropractic

.. Baby's infections prevent allergies

.. Heaven and hell

.. Chiropractic and spinal research

.. Breastfeeding creates emotionally healthier children

.. Nourishing nutrition

.. General rule - avoid bizarre operations

.. Who are you? Take this personality test

.. Humor

.. References

A visit to the chiropractor

People sometimes ask us to review some of the basics of what a visit to a chiropractor entails. Actually a visit has two broad components: analysis and adjustment.

During the analysis we determine where your nerve pressure, your vertebral subluxation complex (VSC), is located. Based on over a century of research, the chiropractic profession has developed many unique procedures for this purpose: muscle, bone and motion studies; X-ray and imaging studies; leg and posture measurements and many others.

Next we perform an adjustment to eliminate your VSC. An adjustment introduces force/energy/information into your body, which helps to release pressure from your nerves, muscles, joints and discs and to realign or balance your body structure. The force must be introduced at the proper angle or direction, at the right time, and with the right pressure. The chiropractic profession has developed a sophisticated array of adjustment techniques. Ask us about the ones we use.

Why become a chiropractor?

Chiropractors help individuals and families get healthy and stay healthy naturally, without drugs and surgery.

Chiropractors have a wonderful, unique perspective on healthcare that is growing dramatically in popularity.

You can even have fun speaking and lecturing to people of all ages and presenting information they generally can't get anywhere else.

As a chiropractor you have the freedom to "set up shop" nearly anywhere in the world and the excitement of knowing that you are in a unique profession that goes back thousands of years but is still new to millions of people.

For more information on chiropractic as a profession, please call our office.

Accidents, injuries and chiropractic

Too many people who have been in an accident or suffered trauma don't receive chiropractic care. That's a big reason why over half of all accident victims never completely recover from their injuries and may live on painkillers, muscle relaxants and physical therapy or even endure repeated surgeries over the years. Sometimes they're told that they'll have to live in pain for the rest of their lives. In fact, even a "minor" trip or fall from childhood may cause severe health problems later in life.

Why? Because nearly any physical force radiates to your skeletal system and can cause subluxations. For that reason a chiropractic spinal checkup is essential after an accident. Chiropractic care may make the difference between true recovery, healing and strength or lingering pain, sickness and disability.

Baby's infections prevent allergies

Yet another study has verified that the fevers and infections of infancy have a protective effect against allergies and asthma later in life.

In this study, children who developed fevers during the first year of life tended to have a lower risk of allergies by age seven. Half of the children who experienced no fever during their first year had allergic sensitivities by age seven compared to only a 31% incidence of allergies among children who experienced two or more fevers during infancy. It appears that children exposed to more germs develop stronger immune systems. (1)

Comment: Children need to develop their immune systems by fighting infections. Aspirin, TylenolT and other anti-pyretics interfere with fever development and may keep a child sick longer. Childhood vaccinations prevent the immune system from developing properly. Working with nature, not against nature, helps create healthier children (and adults).

Heaven and hell

A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, 'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.'

The Lord led the holy man to two rooms. In the middle of one room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.

The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.

The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. The Lord said, 'You have seen Hell.'

They went to the next room. It was exactly the same as the first one. But here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking.

The holy man said, 'I don't understand.'

'It is simple' said the Lord, 'it requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves.'

Chiropractic and spinal research

Chiropractic care frees you from a severe form of dis-ease known as the vertebral subluxation complex (VSC). This is a distortion in your structural system that can affect the health of your bones, nerves, muscles, glands, brain, organs - and lots more.

Chiropractic is needed no matter what condition a person may have - it may make the difference between a life of suffering and illness and a life of ease and health.

Disabling low back pain. This is a study of 171 patients who had been totally disabled by chronic low-back pain ( " constant severe pain " ) for an average of 7.6 years. They were not helped by medical care and were considering back surgery. They were referred for chiropractic care. After 2-3 weeks of chiropractic, 87% returned to full function with no restrictions for work or other activities. One year later they were still doing fine.(2)

Learning disabilities and dyslexia. Eight studies were reviewed containing 25 case reports. All studies showed beneficial effects of chiropractic care in individuals suffering from learning disabilities and dyslexia.(3)

Neck pain. Seventy patients with neck pain (25 males and 45 females, ages 20-55 years) were randomly divided into either a chiropractic group or a control group. The chiropractic group showed a significant improvement in neck pain after only one adjustment.(4)

Breastfeeding creates emotionally healthier children

Babies have an intense need to be held and one of the most comforting things for a newborn is the physical act of nursing. Leaving a baby alone with a bottle is not emotionally satisfying to the child and does not make them feel safe or secure. Breastfeeding also promotes bonding between mother and baby in a way that bottle-feeding cannot. Most women naturally feel a strong desire to hold their baby and there are physical and emotional reasons for this. Breastfeeding ensures that mother and baby have some intimate time together and actually stimulates the mother's release of the oxytocin hormone, which is known to promote maternal behavior.

Nourishing nutrition

"The key to a good salad is vegetables at the peak of freshness, cut up into small pieces, then dressed with a high enzyme dressing composed of raw ingredients - high-quality oils, vinegar, lemon juice, whey, avocado and raw or cultured cream. Chopping or grating vegetables is the first step in the process of thorough digestion, leaving less for the teeth and digestive juices to do, and allowing more surface area of the vegetables to be coated with healthful dressing."(5)

General rule - avoid bizarre operations

Hysterectomies have serious after effects. The surgical removal of the female reproductive sex organs is a primitive practice, yet an average of 622,000 per year have taken place over the last decade. Doctors tell women sex will be the same, or better than ever. Women say their sex lives are over - they're " dead in bed. " Find out more at http://hersfoundation.org/effects.html.

Vasectomy and brain damage The damaging effects of vasectomy on immune and nervous systems have been observed for four decades. Primary progressive aphasia (PPA), a form of dementia due to brain cell degeneration, has been observed after vasectomy. It can occur in individuals under the age of 65 (and sometimes as early as in the 40's), and involves a decline in one or more language functions.(6)

Removing tonsils? Try chiropractic first. Removing the tonsils of children with mild or moderate throat infections is more expensive and has fewer health benefits than simply watching and waiting, say researchers. In a study of 300 children aged 2 to 8 who had been advised to have their tonsils out, those who avoided surgery had fewer annual visits to doctors and lower resulting medical costs. The children who avoided surgery also had fewer fevers, throat infections and respiratory illnesses.(7)

Who are you? Take this personality test

Here is an online personality test that some say is uncanny in its accuracy. Find out for yourself. Take it at www.41q.com.


Be naughty, save Santa the trip. Is there another word for synonym? Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do " practice? " Where do forest rangers go to " get away from it all? " What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages? Would a fly without wings be called a walk? Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them? If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked? Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? Why do they put Braille on the drive-through bank machines? How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow road sign?

Bye. See you next month. Don't forget to stop by for a checkup and adjustment. Want hard copies of this newsletter? Stop by the office and we'll give you some for your friends and relatives. If they have e-mail, have them write to us and we'll add them to our mailing list.


1. LK et al. The relationship between early fever and allergic sensitization at age 6 to 7 years. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2004:113(2):291-296.

2. Kirkaldy-Willis WH and Cassidy JD. Managing low-back pain. Canadian Family Physician. 1985;31:535-540. 3. i Y. The effects of chiropractic care on individuals suffering from learning disabilities and dyslexia: a review of the literature. JVSR. January 15, 2007:1-12.


4. Martínez-Segura R, Fernandez-de-las-Penas C, Ruiz-Saez M et al. Immediate effects on neck pain and active range of motion after a single cervical high-velocity low-amplitude manipulation in subjects presenting with mechanical neck pain: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2006;29(7):511-517.

5. Fallon S. Nourishing Traditions. Washington, DC: New Trends Publishing. 2001:175.

6. Weintraub S, Fahey C, N et al. Vasectomy in men with primary progressive aphasia. Cognit & Behavior Neurol. 2006;19(4):190-193. 7. Reuters. November 21, 2007.

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