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Re: lupron and myomectomy recovery

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Early this year I had 3 months of lupron shots. If lupron is your only

option to shrink the fibroid. I would recommend that the gyn do a complete

thyroid panel on you first to get a baseline because it is known that lower

or no estrogen can cause a person to become hypothyroid and in turn cause

other problems like the one Tish just posted. Osteoprosis and/or heart rate

changes. Doctors seem to offer lupron shots like it is a cure all that " will

put you into a menapausal state with no effects other than hot flashes or

vaginal dryness " , as I was told over and over when I asked about its

safeness. (I knew better, because of the women on this site and had to make

a decision of one risk over another). Fortunately, I had already had a full

thyroid panel and was followed closely throughout the time.

I also would reccomend to get your estrogen and the such levels checked too,

obviously you have too much estrogen because the fibroid feeds on estrogen to

grow. But what caused the fibroid? Doctors like to treat symptoms and not

the cause!! I would demand to know why I have the fibroid in the first

place!! I have had to learn this the hard way, I have an appointment next

week and I intend to find out why I have them!!!

Good luck and research, research, research!!!


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Hi Robin,

Here's my " anecdotal evidence " for your consideration. I'm 38, and

had an abdominal myomectomy on July 9th to remove 13 fibroids ranging

from 3 grapefruit & orange size, several lemon size, down to several

c. 1/2 " . My doc also initially suggested Lupron, but after

investigating the drug I refused to take it (hint: look into the MANY

known and suspected serious side effects. Unless you are anemic,

your doc shouldn't even be prescribing Lupron...)

I run 15-20 miles a week and lift weights, and I continued my

exercise routine up until the *day before* surgery. I lost virtually

NO blood in surgery, despite the numerous uterine cuts to remove

those 13 parasites, stayed just one night in the hospital, and needed

pain meds for only the first three days after surgery. While I'm not

allowed to run or lift anything over 5 lb. until 6 weeks post-op, I'm

already walking about 1 1/2-2 miles a day on hilly terrain, cooking,

walking stairs, and sitting at the computer just fine. And while I

don't do yoga, I'm now sitting in the lotus position in my computer

chair, pain-free. Mostly I'm just more tired than usual, requiring a

mid-afternoon nap, and still have abdominal swelling which visibly

reduces every day. My incision is clean and gorgeous and I'm looking

forward to its disappearance.

SO ... since you're in such good shape yourself, you should do quite

well. Don't rush the strenous physical activity post-op; remember,

you'll have lots of " invisible " incisions on your uterus, in addition

to the one on your belly, and you don't want to strain or jostle them

until you're healed well enough.

I'll just reiterate that you should investigate Lupron very


Good luck!


> greetings, i am new to the group and on the verge of having two

months of two injections of lupron to shrink the grapefruit-size

fibroid before myomectomy. curious in others' experience with

this 'sneak preview' of menopause, as lupron temporarily induces.


> also, my doctor has told me recovery from myomectomy will be 6

weeks. i am reluctant to accept that, as i am very active, do lots of

yoga and walking, and will be eager to resume what i can early. i

realize it's more likely to be walking for at least four weeks rather

than yoga. curious with other similarly active womens' experience

with that. i know everybody will likely have a different kind of

recovery, but looking for anectodal evidence.

> thanks much,

> robin

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Hi Robin!

I had two injections of Lupron. The first one wasn't so

bad and I thought I might even be able to tolerate it.

The second injection hit me like a sledgehammer. I

cried for 4 or 5 days. I have never been so down and

blue. I had hot flashes almost continually. I had

headaches...bad! I had skin eruptions. I lost ALL

interest in sex. Not only that but ALL orientation. I

could have been a rock as easy as being a female. Dry

vagina doesn't begin to describe it. I had nightmares

that my breasts were drying and shriveling away.

I think menopause is supposed to happen gradually, over

time. With Lupron, you hit the wall.

> greetings, i am new to the group and on the verge of having two months of two

> injections of lupron to shrink the grapefruit-size fibroid before myomectomy.

> curious in others' experience with this 'sneak preview' of menopause, as


> temporarily induces.


> also, my doctor has told me recovery from myomectomy will be 6 weeks. i am

> reluctant to accept that, as i am very active, do lots of yoga and walking,


> will be eager to resume what i can early. i realize it's more likely to be

> walking for at least four weeks rather than yoga. curious with other similarly

> active womens' experience with that. i know everybody will likely have a

> different kind of recovery, but looking for anectodal evidence.

> thanks much,

> robin






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I am having a myomectomy in September and have just gotten my third

Lupron shot. The only side effects I have had are a few mild hot

flashes (10 seconds max) and that's it. I actually feel great. My

fibroids (7cm and 8cm) have shrunk (about 30% if not more) and I

haven't gotten my period. No bleeding, no spotting and my clothes

fit better.

Like you I came to this site beforehand to research Lupron. I was

pretty freaked out after reading some of the messages about Lupron.

However, with any medication there is a possibility of side effects.

I prepared myself for a host of problems but found that I didn't have

any. The only thing was I was told I could get my period 2 weeks

after my first shot. It came 7 days later on vacation. Since then I

haven't had my period at all. This might seem flip but this is great.

My only concern now is what will happen when the surgery is over and

I get my period back. But at least I won't have to worry about that

until well after surgery.

If you go ahead I would recommend that you take calcium supplements.

Remember, you don't have to take the second shot if you have problems

with the first. Also, you can ask your doctor about add-back therapy

if you have any problems.

Good Luck,

> Hi Robin!


> I had two injections of Lupron. The first one wasn't so

> bad and I thought I might even be able to tolerate it.

> The second injection hit me like a sledgehammer. I

> cried for 4 or 5 days. I have never been so down and

> blue. I had hot flashes almost continually. I had

> headaches...bad! I had skin eruptions. I lost ALL

> interest in sex. Not only that but ALL orientation. I

> could have been a rock as easy as being a female. Dry

> vagina doesn't begin to describe it. I had nightmares

> that my breasts were drying and shriveling away.


> I think menopause is supposed to happen gradually, over

> time. With Lupron, you hit the wall.



> > greetings, i am new to the group and on the verge of having two

months of two

> > injections of lupron to shrink the grapefruit-size fibroid before


> > curious in others' experience with this 'sneak preview' of

menopause, as lupron

> > temporarily induces.

> >

> > also, my doctor has told me recovery from myomectomy will be 6

weeks. i am

> > reluctant to accept that, as i am very active, do lots of yoga

and walking, and

> > will be eager to resume what i can early. i realize it's more

likely to be

> > walking for at least four weeks rather than yoga. curious with

other similarly

> > active womens' experience with that. i know everybody will likely

have a

> > different kind of recovery, but looking for anectodal evidence.

> > thanks much,

> > robin

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Theresa---I did not have any problems with Lupron after my myo. You will need

more than a couple of weeks to recover---it will be very tough for you to fit

it in before school and all you hours you will be doing. Your energy level

will take time to build up again--anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. Please take

care of yourself and let us know what happens. Deanna:)

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Hi Robin,

I am looking for the same information that you are. I am 37, have

returned to school and in a time-crunch to get this stupid myo done.

Next month I will going to grad school and working full-time as well

as adding a 16 hour a week internship. I cannot afford to act like a

freak, especially since I'm going into clinical social work.

My doc is really pushing 3 months of Lupron. My largest fibroids are

grapefruit and ping-pong ball sized (with more on the inside that are

smaller). He said the myo would be far safer once the fibroids had

shrunk, but I am worried about the energy level I am going to need

and the added stress. I am thinking about doing the surgery right

now while I have a couple of weeks to recover before the

semester/intership begins. How much more dangerous could it be?

I have read nothing but Lupron horror stories and wonder if that's

just the squeaky wheel or the majority of folks taking it? Like I

said, I can't run a therapy group if I'm suddenly acting psycho. I

need the low-down.

Worried. P

> greetings, i am new to the group and on the verge of having two

months of two injections of lupron to shrink the grapefruit-size

fibroid before myomectomy. ......

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I also have heard horror stories about lupron but didn't have any trouble

with it myself when I took it before my first myomectomy and then about six

years later when I was trying to avoid a second myo. If I remember

correctly, I didn't have a period--or not much of one--when I was on it, but

didn't suffer from hot flashes or any of the other symptoms you hear about.

I had braced myself for unpleasant symptoms but they never came. I may be

in the minority on this.....

good luck. It sounds like a grueling schedule this fall.

ann s

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P & Robin:

I took Lupron for ONE month to shrink ONE large fibroid and that was

enough for me. I wanted that thing out of me and I wanted it out

now. My flake dr. wanted me to take it for 6 months and then longer

if it was really shrinking. Forget that. The makers of Lupron don't

even recommend taking it more than 6 months. I was so miserable for

that one month I took it, I said NO WAY. So I found a new dr. who

removed the fibroid immediately. I have to say that the Lupron did

start to shrink the fibroid w/in that one months time. I, like you,

read so many horror stories and talked to several people that really

tried to persuade me against Lupron. I think the side effects you

have to deal w/ while being on Lupron can be nothing compared to the

ones that may afflict you later in life. I know the purpose of

Lupron is to shrink the fibroids so much that they do not cause as

much damage to your uterus when they are removed via myomectomy. My

dispute is that the Lupron does not just shrink the big fibroids, it

shrinks the smaller ones too which may shrink so small, your dr. will

not see those when he/she goes into remove the bigger fibroids.

Therefore, these smaller ones will be missed and then grow larger and

have to be removed later in life. Lupron also turns the fibroids

to " mush " therefore making them not as easy to " scoop " out of the

uterus. I hope that makes sense. Trust me I did my research on the

subject. I was diagnosed w/ a 4.5 inch fibroid last September. I

had it removed in November. I am currently pregnant (as of March)

and doing great so far. The incision was deep and the fibroid was

large so I will require a c section delivery because of this. You

have your pros and cons but personally Lupron was NOT for me.

Hope I have helped you in some small way.



> > greetings, i am new to the group and on the verge of having two

> months of two injections of lupron to shrink the grapefruit-size

> fibroid before myomectomy. ......

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Hello P.

I had two shots of Lupron and can tell you the side

effects were devastating to me. I cried for days, I was

so down and blue. I am a Vice President and one of the

reasons is because you are able to " handle " everything

that comes your way! Not after Lupron!

In addition, I had insomnia (not good for mental

funtioning), headaches (not good for mental functioning)

and many, many hot flashes despite the

ergotimine/belladonna Rx to counter.

I was supposed to take more Lupron, but said " No more! "

Now I have to wait for the drug to clear from my system

before having a UAE. The IR said early procedure will

compromise success. What a price for a couple of shots!

It did stop pain, pressure and bleeding. That was nice,

but not worth it.

> P & Robin:


> I took Lupron for ONE month to shrink ONE large fibroid and that was

> enough for me. I wanted that thing out of me and I wanted it out

> now. My flake dr. wanted me to take it for 6 months and then longer

> if it was really shrinking. Forget that. The makers of Lupron don't

> even recommend taking it more than 6 months. I was so miserable for

> that one month I took it, I said NO WAY. So I found a new dr. who

> removed the fibroid immediately. I have to say that the Lupron did

> start to shrink the fibroid w/in that one months time. I, like you,

> read so many horror stories and talked to several people that really

> tried to persuade me against Lupron. I think the side effects you

> have to deal w/ while being on Lupron can be nothing compared to the

> ones that may afflict you later in life. I know the purpose of

> Lupron is to shrink the fibroids so much that they do not cause as

> much damage to your uterus when they are removed via myomectomy. My

> dispute is that the Lupron does not just shrink the big fibroids, it

> shrinks the smaller ones too which may shrink so small, your dr. will

> not see those when he/she goes into remove the bigger fibroids.

> Therefore, these smaller ones will be missed and then grow larger and

> have to be removed later in life. Lupron also turns the fibroids

> to " mush " therefore making them not as easy to " scoop " out of the

> uterus. I hope that makes sense. Trust me I did my research on the

> subject. I was diagnosed w/ a 4.5 inch fibroid last September. I

> had it removed in November. I am currently pregnant (as of March)

> and doing great so far. The incision was deep and the fibroid was

> large so I will require a c section delivery because of this. You

> have your pros and cons but personally Lupron was NOT for me.


> Hope I have helped you in some small way.


> Regards,


> Kristi



> > > greetings, i am new to the group and on the verge of having two

> > months of two injections of lupron to shrink the grapefruit-size

> > fibroid before myomectomy. ......





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Hello all:

I too am in the same boat as you guys. I have a

softball size fibroid. Only one that they know about

right now and gyn has suggested 3 month shot of Lupron

prior to surgery this Fall. I am also a CPA and

controller of a manuf corp and can't afford the side

affects that I've been reading about at

www.lupronvictims.com. Here is the list of possible

side affects that I've been able to find:

Memory Loss

effect of immune system

effects of nervous system

Joing/muscle/bone pain


androgen like effects

asthenia - weakness

bleeding/vaginal discharge

breast disorders

cardio vascular/neurogenic changes

changes in sexual desire

dryness of mouth/thirst


fine/gross motor coordination


hot flashes

intestinal disorders

neuropsychological disorders - depression

ovarian cysts


sleep disorders

urinary disorders

vertigo/dizziness/light headedness

weight gain/increased appetite

weight loss/decreased appetite

I know that sometimes for the benefits of certain

drugs there are side effects. I just don't know if in

this case, this list of side effects are with

prolonged use of this drug or could happen with just

one dose? There are statistics in the web site link


I mean one could argue that Chemo-therapy used to

treat cancer has numerous side effects, but they pale

in comparision perhaps to the benefits of fighting the

cancer. Well, maybe in this case, the benefits to

shrink the fibroid and reduce the complications during

the myo would be the factors that tip the scale in

favor of the treatment. And who knows what type of

hormone therapy might be available to counter some of

these affects? Progesterone?

There are alot of unanswered questions here, and I

believe it is a choice. Just like there are choices

for treatment of fibroids in some cases. What a

controversial dilemia we've been but in? I dont' know

if I even can begin to determine what my answer will

be. Verdict is still out on whether I can go thru

with taking this drug.

I am anxious to here at each of your experiences with

the UAE and then how the MYO went? I want the silly

details, like what did they do to you pre-surgury, how

did you feel post- surgery...when could you walk and

then exercise and has it affected your sex drive? How

old are each of you?

Im 28 and fertility is an issue for me as well as

quality of an active lifestyle. It will kill me to be

laid up for 4-6 weeks.

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I am new to this group and welcome input from you. I am 36, with 2 healthy

children. We are definitely not having more children, so I am thinking

about having my uterus removed. I have two fibroids; one is 6+ centimeters

as of January, 2002. I have huge clots, heavy prolonged bleeding (I was at

24 days straight this month, until I took Premerin to stop it) and

backaches. There are no fertility issues but because I have two young

children and very little support from family here (my family is in another

state) I have concerns about the recovery period. I don't know yet if my

insurance will cover a visiting nurse. I will have to recruit friends to

help take my children to school, etc. But it is doable...Am I old fashioned

to think removing the uterus is the answer? And just deal with the

recovery? Or, should I look into newer procedures?


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My advice would be to definitely look at all your options. There are options

today that preserve your uterus. Like you, when I first learned of the

fibroids and was not concerned with fertility, I figured, just have a

hysterectomy and get it over with. My GYN discouraged that line of thinking

and I began to explore my options. I'm grateful that I did.

One of my 5 fibroids was around 7cm, the rest smaller than that. I had UAE

done on 4/1/02 and have had great results. Of course there are pros and cons

to every procedure.

Start on the www.nuff.org web site and go from there. There is a lot of good

info there.

Good luck,

Ann M.

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before ya start yankin stuff out lassie, it would behoove ya ta perhaps be

lookin into the

alternatives. What canna hurt? Just me humble opinion. From one who has been

there and got tha

T-shirt. ;-)! gg

Linguica-Pizza wrote:

> I am new to this group and welcome input from you. I am 36, with 2 healthy

> children. We are definitely not having more children, so I am thinking

> about having my uterus removed. I have two fibroids; one is 6+ centimeters

> as of January, 2002. I have huge clots, heavy prolonged bleeding (I was at

> 24 days straight this month, until I took Premerin to stop it) and

> backaches. There are no fertility issues but because I have two young

> children and very little support from family here (my family is in another

> state) I have concerns about the recovery period. I don't know yet if my

> insurance will cover a visiting nurse. I will have to recruit friends to

> help take my children to school, etc. But it is doable...Am I old fashioned

> to think removing the uterus is the answer? And just deal with the

> recovery? Or, should I look into newer procedures?


> Thanks!






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thats for the good news i am only 23 years old and found out early this week

that i have a fibroid the size of a softball i am so nervous i have never had

surgery before or for that matter someday i would like to have children and

words of encouragement . My surgery is scheduled for 8/21/02 anything i could

prepare myself for maybe mental besides prayer. Would u advise me on anything u

would have done different like the pain keeping yourself active and encourage.

Any word would be great



amaher1@... wrote: My advice would be to definitely look at all your

options. There are options

today that preserve your uterus. Like you, when I first learned of the

fibroids and was not concerned with fertility, I figured, just have a

hysterectomy and get it over with. My GYN discouraged that line of thinking

and I began to explore my options. I'm grateful that I did.

One of my 5 fibroids was around 7cm, the rest smaller than that. I had UAE

done on 4/1/02 and have had great results. Of course there are pros and cons

to every procedure.

Start on the www.nuff.org web site and go from there. There is a lot of good

info there.

Good luck,

Ann M.

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Let me offer myself as another Lupron test case. i had first injection two

weeks ago. second of two is in two more weeks, prior to myomectomy scheduled

for sept 6. i realize it's early, but so far i've had only a couple of bouts

(lasting a couple of hours) of side effects-- not sure if it was a classic hot

flash, but it was a hot-eye feeling, coupled with spaciness, fatigue, a bit of

depression, and general malaise. my doctor says if the side effects get too

severe, she won't give the second injection. i'm doing as much yoga and

exercise as i can manage, at least one session per day, and trying not to

obsess. about it all, which as you know, is a challenge. I just turned 50,

and am not planning to get pregnant, but I do not want a hysterectomy, and my

doctor hasnt once suggested it. I've had surgery twice before, so that, in

itself, is not freaking me out. i have confidence in my doctor, and i'm trying

to get on with my life, and see this as merely another medical adventure. I'm

always trying to lose ten pounds, and have extra motivation after reading on

fibroid.com that fibroids are more common in overweight women, or that excess

fat affects estrogen production, and hence growth of fibroids.

cheers to all,


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pe: I also have a fibroid the size of yours 7cm and am 28 years old.

Fertility is also a very big issue for me and my main objective is to preserve

that. Although, I have no symptoms that I'm really aware of I want this thing

out of me before it grows and causes all kinds of problems. I hope that you

will research all you can on the web about fibroids. Unfortunately, not all

doctors are going to give you all your options and be completely straight about

them. Especially, if you are in a small town they just problably don't have the

experience needed to perform newer procedures. That is why I say get lots of

opinions so that you have all the pieces of the puzzle to make a well informed

decision. There seem to be pros and cons of all of the procedures. But you've

got to do what is right for you and a good doctor should be able to help you

make the decision together. I am struggling right now with the pros and cons of

taking Lupron for 3 months to reduce my fibroid size and make bleeding during

surgury less. I am from a fairly small city and abdominal myo seems to be the

only option available in the location that I'm in. I'm getting referrals for

laporoscopic procedures. I've heard that there is a excellent group of

physicians at Duke, in NC. I think whatever procedure that you go with, make

sure you ask the right questions. Here are some links to sites that have been

useful for me and I believe there are a listing questions to ask your doc on one

of them.






Good luck to you and hope that you find peace with your choice for treatment.

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At 09:04 AM 8/1/2002, Linguica-Pizza wrote:

>My doctor feels that having a uae will leave dead tissue/fibroids that may

>turn into something cancerous. Did you ever hear these concerns?

Your doctor " feels " that UAE will turn your fibroids

cancerous? Interesting. I'm no expert, but I've never read anything to

indicate that. I'm sure others here know better than I. I'd certainly ask

that doctor what studies s/he's read substantiating that opinion.

Good luck.


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Robin: Wow, thanx for the up to the minute update on how Lupron is working for

you. I identify with so much of what you've talked about. Also, I'm 28, I am

also very active and run and train on weights. I feel like perhaps that might

be a positive factor in making Lupron more bearable when I get my dose coming

up. Just like you I plan on staying as active as this drug will allow me

becuase I think that will be one of the keys. And even on the days I don't feel

like putting on the tennis shoes, I'm going to do it anyway (God willing)

because I'm motivated. I mean this is our health we are talking about, talk

about a motivator!

It is interesting that you bring the weight issue up. Although, I'm not sure

when mine started growing, but since the beginning of the year I've lost 30

pounds and changed my dietary style completely to almost vegetarian. Didn't do

this on account of the fibroids, because I had no idea at the time, but I feel

like some symptoms that i had have subsided as a result of the weight loss,

especially bladder pressure? One of my clues that I might have a problem was my

periods started getting heavier and erratic. Nothing major, but I knew it was

just different. I chalked it up to weight loss. My fibroid was found after

changing from a family physician to a gyn during all this weight loss. Wouldn't

it be something if the change in hormone levels from weight loss caused this

thing to grow or raise its ugly head. Probably won't ever know. I've always

said that I thought I weighed more than everyone else and I would joke around

that it was becuase I had a tumor growing inside me. Little did I know how true

it would turn out to be. I guess this thing probably weighs couple of pounds.

And when it finally does come out...flat stomach..here I come! Keep me updated

on your status. I would love to compare notes with you.

Robin Parmelee wrote: Let me offer myself as another

Lupron test case. i had first injection two weeks ago. second of two is in two

more weeks, prior to myomectomy scheduled for sept 6. i realize it's early, but

so far i've had only a couple of bouts (lasting a couple of hours) of side

effects-- not sure if it was a classic hot flash, but it was a hot-eye feeling,

coupled with spaciness, fatigue, a bit of depression, and general malaise. my

doctor says if the side effects get too severe, she won't give the second

injection. i'm doing as much yoga and exercise as i can manage, at least one

session per day, and trying not to obsess. about it all, which as you know, is a

challenge. I just turned 50, and am not planning to get pregnant, but I do

not want a hysterectomy, and my doctor hasnt once suggested it. I've had

surgery twice before, so that, in itself, is not freaking me out. i have

confidence in my doctor, and i'm trying to get on with my life, and see this as

merely another medical adventure. I'm always trying to lose ten pounds, and

have extra motivation after reading on fibroid.com that fibroids are more common

in overweight women, or that excess fat affects estrogen production, and hence

growth of fibroids.

cheers to all,


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, from what a few women have said, the flat stomach takes awhile to

appear. you can imagine that only when you can start exercising those

abdominal muscles again--at 6 weeks(!?) will the pouch really be banished.

dont want to jeopardize healing, but would love to know if we can start doing

even pelvic tilts earlier than 6 weeks.


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Thanks for the advice. I have decided to go along with the surgery 8/21 schedule

date. The reason i guess i opt that choice was because it would be on my mind

morning, noon and night. Just within the pass three days i have lost some sleep

wondering and waiting. Which caused me to conduct extensive research and still I

don't want to wait. I know that if they get large enough or bust they can bleed

and get in your urine and that could open up another can of worms. I am a strong

believer in fix the problem now so that it does not turn into a contastrafy.

Aside from the symptoms that i am displaying i guess i wanna know if that is the

fibroid or something eles gone wrong or a combination. I wish you well on

finding the answer that best works for u. I went to college down nc so i know

that everything is small unless u got to charlett or raliegh. I live in MD and

the dr that is preforming my surgery i have conduct a background inquiry on him

because i don't want any other problems then what i have now. And placed it in

gods hands. I was also reading that this cause infertility as well so maybe

thats a reason why i am going through this



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Fibroids are made of muscle tissue and cannot " bust " . And I don't

believe that the fibroid itself can bleed. Depending on the location

they can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. You should probably learn

more about what exactly fibroids are and are not, and the

consequences of any type of treatment you may have.

>I know that if they get large enough or bust they can bleed and get

in your urine and that could open up another can of worms. <

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Robin: Pelvic tils...how about sex? 6 weeks...OMG!!!!

Robin Parmelee wrote: , from what a few

women have said, the flat stomach takes awhile to appear. you can imagine that

only when you can start exercising those abdominal muscles again--at 6 weeks(!?)

will the pouch really be banished. dont want to jeopardize healing, but would

love to know if we can start doing even pelvic tilts earlier than 6 weeks.


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well i have looked on several sites and i have a friend who aunt has went

through the procedure already. I was also inform that PROLONGING TREATMENT of

any kind is not good. No dealing with fibroids hey i don't know i am not a

doctor and am young w.out children so i am still learning myself that is the

whole reason why i am on this site to obtain knowledge. I know that it can get

in your urine and that is a sign of internal bleeding which could effect your

body in a whole. To prevent that u seek treatment DON't WAIT uNTIL it is convent

for u to go because people have died so blood in your urine from the fibroid is

dangerous. I am on this website to exchange info some may be valid some not i

just put it out there to get the groups opinion not to give a medical opinion. i

am also on this site to gain support.


cecile572001 wrote:Fibroids are made of muscle tissue and cannot " bust " . And I


believe that the fibroid itself can bleed. Depending on the location

they can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. You should probably learn

more about what exactly fibroids are and are not, and the

consequences of any type of treatment you may have.

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I start my lupron injections in two weeks. I'm very nervous about it. I've

heard all kinds of stories from ya'll. I'm glad to hear someone believes it

will help. I need to trust my doctors and not second guess them. I just

don't think they would perscribe it if it was bad for you. Keep posting the

positive about lupron.


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