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Re: lupron and myomectomy recovery

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Linguica-Pizza wrote:

Subject: Re: Re: >

My doctor feels that having a uae will leave dead tissue/fibroids that may

turn into something cancerous.  Did you ever hear these concerns?


Your doctor needs to go back to basic science. Fibroids deprived of oxygen die.

Dead is dead -- it does not come back to life and become cancer. In fact, no

fibroid " becomes " cancerous. Leiomyosarcoma, a cancerous tumor which can be

difficult to differentiate from a fibroid on ultrasound, starts out as a

leiomyosarcoma and remains one. A fibroid starts out as a fibroid and remains

one. Leiomyosarcoma can be differentiated from a fibroid thru a microscopic

tissue exam following removal from the uterus, and I believe that there are some

newer MRI or other tests which can distinguish between the cancerous tumor and a

fibroid with quite a high degree of accuracy. I don't know if these exams are

in common use yet, however. I suspect not, and once they are, doctors who

expect to make money by scaring their patients into hysterctomies by hinting

that their fibroids might be cancerous are going to have to find a new tactic.

BTW, leiomyosarcoma is an extremely rare tumor.

Best, Leonie


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I wouldn't count on that Felicia. Trust yourself and do your own research.

Education is the only way to flush out unscroupulas (sp) doctors. Remember, most

doctors are in the business for money and are pawns to insurance companies who

dictate their practice. Trust at your own risk.


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I absolutely concur. Studies have shown that the troublesome, questioning

" patients " fare far better

across all environments. gg

cecile572001 wrote:

> I wouldn't count on that.


> > I just

> > don't think they would perscribe it if it was bad for you. Keep

> posting the



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Weeellll, that's sounds like hooey! The reason I say this is because a had a

doctor who " left " a

sponge in me when he took out a kidney. I was very ill for ten years as my body

tried to encapsulate

the sponge-foreign body- and protect itself. The CDC was called out a number of

times to figure out

what I had. I was in the hosp with tests for ten years. Sponges don't show up.

I had an emergency

C-section with my last son and the docs peered into my stomach and I heard, "

What the aitch is that,

let's cut it out and send it so the Path Lab! " hahaha. It did not turn into

cancer, it did create a

cascade of symptoms where the immune system went haywire like AIDS. gg


> At 09:04 AM 8/1/2002, Linguica-Pizza wrote:

> >My doctor feels that having a uae will leave dead tissue/fibroids that may

> >turn into something cancerous. Did you ever hear these concerns?


> Your doctor " feels " that UAE will turn your fibroids

> cancerous? Interesting. I'm no expert, but I've never read anything to

> indicate that. I'm sure others here know better than I. I'd certainly ask

> that doctor what studies s/he's read substantiating that opinion.


> Good luck.

> Jen




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