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Re: structuring one's day/ Well some days I do that!/comment, church, etc.

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I will stick my neck out here, as we are diverse--save for our

odd neurological conditions. IF by any chance one does not

have a church, nor a chosen denomination, nor a synagogue

nor mosque, nor a meditation center, nor an Ashram, et. al.,

any group with which one feels trust and familiarity can be of

help. My across-the-hall neighbor is a humanist, or so he

tells me, and goes to the Humanist Society in Oakland, where,

from my point of view, and I have attended with him, they do

everything BUT pray--the fact is that the leader of that group

has been very helpful to him--any kind, good and caring per

son can be a guide, can " pastor " in the true sense of the

word, and any group that one trusts can help one connect

with one's own inner spiritual self--even if the outer form of

those beliefs does differ.

To me, the beauty of any of the more organized religious

and spiritual groups is to some extent ritual--I love ritual!

On the other hand, my friends who belong to the local

Friends' Meeting House mostly hold hands and are sup

portive of one another and of the concept of peace--both

inner and outer, as in the world.

It just helps to have some people and perhaps a guide

in time of stress. I cannot believe that any deity would

frown on any such endeavor.

O.K. I will leap off my soap box--if church and the Bible

will help, by all means do it. A lot of this is about Faith,

and not about proved facts, though I myself think that

our Creator must be pretty darned smart; the universe is

so large--and there are so very many of our species.

(Oops! got back on soap box--it is only one-step high!).

Love, hope and courage to you all,






> Hi Connie. Thanks so much. I am ashamed to say I dont belong to a

> church. I have been thinking about it for some time it is just so hard

> to get out of the house.I do pray all throughout the day and do read

> the bible(a wonderful couples bible a dear friend gave me as a gift)

> but I am housebound so dont leave much at all. Wow. Helping hands

> sounds awesome. What a great thing for the church to offer. How sweet

> of your sisters to take you out to celebrate.I hope you had a great

> time. By the way,Congrats again! You and those close to you must be so

> proud. Luv n hugz,cassy


> Re: structuring

> one's day/ Well some days I do that!


> Cassy! lol!


> Listen, do you belong to a church or temple?


> I would see if there might be a group that might


> come in say, once a month or so, and give you


> a hand with practical needs. My church has


> such a group dedicated to that. Meals, rides,


> help with moving, cleaning, decluttering...it


> is awesome! Or, they will get a group together


> to donate to having someone come in and


> clean professionally. It can be humbling, but


> it is so worth it. I'd look into it if I were you. Or


> see if your mom could look into it. Just a thought


> hun. Take care. love you, Kate


> Definetly

> know what you mean. Before I got sick I was like 1 of the


> Stepford wives.lol. My house was always spotless and organized. I even


> cleaned my walls once a week. They can get pretty dirty.lol. Now,My


> house looks like a tornado hit.lol. Do not ask me for any kind of paper


> because it will take me 2 wks.to find it.lol. My 4 yr.old folds the


> towels and just loves it.I tought her how,same way I do and she does it


> better then me.She folds them and stacks them in the hall closet and it


> looks Beautiful! And I have clutter everywere.Tons of things need gone


> through and sent to the goodwill but I am to sick to do it.Wow! Your


> daughters house sounds super clean!


> hugz,cassy


> .


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