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Val Re: I'll be up all night!

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I love what NMSS does for us. However, there is really no support offering in the way of help with getting qualified for SSDI or SSI. They just publish info. Written word. I think you are right. We do need some NAACP, MADD, AADD, something that isn't afraid to do more than just print out info that is available on a 100 other web sites. Then again, if we started it, all we could off in that field is our own personal experience. There are so many things that effect our health it is unreal! Most of us welcome colder weather. Unless there is lots of moisture in it. Unless we have fibromyalgia. Then colder wet weather sucks just as bad. Think I was telling Anne this earlier. If we happen to have our SSDI or SSI appt on a nice cool, dry day, then what? They will deny us because they see us at our best. Thats why I'm complaining of the incontinency and

fatigue. Those never go away or lighten up. Doesn't matter because now it has been made public, finally, that most everyone is rejected once and most time twice. Finally a tv newspaper made it public that there are so many people that die waiting on an approval. Will it change the way it works? NO! I have paid into Soc Sec since I was 14yrs old! It's my money! Who are they to tell me I have no right to it? Who are they to tell me I don't hurt and suffer just because I don't use a cane or walker or worse, a wheelchair everyday? Who are they to say anything about my money? Ok, calming down. Getting heated in my own mind and for no good. Sorry. It's these thoughts and knowledge that both infuriate and depress me. Just needed to vent for a sec. Thanks, Val, for listening and understanding.Val Lee

wrote: You know...sometimes I think people like you and I and the rest of the group, need to all ban together and form some kind of organization to wake up the people who just don't understand what we go through. I mean, like our own little "civil rights" group. Heck, everyone else seems to have them. I think we need to demand that people get a clue and quit cowing down to the system. I'm like you, I'm so tired of how others think we should feel. What we should be capable of doing. Whether or not "they" think we are

qualified for assistance. They don't live in our shoes. They don't know what it's like to lose something that they have taken for granted all their lives. They don't know what they are going to be able to do from one moment to the next, let alone, day by day. Just living like that, is enough to make anyone depressed. I am so sorry, you are experiencing these things. Wish I was there to support you through all of this. I do. But, since I can't be there, I will lift you in prayer. Just know that my thoughts are with you. Love and blessings... ValTammy in Texas <tamatha_tx> wrote: Infuriates me to no end! I just had a very extensive eye exam. Of course my left eye was acting normal at that time. 2 days after, I have dark spots in my left eye again. They haven't gone away since. It just seems like when I go to the doc, neuro, optham, whatever, my symptoms disappear! Well, the ones I'm complaining about at the time anyway. Everyone wants to know why I am still on short term disability. They all see me and think I should be able to return to work. Of course, when I see them it is only because I feel halfway decent enough to run errands so yes, I am up and around at that particular moment. I don't want to go back to work. I fight to type. My backspace key is faded. I'm not sure my neuro will agree to say that I can't return to work permanently. When I saw hiim last, he did the "touch my finger. now touch your nose." little

test and I got so confused after doing it 2 time. I knew what he was saying word wise, but just got confused like I didn't understand what he was wanting me to do. I knew what the test was and what I was suppose to do, but got confused anyway. Half the time, especially with my left hand, I couldn't even touch his finger before he said to touch my nose and I was missing both of them anyway. I get confused at the grocery store sometimes, too. I don't like to drive anymore, but I do it anyway. My depression is really bad some days. The fibromyalgia keeps me from getting out of bed sometimes. It just seems like every day there is one symptom at least that keeps me from doing something normal. Watch tv lately and start crying at some of the stupidest things. Forget watching shows like Ty Pennington's home make over show. Forget movies with sad endings. Even ones with happy endings get me

sobbing. All this crying worries my hubby and makes my head hurt. Sorry, just spilled my thoughts and rambled. But I sighed and let it out anyway. TammyVal Lee <a1manlady> wrote: I think the ON has a lot to do with it. Because, we aren't able to see clearly out of the eye, I think we strain more to try to see. I am using a desk top computer, but I'm sitting almost on top of it just to see. I'd say the screen in less than 2 ft. from my nose. LOL. To dim the screen some, actually helps take out that halo effect around the letters and helps me to see them more clearly. I used to be at the 'puter almost

all day. Now that my eyes are so bad, and the migraines are so frequent; I'm still at the 'puter a lot, but I take a lot more breaks. I try to allow myself at least a half hour to let my eyes rest. Still have the migraines though. Just not so severe. Love and blessings... ~Val~Tammy in Texas <tamatha_tx> wrote: I think your right. My puter screen is dimmer than most. It is a laptop and I think it dims to conserve power. Wondering if the migraine is related to ON. I noticed earlier it was painful in and around my left eye when I looked around.Val Lee <a1manlady> wrote: HI Tammy~ Yeah, I've wondered that myself. I have migraines at least 3 times a week. The 'puter doesn't bother me too much. But then again, I kind of dim the screen a little. Not too much though, I can't see out of one eye. Hope you get to feeling better real soon. Love and blessings... ~Val~Tammy in Texas <tamatha_tx> wrote: Have had a migraine for the last 4-6 hrs. I have taken all the meds I dare to take for it. Now I'm on to coffee. Last

resort that usually dulls it until I can either take another med later or get to the clinic for an injection. So, if anyone feels chatty tonight, email away! Funny, light and the tv hurt my head when I have a migraine, but the puter screen is ok. Wonder why that is? Hmmmmm.....something to ponder in my wide awake bordem tonight. Hugs and kisses to everyone! Tammy, Tx See what I have for sale at http://www.hoodyardsales.com/search.jsp?accountId=3158143 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. See what I have for sale at http://www.hoodyardsales.com/search.jsp?accountId=3158143 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. See what I have for sale at http://www.hoodyardsales.com/search.jsp?accountId=3158143 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. See what I have for sale at http://www.hoodyardsales.com/search.jsp?accountId=3158143

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